The LORD Jesus Christ,
Jews, The House of Joseph, Gentiles and Heathens:
A Careful Study of
THE TINNEY SURNAME from Worldwide Origins.
↑ upΛ
Birth of Jesus
Christ to A.D. 476
Tannaim, i.e., the tanna,
or Teni were the ancient Jewish scholars,
expounding law
and teaching the people in
synagogues and academies,
the foundations of an ancient
University. In
Jerusalem there was at the
Mount the Avtinus
chamber room,
where incense was
compounded for later
use in the offerings
upon the Golden Altar. Beth Ab was the name for the
House, the Temple at Jerusalem. This holy
chamber [Av (father)
+ tinus; Ab is a variant of Av, part of
Aramaic abba, father],
was named
the Jewish aristocratic Avtinus
family, merchants and spice makers.
According to the
Babylonian Talmud,
Vol. 12, Seder Mo'ed, (Vol. IV),
Chapter V, page 19:
the House of Abtinas [was] over the
of the frankincense.
Theophrastus [372-288/7 B.C.], the
disciple of Aristotle,
mentions that:
"Among the
plants that grow in Arabia,
Syria and India the aromatic
are somewhat exceptional
and distinct from
the plants of other lands;
instance, frankincense, myrrh, cassia,
opobalsam, cinnamon
and all
such plants," noted in
Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism,
Vol. I, page 15, # 7.
According to the Book
of Mormon, Helaman, Ch. 16: 13-14, But it came
to pass
in the ninetieth year of the reign of the judges (2. B.C.), there were
unto the people, and wonders; and the words of the prophets
to be
And angels did appear unto men, wise men,
and did
unto them glad tidings
of great joy; thus in this year the scriptures
to be fulfilled. Just
and devout Simeon, of the Temple
mine eyes have seen Thy salvation
(the Lord's Christ),
which Thou
hast prepared before the face of
all people; a light
to lighten
the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel."
[St. Luke 2: 30-32]
Jesus Christ
thus honored as the Lamb of God, the eternal
for the
of Israel and all mankind.
The wise men from the east who came into the
house where Jesus Christ lived
as a young child (St. Matthew,
2:1-11), saw Him with Mary his mother, and
down, and worshipped Him: and when they
had opened their treasures,
presented unto Him gifts; gold,
and frankincense, and myrrh. Gold was
annually to the Temple at Jerusalem,
from communal contributions, suggesting
the wise men from the east came
as legal and lawful representatives from
Arabia, India or beyond. The presentation of the gift of frankincense,
as part
of the exclusive Jewish
priesthood Temple rite of sacrifice, at
was a
symbolic recognition of the
Holy Priesthood Authority of Jesus Christ,
as Lord
and Royal Master, even as a little child.
An audience before King Herod, with
his subsequent conference, a large
of all the chief priests and
scribes of the people together,
indicates a diplomatic
contact of the
highest order, that troubled all in the
of Jerusalem. Now it
came to
pass that the
ninety and first year had passed
and it
was six hundred years from
the time that Lehi left Jerusalem
[A.D. 1];
. . .
and Nephi, the son of Helaman, had
departed .
. .
giving charge
unto his son Nephi . .
. concerning the plates of brass, and
all the records
which had been kept,
and all those things
which had been kept sacred
from the departure
of Lehi out of Jerusalem. Then he
departed out of the land,
whither he went, no
man knoweth, as mentioned in the
Book of Mormon.
This Nephi
had the Melchizedek
priesthood authority and the knowledge
"Where is He
that is born King of the Jews?" [correctly translated as:
"Where is the child that
is born, the Messiah of the Jews? . . . JST Matthew]
Nephi's travels back to
Jerusalem, were preceded by
the shipbuilding of Hagoth,
circa 55 B.C.,
whose colonies of immigrants sailed the west
sea [Pacific Ocean],
narrow neck of land which led into the land
northward. Some appear
to have
gotten dispersed, landing as far west as modern day New Zealand,
in the western
as indicated by the
language similarities of the Maori,
the aboriginal people
of New Zealand, of
Polynesian-Melanesian descent.
As noted in Theophoric Personal
in Ancient Hebrew, published in1988
by Jeaneane D. Fowler, the
prepositional element 't', as also Phoen.;
Palm.; Akk. itti, is defined
as with; i.e.,
God is with us. Similar to
the variations
of the Tinney
found in A Dictionary of the Maori Language,
where Tenei
means this,
near, or connected with the speaker; also,
similar to the meaning given for
the Cornish
word Thynny: we, us.
The Tinneh Stock --This
great family includes a large number of North American
tribes, extending, from near the mouth of
the Mackenzie, south to the borders
Mexico. The Apaches and Comanches
belong to it, and the family seem to
intersect the continent of North America in a north and south direction, principally
along the
flanks of the Rocky Mountains. The
tribes of this stock in the north
westward nearly to the delta of the Yukon,
and reach the coast
at Cook's Inlet
the mouth of the Copper River. Eastward they extend
quite or nearly
to the
mountains which divide the watershed of
Hudson Bay
from that
of the Mackenzie
and Athabasca. . . . their own national
is Tinneh, meaning "people"
the collective sense.
Itzaj Maya - Spanish - English
Dictionary, published 1997, by
Charles Andrew Hofling, page 592,
shows tin- ISG.A/DUR.
aspecto durativo
(primera persona). durative aspect
T-in-xok. Estoy leyendo. I am
reading . . .
tan-in>tin. Alaska
and Its Resources, shows in the East Siberian
The English word for: among
the Aleutian [Unalaskan] Orarian: I,
is Tinn,
page 548. Nephi, as the highest
holder of the Melchizedek priesthood
authority [known to
have been on
the earth in his day], would have been
derelict in his duty,
if he had not attended to the
birth of the royal
of his Church, the Messiah Jesus
Christ, even Jehovah.
Nephi appears to have
successfully navigated the Pacific
preached the fullness of
the Gospel concerning the birth of the Messiah,
(manifest by heavenly signs and wonders),
from India to Palestine,
along the
ancient Jewish tin distribution route. Thus, he brought Jewish
wise men in authority
from communal outposts, his entourage of followers,
their precious merchant goods from the East, to Melchizedek
priesthood worship
at the feet of the child Jesus,
at home, in Bethlehem.
This trip
appears to have been accomplished in one to two years.
The priesthood authority of the
men and their Jewish heritage
is clearly
within the historical narrative. Josephus,
in his
brief passage concerning Jesus, states
the historical Jesus was
wise man", for He was a doer of wonderful works - a
of such men
as receive the truth with
pleasure. St. Matthew declares that
"When Herod
the king had heard these things, he
was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him."
when he
later had gathered "the chief priests
and scribes of the people
together", shows that the wise men first went to the highest
authority within the City of Jerusalem,
as King Herod got the word
second-hand. Nevertheless, after King Herod had
privily [privately]
called the wise men, he
sent them to Bethlehem, as legal and lawful
representatives of both the kingly
authority and the full authority
of the total
priesthood body, representative of the
Hebrew Nation,
residing in full conference in
Jerusalem. "In Bethlehem of
for thus it is written by the prophet."
Only a prophet could legally and lawfully represent
[the prophet
Jesus Christ,
His Royal Majesty], in Jewish History.
A wise man was one who
had the spirit of discernment,
a gift
of the
spirit requiring Church membership, according
to Apostle Paul
in his letter
the Corinthian Saints. The Proverbs of
King Solomon
prove it, as a wise man will hear,
and will increase learning; and a man
of understanding
shall attain unto wise counsels . . .
[for] . . . the fear
of the LORD is the beginning of
knowledge. The discerning of all
was a power inherent in the highest offices of
ancient Priesthood Authority,
of which the
example of King Melchizedek is given, as Christ was declared
to be a High
Priest after
that order. Also, King Solomon had
as he stood before the ark of
covenant of the LORD, and offered up burnt
offerings, and offered peace offerings, and
made a feast to all his servants.
This was in
response to his dream, a revelation from
who gave
King Solomon wisdom and
understanding exceeding much,
and largeness
even as the sand that is on the
sea shore.
When the
men saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding
great joy,
or were full of the spirit of God. Their
commodities appear to have preserved
and sustained the
family of Joseph and Mary
during their sojourn in Egypt,
where Jesus was sent,
to save Him from King Herod. The Greek capital
of Egypt
was Alexandria, where Jews had settled in large numbers.
an eminent Jewish philosopher, lived at Alexandria from 20
B.C. to A.D. 50.
Joseph, who had received revelations from
God, may have found comfort
with relatives in this center of
Jewish religious belief, and may
have stayed
in this city containing the largest record
library in the world; which the Christ
may have had access to. Since
King Herod slew all the children that were
Bethlehem, [after the removal of Jesus to Egypt, and in all the coasts
from two years old and under, according to the
time which the Jewish
King Herod
had diligently
enquired of the wise men], Jesus would have had
to heal from His circumcision done at eight
(8) days,
and his mother Mary from the after birth.
Jesus was approximately, a child
aged 1-2 years old, at the time of the visit
of the wise
as previously, He had been brought to
the Jerusalem Temple,
The House of His Eternal
Father, to be presented to the Lord, [His
and Heavenly Father], after the days of Mary's purification were
King Herod died between A.D. 2
and before
A.D. 12, when Jesus had his
mitzvah". [The Story of Masada,
Discoveries from the
edited by Gila Hurvitz,
published 1997, pages 79-80, shows amphorae,
which one extremely rare element has the
destination of the shipment,
dated 19 B.C., regi Herodi Iudaico,
"to Herod, King of the Jews."
Wine was imported from Italy and Herod's
special wine steward served it
on his eating
table.] Anciently, at age twelve, a male child
was ordained
into the Aaronic Priesthood and the office of a Deacon. When Jesus
"How is it that ye sought me? wist ye
not that I must be about my Father's
implies that He had been ordained to the
Aaronic Priesthood
by this time, else He could not
be about His Father's business. But
His earthly
mother Mary, kept all these sayings in
heart, for it appears she had not
told Him the identity of His real Father. The Holy
Scripture indicates
she then recognized
that God the Father had revealed this fact to Jesus.
Jesus Christ obeyed his earthly
parents and grew up with His brethren,
and waxed strong
under the jurisdiction of Joseph, in
Nazareth, in Galilee.
On the return from Egypt, Joseph
had turned aside from going back
to Bethlehem and went instead into the parts of Galilee. It
appears thus,
from the record, that some of Mary's
relatives were historically located
in the
area of Bethlehem, for Mary visited
prior to the birth of Jesus,
the house of Zacharias,
in a
city in the hill country of Juda.
The fact
that Mary was also of the city of David
and the Royal House
of King David
implied in the statement: "To be taxed with Mary,
espoused wife,
being great with child."
John G. Gammie and Leo
G. Perdue, published in 1990, the book:
The Sage In Israel and The Ancient Near East, noting Jesus Christ
was a Sage. Christ
taught in the
synagogues, being the Lord is One Tanna,
the civil representative of Judah & Israel
in Time and Universal Judge in Eternity.
sayings of Jesus Christ concerning destruction of the House of the Lord,
were known within the Abtinas family, as noted
next in this document,
by statements
their posterity recorded in The Babylonian Talmud. [See also:
The Holy Temple Revisited,
(1993)]. Righteous tannaim were living libraries
of knowledge, having memorized tannaitic statements.
They were wells
of living water, as
in the Temple Teni priests, even
baskets full of books,
centered in the Supreme Sacrifice of
the Chosen One of Israel,
the Holy Messiah
Jesus Christ. It is mentioned in The
Babylonian Talmud,
Vol. 6, Seder Nashim,
(Vol. II), Kethuboth, Chapter XIII, pages 681-682,
"the house of Abtinas" (a
priestly family) [who were in charge]
of the preparation of
incense, received their wages from the
Temple funds.
The Babylonian Talmud, Vol.
11, Seder Mo'ed, (Vol. III), Yoma, Chapter III,
pages 176-178, mentions "They of the
House of Abtinas" would not teach
anything about the preparation of the
incense, of which they were expert.
Their smoke ascended [as straight] as a
stick. When the Sages asked
they, the House of Abtinas, would not
teach their art, the reply was
"They knew in our father's house that this House
is going to be
destroyed and
they said: Perhaps an unworthy man will
learn [this art]
and will serve an
idol therewith. --- And for the following
reason was their
memory kept in
honour: Never did a bride of their house go
forth perfumed,
and when they
married a woman from elsewhere they
expressly forbade
to do so lest
people say: From [the preparation of] the
incense they
themselves. [They did so] to fulfill
the command:
'Ye shall be clear before the Lord and before Israel.'
The concept of authority, noted in Teena:
Mount Sinai, in Arabic, is
further expanded in the Aramaic Teni, origin
of the word tanna, to hand
down orally, study or teach, from which the
Jewish Tannaim or teachers,
mentioned in the Mishnah or of
mishnaic times. According to the
Academic American Encyclopedia
(1980), Aramaic is one of the branches
of Central Semitic, and was once the
colloquial language of the Near East
after the decline of Akkadian. It was the
native tongue of Jesus Christ
the language of the Jewish Talmud.
The centralized Sanhedrin authority of
the exile dispersed Jews
"in the wilderness", directed the
reweaving of broken strands of tradition
into codex and commentaries, such as the Mishnah,
or evidences--for
future legal reference and consideration.
This was the very foundation
of the Talmud or Gemara.
This included in conjunctive relationship,
the Seder Olam Rabbah or world
history and chronology from Adam until
destruction of the City of Jerusalem and its
academies and centers of
learned. These were centered in Temple
worship, brought to an abrupt
conclusion at the destruction of the Second
Temple. This desolation occurred
shortly after the unjust execution of Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten and
Beloved Son, JEHOVAH in the
flesh-- of God, the Eternal Father [AHMAN].
When Jesus Christ asked the Father,
while on the cross at Calvary,
to forgive the Roman soldiers crucifying Him, "for they know not what they do";
He was acting in His Office and
Authority as the true Holy Messiah.
Later, the
centurion, and the Roman soldiers that were
with him,
saw and felt
an earthquake
and aftershocks. Then they greatly feared
"Truly this was the Son of God". This validated the words
of Jesus Christ, as well as the integrity of the Roman soldiers,
who were following military orders and acting in ignorance.
The Father of Jesus Christ, named Ahman,
the delightful man
in the
Adamic Language, was directly present at the time
of the death
of his Only Begotten Son
in the flesh. His very presence is
by the words of Jesus Christ: "El(o)i,
lama sabachthani?",
that is, in
Aramaic: "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken
These words King David also wrote at
the beginning of Psalm 22.
In the case of Jesus Christ, who knew all things
from the beginning,
it was a cry of admission
that all things were now accomplished
His mission on the earth was ended.
God the Eternal Father
had approved of all
the actions of Jesus Christ. The Father
to prepare the Seat of Majesty for
His Eternal Son at the glorified Throne
in Heaven. He left to allow His Son,
by His own free agency, to die alone,
to prove
to the world that Jesus gave His life
independently, as the Son
of God. "I thirst",
said Jesus, was a sign for all mankind.
The reception
of vinegar by Jesus the Christ, was
His own individual act of following
explicitly the will
of His Father in Heaven, in taking upon
Himself freely,
the sins of the world.
The perfect, Righteous Man, He who trusted in
was delivered and received:
"Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit."
It was finished: and He bowed His head in
honor to His Heavenly Father,
and removed
His spirit from His physical body by giving
up the ghost,
and died. The Messiah had
fulfilled all the customs and laws
of the
and the lesser Sacrificial Law of Moses ended.
Taw, the 22nd and last
letter of the Hebrew alphabet,
was the mark
on the forehead of those that bewailed the
abominations in Jerusalem,
the sign that defends against the power
of evil influences; used also,
as a
person's signature in legal
documentation, a stamp or brand.
For the early
Christians, it was Paul's
pressing toward the mark, the
of the high calling of God in Christ
Jesus. The physical marks left on the
resurrected body of Elder Jesus Christ,
from his crucifixion; giving His Life
["Ti"] as an Eternal
Sacrifice for the sins of all Mankind, his spiritual
and sisters. Pontius Pilate,
Roman procurator of Judea, in A.D. 26-36,
presided over the trial and execution of Jesus,
as a just man, against his will.
The limestone block called the Pontius
Pilate Stone, has been found
secondary use in the amphitheater at
Caesarea, which contains
the following
inscription: . . . TIBERIEUM/ .
. . .
by the Israel
and the Israel Antiquities
Authority. [See: From Text to Tradition,
A History of Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism,
by Lawrence H. Schiffman,
published 1991,
page 151, under The Jewish-Christian Schism.]
Ring of Roman Governor Pontius Pilate Who Crucified Jesus Christ
Found in Herodion Site in West Bank [Research Note: Title
designation is
incorrect. Pontius Pilate, Roman procurator of Judea, in A.D. 26-36,
presided over the trial and execution of Jesus, as a just man, against his will.
what way was he a just man? After interrogating Jesus Christ, Pilate declared
to the people: “I find in him no fault at all." . . . And Pilate saith
unto them,
Behold the man!]
Did the
Jews Crucify Jesus? -
[Additional Research Note: In the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible,
Pontius Pilate states and commands the Jewish multitude, as
Pilate washed his hands before them, saying: "I am innocent of
the blood of this just person; see that ye do nothing unto
This is a direct contradiction of Antiquities, stating that
Pilate had
condemned Jesus Christ to the cross, (in The Works of
The Jewish multitude violently prevailed, contrary to the
direct order command of the Judaean Roman province governor.]
Jesus Christ was a circumcised
Jew, rightful heir through His
lineage to the Throne of Royalty of
King David. His Father was AHMAN,
an immortal embodied God who
had physical sexual intercourse
with His
[Jesus'] biological and
eternal mother Mary, sealed to God the
in eternal marriage before the act of
intercourse, with Mary's physical
overcome by the power of the Holy
Ghost. Paul's counsel to the early
Christian Church not to keep Moses'
law concerning circumcision, was
own decision, according to Mormon
doctrine. As quoted: "wherefore,
this cause the apostle [Paul] wrote
unto the church, giving unto them
commandment, not of the Lord, but of
himself, that a believer should
not be
united to an unbeliever; except the law of Moses
should be done
among them." (Doctrine and
Covenants, Section 74)
The variation
in names presented in the
Testament pedigree
of Joseph, the civil husband of Mary,
the mortal mother of
Jesus Christ,
follows a traditional, historical pattern in
Jewish naming practices, especially
in occupied countries. It is commonly
noted in Jewish genealogy sources
that two or more names were used by
individual Jews to avoid persecution
and prevent the complete identification by
groups outside the family or the
religious circle of friends. In many
instances, one or more given name(s)
was/were used for secular or civil purposes
and one for internal synagogue
or religious use. Without recourse to
original documents in the era described,
it is not possible to verify the actual
identity of persons, with differing names,
presented on the pedigree, in the same time
period in the line of descent.
Royalty marriage practices over time show
limited exclusive connections
similar dynastic families. The
presentation of the Royal Davidic pedigree
of Joseph, within the framework of the
Jewish patriarchal society, suggests
the Davidic ancestry of Mary.
Some consideration also should be given
to the variations in the pedigrees presented for Jesus
Christ, as possible
created by one of the pedigrees following
the biological
matriarchal lineage
of Mary, the temporal mother of Jesus
and the other, being
patriarchal lineage of the civil husband Joseph,
the step-father of Jesus Christ, the Royal House of King David Messiah.
The Works of Josephus, Complete &
New Updated Edition,
published 1987, The
Antiquities of the Jews, Book 18,
Chapter 3, page 480,
verse 3. (63),
states: "Now there was about this time Jesus,
a wise man,
if it be lawful to call him a
man, for he was a doer of wonderful
works -
a teacher of such men as receive the
truth with pleasure. He drew over
to him
both many of the Jews, and many of
the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ;
and when Pilate, at the
suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had
condemned him to the cross {b} A.D. 33.
April 3., those that loved him at the
first did not forsake him, for he appeared
to them alive again the third day {c}
April 5., as the divine prophets had
foretold these and ten thousand other
wonderful things concerning him; and the
tribe of Christians,
so named from him,
are not extinct at this day."
Adam Rutherford, F.R.G.S., A.M.
Inst.T., 4th edition,
Anglo-Saxon Israel or Israel-Britain
(London: By the Author, 1939),
Chapter XIII,
"The Introduction of Christianity
into Britain", mentions
on page 185
of said chapter, that "an ancient MS.
in the Vatican telling of
Joseph of Arimathaea . . . landing at
Marseilles in A.D. 35" "There exists
a number of entirely independent traditions
both in France and Britain that
Joseph of Arimathaea was a well-to-do
tin merchant." . . . Cornwall tin
"is mentioned by such classical writers
as Herodotus, Homer, Pytheas
and Polybius, whilst Diodorus Siculus
gives the details of the trade route."
the book: Glastonbury-Her Saints,
the story is still told that "at Marazion
in Cornwall [England], of St. Joseph [Joseph
of Arimathaea],
coming there
to trade with tin miners."
The House of God in the great Monastery
of Glastonbury, called
the Secret of the Lord, is recorded in Doomsday
Book (A.D. 1088).
Traditionally, the twelve Hides of Land of
the Church of Glastonbury,
descend from an original grant given Joseph
of Arimathaea,
by King Arviragus, in the XXXI year
after the Passion of Christ,
to the old Glastonbury Chronicle.
[See also: "The Royal Line", a pedigree chart by Albert F. Schmuhl.
The Early History of Glastonbury, an edition, translation and study
of William of Malmesbury's DE
(Woodbridge, Suffolk, England: The Boydell
Press, 1981), by John Scott.
The Glastonbury Legends,
(London: The Cresset Press, 1967),
by R. F. Treharne.]
Christianity was carried west from
Jerusalem through contact with Jewish
communities, notably at Rome & some of the
larger towns in North
The Mormon or LDS record
called: Journal of Discourses, mentions how
the apostle Heber C. Kimball,
related his conversation with the prophet
Joseph Smith, Jr. It indicates one of
the ancient apostles of Jesus Christ
dedicated the land of Britain for missionary
work [There is a legend of the
Apostle Peter coming to Britain]. LDS
Apostle Kimball states his desire
take off his hat and shoes, a feeling from
walking on sacred ground
in the
county of Lancashire, northern section of
the county, in the district
Clitheroe. By Mormon or LDS doctrine,
only an apostle would have
keys (authority) to open up a country by
dedicating the land for the
preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
[See also, Heber C. Kimball,
Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer, (1981),
by Stanley B. Kimball]
Pliny mentions Albiones as a
people living on the Biscayan Shore of Spain.
Anciently, the earliest name of England was
Albion. In A.D. 60, Albinus
was a procurator in Jewish history, in
Palestine. Jews were scattered to
German lands after A.D. 70. Flavius
Josephus (Joseph ben Matthias),
Jewish historian and general [A.D. 37
to circa 100] stated in his time that
there are no people in the world who have
not some Jews among them.
(Josephus, Bell. Jud.,
II, 16, 4: VII, 3, 3.) Rabbi Meir [who lived in
2nd century A.D.], in Midrash Leviticus
Rabbah, 69, mentions that Spain
and Gaul was the land of imprisonment. This
designation comes from the
specifications of the borders of Israel
made anciently by the Prophet Moses,
as recorded in Numbers,
Chapter 34. The Lord also commanded Moses,
living circa 1603-1483 B.C., that in the
purification of the soldiers, it was
permissible to keep gold, silver, brass,
iron, tin, and lead.
Josephus mentions in Ant.
Jud., (XVII, 13, 2; II, 7, 3 and XVIII, 7, 2),
the banishment of Archelaus to Vienne in Gaul in the year A.D. 6, and
Herod Antipas to Lyons in the year
A.D. 39. The Babylonian Talmud,
Vol. 8, Seder Nashim, Chapter I, Gittin,
pages 1 and 26-27, mentions
foreign parts was defined Lit[erally]
as the 'province of the sea',
a name given to all countries outside
of Palestine and Babylonia. A review
is made of how to reckon Eretz Israel,
concerning the case of a boat in
the open sea.
[For determining the status of] the islands in the sea,
. . .
And for the western
border, ye shall have the Great
Sea for a border;
this shall be your west
border (Numbers 34:6). [To determine
the status
of] the islands on the
border line, {4} (i.e., due west of the coast beyond
the southern and northern
extremities of the border of Palestine), we
imagine a line drawn [due
west] from Kapluria {5} (at the northern
extremity of Mount Hor),
to the [Atlantic] Ocean,
and another from the
Brook of Egypt to the [Atlantic]
Ocean. All within
these lines belong to
Eretz Israel and all
outside to foreign parts, the 'province of the sea'.
Again, Hadrian (Sciptores
Historiae Augustae, Quadrigae Tyrannorum 8.3)
remarks that there is no chief of a
synagogue who is not an astrologer
(mathematicus), soothsayer (haruspex), or
anointer (aliptes). Moreover,
in the
middle of the second century, Vettius
Valens, in his astrological work,
Anthologiae (2.28,29), refers
to Abraham as a most wonderful astrological
authority. Vitruvius (I.3-10)
enjoined first century A.D. architects to study
astronomy so that they might 'learn the
direction of points, the orders of the
heavens, the equinoxes and solstices and the
movement of the stars'
and 'to
understand how clocks and sundials work': This was information
that Seamen
needed to know.
The influence of the moon's phases
on the
tides was also known, as were the
Mediterranean sea conditions
to be expected from certain weather sequences; and
the directions
from which prevailing winds
blew were used as reference bearings.
Seamanship and Navigation in the Late First Millennium
by Sean McGrail, Oxford Journal
of Archaeology, Vol. 2, No.
November 1983,
page 308.]
Pamela Fletcher Jones states in The
Jews of Britain that there
were Jews
living in Britain as early as Roman times.
She notes a coin
of Herod Agrippa I was found at Bingley
Moor in the West Riding
Yorkshire, struck 42-43 A.D. A coin was
found at Melandra Castle
in Derbyshire dated 66-72 A.D.; a coin was found at the old G. P. O.
site in London's St. Martin's-le-Grand,
struck to celebrate a victory of
Bar Kokhba. There is also the
discovery of a brick made by the Romans,
found during excavations in Mark Lane,
London, circa A.D. 1650. The brick,
which was the keystone of an arched vault
full of burnt corn, bore on one
a raised representation of Samson
driving the foxes into a field of corn.
[The Biblical Samson, 12th
Judge of Israel, "went and caught 300 foxes,
took firebrands,
and turned tail to tail, and put a firebrand
in the midst
two tails . . . let them go into the
standing corn of the Philistines"
and burnt
up their crops.] There
is also mention made of Titinivs Pines
in The
Journal of Roman Studies, Vol. 55,
published 1965, article
concerning ROMAN BRITAIN
in A.D. 1964, section II. Inscriptions
R. P. Wright), pages 220-221, at Godmanstone Church,
4 miles NNW.
Dorchester, in England. It is noted that Pines
appears to be a variant
of Pinnes, a leader in the Pannonian revolt
A.D. 6.
"{3} For an elaborate dedication it is
highly probable
that the dedicator was a
As noted in the controversy between Apion
and Josephus, the origin
development of Jewish Family Names or
inherited family surnames
is not
recent development, but a lost heritage in
some branches of the
Nation scattered abroad in the Diaspora. Jews appear historically
assimilated with the people they resided
with, from the Tini thar,
priestly tribe of Asia, to the ancient
Etruscan/Roman City lifestyle.
objects to the Jews being called citizens of
Alexandria. In reply,
states: "Their taking the name of Alexandrians
is only in
accordance with the general practice of colonists;
and if the principle
is wrong, Apion ought
to abstain from calling himself
because he was born in the
heart of Egypt. This would be
with the Roman law, which forbids
Egyptians to enjoy the privileges
of any
Roman city. Ptolemy, in conferring
citizenship upon the Jews,
acted in the same
way as Alexander, . . . "
"Agrippa Palaestinus"
. . .
and his brother Herod are mentioned, indicating
actual official
identification usage.
The Jewish Avtinus/Abtinas
family was part of the Jerusalem Temple priesthood.
The part Jewish Titinius [Tinius] family
had connections in Rome and Jerusalem.
Both the Atinii and Titinii
families are part of the Index of the Pompeian gentes,
listed in Ordo Populusque Pompeianus,
Polity and Society in Roman Pompeii,
by Paavo Castren, published in Rome,
1975, Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae,
Vol. VIII, page 140 [# 52.], page 230 [#
414], page 259. Pompeii was an ancient
city of Campania, 14 miles southeast of
Naples, Italy. It was destroyed by an
eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79.
The Atinii were attested in Pompeii
already in the Sabellian period. There
appears to be an early immigration from
Latium and Campanian traders settled on
Delos with contacts to trading centers
of the Hellenistic East. The Titinii
family is noted on Delos. The Titinii gentes
is frequently documented in rep. Capua
(I{2} 683-84 B.C., 2570, 2618-2620,
2759-2763), Luna (I{2}
2093-2094), on Delos (BCH 36
(1912), 85;
HATZFELD, passim and 85) and often in
Minturnae (cf. Val. Max. 8, 2, 3;
MUNZER, RAP, 322). Titinia
Saturnina is listed as # 82, page 65, in Case Ed
Abitanti Di Pompei, published
1965, with note {3} Con Saturnina si conosce
della famiglia Titinia un A.
Titinius Princeps, il cui nome, tracciato forse
dalla stessa mano, era graffito quattro
volte sopra le pareti della Basilica [1807,
1867, 1932 e 1945] e un M. Titinus,
[M. Titinius, cinaedus, 8531, in Ordo
Populusque Pompeianus, page
230, # 414], (N.S., 1939, p. 243, n. 16). Also,
page 470, # 92, TITINAE SATVRNI.
In the time frame of Horace, born
65 B.C., mention is made of "proselytizing
Jews" who actively engaged in making
converts to diminish the influence of
those who oppressed them, contrary to
current practice and tradition. Tacitus,
in Annals II , [85.4], and
others, record that measures were taken for sweeping
away the religious ceremonies of the
Egyptians and Jews, by the Roman
Senate, in A.D. 19. Forced
into service in the army, to serve in Sardinia,
"4,000 descendants of freedmen", old
enough to carry arms,
[aged between 18 years and 45 years]. They had been
with superstition and others,
the rest, were to leave Italy. Philo
a Hellenizing Jewish philosopher
of Alexandria, indicates that by the time
the reign of Gaius (A.D. 37-41),
Jews had become "freedman",
from their earlier arrival as
slaves at Rome, indicating the Jewish
was still functioning. Claudius did not drive them away
[circa A.D. 50],
though he would not
permit those who lived according to their
own laws
hold meetings. Dion Cassius, born about A.D. 155,
says Rome
so crowded with
Jews, that it was difficult to expel them
without tumult.
Notices of the Jews and Their
Country by The Classic Writers of Antiquity,
being a collection
of statements and opinions from the works
and Latin heathen authors previous to
A.D. 500,
by John Gill,
who fl., 1848-1865.]
The Titinius family is further
mentioned by A. N. Sherwin-White,
Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford,
in The Letters of Pliny
["the Younger", A.D.
62-113], (Oxford, England: The Clarendon Press,
1966), pp. 124-126, 460, 645, with data from
124-126 concerning:
17. To Cornelius Titianus. . .
Octavius Titinius Capito is known
from ILS 1448, found at Rome.
serving in Domitian's [A.D. 51-96]
wars with distinction, he became
secretary of the combined departments of ab
epistulis and a patrimonio.
These were apparently combined together--and
continued to hold the former
secretariat under Nerva and in the
first years of Trajan [A.D. 52-117], until
he was promoted to be praefectus vigilum
in late A.D. 101 or 102, before
Trajan received the title Dacicus.
He is the first of the equestrians known
regularly to have held one of the great
secretariats formerly found in the
hands of imperial freedmen. It is possible
that his literary aptitudes, which
Pliny reckoned rare among the army
trained procurators of this period,
to this appointment . . . The documents
which the ab epistulis handled
like those of the prefect of Saturn . . .
reports and petitions
of governors
and officials. Octavius Titinius Capito
received the award
of ornamenta praetoria from the Senate;
he specialized in historical studies
and Pliny mentions his exitus
illustrium virorum.
Sir Ronald Syme, the author of Roman
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979), Vol. I, p.
379; he notes:
"(2) Dacia by 120, cf. CIL xvi
68; Judaea under Q. Tineius Rufus,
the governor when the rebellion broke out in
A.D. 132
(E. Groag, RE vi A,
coll. 1376 ff.), for Tineius' consulship
is now
in 127 (FO xxvi [= Incr.
It. xiii I, 204-5])."
Also, Vol. I, page 546:
"When the [Jewish] insurrection broke
out in A.D. 131 or 132,
the governor [of Judea] was Q. Tineius Rufus:
the Fasti Ostienses
show him consul
suffect in 127.(4). Furthermore, a milestone
that Caparcoma, the
camp of the second legion, was already in
in 130.(5) Hadrian was
in those parts in 129 and 130.(6)
He abolished the name of Jerusalem,
refounding the place as a colony,
Aelia Capitolina. That helped to provoke the
rebellion. (7)"
Also, Vol. V, (1988), page 594:
Q. Tineius Rufus (suff. 127).
He reached his consulship from Thrace,
attested there by a milestone of 124 (CIL
iii 14207); and he
was governing
Judaea when the great rebellion broke out in
. . .
[See also: Arthur E. Gordon, IV
Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions
(INDEXES), (Berkeley,
California: UC Press, 1965), p. 85, lists:
Q. Tineius Rufus 232, 239 (line 8),
Quintus Tineius Rufus (consul 127) is noted in various
Jewish sources.
One such source is
the book "Lamentations", of
The Midrash. The recital
of the Book of Lamentations forms part of the ritual
of the Synagogue
9th of Ab [Av]. It is the 11th
month of the civil year or the 5th month
of the
ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar,
usually coinciding
with August,
the anniversary of the destruction of the
first and second Temple.
R. Akiba
was standing trial before Tineius Rufus,
and Joshua the grits
dealer was
standing in prayer with him. Actual
conversation is mentioned
in Midrash Rabbah, in Ten Volumes,
section Genesis (Bereshith),
XI. 5, pages 83-4,
wherein Tinneus Rufus asked R. Akiba:
"Why does this day (the Sabbath) differ
from other days?"
"Why does one man differ from other
men?" he retorted.
"What did I ask you and what did
you answer me?" inquired he.
"You asked me," he replied,
"why does the Sabbath differ from all other days,"
and I answered you, "Why does Rufus
differ from other men?"
"Because the emperor desired to honour him,"
said he.
"Then this day, too, the Holy One
wished to honour."
From The Babylonian Talmud,
Translated into English with Notes,
Glossary and Indices under the Editorship of
Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein, B.A.,
Ph. D., D. Litt., published various years,
The Soncino Press, London,
[England], Vol. 4, Abodah Zarah, page 105,
mention is made of "when
R. Akiba saw the wife of Rufus,
he spat, then laughed, and then wept."
"Spat", because of her
originating only from a putrefying drop, "laughed"
because he foresaw that she would
become a proselyte and that he would
take her to wife, "wept",
that such beauty should (ultimately) decay in the
dust. R. Akiba, a most
"orthodox" old Jew in his day, indicates by these
statements that the wife of Tineius
Rufus must have been from Jewish
origins. Else, R. Akiba would
have planned to marry a Gentile, which
is a
contradiction, even as a convert, of an
"orthodox" viewpoint
of female
beauty. The "orthodox"
viewpoint holds that one
must not admire the
beauty of the heathen.
His statements, irrespective of his high
standing before the Jewish religious
community, placed him in civil contempt, the
same category as Haman,
who fell upon the bed of Queen Esther.
At that time, Queen Esther's
husband, King Ahasuerus said:
"Will he force the Queen also before
in the house?" So Haman was
hanged on the gallows in his day.
The Encyclopedia of Judaism,
(1989), notes R. Akiva was arrested
imprisoned, condemned to death and executed
by the Romans
tearing his
flesh with iron "combs" at
A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ,
by Emil Schurer, D.D., M.A., also mentions Tineius Rufus.
Q. Tineius Rufus,
consul under Commodus, is referred
to on
several inscriptions. In the Chronicle
of Eusebius he is called
Tineius Rufus and in Latin, in St. Jerome,
"tenente provinciam
Tinnio Rufo . . ." [See
Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism,
Vol. II, pages 392-405, for extensive
documented notes.]
Tineius Rufus was governor of
Judea when a Jewish rebellion broke out.
Large bodies of troops from other provinces,
as far away as Britain,
called in to strengthen the resident
garrison, with Rufus maintaining
supreme command. "Rufus the
Tyrant" appears to be the chief enemy
the Jews during this time period. In the Mishna
it is related that Jerusalem
run over on the 9th of Ab by the
plough. In The Babylonian Talmud
and by
St. Jerome, this deed is ascribed to Rufus,
i.e., the plough to pass
over the site
of the Temple, "ad quam multa millia
confugerant Judaeorum;
aratum templum
in ignominiam gentis oppressae a T. Annio
(l. Tinnio) Rufo."
The Lord Jesus Christ predicted
this terrible event, as recorded
in St. Luke,
Chapter 21: 5-6:
And as some spake of the temple how
was adorned with goodly stones
and gifts, He [Jesus Christ] said,
"As for these things which ye
behold, the days will come, in the
which there shall not be left one stone
upon another, that shall not
be thrown down." Q. TINEIUS RUFUS
fulfilled the words of Jesus Christ.
Yigael Yadin wrote in 1971,
concerning Bar-Kokhba, the legendary
the last Jewish Revolt against Imperial
Rome. Glassware dug up of similar
technique from the Roman Empire was found to
match a fragment of a rim
found at Richborough, Kent, England. Thus, one
bowl in a remote cave in
the Judaean Desert matches another bowl
located in Kent, England.
These bowls were apparently manufactured
together and distributed by the
Roman common market. Glass manufactories
existed in Rome, on the further
side of the Tiber River, where poor Jews
were historically known to frequent.
Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora,
from Alexander to Trajan, by
John M. G. Barclay, published 1996,
page 290, notes that Jews in Rome
became securely established and that by Augustus'
time they were settled
predominantly on the right bank of the
Tiber, an area that is now called the
Trastevere. The catacomb of Monteverde
being the oldest so far discovered,
was in the Trastevere district on the Via
Portuensis, an area of poor residences.
International industrial, trade and
financial dealings were the foundation of the
creation of rich urban families. Geza
Alfoldy, professor of Ancient History,
Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, published in 1974,
a book concerning Noricum.
Noricum was a Roman district south of the
Danube River, a region of merchant
activity well known to the Mediterranean
world by the first century B.C. Pioneers
were drawn deep into the rough
mountain-lands by the presence of metal ores in
East Tirol. Enterprising Norican
traders appear to have operated in northern Italy,
Dalmatia, the Rhineland, and even in Africa,
into the second half of the second
century A.D., as noted by CIL
VIII 4822 (Thubursicu Numidarum): [TITINIA]:
Titinia Primula origine Norica.
Numidia was a north African region
on the
Mediterranean coast, south west of Italy.
Actual linkage of the Tinney family
surname and variations group or gens
Rome to the British Isles comes from the Corpus
Inscriptionum Latinarum,
vii, as quoted in Vol. 19, Fourth Series:
Society of Antiquaries Newcastle-upon Tyne,
in "The
Roman Fort on Hadrian's Wall at Benwell".
From inscribed stones: "The aristocrat Tineius
Longus, who became quaestor
designate while resident commander at
Benwell, will not have been ashamed
of his quarters on Hadrian's Wall."
His residence was the commandant's
house, or praetorium, very large,
approximately 120 feet by 160 feet in area,
comfortable, well heated rooms of a large
and comfortable house; begun--
July A.D. 122. It was erected under Hadrian,
during the governor ship of
Platorius Nepos. In the Temple of Antenociticus,
a youthful god with wild
barbaric hair and a torque about his neck;
in the south-east corner, was an
altar inscribed to Antenociticus, by Tineius
Longus, prefect of cavalry under
the consular governor Ulpius Marcellus;
the altar had been painted red.
"To the God Anociticus,
dedicated by Tineius Longus, who, by the decision
our best and greatest Emperors, has while
serving as Praefect of Cavalry,
under Ulpius Marcellus, Consular Governor,
been awarded the Broad Stripe
appointed Quaestor." The latus clavus
or 'laticlave' was the broad purple
on the white
tunic, which was the distinguishing mark of a senator,
noted in The Romans in Britain, an
anthology of Inscriptions, by A. R. Burn,
in Ancient History in the University of
Glasgow. For full coverage
drawings of the Temple of Antenociticus,
[See: The Buildings of Roman Britain, by Guy de la Bedoyere,
published 1991, in London.] The temple
appears to be a home-made style,
the god Antenociticus was a surname family deity.
According to Cassell's New
Latin Dictionary, Quaestors, of which
Tineius Longus became quaestor
designate while resident commander
Benwell, were magistrates in Rome. Of these,
some tried criminal cases
the courts, or prosecuted at such trials;
others were in charge of the state
treasury; others accompanied consuls and
praetors on military expeditions
and to provincial commands, and acted as
paymasters. The number of
quaestors, originally two, was in the end
raised to eighteen.
Tinnio -ire, a Latin word, means to ring,
tinkle; also,
Transf., (1) to talk or sing
(2) to make to chink; hence to pay money.
Teneo, Transf., a, to hold in the
mind, to understand, and
Intransit., to keep on, persevere;
i.e., to endure to the end, etc.
[See also the Hebrew word: teru{c} a,
clanging of cymbals, shouting.]
Sir Ronald Syme, the author of Roman
Papers, states, from
Vol. III, page 437:
It is worth noting that no adlection inter
patricios can so far be firmly
attributed to Hadrian. (69) . . .
[Except for P. Coelius Balbinus (cos. 137),
cf. ILS 1063]. To the group
admitted by Pius one may add
Q. Tineius Sacerdos (cos. 158), cf. IGR
iii 808 (Side); and a son became
salius Palatinus in 170 (CIL
vi 1978).
[See also: Arthur E. Gordon, IV
Album of Dated Latin Inscriptions
(INDEXES), (Berkeley,
California: UC Press, 1965), p. 85, lists:
(Q.) Tineius Sacerdos (cos. II, A.D.
219) 277
Q. Tineius Sacerdos (Clemens) (cos.
A.D. 158) 220, 222, 232]
Benjamin Isaac of Churchill
College, Cambridge, England,
in his selected papers,
published in 1998 as:
The Near East
Under Roman Rule, indicates that in A.D. 195,
there are at least 17 centurions of X Fret.
in charge of construction works
at an
aqueduct near Jerusalem, in Israel.
Of the legions in Judaea
the VI Ferr. supported Severus and X Fret. his competitor Niger.
Apparently, it is stated, Severus trusted
the legionaries more as masons
than as
combatants in Mesopotamia. It is noted under
footnote {12},
that the consul mentioned in
the inscription should be Q. Tineius Clemens,
ordinarius in A.D. 195. This
information comes from the chapter
concerning milestones
set up in Judaea, reflecting the
of roads in accordance with Roman standards.
Tertullian [Quintus Septimius Florens
Tertullianus] in Adversus
Iudaeos, mentions Christians
in Britain in or about A.D. 200; also, Origen
[Christian teacher and theologian, born in
Alexandria (circa A.D. 185-254)]
mentions them at a later date. It is a known
historical fact that Samaritan
cavalrymen [from ancient Palestine (now the
State of Israel)], 2nd to 4th
century, settled in the Ribchester district
of Lancashire, England
["Were there Jews in Roman Britain?"
by Applebaum]. From The Book of
Girl's Names, Christine is
stated as the most common name, along with
Christina, derived from CHRIST.
The first record of the name dates from
3rd century, when St. Christin
lived, a Roman noblewoman; she being
martyred circa A.D. 295. Pet forms of the
name were taken from both halves
of it--Chris or Chrissie and Teenie
and Tina. Christian plate has been
found within the small town at Chesterton,
[England], dated to the 3rd
century A.D., as discussed fully in The
Water Newton Early Christian Silver,
by K. S. Painter, (1977).
There is also information found in a work
by the late R. G. Collingwood and
R. P. Wright, The Roman
Inscriptions of Britain, (Oxford: Clarendon Press,
1965), page 168, CHESTER, #505. Base from a
tombstone, 26 x 16 x 26
in (1/8), with right margin chiseled away
and lower edge damaged.
inscribed panel is supported on the left by
a figure facing inwards
in cloak, tunic, and Phrygian cap. On the
right there was probably
corresponding figure, now broken off. Found
in 1887 in the North
(east part). It is now in the Grosvenor
Drawn by Baty, 1923.
EE vii 902. Huebner, CASJ{2} iii
(1890) 145. Haverfield. AJ
xlvii (1890) 250. Cat. (1900) no. 50; (1955)
no. 50 pl. XVI.
D[is] M[anibus] / Titinius Felix
b[eneficiarius] / leg[ati]
Leg[ionis] XX V[aleriae] V[ictricis]
mil[itauit] an[nos] /
Co / buyx et heres / [ . . .
"To the departed spirits, Titinius
Felix, beneficarius
of the legate of the Twentieth Legion Valeria
served 22 (?) years, lived 45 years. His
wife and heiress, Julia Similina,
[set this up]."
3. ISG Mommsen (from squeeze) EE vii;
BRIX(IA)? Hueb.;
LEG(?) F. H.; LEG Baty, R. P. W.
The fact that the wife of this serving
soldier is expressly mentioned
on the
inscription strongly suggests an A.D. third
century date.
The absence of
praenomen points in the same direction.
For beneficiarius see Index 6
From Volume I, Europe, P. Jean-Baptiste
Frey, C.S.SP.,
Corpus of Jewish Inscriptions,
Inscriptions from the Third Century B.C. to the
Seventh Century A. D.,
(New York: Ktav
Publishing House, Inc., 1975),
#530 on pp. 390-391, is:
530. -- Fragments d'un ou de plusieurs edits
de prefets de la ville de Rome,
du IV{e} siecle, par lesquels certaines
personnes sont privces du droit de
percevoir des distributions gratuites de ble,
pour avoir quitte la ville ou
abandonne le metier qui leur avait valu ces
Les noms sont repartis par quartiers. Parmi
eux il y a aussi des chretiens.
La liste commence par la partie meridonale
de la ville. Les Juifs dont il est
question semblent avoir habite le Celius ou
la Subure . . . ;
DIEHL, Inscr. lat. christ. vet., I. p. 128,
n. 672
(F Sabbatius; H Felix Tineosus
Iudaeus; N Creticus Iudeus).
Sur les distributions faites aux Juifs, cf.
Juster, II, p. 236-238.
From Corpvs Inscriptionvm Latinarvm,
consilio et avctoritate,
Academiae Scientiarvm, Rei Pvblicae
Democraticae Germanicae, Editvm,
Volvminis Sexti Pars Sexta, Fascicvlvs
Secvndvs, Gvaltervs de Grvyter
et Socii . Berolini . Novi Eboraci, MCMLXXX,
P. 343, Under COGNOMINA
Tineosus 31893 e s (Iudaeus) vir. Tinia
[3537]; Titiana, etc.
C. Th., XVI, 8, 3, 4, shows
evidence for the existence of the Jews within
borders of Gaul in the year A.D. 321 as per
the Theodosian Code.
Shimon Applebaum wrote, in Judaea
in Hellenistic and Roman Times,
that excavations and air photographs have
shown that in Britain typical
Celtic field systems remained under
cultivation till the end of the 4th
century A.D. This validates a civil
administration beneficial to the
continuation of Jewish communal autonomy in
that area of Roman Empire
jurisdiction, a safe haven over time for
displaced and ravaged merchant
Jews. An Apis Bronze bull, transported from
Egypt to Cornwall in Roman
days, used in connection with the cult of
Isis, has been found in St. Just-
in-Penwith, Cornwall, England. Circa
A.D. 310, the prefect of Egypt was
Titinnivs Clodianvs, as
recorded on page 217
of The
Prosopography of The Later Roman Empire,
by A. H. M. Jones, LL.D., D.D., Vol. I, A.D. 260 to A.D. 395, published
Vienna papyrus 15. 324a (unpublished, see Ant.
Class. xx (1951),
417, Ann. Inst. Phil. Hist.
Or. xi (1951), 193), Hermopolis.
Ogham was the earliest form of writing in
Irish in which the Latin alphabet is
adapted to a series of twenty 'letters' of
straight lines and notches carved on
the edge of a piece of stone or wood, as so
noted in the Dictionary of Celtic
Mythology, by James
MacKillop, published 1998 by Oxford University Press.
Ogham inscriptions date primarily from the
4th to 8th centuries A.D. and are
found mainly on standing stones. Ogham
inscriptions are scattered throughout
Ireland, Great Britain, the Isle of Man,
with (5) five in Cornwall, about (30)
in Scotland and more than (40) forty
in Wales. South Wales was an area
of extensive settlement from southern
Ireland. In Wales, ogham inscriptions
have both Irish and Brythonic-Latin adjacent
inscriptions. Each ogham letter
was named for a different tree. T.
= The twentieth letter of the
English alphabet is
represented by tinne [Ir.,
holly] in the ogham
of early Ireland.
"T" appears as three
straight lines: "lll"
above the foundation-line:
_________ [druim]. Holly
of the Old World
often had bright-red
berries and glossy, evergreen
with spiny margins,
used traditionally for Christmas
The Morris Loeb Series, by Harry
J. Leon, The Jews of Ancient Rome,
published in 1960, pp. 326-327, shows
the Etruscan god Tinia in the Jewish
Latin Roman family compound word form: Titinia.
In the Jewish Monteverde
catacomb, carved on marble and preserved in
the Sala Giudaica
of the Lateran
Museum, is found the inscription of the
Roman Hebrew:
Here lies Titinia Anna, who [having]
lived a good life with her
husband for 15 years 4 months. Priscianus
[had this] made.
(#411.) . . . This white marble plaque was
inscribed and painted red,
with serifs; found 18 Nov 1904
under debris in Grotto V. The catacomb
was apparently in use in the 1st
century A.D., mainly used in the 2nd
and 3rd centuries, with end of use
dated to the 4th century A.D.
[Research Note: The name Priscianus
is mentioned variously
in Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism.
One Priscianus
was a sixth century
Neoplatonic philosopher who left Athens for
the court
of Persia in the
company of Damascius. In Vol.
II, page 598-599, # 504,
is a scil. to Priscianus. The letter is
addressed by Libanius
to this
Priscianus, who
occupied various posts in the administration
and served
at that time as consularis Palaestinae, the
letter dated A.D. 364.
The letter refers to
disturbances in the Jewish community, of
whom Priscianus,
as governor
of Palaestina, "had considerable
The Roman Inscriptions of Britain,
also mention on page 199,
RIBCHESTER, #593. Building-stone, 12 x 9.5
in. (1/8),
found before 1821 at Ribchester and
bequeathed by Whitaker
to St. John's
College, Cambridge, where it now is. Drawn
by R. G. C., 1927.
CIL vii 228. Watkin Lancs. 130
with fig. Hopkinson
Ribchester (ed. 3, Atkinson)
28 no. 9
coh(ortis) X / c(enturia) Titiana / o(peris)
p(edes) /
'From the tenth cohort the century of Titius
(built) 27
feet of the work.'
3. O(PVS) P(EDVM) Hueb.; O(PERIS)
P(EDES) Atkinson.
The adjectival form Titiana should
imply that there was
a vacancy
in the command of this century
till recently filled
by the centurion
Titius [Birley CW{2}
li (1951) 71].
But Titiana could also be derived
from Titianus.
In this case
The centurion Titianus cited on the
leaden tag
at Chester
[JR xxi (1941) 250 no. 12] may well be
Titianus is mentioned numerous
in The New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine, by Timothy
D. Barnes,
published 1982 by Harvard University Press.
T. Flavius Postumius Titianus II,
listed on page 99, #301, . . .
praefectus urbi [Prefect of the City
of Rome] from 12 Feb A.D. 305 to 19 Mar 306;
Titianus, circa A.D. 316, praeses
Fabius Titianus, listed on page 109,
#337, . . .
praefectus urbi [Prefect of the City
of Rome] from 25 Oct A.D. 339 to 25 Feb 341
and from 27 Feb A.D. 350 to 01 Mar 351 . . .
Celsinus Titianus is listed as vicarius
of Africa in A.D. 380,
a governorship
which fell within the range of senators,
as noted in Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court, A.D.
364 - 425,
by John Matthews, published 1975.
The Prosopography of the Later Roman
Empire, by J. R. Martindale,
1980, Vol. II, A.D. 395-527, page 1122,
Titianvs 2, A.D. 398, in
office in Sicily, whence
Symmachus' agent Euscius
reported favourably on his conduct.
Also, Titianus 3, in A.D. 400.
Titianus and Helpidius 3,
having completed
their legal training, were commended by Symmachus
to the CSL Limenius as suitable for judicial
work. Praefectus urbi
Q. Aurelius Symmachus,
of the Senatorial class,
was the brother of the above mentioned Celsinus
An ingot of tin from Carnanton,
St. Mawgan in Pydar, Cornwall, England,
has been found with a worn Roman Imperial
inscription, of the 4th century
time period. A Jewish lamp with menorah
has been found in Bedfordshire,
England, approximately dated the 4th
century A.D. St. Jerome recorded
that by the 4th century A.D. Jews
resided in Britain in dignity as well as
Gaul and elsewhere. The commentary of
St. Jerome, written between
A.D. 408-410, In Isaiam, LXVI,
20 (PL. XXIV, 672), states that:
the Jews
believe that at the time of the Messiah,
Jews of Senatorial rank
will come
from Spain, Gaul and Britain
. . . "de Britannis"
Claudius Claudianus, Latin poet, fl.
A.D. 4th-5th century,
Jews as coming westward to trade.
and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, Vol. II,
From Tacitus
to Simplicius, pages 657-659, # 541, makes
of Jewish curtain painters, with
reference to "all the vain imaginings
of India
depicted on Jewish curtains,"
dated circa 400 A.D. Connection is thereby
suggested to merchant activities of
the Jews connected to tin trade. Tin was
noted historically to have
been transported from Cornwall and
western England
to the remote provinces of
India, via the Mediterranean region.
English tin was the purest and
most abundant in Europe, as noted
736 of Medieval England, An
Encyclopedia, published in 1998;
editors Paul E. Szarmach, M. Teresa
Tavormina & Joel T. Rosenthal.
From the middle of the 3rd century (when
production collapsed in
northern Spain) until the middle of the 13th
century (when deposits in
Bohemia and Saxony began to be exploited) Devon & Cornwall [counties
in southwest England] possessed a virtual
monopoly of European tin
production. Many of the works were
substantial, with up to 50 laborers
(often employed by wealthy tin
merchants), and the number of tinners
in Cornwall and Devon must have reached
6,000 to 8,000 (including a
large proportion of women and children) when
production was booming.
Christopher A. Snyder gives many
references to tin in his book called:
An Age of Tyrants, Britain and
the Britons, A. D. 400 - 600. Slight traces
of metalworking found at Tintagel, in
Cornwall, support the view that
Cornish tin was traded for imports,
as shown by the large finds of sherds
of imported amphoras that can be traced to
areas all over the the eastern
Mediterranean. That it remained a
sought after commodity in the post-
Roman world is affirmed by the account, in
the sixth century Leontius's
Life of St. John the Almsgiver,
of the Byzantine ship returning from
Britain loaded with tin. Also,
a short Greek treatise on alchemy
by Stephanos of Alexandria (fl. A. D.
610-641), lists:
"the Celtic nard,
the Atlantic Sea, the Brettanic metal."
(No)nivs Tineivs Tarrvt(enivs)
Atticvs -4, c.v., M IV,
was a Roman Senator and a pagan, as noted on
page 123
of The Prosopography of The Later Roman Empire,
by A.
H. M. Jones, LL.D., D.D., Vol. I, A.D. 260 to A.D. 395,
published 1971.
Tineio Tarrut/enio Attico c.m.v/q.k., praetori
tutelario/xvviro/ s.f.,
died aged 28; husband
of . . . a Maxima 2 (c.f.) xiv 3517 near Tibur.
Presumably the father of Nonius
Atticus Maximus-34, and Nonia Maxima-5.
stemma 19, page 1141, Family of Nonius
Atticus Maximus-34,
listed as (PPO 384). Nonia Maxima-5, is
listed on page 572 as the wife
of Avianius Vindicianus-4, xv 7399 two fistulae
from an aqueduct near the Tiber.
Presumably related to Nonius Atticus Maximus-34, perhaps sister.
Nonius Atticus Maximus-34, is listed on pages 586-587,
PPO (Italiae) 384, cos 397. This is dated a. [A.D.]
384 March 13 CTh xiii i.
12{a} dat. Med., with additional mention of CONSVL
posterior a. [A.D.] 397
with Fl.
Caesarius-6. Presumably, he is the listed son
of Nonius Tineius
Tarrutenius Atticus-4 and . . . a Maxima-2;
perhaps brother of Nonia Maxima-5.
He owned property at Tibur Symm. Ep. vii 31.
Two of the Epigrammata
Bobiensia were addressed to him, Epigr. Bob. 48.
In balneas Attici cos.
(praising the 'balnea quae consul Nonius instituit')
Epigr. Bob. 57 Ad Nonium
Atticum de opere suo (the author invites Atticus
in his rural retreat to read
his verses). Therefore, in the same time period that
St. Jerome states that the Jews
believe, that at the time of the Messiah, Jews
of Senatorial rank will
come from Spain, Gaul and Britain . . . "de
Britannis" ;
there is proof positive that the part Jewish
Tineius family had obtained the
Senatorial rank at
Rome, Italy.
Kenneth Hurlstone Jackson,
Litt.D., A Historical Phonology of Breton,
published in 1967 for the Dublin Institute
for Advanced Studies, p. 1, notes
that the "earliest bands of British
colonists" were "beginning to emigrate
at the time of the Anglo-Saxon invasions in
the middle of the 5th century."
Primitive Breton h shows on
page 575 the word:
Tenhet, 2nd pl. future of tenn-
as noted from the MB text Le Mystere
de Sainte Barbe, published
in A.D. 1557 and probably composed during
the first half of the 16th century.
This relates well to R. Morton Nance,
Ed., A Cornish-English Dictionary,
[England], (1967 reprint [first published by
the Federation Of Old Cornwall
Societies, 1955]), p. 92, wherein:
ten, m. pl. -now,
pull, pulling, drag, . . . drawing of breath . . .
tenna, vb. to pull, pluck,
haul, drag, draw, take off, extract.
This in turn relates to p. 98,
tyn, f. or m. pl. -yon,
fast ground left in mine working, end (of
material, etc.).
Greek: Teino;
Cornish: Tedna;
English: Draw].
Therefore, it appears the base tyn
relates to the work
in and the efforts
made to extract Tin (Tynne) from the
The Welsh and English Dictionary further notes that:
tynn & Tynniad, s.m., is a
draught, a pull
Tynn, a., straight, tight, that
is tied hard or close, that is drawn tight,
stretched, stuffed. . . . Also,
stubborn, pertinacious
Tin, s.m., the fundament, the
breech, the bum.
Tennyn, s.m., a chord, a
rope, a halter.
The New Cassell's German Dictionary,
(A.D. 1971), mentions:
Tenne: threshing floor, floor of
a barn
Historic Hertfordshire
[England] discusses pagan relationships in this time
frame. "The Angels and Saxons [Germanic
peoples who settled in Britain
in the
5th and 6th centuries]
were not Christians, they were pagans,
and had a number
of gods, such as Woden the Sky God, Tin,
the War God,
and Thor, the
Thunder God. Christian churches were pulled
down and pagan
or heathen
temples erected in their place. The days of
the week were named
[also known as Old Norse Tyr, Old
English Tiw, with Anglo-Saxon
alphabet sign for W/w (wyn): TI(wyn)],
Woden's-day, and Thor's-day,
perpetuated in present day Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday.
Ronald Wixman, The
Peoples of the USSR, An Ethnographic Handbook,
published 1984,
wrote information about:
Tin Alt(ernate). Spel(ling). Tinn.
See: Tinn,
Kacha, Khakass. Tinn.
The Tinn are a sub-group of the
Kettic speaking Yara. See: Kacha, Khakass.
The Kacha are one of the five territorial
(not tribal) divisions of the Khakass.
One of the eleven ulus that went into the
formation of the Kacha
was the
Kettic Tin, officially Eastern
Orthodox in religion, maintaining
many pre-Christian samanistanimist traditions. The
Kacha inhabit primarily
the steppe
land of the left bank of the Yenisei River
and its upper tributaries
in the
Khakass AO. Slavonic languages were part of
Romany dialects.
George Y. Shevelov, in A
Historical Phonology of the Ukrainian Language,
mentions on page 307, of his 1979
publication, at Heidelberg,
by Carl Winter,
tin', is a Ukrainian word,
"dial (Perejaslov) tin' 'shadow'
teni [StU tini].
Tin Hinan, from The
Berbers, [North Africa], by Michael Brett and
Elizabeth Fentress, published 1996,
pages 206-210, is shown in Plate 6.1,
with source given as B. K. Prorok, Mysterious
Sahara, London, 1930.
The skeletal remains of Queen Tin Hinan
were located at Abalessa/Algerien,
her tomb being the most famous archaeological site of the desert.
Tin Hinan
a Berber woman of nobility from the oasis of Tafilet
in Morocco,
who journeyed to
the Ahaggar and established herself
at Abalessa.
Her daughter Kella was born there
and is the person
from whom descend
the Kel
Rela, according to ancient tradition.
The actual tomb of Tin Hinan
the remains of an unusually tall
about 40 years of age.
She lay on a
leather-covered wooden
bed, with seven gold
on her right arm and eight silver
on her left. Beside her lay
a Roman
glass cup, as well as a wooden cup
with a Constantinian
monogram. Apparently the
structure was constructed
in the second
half of the fifth century A.D. Additionally,
the History of Humanity,
Scientific and Cultural Development,
Vol. III,
from the
Century B.C. to the Seventh Century A.D.,
published 1996, mentions under the early
Christian period, page 326,
that at the end
of the fifth century A.D., there was already
a church building
at Qasr Ibrim [south of
Aswan in the Nile Valley, in Egypt], where a
named Tentani held
the important office of philarchos or mayor.
There is some close identity in the names
Britannia, Titinia, and Tingitana.
Margaret Deanesly, M.A., A
History of Early Medieval Europe 476 to 911,
(London: Methuen & Co., Ltd., 1956), p.
75, mentions that:
"The Roman diocese of Africa included
the coastal strip south of the gulf of
the Great Syrtes westward nearly to the
promontory opposite the modern
Gibraltar [Tingis]: the province of Tingitana
formed part of the prefecture
of the Gauls." Evidence of the presence
of organized Jewish communities
in England and France is shown in the eating
habits of the local population.
Rabbi Bernard Susser notes in his book The Jews of South-West England,
(1993), of "some connection
between the inhabitants of Devon and Cornwall
and the dwellers on the Palestinian
coastline is shown by food habits which
they still hold in common. Both areas use
saffron in cooking, particularly in
the baking of cakes. In these two regions as
well as in Brittany, which was
also under Celtic influence, clotted cream
is manufactured." Additionally,
"A further indication of some degree of
intercourse between the ancient
Israelites and Celts is said to be the
similarity in sound and meaning
of words
and phrases in the Hebrew and Celtic
Traditionally, the Jews have been
involved in the history of Cornwall
tin mining. Rude furnaces frequently
found beneath the soil of the existing
valleys are called Jew Houses; and the tin,
which is often found in blocks,
formed, as it would seem, by running the
melted metal into a rude hollow
made in the soil, is called 'Jew's house
tin'. P. W. Joyce, LL. D., one
Commissioners for the Publication of the
Ancient Laws of Ireland,
wrote The Origin and History of Irish Names
of Places, Vol. I published
in 1910.
The general meaning of the word house
is contained in teach
or tigh. When tigh is joined with the genitive of
the article, it almost always
takes the form
of tin or tinna,
which is found in the beginning of numerous
names, as:
a small town in Carlow, and several
townlands in Wicklow
and Queen's
County, called Tinnahinch,
which represents the Irish
Tigh-na-hinnse, the house of the island or river holm.
Also, examples are given of:
and Tincurry in Wexford and Tipperary,
the house
of the curragh or marsh;
in Cork and Waterford, and Tinnascarty in
the house of
the scart or cluster of bushes; etc.
Additional Irish Names of Places are listed
Vol. III, pages 572-574.
The respected author Cecil Roth
wrote A History of the Jews in England,
(3rd edition, reprinted 1978). He
mentions on p. 3, that:
"In the Dark Ages [the beginning period
of the Middle Ages], the
terms 'merchant' and 'Jew'
were sometimes used, in western Europe,
virtually as synonyms; and certain branches
of trade and manufacture
almost exclusively in Jewish hands." Cecil
Roth notes one Cornish
Jew is
found on record in the history of the Middle
Ages. The Histories
of Gregory
of Tours, written towards the end of
the sixth century A.D.,
as noted in The Transformation of the Roman World,
A.D. 400 to 900,
published 1997,
mentions a Jewish merchant of Paris who did
with a fellow Jew
from Marseille. The Map in Fig. 27,
opposite page 68,
shows recorded
activity of foreign merchants in Gaul
[France], fifth
to ninth centuries.
The key to Jewish merchants shows locations
at Koln,
Trier, Besancon,
Macon, Lyons, Vienne, Arles, Marseilles,
Auch, Bordeaux,
Clermont, Bourges, Paris, Orleans, Tours,
and Nantes.
The Chronicles and Memorials
of Great Britain and Ireland
During The Middle Ages, Volume 89,
mention is made
of Tinne Mac Aeda
in the
MS Rawlinson B. 512,
written by
various hands,
in the 14th and 15th
Its contents, almost wholly
under the "Tripartite Life of
S. Patrick",
page xxi, #26,
law of Adamna'n,
"Five Times before Christ's
Nativity, to wit,
from Adam to the Flood;
from the Flood to Abraham;
from Abraham to David;
from David to the Captivity in
from the Babylonian captivity to Christ's
Women abode in bondage and in baseness at
that season till
Adamna'n son of Ronan, meic Tinne
meic Aedhv meic Coluim
meic Lugdach meic Shetnu meic Conuild
meic Neill, came."
Cumalach was a name for women till
Adamna'n came to free them,
and this
was the cumalach, the woman for whom a hole
was dug at the end
of the
door, so that it came over her nakedness;
the end of the spit upon her
the cooking of the portion ended.
After she had come out of the earth pit
she had to dip a candle four man's
handbreadths [long] in a plate of butter
or lard; that candle had to be on her palm
until division and distribution
[of liquor] and making beds, in houses of
kings and superiors,
had ended.
That woman had no share in bag nor in
nor in company of the house-master; but she dwelt in a booth outside
enclosure, lest bane from sea or
land should come to her superior
. . . This is the knowledge of Adamna'n's
law upon Ireland and Scotland.
The Irish
Pedigrees or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation,
by John O'Hart,
records land divisions. "Conacht he divided
into three
between Fiochah, Eochaidh Allat,
and Tinne,
son of Conragh, son of Ruadhri Mor, etc. Tinne
Princess Maedhbh, who was the
constituted King of Conacht;
being hereditary Queen of that
Province. After many years
reign, Tinne
was slain by Maceacht or Monaire at Tara. The Tinney
and variations family name appears in The
History of Ireland,
Geoffrey Keating, D.D., (London: Irish Texts
Society, 1914), INDEX:
Tinne, s. of Aodh, and gf. of
St. Adhamman, III. 118
Tinne, s. of Connraidh, gets a
division of Connaught from
Eochaidh Feidhlioch, I. 118, II. 158,
184, 186; marries Meadhbh, 186;
gives a site for a fortress (Cruachain) to Eochaidh
Feidhlioch, 186;
Meadhbh long survives, 196.
Tinne, s. of Cormac Cas, II 354.
A Biographical Dictionary of Dark
Age Britain, (1991), lists Teneu
(Thaney) as the mother of St. *Kentigern,
circa A.D. 530. Teneu is said
in the twelfth century Lives
of Kentigern to have been the daughter of
Leudonus, a king of the Votadini or
Gododdin, a British tribe occupying
territory south of the Firth of Forth [an
inlet of the North Sea extending
about 50 miles into southeastern Scotland]. Cyril
Noall mentions contact
with Alexandrian seamen, in A.D. 600, in his
book: Geevor Tin Mines plc
Pendeen, Penzance, Cornwall
[England]. Jews are also mentioned in Irish
history by an epistle of St. Columbanus,
A.D. 613, to Pope Boniface IV.
Claiming not to be a Judaiser, he notes none
of us has been a heretic,
a Jew, none a schismatic.
Transactions of the
Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire,
Vol. 32, pages 97-98, n. 98; notes Romanized Britons apparently,
continued to use the currency of the Empire
down to the middle
of the 6th
century, and then began to supply their
wants by imitations
of the same,
close in design. At the time of the
coming of Queen Bertha
& Bishop Liudhard to Kent, the Teutonic
colonists of Britain were content
reproducing imitations of Roman coins. On
one of the coins forming
a necklace,
found in St. Martin's Church Yard,
Canterbury, evidently
a necklace of some
lady of high rank in the 7th
century [the collection
comprising six gold coins
and one Roman intaglio], is mention made
the moneyer Teneis or Tenaeisi.
The name of the moneyer Teneis
or Tenaeisi
is stated to be Celtic
(cf. Tenegus, with its variations
in the Chronicles; Tenac, in an Irish
Ogham inscription). Obv. +CORNILIO.
Diademed bust to the right. Rev. +TENEIS M. Two men
two hands joined, holding a ring,
the other two uplifted and spread out.
This piece is in the Leyden Museum.
The loop attached shows that
it formed part
of a necklace . . .
In A.D. 669, Archbishop Theodore
of Canterbury [England]
wrote in Liber Poenitentialis concerning
relationships between Jews
and Christians. Egbert [Ecgberht], Archbishop of York
wrote in Excerptiones [Canonical Exerptions],
published A.D. 740,
additional anti-Jewish
prohibitions, forbidding Christians to
Jewish feasts. Hibernensis,
an 8th century compilation of
for the Irish by an Irish monk, states
that no ecclesiastical disputes
are to be
brought before Jews. The duplication
of European continental
decrees or laws
within the British Isles, shows legal
evidence of a pattern
of multi-national
Jewish merchant settlements in the
Ireland to England
to France [Gaul] triangle
of trade connections. According
The Oxford Illustrated History of
the Vikings, (1997),
"Towards the end
of the seventh century
a significant increase of trade
between the Continent
and England led to the
development of several
relatively large trading centres:
Dorestad on the Rhine,
Quentovic near Boulogne, and,
in England,
Hamwic (the
precursor of Southampton),
Fordwich (the port of Canterbury),
Ipswich, and
Trade grew even faster after about A.D.
700, when the Frisians
obtained a very large stock of silver from
an unidentified source
and produced from it a huge supply of
coinage that
quickly spread
throughout the continent and
in England."
As noted before, B. Lundman states
that on all the Frisian Islands,
quite a number of people with huge curved
noses and darker coloring
are found. There are also instances of a
similar type found in the coastal
areas of the British Isles.
These darker skin colored people,
with slightly
thick lips, have almost
"Jewish" noses, and
convex "Iberian, nay Assyrian
profiles". This is similar to the population of
Cornwall, England
with Semitic traces of the
Jewish-Armenoid type. A
Map showing
Frisian trade in the west,
from the seventh to tenth centuries A.D.,
show in Fig. 30, opposite
page 75, in the book:
The Transformation of the
Roman World, A.D. 400 to 900,
published 1997; edited by Leslie Webster and
Michelle Brown.
It is a known fact that anciently, Jewish
slave dealers were
in Northern Gaul, and British slaves were
sold in the Roman market-place.
Cecil Roth, in A History
of the Jews in England, mentions that St. Florinus,
who worked in Switzerland and the Tyrol some
time between the seventh
ninth centuries, is said to have been the
son of a Jewess married
to an
Englishman, as noted from 'Vita S. Florini',
in Analecta Bollandiana,
xvii, 199 ff. Northern Ireland, the
Glasgow area of Scotland, the Cornwall
London area of southern England and on up
the coast to Yorkshire
northeast Scotland is the major merchant
sea-travel inter-link resident
sector for the Tinney and variations
surname in the British Isles.
TUNNA. -- Presbyter and
abbot of a monastery named after him Tunnacaestir.
-- Fl. A.D. 679; 250: Tunna / = 1x.;
as noted in Old English Personal Names
in Bede's History, [England],
An Etymological-Phonological Investigation,
by Hilmer Strom, published 1939,
Lund Studies in English, Vol. VIII, pages
XLII-XLIII, 37-38, 77, 177-178. Also,
TATUINI. -- Archbishop of
Canterbury A.D. 731 to 734.
350: Tatuini --Tatuuine C / Tatuini
-- Tatuuine C /
356: Tatuini -- Tatuuine C / = 3x
Tatuini had been a priest in the
monastery at Briudun,
i.e., Breedon-on-the-Hill,
Leicestershire, England.
[Research note: From previous
documentation, mention was made
that at
RIBCHESTER, [England], # 593.
Building-stone, 12 x 9.5 in. (1/8),
found before 1821 at Ribchester and
bequeathed by Whitaker
to St. John's
College, Cambridge, where it now is. Drawn
by R. G. C., 1927.
CIL vii 228. Watkin Lancs. 130
with fig. Hopkinson
Ribchester (ed. 3, Atkinson)
28 no. 9,
coh(ortis) X / c(enturia) Titiana / o(peris)
p(edes) /
'From the tenth cohort the century of Titius
(built) 27
feet of the work.'
The Prosopography of the Later Roman
Empire, by J. R. Martindale,
published 1980, Vol. II, A.D. 395-527, page
1122, mentions Titianvs 2,
A.D. 398, in office in Sicily, whence Symmachus'
agent Euscius
favourably on his conduct. Also, Titianus
3, in A.D. 400. Titianus
and Helpidius 3, having completed their
legal training, were commended
by Symmachus to the CSL Limenius
as suitable for judicial work.]
These just mentioned items are further
discussed in:
The Kassel Manuscript of Bede's
Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum' and its old English material,
by T. J. M. Van Els, published 1972,
with listings of: (pages)
Tatuini, 42, 106f., 170, 191, 197,
208, 215.
Tina/Tinus, 106f., 171.
Tunna, 107, 173, 197, 204.
Tunna is a personal name, a short
form of a compound name with tun.
[The royal manor was the king's tun,
as noted in
Ecclesiastical Administration in Medieval England,
The Anglo-Saxons To
The Reformation, by Robert E. Rodes, Jr.,
O. E. tun 'enclosure, field,
dwelling, village, town' The Surnames of
shows Tinning as a local surname recorded
in Dumfrieshire. Tyning
is a not too uncommon
English field name, from O. E. tynen,
to hedge in.
Later, mention is made of:
Tinney, Tinhay, Tuneum, from Calendar
of Patent Rolls - Edward II,
[England], A.D. 1307 to 1327, with Vol. II,
A.D. 1313 to 1317, page 598,
Tinney, Tinhay, Tuneum, in Lifton
parish, Co. Devon [England],
10 Nov 1316, York - Membrane 8d . . . John
Wyth of Tinney (de Tuneo),
John le Webbe of Tinney . . .
etc. Other research shows the name
is interchangeably Tinnie (Tynnie) and Tintinie,
sometimes one
in the Registers and another in the Bishops Transcripts.
from the Oxford English Dictionary, is to
cover (with tin);
tine or tyne: to shut the
door, mouth, to enclose.
Tunna was Abbot of the
monastery he
had founded at Tunnacestir.
When his
brother Imma was severely wounded in the
Battle of the Trent
in A.D. 679, he went out
to search for him.
In Studia Rosenthaliana,
Vol. 10, Number 2, (July 1976),
a study is done
by Norman Gold to determine the
original home
of the Jewish Great Mahazor
of Amsterdam. There is "a phenomenon
associated with the Carolingian
reign, which consisted in a Jewish
holding a position of dominance
and power over the Jews of a wide area,
being established in certain of the
realms controlled by Charlemagne
742-814; reign 768-814) and his
descendants." . . . "Another such
hierarchic Jewish authority appears to have
been established at Rouen
[in the earlier
Middle Ages]." In Carolingian times
Rouen [in northern France]
"was of
course the main city of Neustria, an
archbishopric and one of the hotels
de monnaies of the Empire, and later,
with the coming of the Normans,
the chief
center of the territories taken over
by them." The merchant travels
of the
Jews is noted by Charlemagne
[King of the Franks A.D. 768-814)],
A.D. 800. [Monachus Sangallensis de Carolo Magno,
II, 14]
Charlemagne, after watching a ship
approach Narbonne
[on the Mediterranean
Sea], decided that it was a Norman
while others in his party stated
that it belonged to African,
Jewish, or British merchants.
Joseph Cohen, circa A.D. 1575,
wrote from the Hebrew standpoint,
Emek Habacha.
About A.D. 810, Jews fled from the violence of conflict
in the region of present day Germany, to
England and elsewhere. This is
verified in The Oxford Illustrated
History of the Vikings, as "It is clear,
however, that the raids along the North Sea
littoral became more frequent
in the A.D. 830s, and more penetrating and
sustained thereafter; and it
may be significant that these developments
coincided with increasing
degrees of social and political unrest in
the affected countries." Ecgberht,
King of the West Saxons, fought against a
combined force of Vikings
Cornish at Hingston Down, in Cornwall
County, England, in A.D. 838.
A contemporary document in the year A.D.
833, by Whitglaff [Witglass],
King of the Mercians, formally endowed to
the monks of Croyland with
the property they had previously been
given by former Kings of Mercia;
also, all the property they had been given
by any Christians or Jews.
"Seeing as the Jews obviously had land
either to give or have taken away
from them by this date, they must certainly
have already been living in the
region for some time in order to have come
by the land in the first place."
[See: Anglia Judaica or A
History of the Jews in England]
AElfric (A.D. 955-1020), educated
under AEthelwold at Winchester,
composed a Colloquy to his
Latin Grammar, showing Anglo-Saxon
in his lifetime. Gold, Tin, etc.,
were discussed under the occupation
of The Merchant, the typical occupation
of the Jew. John Hatcher mentions
in: English Tin Production and
Trade before 1550, page 17, that Ibn Jacub,
a well-travelled Arab in
the late tenth century, notes Jewish merchants
and others
were wont to frequent Prague [capital of
present day Czechoslovakia].
There they
purchased tin as well as slaves,
furs, and other European wares.
Individuals of Jewish ancestry were in
positions of authority at this time period
in Italy, as show by the writings of Ferdinand Gregorovius, concerning
History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages, [Italy],
Vols. I-VIII.
All of this combined indicates the
existence of a European
wide network of
Jewish merchant contacts.
Book VII of this work, Chapter III, the History
of the City of Rome in the
Eleventh Century, in Vol. IV, Part
I., notes [see also Vol. V, page 133 note.]:
The Trasteverines [the densely populated
Jews' quarter in Trastevere, Rome],
or their chief, Leo de Benedicto
Christiano, a man of Jewish descent,
gates, upon which Godfrey's troops
occupied the Leonina
and the island.
On his own authority Hildebrand deprived
the Prefect Peter
of his office, and
conferred it upon John Tiniosus,
a nobleman of the Trastevere
. . .
{2} John was still prefect on 28 Apr
1060; he signs himself, Reg. Farf., n. 935:
Johanne dom. gr. Romanorum
prefectus. As
stated heretofore,
Jews in the Mediterranean Diaspora, from Alexander
to Trajan,
by John M. G.
published 1996, page 290, notes that Jews in
became securely established
and that by Augustus' time they were
predominantly on the right bank of
the Tiber, an area that is now called
the Trastevere. This surname is
validated to be Jewish
by the previously
noted Corpus of Jewish Inscriptions,
Jewish Inscriptions
from the Third Century
B.C. to the Seventh Century A. D.,
with # 530 showing
(F Sabbatius; H
Felix Tineosus Iudaeus; N Creticus Iudeus).
The Jewish Quarterly Review,
edited by I. Abrahams and C. G. Montefiore,
Vol. III, (1891), reprinted by Ktav
Publishing House, Inc., 1966, pp 555-556,
ANGLO-JUDAICA, contains an article about
"Three Centuries of Genealogy
of the Most Eminent Anglo-Jewish Family
before [A.D.] 1290". "The Library
at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, . . . contains a
parchment MS, numbered lxxxvii,
. . . consisting of 286 small folio leaves,
unpaginated". There is a notice that
relates to the history of the Jews in
England before A.D. 1290. This
genealogical record, having authentic
internal evidence, establishes one
R. Simeon the Great in the time frame
approximately 300 years before
writer of the record, or just at "the
turn of the year [A.D.] 1000".
Edward or Eadward, called The Confessor
(died A.D. 1066),
last Anglo-Saxon
King of the English, had one law that
Judei et omnia sua, Regis sunt.
[The Jews and everything
they have or
is part of the property of the King.].
It is significant to note that later,
during the reign of King Henry III, all the
tin mine workers, or tinners,
in both Devonshire and Cornwall, were
called the King's Tinners.
This establishes a direct word usage connection
between the Jews being the property of the
King during the time of Eadward,
The Confessor, and the Tin
industry in southwest England. For example,
there is a Royal Writ, directing the
Bailiffs of Lydford to permit the Tinners
of Devonshire to take coal from Dartmoor,
for tin-processing, dated:
6 Henry III., A.D. 1222, as follows:
Rex baillivis de Ledeford [Lydford] salutem.
Precipimus vobis quod permittatis stagnarios
nostros Devonie capere et habere
carbonem in mora nostra de Dertemore ad
stagnariam nostram sicut habere
consueverint tempore domini Johannis
patris nostri et nostro, nec eis inde faciatis
vel fieri permittatis molestiam vel
impedimentum. Teste apud Turrim London.
18 die Julii. Close Roll.,
printed edition, paged 505.
A Perambulation of the Antient
and Royal Forest of Dartmoor and the Venville
Precincts; or a Topographical Survey
of their Antiquities and Scenery, by the late
Samuel Rowe, M.A. (Cambridge, 1833),
{born 11 Nov 1793; died 15 Sep 1853};
3rd ed.
published London, A.D. 1896; pages 287-288]
Norman Gold notes in Studia
Rosenthaliana, [Vol. 10, Number 2,
(July 1976)], that an intact Jewish
community remained at Rouen
[northern France]. This may "be
inferred from the account related
by a
near contemporary, Guibert of Nogent,
detailing the pogrom,
which took
place there at the beginning of the First
[11th century A.D.]. The
first Jewish settlers from Rouen to England,
in A.D. 1066, as mentioned by
Latin chroniclers [Gesta Regum
by William of Malmesbury,
iv. 317], by transfer of William the
were the elite Jewish
Merchant, Financial and Religious leadership
of the Rouen community,
in line with historical tradition. Trusted
"King men", loyal to William the Conqueror, appear
to have replaced
the local conquered
English Jewish communal and financial heads.
Dan Rottenberg,
in Finding Our Fathers: A Guidebook to Jewish
notes that the Jews were in
England at the time of the coming
of William
the Conqueror, and were
noted in the later record:
Domesday Book of A.D. 1085-1086.
TEINI- (xi 92; 118), seems to be
applied in Domesday,
not only to the
Saxon Nobility, but to Freeholders of
inferior estate,
as noted in Vol. 12
of the Antiquities of Shropshire,
The Collections for a History of Staffordshire, [England],
edited by The Wm. Salt Archaeological Society,
notes in Vol. I, published 1880, pages
159-162, 299-300, that:
page 160-161, The Domesday Survey names Tene,
and Selte,
Staffordshire, and two Estons in
Oxfordshire, amongst
Robert de Stafford's lands. . . .
Circa A.D. 1150, Hilbert de Tene
witnesses the confirmation by Robert de
Stafford, of Robert fitz Noel's
foundation charters of Ranton Priory. [Ranton
Chartulary.] A deed
in the Huntbach MS. at Wrottesley,shews that
Gilbert de Tene,
living circa
A.D. 1150, had two sons, William and Robert;
that William
died, leaving
no issue, and was succeeded by a brother Robert,
who left an only
daughter and heir. The William
mentioned in this deed,
is the William fitz Gilbert of the Liber
Niger. A deed is witnessed
by Herbert de Tene in A.D. 1160, and by Robert
and William,
of Herbert. . . . also called Tean
or Thena [Thene].
page 162,
Gilbert, The Domesday tenant of
Hopton and Salt,
is listed as the father of
Ilbert de Tene (31 H[enry] I),
[A.D. 1130-31];
Ilbert de Tene was the father of:
(1) Herbert de Tene, ob. s.p.
(2) William of the Liber Niger, ob.
(3) Robert; this Robert
was the father of Alice who married
Robert de Beck, dead 34 H[enry].
2. [A.D. 1187-1188]
Tairdelbach [alias Turlough
O'Brien (A.D. 1009 to 1086)], King of Munster
[an ancient kingdom and historic province in
Ireland that occupies
southwestern portion of the Republic of
Ireland], was the grandson
of Brian Boru(mha). [Brian Boru
became chief king of Ireland in A.D. 1002,
but was slain after a victory over the Danes
at Clontarf, near Dublin,
A.D. 1014. The unity of Ireland did not
survive Brian Boru.]
In the year
A.D. 1079, five Jews came over sea
with gifts
to Tairdelbach and they were
sent back again over sea.
Tynninghame, from Anglo-Norman
Durham, A.D. 1093-1193,
published 1994, page 4, is mentioned under
note 12,
wherein "Likewise, in 1094 King Duncan
gave Durham
Tynninghame and Broxmouth
north of the Tweed." S. D. Goitein
mentions in A
Mediterranean Society: The Jewish Communities
of the Arab World as
Portrayed in the Documents of the Cairo Geniza,
references to tin
imported into Alexandria in the
12th century A.D.
documents, preserved in the Cairo gheniza,
[most of which date
from the 11th
and 12th centuries], are mentioned by Eliyahu Ashtor
in East-West
Trade in the Medieval Mediterranean,
(London, England: Varioum Reprints, 1986),
pages 565-566.
"Money is sent from one city in Egypt
to another by means of the suftadja:
for instance . . . from Tinnis (in
the Delta) to Fostat . . . The exact
specification of the coins paid shows
clearly that the writer intended
receive the same dinars in Tinnis. On
page 580, it is stated that
"The centre
of the world famous Egyptian linen industry
in Tinnis
had been destroyed
in A.D. 1227 by order of the Ayyubid sultan
al-Kamil, to prevent
the town from falling into the hands
of the
Crusaders, and remained in
ruins thereafter."
Tin is found in the Index of
Arabic Names, from the book:
Moses Maimonides' Glossary of
Drug Names, translated from
Max Meyerhof's French Edition; edited
by Fred Rosner, Long Island,
(New York, USA) Jewish-Hillside Medical
Center; published 1979 by
The American Philosophical Society. Moses,
son of Maimon, (Rambam),
in Hebrew, Abu Irran Musa Ibn Maimun
in Arabic, was born in Cordova,
Spain on 30 Mar 1135 . . . Maimonides turned
to medicine as a livelihood
only after the death of his father in A.D.
1166 and the death of his brother
in a shipwreck shortly thereafter.
Mention is made in the Content of the
Glossary of Drug Names, that
Maimonides excluded from his list
well known drugs and, of course,
with only one name. As examples of the
latter one might mention:
. . . fig (tin) and
cantharides (dararih), which are often
described among
simple remedies in Maimonides'
medical and theological works, but
are lacking in his glossary of synonyms of
drugs. A fig (tin), is any of
several trees or shrubs native to the
Mediterranean region or warm regions,
widely cultivated for its edible fruit.
The sweet, pear-shaped many-seeded
fruit of this tree is greenish,
to orange,
or purple
when ripe.
In the Jewish aristocratic Avtinus
family, merchants and spice makers,
according to The Babylonian Talmud,
Vol. 17, Seder Kodashim, (Vol. III),
Tamid, Chapter II, 13-14, was a connection
between frankincense and
the fig tree. In placing fire
upon the Altar in the
Temple at Jerusalem,
what was mostly used were
boughs of fig trees and of nut trees and of oil
trees. "They
picked out from there some specially good fig-tree
and with these he laid
a second fire for
the incense." The preparation of
the incense was under the
direct supervision of the Avtinus family.
In the Index of Arabic Names,
[These are nearly all the medicamented
earths introduced into medicine
by the
Greeks. The Arabs faithfully preserved
the names, although it
was impossible
for them to procure the earths of the Greek
a listing is given of:
tin, number 172, listed under Chapter
Ta', on page 122a, Clay, argil.
Argil is clay, especially a white
clay used by
potters, from Greek argillos.
The Indo-Europeans knew metal and metallurgy
and silver was *arg-,
meaning "white
(metal)"; Latin argentium, silver. Tin
was also
a malleable, silvery metallic element obtained
chiefly from cassiterite.
The Index of Arabic Names
continues with:
tin ahdar, number 249, (at-tin
al-ahdar), "green earth".
tin ahmar, number 238, (at-tin
al-ahmar), "the red earth".
tin el-fil, number 82, tin
el-fil, ("elephant fig").
tin al-akl, number 172, "edible
earth", is a white
tin armalli, number 172, Armenian
bole still sold in Cairo;
a clay earth
tinted red
by iron oxide.
tin armini, number 172,
"Armenian earth" is a red
and viscous argil . . .
(for compresses on fractures which required
tin Hawa, number 172, "Eve's
tin huzi, number 172,
"Khouzistan earth",
named for the province in the
southwest of Persia.
tin ibliz, number 172, is the ancient
name of the (sour) lime
of the Nile
(Egypt), still used today in compresses.
tin al-kawkab, number 172, "star
earth", same as "Samos earth".
tin mahtum, number 172, Sigillate
a hydrated peroxide of iron
tin misri, number 172, "Egyptian
earth", the same as Tin ibliz.
tin naisaburi, number 172, "the
earth of Nichapour",
(Oriental Persia),
is a white argil.
The custom of eating
one type of earth still persists in
tin Qimuliya, number 172,
"cimolite earth".
tin qubrusi, number 172, "Cyprus
similar to the "Armenian earth";
a clay earth tinted red
by iron oxide.
tin rumi, number 172, "Romaic
earth", similar to the "Armenian earth";
also called ("Greek earth"); a
clay earth tinted red by
iron oxide.
tin Samus, number 172, "Samos
earth", the same as "star earth";
Samian earth was very well known in European
and used to
arrest hemorrhages according to the
prescriptions of Galen.
The Introduction to the History of
Science, by George Sarton,
1948, Vol. III, includes in a list of
Chinese words,
(Chinese Index and Glossary to Volumes 1, 2 and 3), the
ti, meaning (earth).
The History of Chinese Society - Liao,
A.D. 907 to 1125, published
March, 1949, in the Transactions of
the American Philosophical Society,
New Series, Vol. 36, (1946), shows under
social organization, kinship system,
customs, traditions, Table 10, page 208:
Generation 6 (i) Tien-ni,
noted as Shen-tsung's 6th daughter by a concubine.
Tien-ni was an Imperial Princess, the
spouse of Hsiao Shuang-ku.
Tenne in Heraldry is the same as
the "mark of a Jew"; heraldic tinge
stain of orange,
colors between red and yellow
in hue.
[Research Note from: Notes and Queries,
A Medium of
Intercommunication for Literary Men, General
Readers, Etc.,
7th Series, Volume VII, (January-June 1889),
pages 493-494 [of Vol. 79],
dated 22 June 1889. It states, among
other items of interest:
Tenne, Tawney, orange,
or brusk, orange
colour. . . . Tenney, or more
usually tenne, is an heraldic
tincture of an orange or
orange chestnut colour.
It is not much employed in modern English
Like all our other
heraldic terms, it is
derived from the French,
where it appears under the
form tanne. It is really
identical with tawney . . .
word is the same as tawny, and is Old French, like
other heraldic language.
The colour is a dark orange yellow,
and used sometimes to be called one
of the two
"dishonourable" colours, sanguine
being the other.]
Colonel I. S. Swinnerton, Heraldry
Can Be Fun!,
(Stourbridge: Swinford Press, 1986), pp. 6,
12, declares that Heraldry
started sometime between A.D. 1125 and 1150;
that the colour brown
called Tenne, is rarely seen in use
on the shield.
Bradford B. Broughton, Dictionary of Medieval Knighthood and
(Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1986), pp.
4, 116, 243,
403, 431, 446
describes: TENNE
It is the Heraldic tinge or stain of orange.
Under abatements, rebatements,
or marks of disgrace,
it is attached to heraldic arms by reason of a dishonorable act of the bearer.
is colored either sanguine or Tenne.
Tenne* (orange)
was a color, principal Metal* and color
of the coat
the "coat of arms"; that Tenne*
(orange) was one of the
six tinctures
to stain the nobility of arms*; that Tenne
was an orange.
the word Tenne is designated by the color orange
in Heraldry.
Black's Law Dictionary,
Revised 4th Editon, mentions Tenne,
a term
of heraldry begun in the early part of the
12th century A.D.
It meant orange in color. "In engravings it
should be represented
by lines in bend sinister
crossed by others bar-ways. Heralds who
by the names of the
heavenly bodies, call it 'Dragon's Head',
and those
who employ jewels, 'Jacinth'. It is one of the colors
called 'Stainand'. Wharton."
{8} Tinnellus, in old Scotch law, was
the sea mark, the high water mark,
or the tide mouth. The Tineman,
Sax., in old forest law, was a petty officer
of the forest, one who had the
care of vert and venison by night, and performed
other servile duties. The statement in What's
In Your Name, that the Tenney
surname is in origination from "an
unvoiced form of Denny", with Tenney
beginning as a surname in the 12th
century in England, is incorrect.
"The Yellow
Badge in History", by Professor Guido Kisch,
in the publication Historia Judaica,
is further discussed by
Ilse Lichtenstadter,
Library, Jewish Theological Seminary, New York.
In "The Distinctive Dress of Non-Muslims in Islamic Countries", he notes
the Jews in Egypt wore a yellow
turban, and with other people outside
the pale of Islam,
were required
to ride on mules and asses
J. S. Harris, in The Annual of Leeds University Oriental Society,
Vol. V, (1963-1965), has an article concerning:
"The Stones of the High Priest's
Breastplate". The first stone is Sardius,
passed into our language as the modern SARD
now accepted as a name
the reddish brown
Chalcedony. It is mentioned in the abbreviated
form as
part of the Mara [cha] dyou
street location in the Town of Penzance,
Cornwall, England. J. S. Harris states
lighter reddish orange
shades known
as Carnelian, are most often found as
pebbles lying loose on the surface or in
gravel deposits in the Arabian and Egyptian
Deserts. This gives connections
both by stone and travel mode [ass]
as to the origins of the mark of the Jew.
The suggestion is made by Cyrus H.
Gordon of Brandeis University,
in the Journal of Near Eastern Studies,
Vol. 29, Number 3, (July 1970),
that His
Name Is "ONE", in numerical
designation- or the first stone of
the Urim and
Thummim. The beginning and ending of all
things are the
Words of Yahweh
coming forth out of the Urim and Thummim, the same
as the still small voice
coming onward unto Elijah the
Prophet; conversing
with the Lord through
the veil in the Temple on Mount Zion in
↑ upΛ Sample Reference to Early Tinney [and Variations] Surnames:
Tenne, Roger de, from
The Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain
and Ireland During the Middle Ages,
Vol. 33, Historia et Cartularium
Monasterii Gloucestriae (S. Petri),
Tenne, Roger de, I. 389 . . . A. D. 1154
to 1189
CCCCXVII. De eodem. (This charter appears to
be misplaced.
It relates not
to Littleton but to Radeham.)
Sciant praesentes et futuri, quod ego Johannes,
Dei gratia abbas Sancti Petri
Gloucestriae et ejusdem loci conventus,
concessimus, et hac praesenti carta
nostra confirmavimus, Rogero de Tenne
et haeredibus suis, totam terram
illam quam dedit Lucas de Clanefelde
in Radehamme cum omnibus
pertinentiis suis; habendam et tenendam de
nobis et successoribus nostris
et haeredibus suis jure haereditario in
perpetuum, adeo libere et quiete,
bene et
in pace, sicut nos (f. 110b.) eandem terram
Reddendo inde annuatim nobis et
successoribus nostris ipse et haeredes
unam marcam argenti ad duos terminos,
videlicet medietatem ad festum
Sancti Michaelis, et aliam medietatem ad
festum Beatae Mariae in Martio,
omnibus servitiis et saecularibus demandis
ad nos ratione dictae terrae
pertinentibus; salvis nobis et successoribus
nostris duabus sectis curiae nostrae
ab eodem Rogero et haeredibus suis
nobis annuatim apud Lutletone faciendis.
Salvis etiam principalibus dominis feodi
redditu annuo sectis et servitiis eisdem
ratione dictae terrae debitis et consuetis.
Salvo etiam regali servitio. Idem vero
Rogerus juramentum nobis praestitit,
etc. Et ad majorem, etc . . .
Tinneme, Semer, Pipe
Roll Society Publications, [England], 1st Series,
Vol. 4, page 29, (A.D. 1160-1161)
Tinneme, Semer,
The surname Tinney and variations
is found interchangeably as
Tinnie/Tynnie and Tintinie.
For example,
in the Pipe Roll Society Publications,
[England], 1st Series:
Tinniaco, Willelmus de,
Vol. 16, p. 007, A.D. 1170-1171
[is written later as:]
Tintiniaco, Willelmus de, Vol.
19, p. 123, A.D. 1172-1173
Tintiniaco, Willelmus de, Vol.
21, p. 042, A.D. 1173-1174,
Norfolch' . 7 Svdfolch
Tintiniaco, Willelmus de, Vol.
22, p. 114, A.D. 1174-1175
[Research Note: Daniel Waley
mentions in the book:
The Papal State in the Thirteenth Century, [Italy],
published 1961,
Chapter IX, The Military Utility
of the Papal State, pages 276-277, that:
Before the provincial divisions of the State
were firmly fixed some other
form of
boundary might be named as the limit . . .
{1} Ficker, Forschungen,
IV, d. 225. In the twelfth century Orvieto had
military service between Tintinanno
in the north and Sutri in the south
(Lib. Cens., I, 391). A
Medieval Italian Commune, Siena Under The Nine,
A.D. 1287 - 1355, by William M. Bowsky,
published 1981, notes on pages 6
and 9, Rocca d'Orica or Tintinnano;
that for Rocca d'Orica or Tintinnano,
purchased by Siena in A.D. 1250 and sold to
the Salimbeni in A.D. 1274,
Repertorio; Lodovico Zdekauer, La
carta libertatis e gli statuti della
Rocca di Tintinnano, 1207-1297, BSSP,
III (1896), 327-376 . . .]
Tintinhull, from the
publications of the Selden Society, [England],
Vol. CVII, for the year 1991, English
Lawsuits from William I to Richard I,
Vol. II, Henry II and Richard I,
(Nos 347-665), #588,
MONTACUTE Cart., f{o}58 v{o}
(incomplete), dated 03 Oct A.D. 1187,
"In the year of the Lord 1187 I, Oliver
de Lanvaley, lord of Kingston,
recognized in the presence of Jocelin,
prior of Montacute, at Tintinhull
the full hundred court held there on the
Saturday in the octave of Michaelmas
that I Oliver and my men from the
vill of Kingston are obligated to go
times a year to the said hundred of Tintinhull,
as the other suitors
tithings of the said hundred come and are
bound to come to it, namely
on the
octave of Michaelmas, on the octave of
Epiphany and on the octave
of Hock
Day and that my foresaid men shall present
there everything
which [belongs]
to frankpledge . . .(1)
{o}[For the rights of the abbey of Montacute
in the hundred of Tintinhull
see Regesta iii, no. 591-592; Two
cartularies of the Augustinian priory
of Bruton and the Cluniac priory of
Montacute, (London), 1894, no. 58,
p. 146, (Somerset Record Society 8)
[Research Notes: P. W. Whitcombe, letter
dated 17 June 1975,
257 Chichester Road, Bognor Regis, Sussex,
"Dear Mr. Tinney,
When I was at the Society of Genealogists a
few days ago I saw your family
publication which interested me as we have Tinneys
as ancestors from the
seventeenth century . . . I have got back to
a marriage in High Ham, Somerset
(15 Oct 1574) between William Tynnie
and Elizabeth Whitehead. . . .
name is interchangeably Tinnie (Tynnie)
and Tintinie, sometimes one
in the Registers and another in the Bishops
Transcripts. . . . I am sure
comes from the Hamlet of Tintenhull,
a little to the south of High Ham
Long Sutton where I have found them. . .
This compound word form and location still
originates from the metal tin
and tin mining. Tintinnabulum
was a bell, ancient bells, as a bell
a sacrifice; like currently used church
bells, sheep bells, door-bells,
or bells for
summoning servants. A History of
the County of Oxford, Vol. XI,
in 1983, notes on page 43 that Duckworth
was the author
who wrote in
A.D. 1668, the book: "Tintinnalogia,
or the Art of Ringing.
Tintinhull appears
anciently to have been a gathering location
to summon
local leaders for meetings. Tin-kling was used with a bell of
"tinned' iron.
Thus, from the Latin
language, Tinnio, to ring, tinkle, to
sing, scream
or sound the alarm, to chink or to pay the
money, to bring to account.
The use of
the word Tin for money appears to have
ancient origins
in the Latin word tinnio,
which would relate to the activities
the payment for goods and services by Jewish
tin merchants
and others engaged
in commerce between nations or individuals.]
Tineo, See:
Asturias de Tineo, from The
Aristocracy in Twelfth-Century Leon and Castile,
Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and
Thought, Ser. 4, Vol. 34,
pages 239, 247, 273, 300:
Dated 5 Feb 1193, Asturias de Tineo;
listed under Appendix I,
The counts of Leon
and Castile, as a tenencias of Fernando
Nunez De Lara;
Dated 23 May 1189 and 21 Sep 1192,
as a
tenencias of Froila Ramirez;
Dated 01 Sep 1146 and 18 July 1167,
listed as a tenencias of Pedro Alfonso;
Dated 26 May 1120 and 21 May 1136,
listed as a tenencias of Suero Vermudez.
[Research Note: Asturias is a
location shown on a map
of Western Spain and Portugal,
circa A.D. 1150, page xvi.
It is a
region and former kingdom and province of northwest
It is located on the shores of
the Bay of Biscay, geographically west
of France
and southwest of the English Channel. [See:
Cross-Channel Seamanship and Navigation
in the Late First Millennium B.C.,
by Sean
McGrail, Oxford Journal of Archaeology,
Vol. 2, No. 3,
November 1983,
pages 319-on,
Mention is made in the Pipe Roll
Society Publications, [England],
New Series, Vol. 5, page 170, of TINNEY,
in Lifton, Devonshire,
vide BITUINIA, during 6 Richard I
(A.D. 1194), Michaelmas.
d Ros amunda debet xl s. pro habenda
rationabili parte sua
de feodo iiij militum in Sideham. et
Alreford'. et Panestana et Kari.
et Aslega. et Wagefen. et Mewi. et bituinia{8}
(Bitwinnia C.R.)
.uersus widonen de Albemar' et . . .
Tinneston, Thomas de, from Pipe
Roll Society Publications, [England],
1st Series, Vol. 24, page 218,
Feet of Fines, A.D. 1198-1199
Tene, Robert de, from
Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland
During the Middle Ages,
Vol. 53, page 17,
Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland,
(date assigned
to the latter part of the twelfth century),
is . . . Robert de Tene . . . in
Dublin Roll of Names . . .
Jacobus Presbyter Judaeorum,
a man of very high position,
moved freely
between Rouen [in France] and London [in
at the end of the 12th
century, and clearly served as the chief
of the Jews in both parts of the
Angevin realm.
The Black Book of
the Exchequer, No. 10, has a letter of De Wrotham,
dated A.D. 1198, with the
repeated format of non praesumat homo nec femina,
Christianus nec Judaeus.
In Rome, Italy, as late as the
thirteenth century A.D.,
the bridge of Hadrian,
the Pons Aelius, is called in
the Mirabilia Pons Judaeorum.
This name apparently was given due to the
fact that in the Middle ages,
the bridge was
lined with Jewish stalls and goods
were exposed there for sale to people
passing by.
[See: History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages,
Vol. I,
(A.D. 400-568), "The Jews in Rome", pages
The Venetian Republic was friendly to the
Jews and was part
of a few
Italian cities
dominating the commerce of the
an intermediary in the ancient trade
between Europe and Asia, noted
in The
World Encompassed, The First European
Maritime Empires,
c. A.D. 800 to 1650, by G.
V. Scammel, published 1981.
The great
and enormously profitable traffic in
oriental luxuries
became their prerogative and Venice
was turned into one vast entrepot,
exchange point in Europe's trade with the East.
For the defense
and advance of these trades
the Jews, among others, were reasonably
accommodated. Travel arrangements were
also made for pilgrims,
mainly to Jaffa, the
port for Jerusalem, now designated as the
Tel Aviv. Products went by sea from
Venice to England and Flanders,
to south
Spain, France and Italy, by land to northern
Italy, France,
Switzerland, the Low
Countries, part of the east European Continent,
by merchants of Augsburg, Ulm and Nurnburg
into Germany.
Venice received "from
England woollen textiles, wool, hides and tin."
There was a Venetian 'factory' in London
that dealt in tin, as noted
in the Cal.
Venetian State Papers, I, 492. The Jews, via
kept contact with England well after
A.D. 1315, when the Florentines
and others in
Italy, had an almost complete control over tin
Also, the Florentine
government had
authorized money lending
since at least
circa A.D. 1330. Before that, pardons were
issued to those who made such loans.
[See: Pope Eugenius IV and
Money-Lending in Florence:
The Case of Salomone
di Bonaventura during the
of Leonardo Bruni*, by
Andrew Gow and Gordon Griffiths, beginning
on page 282 of the Renaissance
Quarterly, Vol. XLVII, No. 2, Summer 1994.]
King John gave a charter to the tin
mines of Cornwall [England]
A.D. 1201 and in A.D. 1305, Edward I
granted another charter,
according to J. R. Leifchild's work: Cornwall
Its Mines and Miners.
The grant of King John, dated 29 Oct
1201, stated:
JOHANNES, Die gratia, Rex Angliae,
etc. Sciatis nos concessisse
quod omnes Stammatores nostri in Cornubia et
Devonia sint
liberi et quieti de placitis nativorum, dum
operantur ad commodum
firme nostre vel commodum marcarum novi
redditus nostri. Quia
stammariae sunt nostra dominica. Et
quod possint omni tempore
libere et quiete absque alicujus hominis
vexatione fodere stammum
et turbas ad stammum fundendum ubique in
moris et feodis
episcoporum et abbatum comitum sicut
solebant et consueverunt
et emere buscam ad funturam stammi sine
vasto in regardis
forestarum et divertere aquas ad operationem
eorum in stammariis
sicut de antiqua consuetudine consueverunt. Et quod non
recedant ab operationibus suis pro alicujus
summonicione nisi per
summonicionem capitalis custodis
stammariarum vel baillivorum
ejus. Concessimus etiam quod capitalis
custos stammariarum et
bailivi ejus per eum habeant super predictos
plenarium potestatem ad eos justificandos et
ad rectum producendos
et quod ab eis in carceribus nostris
recipiantur si contigerit quod
aliquis praedictorum stammatorum debeat capi
vel incarcerari pro
aliquo retto. Et si contigerit quod
aliquis eorum fuerit fugitivus
vel udlugatus quod catella eorum nobis
reddantur per manum cus-
todis stammariarum nostrarum, quia
stammatores firmarii
nostri sunt et semper in debito [dominico]
nostro. Praeterea concessimus
thesaurariis et ponderatoribus nostris ut
sint fideliores et intentiores
ad utilitatem nostram in receptione et
custodia thesauri nostri per
villas marcandas quod sint quieti in villis
ubi manent de auxiliis
et taillagiis dum fuerint in servito nostra
thesaurarii et pondera-
tores nostri quia nihil habent aliud vel
habere possunt per annum
pro predicto servicio nostro. Testibus
Wilielmo Comite Sarres-
buriae, Petro de Stokes, Warino filio
Geroldi. Data per manum
S. Wellensis Archidiaconi apud Bonam Villam
super Tokam
vicesimo nono die Octobris anno regni nostri
29 Oct 1201, 3 John.
Confirmed by Inspeximus,
36 Henry III., Rot Cart. m.
For a long period in the early history of
tin mining, the mines of Cornwall
appear to have been in the hands of the
Jews. They became possessors of
them chiefly by taking them as securities
for loans granted to the early Dukes
of Cornwall; and at several periods, when
the Jews were hotly persecuted,
those engaged in 'tinning' were
particularly exempted. Many curious remnants
of the Jewish rule are met with in Cornwall.
Rude furnaces are frequently
found beneath the soil of the existing
valleys, which are called Jew houses;
and the tin, which is often found in
blocks, formed, as it would seem, by
running the melted metal into a rude hollow
made in the soil, is called
'Jew's house tin'. (See also: British
Mining, by Hunt.)
Teinus, Reginald le, from Selden
Society, [England],
Select Pleas of the Crown,
A.D. 1200--1225, Vol. 1, published 1888,
pages 4-5, # 10, under title of:
Pleas of the Crown;
I. Pleas before the
Justices in Eyre in the Reign of King John;
Pleas at Launceston in the Third Year of the
Reign of King John (A.D. 1201);
Hundred of Pydershire.
# 10. Reginald le Teinus
accused of the receipt and fellowship
of Robert the outlaw comes and
defends. The jurors say
that they suspect him, and the four
neighbouring town-
ships say that they suspect him of it.
So let him purge
himself by water under the Assize. And
there must be
inquiry as to Richard Revel,
who was sheriff when
the said Robert escaped from his custody. [Research Note:
By 28 July 1232,
a substantial Jewish community was located
in Ireland,
as letters to the Jews in
Ireland, to be intentive to Peter des Rivall,
were issued.]
The town of Marazion, [England], opposite of
St. Michael's Mount
supposed to be the ancient port to which the
traders from the continent came],
is commonly known amongst the Cornish men as
Market Jew. A street in
Penzance, leading towards Marazion (Zion by
the sea), formerly had the name
of 'Market Jew-street'. About A.D. 1200,
Marazion was spelled Marghasbigan.
Market Jew, surviving as Market Jew Street
in the Town of Penzance, was
spelled circa 1200 A.D. as Marachadyou.
Etymologically, Mar[gh]a s[b]i[g]an
and Mara[cha]dyou, with
"dyou" as "De Yew", as in Psalm
68 of the
Old Testament. Jehovah is
from the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHWH
with the
addition of the vowel points of Adonai.
He is mentioned in shortened
form in
"Sing unto God, sing praises, to His
Name: extol Him that rideth
upon the
heavens by his Name JAH (pronounced YAH,
or fully Jahveh
or Yahveh) and
rejoice before Him." From a Hebrew
Nation standpoint,
the Latin deus (d)
speaking of deity Yew, from Yah
or Ya [h] v [eh].
[The letter v is
ancestral to
the letters u, w, y and f.]
Cha represents the abbreviated form
of the chalcedony stone equivalent
the copper [copper of Cyprus, known
anciently as the source of the best
or bronze [alloy of copper and tin]
emerald. This is a secret word
representation of the sea of glass and fire
[from Latin Mara for sea],
with Jehovah, represented as being at the
Mount Zion [Middle English Sion,
Old English Sion, from Late Latin Sion,
from Greek Seion, from Hebrew
Siyon] Temple in Jerusalem. This was the
place where the Jews who were
pure in heart wished to regather
again, from the Diaspora in the British Isles,
to converse with the Lord Jehovah.
The letter g inserted twice in
Mar gh a - s b i g an
for a representation of the camel, the Middle East
means of transportation, to return to Zion
by sea and then over land to
House of God. The letter b for beth,
inserted to represent the House of
Lord; the letter h, a laryngeal
consonant, inserted to represent the use
of the
larynx or vocal cords, to converse
with Jehovah, the Lord of Hosts.
He had
a paved work of pure gold,
in color like amber [a hard, translucent,
yellow, orange,
or brownish-yellow fossil
resin as in Tenne,
the mark of a Jew]
under His feet [the cha].
De la Beche gives from the Red
Book, in the Exchequer,
a copy of the
Regulations for the Stannaries: Liber
of the Treasury, [from the Capitula de Stannatoribus,9 Richard
A.D. 1197-1198, [England]:
Neither man nor woman, Christian nor Jew,
shall presume to buy or sell
any tin of the first smelting . . .
From this point
forward, the surname Tinney and variations, begins to
throughout the British Isles, with
better record keeping. A very explicit
reference to tin trading by Jews is noted
in Camden's Brittania
(A.D. 1586).
In the time of King John [known as John Lackland, King of England,
1199-1216; son of Henry II and brother of Richard I; signed
Magna Carta], the tin mines were farmed
by the Jews for 100 marks.
their product was very inconsiderable in
the time of King John,
the right of working
them being wholly in the King,
as Earl of Cornwall,
and the mines farmed by
the Jews for one hundred marks,
and, according
to this proportion, the tenth
of it, viz:-- 6 pound 13s. 4d.
is at this
day paid by the crown to the Bishop of
The Victoria History of the County
of Cornwall, [England],
edited by William Page,
F.S.A., Vol. I, reprinted 1975, page 476, states that:
"With the reign of John we have
the first official reference to the maritime life of
Cornwall;" in A.D. 1205 orders were
sent to the bailiffs of that and other western
counties to procure expert workmen and
seamen to build and navigate the king's
ships, {2} (Pat. 6 John, m 2.) and
their existence in A.D. 1205 imports previous
generations of craftsmen who furnished
unrecorded services.
The Patent and Close Rolls show that the
right of impressing ships and men
was strictly
enforced during this reign, and the 'common
form' character
of the orders proves that it
was no new proceeding. The names of
and their owners in the various ports were
registered by William of Wrotham,
administrative head of the navy, and Cornwall is
always included
in the writs sent to the
counties generally. . . . John's wars in Ireland
Wales in A.D. 1210 and A.D. 1212
necessitated general arrests
of ships in those years.
. . . In A.D. 1226 there was an order
ships to sail to French ports . . . in
A.D. 1230 there was another general
of all ships capable of carrying sixteen or
or more horses . . .
Yaqut, (A.D.
1179-1229), from the Dictionary of Scientific
considered genealogy the science of the
kings and nobility.
Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol.
4, in the B section, presents a review of
information on the Jewish Badge, the
distinctive sign compulsorily worn
Jews [Compare this with the Heraldry
practice of marks of disgrace].
Canon 68 of the Fourth *Lateran Council
(A. D. 1215), required that Jews
and Saracens of both sexes, in all Christian
lands and at all times, were
to be publicly differentiated from the rest
of the population by clothing.
In England, the papal influence was at this
time particularly strong.
Tun, Regin[aldus] de, from Historical
Research, [England],
The Bulletin of
the Institute of Historical Research,
67, Number 162, Feb 1994, page 9, is
in The Earliest English Muster Roll,
18/19 December [A.D.] 1215.
Tinne, John de,
from the Buckinghamshire Record Society,
Vol. 12, mention is made that as early
as A.D. 1215, John De Tinne,
archdeacon. Index: Tinne, John de,
See Oxford, archdeacons of:
John de Tynemova, or Tinne,
Note: John de Tinne was
archdeacon in A.D. 1215 and his successor
in A.D. 1223 (Le Neve, Fasti), and see no.
Grant to Ralf once official of John
de Tynemova, archdeacon of Oxford,
by Petronilla de Blecchesdon and her
daughters Albreda and Margaret
of the
land in St. Mary's parish given them
by master Martin. Ralf to pay
yearly to Thomas the goldsmith of Oxford and
his heirs for all services 32d.
For the
grant Ralf gave them 16 silver marks
in the presence
of the full portmoot
at Oxford. (c. 1215-1223)
Carta Petronille de Blecchendon' de
quadam terra que iacet inter terram
fuit Hugonis de Sancto Germano et
terram que fuit Rogeri de Mara.
Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Petronilla
de Blecchesdone et ego
Albreda et ego Margareta filie
eiusdem Petronille dedimus et concessimus
et hac presenti carta mea confirmauimus
domino Radulfo quondam officiali
magistri I(ohannis) de Tynemoua
archidiaconi Oxoniesis totam terram apud
Oxon' quam magister Martinus nobis
dederat in uico Sancte Marie scilicet
totam illam terram cum pertinenciis que
iacet inter terram que fuit
Hugonis de Sancto Germano et
terram que fuit Rogeri de Mara cementarii.
Habend' et tenend' libere et quiete ab omni
exaccione seculari ei et illis quibus
ipsam dare vel assignare uoluerit eciam
uiris religiosis si uelit. Reddendo inde
singulis annis xxxijd. Thome aurifabro
de Oxonia et heredibus suis pro
omnibus seruiciis scilicet xvjd. in
annunciacione domini et xvjd. in festo
Sancti Michaelis. Et nos (ect.
Warranty clause). Pro hac autem concessione
et confirmacione dedit nobis dictus Radulfus
xvj marcas argenti coram pleno
portimot apud Oxon'. In huius autem
rei testimonio ego Petronilla et ego
Albreda et ego Margareta
presenti carte sigilla nostra appendimus.
Hiis testibus Thoma filio Edwini
maiore Oxoniense Iordano de Bristoll'
Willelmo Crampe Ricardo cultellario
Willelmo Dosier' Iordano Cynser
Iohanne Pady. Thoma Feiteplace
Tunney, John
Tynney, Richard
List & Index Society,
[England], Chancery Patent Rolls, 23
- 29 Elizabeth I,
(C. 66/A.D. 1198 - 1270), Vol. 141, Index to
Grantees -
Tunney, John, A.D. 1218, m. 4d
Tynney, Richard, A.D. 1218, m. 20
Gillibertus filius Tunny,
from Selden Society, [England], Vol. 56,
published 1937,
Rolls of the Justices in Eyre, being The
Rolls of Pleas and Assizes for Yorkshire
3 Henry III (A.D. 1218-1219), page
363, # 1005.
"Gillibertus filius Tunny" (Gilbert
son of Tunny) appeals Richard son of Eskill
that he in the peace of the lord king robbed
him of 1 cow, 1 cap, and 1 cloak.
Richard comes and denies the peace of
the lord king and the robbery.
And since previously he alleged felony in
his appeal and now does not,
it is adjudged that the appeal is null and
he is in mercy for a false appeal.
Let him be taken into custody.
Tin', Simon de, from Selden
Society, [England], Vol. 59, published 1940,
Rolls of the Justices in Eyre, Being the
Rolls of Pleas and Assizes
Gloucestershire, Warwickshire and
Staffordshire, A.D. 1221, 1222,
pages 68-69, Civil Pleas at Gloucester, A.D.
1221, # 177,
Novel disseisin whether William de
Derneford', Walter the forester,
Godfrey the miller, Rannulf son of
Martin, Aldith of Oridge,
and Agnes of Oridge unjustly and without
judgment have disseized
Henry of Corse and Lucy his wife of
their common pasture in Corse
which belongs to their free tenement in the same village after the last,
etc. William comes
and willingly agrees to the assize.
The others
have not come and therefore
are in mercy for default.
The jurors say that William and the
others have so disseized them as the writ
says and after the term. Therefore it
is adjudged that they have their seisin
and the others be in mercy. Precept to
the sheriff. The jurors first said
that they
were not disseized and afterwards admitted
that they were. Therefore,
they are in
mercy for their false statement, namely Nicholas
de Hasting',
William le parker, Adam of Pitbrooke, Arnald of Ashleworth,
William of the weir, John of Evington, Geoffrey of Marwent, and
de Tin'. Damages, half
a mark by
pledge of Richard de Mucegros,
who is
likewise surety for the amercement. [Note: Simon is a given name
associated with many Biblical Jewish personages.]
There is historical evidence, as noted on a
seated figurine made of tin
[etc.], dug up at Bowden Moor, Lanlivery,
[England] presently dated to
belong to the time of Richard, Earl
of Cornwall and King of the Romans
(A.D. 1209-1272). It indicates Jewish
merchant defiance to King Richard
in Hebrew characters tentatively
interpreted as "Rapacious Eagle" &
"Jehovah is our King". This
asserts that Jehovah was the true King
of the Jews. By
28 July 1232, a substantial Jewish community
was located in
Ireland, as letters
to the Jews in Ireland,
to be intentive to Peter des
were issued.
Tyney, Phillip, born about 1246, in England.
Tena, Sancho of
The Templars in the Corona de Aragon
[a region of northeastern Spain],
(London: Oxford University Press, 1973)
Under lists of Officials, is found Sancho
of Tena,
March 1255 through
February 1258 (with Boquineni).
Records of Early English Drama,
Somerset, [England],
Vol. 1, The Records, page 423; Vol. 2, page
1033, Latin Glossary,
teneo, -ere, -ui, -tum v tr
literally to hold: 1. to hold a meeting,
court session,
or other event, page 423, lines 5 and 9,
Diocese of Bath and Wells, circa A.D. 1258, Statutes
for the Diocese of Bath
and Wells, Vatican Library,
[Rome, Italy]: MS ottob. lat. 742 f 110v cols 1-2*
. . .
[5] quod placita secularia
non teneantur in ecclesiis
uel in cimiteriis. Rubrica
. . .
[9] diebus dominicis uel
aliis publica habeantur mercata
ut placita teneantur
. . .
Tenny de Pyrii, from Yorkshire
Archaeology Society Record Series,
[England], Vol. 12, page 83, . . . Yorks
Inquisitions . . .
Killinge Farm
. . . Inq. p.m., (44 Hen. III, No. 26.),
Writ dated at Westminster, 1 August, 44th
year [A.D. 1260]
Manser son of Aaron, the
Tinnewinneshell, Richard de
Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, [England], Vol. III, Tinnewinneshell,
D 276,
dated 23 Nov, 45 Henry III (A.D.
Bond by Richard de Tinnewinneshell,
of the county of Bedford,
to Manser son of Aaron, the Jew,
for 10 marks,
to be paid
at Midsummer next.
[Research Note: Richard de
appears to be a wealthy Irish Jewish
Merchant residing in the county
Bedfordshire, England in A.D. 1260-1261. Shel
or Shell in Irish
is a variation of siol,
meaning: seed [of the body], generation, posterity.
As noted in The Origin and History of
Irish Names of Places, Vol. II,
published in
1912, by P. W. Joyce, LL. D., one of
the Commissioners
for the Publication
of the Ancient Laws of Ireland, page 206,
the common word for milk is baine (bonnia,
and it occurs in names in such forms
as wanny, vanny, winny.
Thus: Tinne + (milk) + (generation or posterity).
a book of Holy Scripture,
in Chapter 11, verses 4-5, that I
(the Lord
God of Israel), commanded your fathers in the
that I brought them forth out of
the land of Egypt . . . to give them
a land flowing
with milk and honey (a
sweet, yellowish
or brownish
the mark of a Jew. As noted before, a
Jewish lamp with menorah has been
found in
England, approximately dated the 4th
century A.D.]
Tyne, Hugone de, from History
of Northumberland, [England],
Vol. 1, page 139n, A.D. 1266
Tinnere, Alexander le, from
Patent Rolls - Henry III, [England],
A.D. 1216 to 1272, Vol. VI, A.D. 1272 . . .
July 30 . . . Westminster
. . . Alexander le Tinnere, merchant
of St. Edmunds . . .
Tynnur (?), William , from Yorkshire
Archaeology Society Record
Series, [England], Vol. 12,
page 141, . . . " . . . William Tynnur (?)
half . . .
of land in the same manner, for 2d . .
. . . dated I Edw I #31 . . .
A.D. 1274
By A.D. 1275, King Edward I of
England, in the statutum de Judeismo,
stipulated the color of the badge was yellow
in color or of two shades,
and red. Since orange,
or Tenne, is any of a group of colors
between red
and yellow in hue, of
medium lightness and moderate
saturation, the mark
of disgrace or Tenne in Heraldry appears to be
"the mark
of a Jew" used elsewhere.
This is shown in word usage
as follows: From The
Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain
and Ireland
During the Middle Ages, Vol. 14,
Political Poems and Songs Relating to
English History,
"Glossary and Index of Obsolete English
is listed:
tene - grief,
sorrow, affliction; i, 71; ii, 125
tene - to afflict,
to grieve; i, 224
tenet - afflicts
tenyd - injured, hurt; i, 395
tyne - to lose; i,
tint - lost
Tene, Robert de,
from Calendar of Close Rolls - Edward I,
A.D. 1272 to 1307, Vol. I, p. 320, dated 17
Nov 1276 - Westminster -
. . . "Robert de Tene and John
Corbyn and brother Nicholas de Bredon,
imprisoned at Warwick for the death of William
le Hare, wherewith they
are charged, have letters to the sheriff of
Warwick to bail them . . ."
A writ issued in 1283 was sent to the
Sheriff of Cornwall, [England] to go
all the chests of the chirographers of the
Jews. The Jews were involved
the international metals market as verified
in Jewish Historical Studies,
[England], Vol. 32, (1993), Jewish entries
from the Patent Rolls,
A.D. 1272
to 1292. Under date of 6 February
1283 Rhuddlan, a Commission
to enquire touching certain Jews who are
dealing with foreign merchants
. . . in false sheets of tin silvered
outside, etc.
Also, under the date of
5 August 1285 Woolmer . . .
buying sheets of
silver from the Jews in England,
Tin, from the Oxford
English Dictionary, is to cover (with tin);
to solder; to can; to seal up. It is:
one of the well-known metals,
approaching silver in whiteness and lustre,
highly malleable
and taking a
high polish; used in the manufacture of
articles of block tin;
in the formation
of alloys, as bronze, pewter, etc., and on
account of its
resistance to
oxidation, for making tin-plate and
lining culinary
and other iron vessels.
Thus, tincture has to do with dye,
a tub was usually 'tinned';
tin-kling with a bell of 'tinned'
iron, and
tine or tyne: to shut the
door, mouth, to enclose;
to furnish with tines or prongs; to
to branch out; the branch or separation.
To tin-ct was used to imbue or
impregnate with some substance or quality.
Also, in the French language, Tine:
a tub or water cask;
also, in the Italian language, Tinnire:
to sound (trumpets).
Antiquaries Journal,
[England], Index Vol. 1-20,
Vol. 11, page 130, the Tenison Psalter,
of date A.D. 1284
Tene, from Calendar
of Documents - Ireland, Vol. 3, A.D. 1285 to 1292,
. . . "The bishop rode to Tene,
went to the treasurer . . ."
The Hebrew alphabet letter
The letter "T", called TAW,
is the 22nd and the last letter of the Hebrew
alphabet. TAWNY
is the Jewish color, appearing whitish-brown,
as of a she-ass.
Zechariah 9: 9, states: "Rejoice
greatly, O daughter of Zion;
shout, O
daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King
cometh unto thee: he is just,
and having
salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass,
and upon a colt the foal
of an ass."
(Mark 11: 1-11, and Luke
19: 35-40 ". . . And they brought him
[the colt]
to Jesus: and they cast their garments
upon the colt, and they
thereon . . ."). Tawer,
from Selden Society, [England], Vol. 30,
published 1914,
Select Bills in Eyre, A.D. 1292-1333, defined in Glossary,
page 162, as: Tawer (pp. 29, 139). One who taws
or dresses leather,
the tanned hide of an
animal, usually with the hair removed.
See the verb
'to taw' in the New English Dictionary. Thus, the
connection is shown
between the word, the color and the she-ass,
in England, as it relates
to the Jews who had resided there. Rabbi Bernard Susser, author of
Jews of South-West England, suggests:
"One may gauge the extent
of the
involvement of medieval English Jews
with tin mining in Devon
by the steep
decline in the Devon output of tin
from 87 thousand weight
in A.D. 1291 to 38
thousand weight in A.D. 1296."
This decline has been
attributed to the
expulsion of the Jews [from England],
in A.D. 1290.
Tunne, Maude, from
Yorkshire Archaeology Society Record Series,
[England], Vol. 23, page 141, York
Inquisitions- A.D. 1292
Tunny, Robert, from Yorkshire
Archaeology Society Record Series,
[England], Vol. 121,
Tunny, Robert, q., page 97 (A.D.
Tunning, Robert, from Lists
and Indexes, Great Britain Public Record Office,
Supplementary Series, No. XV, Index to
Ancient Correspondence
of the Chancery
and the Exchequer, Vol. 2, L-Z, published
page 487, in conjunction with: Lists and Indexes,
Britain Public Record Office, No. XV,
List of Ancient
Correspondence of the Chancery and
published 1968,
Vol. 29, page 444, # 145.
[Most of the letters in this volume lack the
name of either writer or recipient.]
# 145. ---- to ----: he has received
the appointment of attorneys by Joan wife
of William de Valence in a suit against
the king. [Dated: Spring, A.D. 1294]
. . . Tunning, Robert, attorney of J.
de Valence.
Tena, Peter of
The Templars in the Corona de Aragon
[a region of northeastern Spain]
(London: Oxford University Press, 1973), p.
44. A. J. Forey relates that
A.D. 1295, Gayeta, the wife of Peter
of Rueda, provided in her will
for the
celebrating of daily masses for a year. Peter
of Tena, by the terms
of his
wife's will, was obliged to see that 2,000
masses were said for her
soul by
a chaplain provided by the Templars in
Tuny, Rob.,
from Yorkshire Archaeology Society Record Series,
Vol. 31, page 23, Yorks Inquisitions, A.D.
Tene, Isabel
Tene, Walter de, from Yorkshire
Archaeology Society Record Series,
[England], Vol. 121, page 161, A.D. 1296
Tene, Walter de, and Isabel
his wife,
d. (Walter de Teye . . .
of the Manor of Kayso . . .)
Teny, Agnet, from Sussex
Record Society, [England],
Vol. 10, page 32, Subsidy in A.D. 1296,
Teny, Agnet . . . Hundr de Ristondenn
- Sussex
Tunny, Laurencius, fil.,
from Yorkshire Archaeology Society Record Series, [England], Vol. 16,
page 5,
Yorkshire Lay Subsidies of the Reign of
Edward I. (A.D. 1297)
Oustewyke Laurencius filius Tunny
habet; bovem, precium vs;
iiij quart
avene, precium iiijs; j jumentum precium ijs
vjd ;
fenum vjd Summa
bonorum, xijs. Nona, xvjd.
Tene, Henry de, from A
Lincolnshire Assize Roll for [A.D.] 1298,
(P.R.O. Assize Roll No. 505), The
Publications of the Lincoln Record Society,
published 1944, Vol. 36, page cvi
. . . John Gode of Boston
[Lincolnshire, England] was in A.D. 1298 empanelled
on a jury which had to determine whether a
certain Henry de Tene, a merchant
of Brabant, [province of Belgium in which is
situated the capital Brussels], was
trying to evade paying the king's custom on
13 dickers of hides which he bought
at Fleet [Hampshire, England] and wished to
send away thence. Henry's defence
was that he was sending the hides to
Yarmouth [Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England]
for export, and was going to pay the dues
there. The jurors upheld him over this.
John the Tinner, from Report
and Transactions Devonshire Association,
[England], Vol. 91, page 117,
John the Tinner is listed under date
of 01 July 1301
Tyn, Galfrid.
Tun, Hugo
Tunay, Rob.
Tynay, Will.
Yorkshire Archaeology Society Record
Series, [England], Vol. 21,
Yorkshire Lay Subsidies Edward I
xxx mo (A.D. 1301-1302)
Tun, Hugo fil., page 60:
(De Hugone filio Tun- Thorneton')
Tunay, Rob., page 9:
(De Roberto Tunay- Helayghe)
Tyn, Galfrid. fil., page 21: (De
Galfrido filio Tyn- Byrscoyg')
Tynay, Will., page 18:
(De Willelmo Tynay- vs jd q.- Manefelde)
Tynten, John de, the elder
Tynteyn, Tynteine, Tyntene, Tynten,
Tinetyn, John de, the younger,
from Calendar of Patent Rolls - Edward
II, [England], A.D. 1307 to 1327,
Vol. I, pages 243, 253, 263, 368-369, 420
[Research Note: John de Tynten,
the elder,
appears in List & Index Society,
Vol. 26, published 1967,
Miscellanea Vol. III., Bundles 33-57, in
Bundle 52,
for Cornwall, File # 2, on page
242, # 62,
with date of writ given as
12 Hen. VI [A.D. 1433-1434], for:
Fine, 14 Edward II [A.D. 1320-1321]
Manor of Tynten [in Cornwall,
England]; John de Tynten, the elder,
and Nicholas de Chaylon, chaplain,
. . .]
Tentini, Cerbius, from Calendar
of the Close Rolls - Edward II, [England],
A.D. 1307 to 1327, Vol. IV, page 607
Tene, Walter, from Calendar
Justiciary Rolls - Ireland,
Vol. 3, A.D. 1308-1314, page 209,
. . . Yet of pleas of the Crown and Delivery
of Gaol at Drogheda
before the
said Justiciar, Day and year as Above
A.D. 09 May 1311
. . . Walter Tene, juror(s) summoned,
come not.
Therefore let them be in mercy . . .
Records of Early English Drama,
Somerset, [England],
Vol. 1, The Records, page 177; Vol. 2, page
1033, Latin Glossary,
teneo, -ere, -ui, -tum v tr
literally to hold: 2. to hold (land)
by rendering
service to the lord of a manor, page 177,
line 24, etc.,
North Curry, A.D. 1314, Liber Albus
II WCL, ff 55v-6*
(Custumal of the tenants of North Curry
. . .
Iohannes de Muridene tenet
I Mesuagium cum curtilagio I ferdellum
terre cum
. . .
Tenu, William de, from The
Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain
and Ireland During the Middle Ages,
Vol. 62, #3, The Register of
Richard de Kellawee . . .Bp. of
Durham, A.D. 1314-1316, page 282
Tynyng, Simon, from
Yorkshire Archaeology Society Record Series,
[England], Vol. 78, Wakefield Court Rolls
Tynyng, Simon, page 23, 9 Edward
II, A.D. 1315
Tinney, Tinhay, Tuneum,
from Calendar of Patent Rolls - Edward II,
[England], A.D. 1307 to 1327, with Vol. II,
A.D. 1313 to 1317, page 598,
Tinney, Tinhay, Tuneum, in Lifton
parish, Co. Devon [England],
10 Nov 1316, York - Membrane 8d . . . John
Wyth of Tinney (de Tuneo),
John le Webbe of Tinney . . .
Teny, Thomas, from The
Index Library, [England], published 1908,
Vol. 37, Abstracts of Wiltshire
Inquisitiones Post Mortem, returned
into the Court of Chancery in the reigns of Henry
III, Edward I,
and Edward II, A.D. 1242 - 1326, page
408, Edward Burnel,
Extent made before the King's escheator at
Warministre, 21st January,
10 Edward II [A.D. 1316], upon the
true value of the knight's fees
advowsons of Churches which were of Edward
lately deceased,
in co. Wilts, on the day that he died,
which by reason of his death are
taken into the King's hand,
by the oath of Robert
le Boor, John de Tynhude, William atte Halle,
Bradeford, William de Gatecoumbe, John de Birton,
John Manger,
John Bernard, Geoffrey Maudut, John
John le Chipenham, Thomas Teny, and
John de Bradeford,
who say that
The said Edward
Burnel had on the day that he died in the said county
the advowson of the Church of Fennysutton,
and it is worth per annum,
according to its true value, 30 pound.
Tunne, Margaret, from
Yorkshire Archaeology Society Record Series,
[England], Vol. 78, Wakefield Court Rolls
Tunne, Margaret, page 60, for dry
wood; 9 Edward II, A.D. 1316
Tyny, Thomas, from:
Archaeological and Natural History Society,
[England], Vol. 1,
page 99,
Abstracts of Feet of Fines (Ed I &
Ed II),
Tyny, Thomas, listed as def. in Edward
II, A.D. 1318 . . .
1 messuage, 30 acres of land and 4 acres of
meadow in Stupelasshton
Tynne, John, from Calendar
of Patent Rolls - Edward II,
[England], A.D. 1307 to 1327, Vol. III, page
15 Feb 1319, York - Membrane 26 . . . "
. . . has letters nominating
Peter de Lymeseye and John Tynne
his attorneys for one year " . . .
Tyny, Thos., from Wiltshire
Magazine, [England],
Vol. 36, page 444,
Thos. Tyny listed as a Witness, under
date of 05 Nov 1321
Tenny, William, son of
William Tenny, from:
of Patent Rolls - Edward III, [England],
A.D. 1327 to 1377,
Vol. I, page 121,
dated 13 June 1327 - York membrane 15 -
"William son of William Tenny
of Piddose Burton for the death of
Thomas Gawele of Hoton in
Holdernesse, killed before the coronation."
Tiny, Thomas, from Calendar
of Patent Rolls -
Edward III, [England],
A.D. 1327 to 1377, Vol. I, page 239,
dated 28 Feb 1328 - York
Pardon of Thomas Tiny for acquiring
for life, the bedelry of the hundred
of Wheruellesdoun, and the Keepership of the
woods of Ayshton and
Edenton, from the abbess of Romeseye, who
holds the same in chief,
and for entering thereon, whthout licence;
and licence for him to retain
the same. By fine of 1/2 mark. Wilts.
[Mentioned also in A History of
Wiltshire, Vol. V, published 1957,
page 67, In A.D. 1328-9, Thomas Tiny
was pardoned for acquiring
bedelry of Whorwellsdown hundred from the
Abbess of Romsey
without licence.{20} Abbrev. Rot. Orig. (Rec.
Com.), ii. 25]
Tyne (Tine), Alan, from Calendar
of Patent Rolls -
Edward III, [England],
A.D. 1327 to 1377, Vol. I, page 405,
dated 06 July 1329 - Guildford -
Confirmation of the following grants in
mortmain of lands and rents
Beverley for the fabric of the Church of St.
Mary in that town: -
" . . . out of the land and house which
Alan Tyne held in fee,
from Robert son of Inetta;
" . . .
Tene, Alice
Tene, Wm de
Some Account of Colton and of the De
Wasteney's Family,
[Staffordshire, England], page 45,
Tene, Wm de, and Alice, wife of,
Colton in the A.D. 1330's
Tyny, Walter, from The
Index Library, [England], Abstracts
of Wiltshire Inquisitiones Post Mortem
returned into the Court
Chancery in the Reign of King Edward III,
A.D. 1327 - 1377,
published 1914, Vol. 48, page 58, John de
Inquisition made at Stepelashstone
before the King's escheator,
28th April, 4 Edward III [A.D. 1331],
by the oath of
William de Testewode, John de Langeford,
Walter Attewode,
Richard Michel, Roger Treyberge, Walter
Tyny, John Totyn,
John le Palmere, John de Baa, William le
Zong, Thomas le Clerk,
and John Oysel, who say that . . .
[Research Note:
A Thomas Tyny is listed as def. in Edward
II, A.D. 1318 . . .
1 messuage, 30 acres of land and 4 acres of
meadow in Stupelasshton.]
The Wiltshire Tax List of A.D. 1332,
[England], edited by
D. A. Crowley, published 1989,
Wiltshire Record Society,
pages 50-52,
Steeple Ashton (Stepulastone)
John Tutyn (See A.D. 1331
entry for John Totyn)
. . .
Christine Tyny
2s 8d
. . .
Walter Tyny
. . .
William Tyny
5s 4d
. . .
West Ashton (Westastone)
. . .
Henry Tyny
5s 6d
. . .
John Palmere (See A.D. 1331
entry for John le Palmere)
. . .
Thomas Tyny
6s 2 1/4 d
. . .
Tinhead (Tynhyde)
John de Tynhyde
8s 4d
. . .
Edington (Edynto . . .)
. . .
John le Teyn
2s 6d
. . .
Tyny, Henry, from Wiltshire
Magazine, [England],
Vol. 37, pages 4 and 5, mention is made of:
. . . 1 a(cre) in the fields of West Ashton
. . .
which Henry Tyny hold for the term of
his life . . .
(undated . . . about A.D. 1300's)
(See listing above in A.D. 1332 Wiltshire
Tax List.)
Tine, Edwardo de, from Surrey
Record Society, [England],
Vol. 11, page 33, listed in:
Surrey taxation Returns Villata de
The 1332 Assessment (Exchequer, K. R.,
Subsidies 18414)
Tymyng, Thomas, from Calendar
of Patent Rolls -
Edward III, [England],
A.D. 1327 to 1377, Vol. II, page 346,
dated 12 May 1332 - Woodstock - Membrane 34d
" . . . Thomas Tymyng, . . . and
others, coming armed to Croyland . . ."
Tynneslewe, Roger de, from Calendar
of Patent Rolls -
Edward III, [England],
A.D. 1327 to 1377, Vol. II, pages 1, 13;
keeper of hays in Sherwood forest.
[Appears as an example of:
The Tineman,
Sax., in old forest law,
was a petty officer of the forest, one
who had the care
of vert and venison by
night, and performed other servile duties.] Tynneslowe
is mentioned in Selden Society, [England],
Year Books of Edward II; Vol. III,
3 Edward
II, A.D. 1309-1310, published 1905,
page 145, Tynneslowe {2}
modern Tinsley, near Sheffield, West Riding,
Tenne, Wm. atte, from
Kent Records,
Documents illustrative of
Kentish Society [England],
published 1964 by
the Kent Archaeological
Records Publication Committee, Vol.
XVIII, page 109,
The Kent Lay Subsidy of A.D. 1334/1335
Wm. atte Tenne 3s.
Tenyty, John, from Lists
and Indexes, Great Britain Public Record Office,
Supplementary Series, No. XV, Index to
Ancient Correspondence
of the Chancery
and the Exchequer, Vol. 2, L-Z, published
page 456, in conjunction with: Lists and Indexes,
Britain Public Record Office, No. XV,
List of Ancient
Correspondence of the Chancery and
published 1968,
Vol. 37, page 579, # 163.
List of men at arms with the earl of
Warwick. [c. 26 July 1339].
Formerly sewn to no. 162 above.
Tenyty, John
Tenny, Nicholas, from Calendar
of Patent Rolls -
Edward III, [England],
A.D. 1327 to 1377, Vol. IV, page 231,
dated 30 Oct 1339, Membrane 25 - Langley,
"John atte Bregge
of Pideborton,
for the death of Nicholas Tenny" By p.s.
Tyny, William, from Calendar
of Patent Rolls -
Edward III, [England],
A.D. 1327 to 1377, Vol. IV, pages 352 to 355,
dated, A.D. 1339 time period, in Somerset
and Devonshire [England],
" . . . and William Tyny,
suspected of breaking the close, and houses
of the
said Alan" (de Cherteton,
Knight) "at Wytenham, co. Somerset,
and taking
away 9 oxen and 154 sheep, with other goods
. . ."
ALSO: at Northmolton, co. Devon . . . (a
similar complaint)
The Edington Cartulary,
edited by Janet H. Stevenson,
Wiltshire Record
Society, published 1987, Vol. 42, page 59, #
[ff. 77v.-78] 29 Apr 1340. Quitclaim, with
warranty, from Martin, brother
of William Hourdy, to John Talebot
of Troubrigge of 1 virgate in Tenhyde
which John had be demise of Joan,
wife of the said William.
Witnesses: Richard Walwayn, Richard
Dauntesye, William atte Purye,
Walter de Edyndon, John atte Welle, Thomas
Tyny, John le Theyn,
Stephen de Kyngeston.
Troubrigge, Sat. after St. Mark, 14 Edward III
Tenny, Nicholas, from Calendar
of Patent Rolls - Edward III, [England],
A.D. 1327 to 1377, Vol. V, page 59,
dated 12 Nov 1340 - Reading
Membrane 20 -
"Exemplification under the seal now in
use of letters patent,
dated 30 October, 13 Edward III,
pardoning John atte Brigge
Pideseburton for the death of Nicholas
Tini Beg, A.
D. 1340/1, mentioned as part of the KHANS,
the Line
of Batu'ids (The Blue Horde), in south
and western Kipchak. [See: John Andrew Boyle,
Successors of Genghis Khan,
(New York:
Columbia University Press, 1971).
Ross, Rulers and Governments of the World,
(London: Bowker,
1980, a reprint of 1978), Vol. I,
Times to A.D. 1491, p. 235, under the title:
that Territory comprised as part
present-day USSR, with the capital
established at Old Sarai
(now Sarai-Batu)
and then New Sarai
(now Sarai-Berke).]
Tyny, see: Teny
Tyny, Joan
Tyny, and see: Tony,
Tyny, Nicholas
Tyny, Thomas
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural
History Society, [England],
Vol. 29, pages 159, 288, 289, A.D. 1344 - 18
Edward III,
. . . and of the meadow and pasture, which Thomas
and Joan
his wife and Nicholas their son
hold for term of life . . .
Tenny, Nicholas, from Calendar
of Patent Rolls -
Edward III, [England],
A.D. 1327 to 1377, Vol. VI, page 218,
dated 09 Mar 1344 - Westminster - Membrane
30 -
"Pardon to John atte Brigge of
Pidse Burton, imprisoned in the Marshalsea
for the death of Nicholas Tenny,
'parker' of Brustewyk, as it appears
by the
record of William Scot and his
fellows, justices of the King's Bench,
that he
killed him in self-defence."
Tennere (Tynnere), Abraham le,
Tenne, John de
Black Prince's Register,
[Edward, 1330-1376, Prince of Wales
and son of Edward III],
lists, in Part I and Part II, the following:
Tenne, John de, attorney,
Westminster [England],
Part I, A.D. 1346 to 1348, on page
August 8, A.D. 1347, Westminster, Folio 101,
Order to John Moveroun, the prince's
yeoman and constable
the castle of Launceveton, --as the prince,
at the request
of the earl of
Arundell, has granted at bail the body of
Howel ap Gronou to
Sir Richard Talbot, Sir Rees ap
Rees ap Madok of Hendor and David ap Madok of Hendor,
who have
undertaken, body for body, to cause
him to come
when and where the prince will,
on fifteen days notice,
to stand
to law, --to release him to them at bail,
and deliver him
to William Hawardyn and John de Tenne,
their attorneys,
by indenture,
warning the latter in the presence of good
to have his body before
Sir William de Shareshull and
his fellows at
the sessions to be held in
North Wales on Monday after Michaelmas next.
Tennere (Tynnere), Abraham le,
Part II: The present volume is the
second installment of a Calendar
of four
registers . . . relating to the prince's
affairs in the Duchy of Cornwall . . .
pp. 110-111,
. . . with reference to the enclosed
petition which has been handed
to the
prince by Abraham le Tennere of
Cornewaille concerning
some tin-workings of his in those parts .
. .
. . . Petition from Abraham le Tynnere
of Cornewaille shewing
that he
has six places proper for digging tin,
to wit, . . .
. . . to send a letter to William de
Spridlynton ordering him
to find by
inquisition what damage and loss the prince
has suffered by the disturbance
of Abraham le Tennere
and other
workers in the mine of Glen, . . .
Rabbi Bernard Susser, The
Jews of South-West England,
published 1993,
information concerning the rise and decline
of their Medieval and Modern
Communities. Rabbi Susser
marks the Tinney
surname as Jewish. In his
he states that as late as A.D.
1342, the name of at least one
tin mine owner, Abraham the Tinner,
who owned a number
of stream
works in A.D. 1342 and employed several
hundred men,
"suggests that he was of Jewish origin".
On the other hand,
Edward MacLysaght, in The Surnames of Ireland,
Tiney, Tinney, Tyney as variants of Mac Atinney in Donegal.
Ashinagh: Mac an tSionnaigh (sionnach, fox),
now usually
called Fox. It is
sometimes abbreviated phonetically to MacAtinney,
which is an Armagh
family, a branch of which migrated to Mayo,
and it is suggested it applies to the Tinney
surname which is found
in Donegal.
However, P. W. Joyce, LL. D., one of
the Commissioners
for the Publication
of the Ancient Laws of Ireland, wrote:
Origin and History of Irish Names of Places, Vol. I published
1910. He mentions on page 216 that Teine
is the
general word for fire,
and in modern names it is usually found forming the termination tinny.
Additionally, Richard Smith, in soc.genealogy.medieval conversations,
dated Mar. 1, 2018, opined that [The Irish Gaelic word for fox is spelt "sionnach".
"sinnoch" doesn't conform to the rule, caol le caol agus leathan le leathan.
The genitive form after a definite article would be "an tsionnaigh" meaning
"of the fox". If the surname really does derive from this, and I've no idea
whether the name might have several independent origins, the surname
will likely have been "Mac an tSionnaigh": "son of the fox".]
In the earliest
times in Ireland, as elsewhere, beacon fires
were in common use,
for the guidance of
travellers or to alarm the country in any sudden emergency.
The spots where signal
or festival fires used
to be lighted are still, in many cases,
indicated by the names,
though in almost all these places the custom has,
for ages, fallen into disuse.
One of the names used was teine [tinne].
It is found in:
near Coleraine, the wood of the fire;
in Donegal, (dun, a fort),
thus the Donegal
Tinney "of the fire"
at the fort;
near Clogher in Tyrone, the summit of the fire;
near Granard in Longford, Teine-phobail,
the fire of
the parish or congregation,
indicates some festive assembly round a fire;
in the parish of Kilmurry Clare,
was anciently, and is still
called in Irish,
the stepping-stones of the fire
tree, from a large tree
which grew near the crossing, under
which May fires
used to be lighted;
Creeve, in the parish
of Ardnurcher, Westmeath, anciently called:
[Creeve-tinne: Four Mast.], the branchy tree
of the fire.
The plural of teine
is teinte [tinte], as in:
near Glanworth, Cork, the meadow of the fires;
in the parish of Rossinver, Leitrim, i.e.,
the summit of the fires.
This word, with the
English plural added, gives names to Tents, (i.e. fires),
three townlands in Cavan, Fermanagh, and
Leitrim; and the English
is substituted for the Irish plural
in Tinnies in
Valentia Island.
The diminutive is found in Clontineen
in Westmeath,
and in Tullantintin in
Cavan, the meadow and the hill of the little fire.
The Irish Tinney line as an
anglicized version of a Celtic phrase
"son of the fox", is a far
cry from the tin mines of Cornwall,
unless one
considers the need for secrecy
prevalent throughout time
by Jews, in hiding their real identity, due to
intense anti-Semitism
over time. However,
Conservation of
Irish Habitats and Species does
indicate that the red fox is Ireland’s only
member of the Canidae family.
They are easily recognizable by their small doglike appearance.
Coloration consists of a reddish to brown
tint with a long bushy tail
often with a white tip. As a madra rua, in maturing, the coat colour
changes from its original dark brown to
foxy red. In Irish,
red fur,
is rua (roo-uh),
and dyed or painted red is called dearg
As noted before, The Kassel Manuscript of Bede's
'Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum' and its old English material,
by T. J. M. Van Els, published 1972, mentions Tunna was Abbot of
the monastery he
had founded at Tunnacestir. When his
brother Imma
was severely wounded in
the Battle of the Trent in A.D. 679,
he went out
to search for him. Imma
is a short form of compound personal names.
It has been suggested that the base may be
connected with an Old Norse
imr 'wolf'. Albert M. Hyamson, F.R.His.S., A History of the Jews in England,
(1908), relates that "Resemblances have
been traced between the Hebrew
Cornish languages; and it has been pointed
out that Jewish names
were once
common among the inhabitants of
Cornwall." [There were Biblical
names in
Cornwall during the Saxon period.] Samson
was an Israelite Judge,
dealing with foxes;
from Hebrew Shimshon,
"like the sun"; [compare
Mac Ashinagh]; from shemesh,
There is also the discovery of a brick
by the Romans, found during excavations in
Mark Lane, in London,
circa A.D. 1650. The
brick, which was the keystone of an arched
full of burnt corn, bore on one side a
raised representation of Samson
driving the
foxes into a field of corn.
Thus, as stated before, it appears that
this idea of the source of all light
has also
followed down traditionally in the Tinia variations
noted by
Edward O'Reilly in An Irish-English Dictionary, published in Dublin, Ireland,
in A.D. 1864.
Here, the 16th letter of the
Irish alphabet is listed as:
Tinne, a. meaning
"wonderful, strange"; adv. meaning almost.
Tinne, s.
meaning "a chain; the
name of the letter 'T'."
"T" is the
16th letter of the Irish alphabet
and ranked among the
hard consonants. Also,
tin, s.f.,
a beginning, fire;
[as in Cornish Tan: fire;
Cornish Tehan: a firebrand;
a gross, corpulent, fat [as in
Cornish Tenn: rude; rustic];
also, tender [as in Cornish Tyner:
soft [as in Cornish Tene: sucking (too
to be weaned;
Cornish Tena: to suck)];
thin [as in Cornish Tanau: thin, slender,
small, lean].
tine, s.f., fire,
a link;
[the link, the constant attachment there is
betwixt the tongue
(which is the fire)
of the eloquent, and the ears of the audience.]
tin or tion, v.
to melt or dissolve, O'B.
tinn, adj.,
sick; inflection of teann, brave, etc.
[See: Antiquities, Historical and
Monumental, of the County of Cornwall,
by William Borlase, LL.D., F.R.S.,
pages 103, 106; also A Cornish-English Vocabulary.]
Tino Family
Public Life in Renaissance Florence,
[Italy], by Richard C. Trexler,
published 1980,
discusses the world of competition in
during the Ritual of Celebration.
On page 274, mention is made
in A.D. 1358,
[{203} AAF, Benefizio . . . Tani,
f. 34v],
that when the Bishop of Florence
entered the Cathedral,
the provost of the
chapter attempted to help him sit down
called out: "You are witness that I, in the
name of the chapter
of Florence, put the
lord bishop in the chair. You ser Tino
make a record of it for me!" Ser Tino belonged to the legal profession
of notaries in
the city of Florence, Italy. As stated
heretofore, The Jews,
via Italian trade,
kept contact
with England well after A.D. 1315, when
Florentines and others in Italy, had
an almost
complete control
ver tin trade. The New Century Italian Renaissance
edited by Catherine B. Avery,
published 1972, lists on pages 909-910,
Tino di
Sculptor and architect; born at Siena,
circa A.D. 1285.
[As stated before, Rocca d'Orcia or Tintinnano, was purchased by Siena
in A.D. 1250 and sold to the Salimbeni in A.D. 1274.] Tino di Camaino
died at
Naples, A.D. 1337. He was the son of the sculptor and
Camaino di Crescentino.
Tino di Camaino built the monument
in the
Cathedral located
at Florence, Italy, of Bishop Antonio
who died in A.D. 1321. Sertini
was one of the
prominent family surnames
in Florence, circa
A.D. 1400. [See: Renaissance Quarterly,
No. 4, Winter 1975, The
Florentine Reggimento in the Fifteenth Century,
by Dale Kent, pages 575-638. Sertini
is listed on page 637,
in A.D. 1391 (1), A.D. 1411 (2),
A.D. 1433 (4), A.D. 1444 (1),
A.D. 1449 (2)
and A.D. 1453 (1). The history of Florence
essentially the history of its leading
Tyn, Thomas, from Somerset
and Dorset Notes and Queries, [England],
Vol. 10, page 191,
Thomas Tyn listed in A.D. 1360
Tennyson, John, from Selden
Society, [England],
Select Cases from the Coroners' Rolls A.D. 1265-1413 . . .,
published 1896, Vol. 9, page 114,
Holderness, Yorkshire, (Keyingham)
"They also say that on Monday [28 June
1361] next after the feast of
Nativity of St. John the Baptist in
the thirty-fifth year of King Edward
[that] Maud Bochard
stole at Welwick two quarters of corn and two
of barley worth 13s. 4d.
belonging to John Tennyson of Welwick."
Teny, Thomas, purveyor to
the household,
from Calendar of Patent Rolls - Edward III, [England],
A.D. 1327 to 1377,
Vol. XIV, page 97,
dated 10 Feb 1368 - Westminster - Membrane
19 -
"William de Hungerford; to buy
great beasts, oxen, cows, pigs
and other
things pertaining to the office of
buyer for the kitchen
of the household
(the King's)" . . . John de Conyngesby,
'sergeant', William de Hungerford,
yeoman, and Thomas Teny,
as above.
Tyny, Thomas, from The
Index Library, [England],
of Wiltshire Inquisitiones Post Mortem
returned into the Court of
Chancery in the Reign of King Edward III,
A.D. 1327 - 1377,
published 1914, Vol. 48, page 347,
Coule, chaplain,
and others,
Inquisition made at Uphauen, 23rd September,
42 Edward III,
[A.D. 1368], before the abovesaid escheator,
by the oath of
John Neuman, William Treberge, John
Daubeneye, Robert Iuet,
Thomas Tyny, Roger
Coterugge, Roger Northfolk,
John Honybrygge, Thomas Coterugg, William
Nicholas Babbestoke, and Nicholas
Frenshe, who say that . . .
Tynn, Thomas de, from Calendar
of Papal Registers,
Vol. IV, A.D. 1362 to 1404, page 68,
10 Kal. July. Montefiascone (f 82.) A.D.
1368, [England],
"To Thomas de Tynn,
[Benedictine] monk of St. Martin's, Battle.
Dispensation to him, as the son of a priest,
to accept any office
dignity of his order short of that of
Tyningham, Adam de, from The
Papacy, Scotland and Northern England,
A.D. 1342-1378, by A. D. M. Barrell,
published 1995, page 39,
Adam de Tyningham, dean of Aberdeen,
paid 100 florins for his prebend there
in A.D. 1374
Tyny, Thomas, from Surrey
Archaeological Collections, [England],
Vol. 42, page 115, A.D. 1375,
Tyny, Thomas, Vicar of Farnham,
inst 06 Sep 1375 "exchanged three weeks
later . . ."
The History and Antiquities of the
County of Surrey,
published 1814,
Vol. III, page 165, lists this entry as:
John Edyndon,
Thomas Tynny
06 Sep 1375 {k} Idem, 64, a. [Wickh. I]
He [Thomas Tynny] resigned
immediately for Compton near Winchester.
Tyny, Joan
Tyny, John
Somerset Record Society,
Vol. 17, page 90, A.D. 1376/1377,
. . . Somerset Fines 50 Edward III .
. .
. . . and a messuage and 15 acres of land
and 5 acres
of meadow
which John Tyny and Joan
his wife held for
their lives . . .
Tinney, Johanni, from:
Accounts Rendered by Papal Collectors in England,
(Philadelphia: The
American Philosophical Society, 1968),
with Edgar B. Graves, Ed., pp. 363,
449, reports the accounts
of Arnald Garderii, A.D. 1371 to
or Collectorie 12, fols. 143-267,
(account for the period from A.D. 1374 to
1378), wherein is named:
. . .
Item Johanni Tinney, presbytero
Londoniensis dio-
cesis, de beneficio ecclesiastico et cetera
prioris et
capituli ecclesie Norwicensis.
Tyny, Thomas, from The
Canterbury and York Society, [England],
Vol. 18, page 7, A.D. 1379,
. . .; domino Thoma Tyiny, priore de
Cogges, Lincolniensis diocesis; . . .
The Chronicles and Memorials of
Great Britain and Ireland
During the Middle Ages, Vol. 41, #9 -
- - Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden,
A.D. 1381 to 1394, "Glossary",
Tynde, Tyne (vb.)
L. claudere, to close (a door), iv. 453
Tynynge (adj.) destructive,
deadly (of poison), iv. 11
Tena, i. 402 -- an article of
dress of the nature of a gown or coat.
[Research Note: A tunic, in the
Middle Ages, was a surcoat, a loose outer coat
or gown worn by a knight over his armor; tunic
from Aramaic kittuna.]
Tinnipo, i. 236; to crow (of
the cock) - - - Perhaps we should read
Tinnito for which elsewhere Tinnipo
is written.
See Du Cange s.v. Tinnito
Tyna (fluvius), ii
46, 88, 106; vi 204; vii 228
Tennyng, John
Calendar of Inquisitions,
[England], Miscellaneous, Vol. 5,
A.D. 1387 to 1393,
Tennyng, John, page 336, . . . of
Tinneyhall, Tenethal (in
Lewannick), Cornwall, page 136, . . . a location
Tynney, Richard, from List
& Index Society, [England],
Chancery Patent Rolls 30 - 36 Elizabeth I,
Index to Grantees,
published 1980, Vol. 167, page 259, [Index
to Grantees on the Patent
32-36 Elizabeth I (G. 66/A.D.
Tynney, Richard, B.A., A.D. 1393, m.
Tiny, Simon
Tiny, Thomas, son of Simon
Guide to the Reports of the Royal
Commission on Historical Manuscripts,
Part II - Index of Persons, Historical
Manuscripts Commission,
from 1911 to 1957, 55 Var. Coll. VII,
Tiny, Thomas, son of Simon, dated
A.D. 1394
Tyne/Tyny, Thomas, from:
of Some Sessions of the Peace in Lincolnshire, A.D. 1381--1396,
[England], (Vol. II), The Publications of the Lincoln Record
published 1962, The Parts of Lindsey, Vol.
56, pages 233, 245,
Thomas Tyne/Tyny, of Willoughton,
Peace Rolls, Ancient Indictments # 63,
pages 232-233, # 665.
. . . 12 Jan 1395 . . . Thome Fraunceys de
Wylughton' Thome Tyne
de eadem Iohannis Lowe de Hakthorne . . .
page 245, # 697.
. . . 12 Jan 1395 . . . Thome Fraunceys de
Wylughton' Thome Tyny
de eadem Iohannis Lowe de Hakthorn' . . .
[Research Note:This is a proven
of the surname interchange of Tyne to Tyny.]
Tyny, John, from
Calendar of Patent Rolls - Richard II,
A.D. 1377 to 1399, Vol. V, pages 690, 693,
dated 16 Apr 1396 - Westminster
Tyny, John, of Little Dunham
(chaplain), presented to the vicarage
Runham, in the diocese of Norwich
Teny, Iohannes, from
The Statute Merchant Roll of Coventry,
A.D. 1392-1416, published in 1939, The
Dugdale Society,
Vol. 17, pages 33, 42,
"xvj{o} die mensis Aprilis anno
supradicto (A.D. 1400)
Iohannes Teny de Miere{5} (Mere)
Dyere decomitatu Wyldes
recognouit se teneri Iohanni Cok* de
Lilleburn'{6} (Lilbourne,
Northants) in xx libris sterlingorum
soluendis in festo sancti Michaelis
archangeli proxime futuro.{7} (See p. 42,
[Research Note: Coventry is located in
central Warwickshire, England,
18 miles southeast of Birmingham.]
Tenney, John, from List
& Index Society, [England],
Chancery Patent Rolls 30 - 36 Elizabeth I,
Index to Grantees,
published 1980, Vol. 167, page 254,
to Grantees on the Patent
32-36 Elizabeth I (G. 66/A.D.
Tenney, John, A.D. 1401, m. 52
Teny, Iohannem, from
The Statute Merchant Roll of Coventry,
A.D. 1392-1416, published in 1939, The
Dugdale Society,
Vol. 17, pages 33, 42,
"sexto die mensis ffebruarii anno regni
Regis Henrici quarti
post conquestum quarto [A.D. 1402/1403] Iohannes
Cok* de Lille-
burn'{1} (Lilbourne, Northants.) habuit unam
(P.R.O. Chancery Files, G. 144. It is
endorsed: Wiltes. Coram Iusti-
ciariis domini Regis de Banco in xv.
Pasche. See p. 33, above.)
versus Iohannem Teny de
Miere{3} (Mere) Dyere de comitatu
Wylees [sic] de xx libris quas ei
soluisse debuit apud Couentre in festo
sancti Michaelis archangeli anno
regni Regis Henrici quarti post
conquestum primo; facta fuit recognicio
predicta coram Galfridode
Hampton'* tunc maiore ville predicte
et Iohanne Ofchirch'*
tunc clerico videlicet sextodecimo die
mensis Aprilis anno
regni dicti domini Regis primo supradicto
[A.D. 1400].
Tenys, Adam, from
Calendar of Patent Rolls - Henry IV,
A.D. 1399 to 1413, Vol. II, page 336, dated
18 Oct 1403 - Westminster
Adam Tenys of Estudenham, for
not appearing when sued with
Robert Vyncent of Mateshalebergh to
answer John Kempe,
touching a trespass. - Norfolk.
Teny, John, from
Calendar of Patent Rolls - Henry IV,
A.D. 1399 to 1413, Vol. II, page 445, dated
03 Feb 1405 - Westminster
"John Teny, for not appearing to
answer Henry Levek, parson
of the
Church of South Cadebury, touching a debt of
100s." - Somerset
Tyny, John
Tyny, Thomas
The Register of John Chandler,
Dean of Salisbury, A.D. 1404-1417, [England],
edited by T. C. B. Timmins, published
1984, Wiltshire Record Society,
page 103, # 286, [f.117], dated 20 Oct 1408,
Mere. [Meere],
[in Wiltshire]
. . .
Thomas Tyny for fornication with John
Tyny's servant.
. . .
Tanney, Richard, from
Calendar of Patent Rolls - Henry IV,
A.D. 1399 to 1413, Vol. IV, page 93,
Tanney, Richard, parson of Stow
Langtoft, (of Little Burstead)
Tanne, Thomas, from Yorkshire
Archaeology Society Record Series,
[England], Vol. 118, page 44, Two
Obedientiary Rolls of Selby Abbey
"Et de iiii s. de feno decimali
pratorum de Rednesse sic vendito
Thome Tanne hoc anno et novo plus
quia residuum fuit consumptum
dicta diluvia et tum soleb' in praeced'
vendi' pro v s."
Roll B - (A.D. 1420-1421)
Tuney, John, from List
& Index Society, [England],
Chancery Patent Rolls 30 - 36 Elizabeth I,
Index to Grantees,
published 1980, Vol. 167, page 259, [Index
to Grantees on the Patent
32-36 Elizabeth I (G. 66/A.D.
Tuney, John, A.D. 1421, m. 7d
Teny, Emma
Teny, Richard, from Catalogue
of Ancient Deeds, [England], Vol. V,
Teny, 10679 - A10679 - Norf[olk],
[England], dated (A.D. 1427-1428)
. . . to Richard Teny of Estodenham,
and Emma his wife, their heirs
assigns, of 10 1/2 a arable and a piece of
heath in Estodenham
Hokeryng, lying dispersed in eleven pieces.
Tuesday after St. Augustine, 6 Henry VI
Teny, Thomas, from Devon
and Cornwall Record Society, N.S.,
[England], Vol. 18,
Teny, Thomas: tons. IV. 154c.
Ordinati Per Dominum Ad Primam Tonsuram In
Suo Ad Crismandum Pueros Per Diocesim Anno
M{o}CCCC{o}xxxiiijj{o} (A.D. 1434) . . .
Ordinations . . .
The Register of Edmund Lacy . . .
Tenys, John [Johanne], from
Oxford Historical Society, [England],
Epistolae Academicae
Oxon. (Registrum F), Vol. 35, Part I, (A.D.
with Index in Vol. 36;
A collection of letters and other
miscellaneous documents
illustrative of academical
life and studies at Oxford in the Fifteenth
published A.D. 1898, pages 174-175,
Item # 139., To the Bishop of Exeter, Fol.
50 b., page 175, A.D. 1438 - 1439,
Testimonial letters issued for Master Michael
Tregorre and Master John Tenys
. . .
A.D. 1439
MEMORANDUM, quod vicesimo septimo die mensis
anno Domini millesimo
quadringentesimo tricesimo nono,
erat littera testimonialis, sub sigillo et forma
pro magistro Johanne Tenys
arcium magistro.
Letter 'supplicatory' for Master John
MEMORANDUM, quod vicesimo octavo die mensis
anno Domini millesimo
quadringentesimo tricesimo octavo {2}
(Apparently an error for nono; see prec. Mem.)
sigillata erat una littera supplicatoria
magistro J. Tenys, sub sigillo et forma communi.
Tenny, John, from:
Index to the First Twenty Volumes of the Trans. of the East Riding
Antiquarian Society,
[Yorkshire, England],
Vol. 6, p. 67,
Accounts--Beverley-- A. D.
1446 - 1447,
in the 25 yr. of the Reign of King Henry,
the sixth after the conquest of England.
"And for fine of a servant of Patrick
Knight, another man of the same,
of Robert Tyler of Beverley, John
Tenny, and William Lillywhyte
Beverley, for osiers, oaksaplings, and
shrubs. --"
Teny, Roger, from The
Index Library, [England],
Index to Wills Proved in
Consistory Court of Norwich,
A.D. 1370 to
1550, and Wills Among the
Norwich Enrolled Deeds,
A.D. 1286 to 1508,
Vol. 69, published 1945,
page 363,
A.D. 1447, Teny, Roger, Est
Tudenham, Norf. (137 Wylbey)
Tynny Family
Tynny alias Hancock
Tynny, John
Tynny's Mill
Tynny, Roger
A History of Wiltshire,
[England], published 1965, Vol. VIII, page 211,
Whorwellsdown Hundred, Steeple Ashton:
[Beginning circa A.D. 1450],
In the mid-15th century John Tynny
held a watermill and 1/3 virgate of
land, which had formerly been held by Roger
Tynny, as a copyhold of
the manor of Steeple Ashton.{7} (S.C.
12/16/65.) A century later the
mill then called Tynny's Mill was
held by Robert Hancock and Walter
his brother.{8} (S.C. 12/4/2; L.R. 2/191.
They were probably descended
in some way from the Tynny family,
the name of Tynny alias Hancock
being often found, e.g. in S.C. 2/208/6 m.
2d [A.D. 1493].) The mill was
variously called Hancock's Mill, Tynny's
Mill, or Tinhead Mill in the
early 17th century; it lay at the northern
end of Ashton Normead and
Tinhead Normead, in the position of
the modern Ashton Mill Farm.{9}
(E 178/4697.) . . . The building was
demolished to make way for
the airfield.{14} (See p. 199).
[Research Note: See earlier entries
for this family
in A.D. 1318, A.D. 1328,
A.D. 1331, A.D. 1332, and A.D. 1408]
a place name,
from The Visitation of the County of
Cornwall - 1620, [England],
Publications of The Harleian Society,
Dated: H[enry]. VI. 27 [A.D.
1448 - 1449] (at Fenton),
place name, Tinnyo, . . . all the lands lying in
wihin [within] the Mannor
of Fenton and also all his lands in Tinnyo.
Twyunyo, Walter
Tynyow, Walter
Teny, Walter
[Research Note:
Parochial and Family
History of the Deanery of Trigg Minor,
in the County of Cornwall.,
[England], by Sir John MacLean, F.S.A.,
A.D. 1879, Vol. III, Parish of St. Minver,
page 287,
mentions under INSTITUTIONS.,
Dated "Unknown",
the name of Walter
On 14th Dec. 1412 License of absence was
granted by the Bishop
to Walter Tynyow,
Rector of the Church of Trevalga, until the
of S. Michael then next following.
(Bishop Stafford's Reg.)
A Walter
Teny, from Calendar of Patent Rolls - Edward
A.D. 1461
to 1477, Vol. II, page 475, is
mentioned later in a document
23 Nov 1474 - Westminster, the
"Pardon to Walter Teny
late of Morvell, co.
'marchand' [merchant],
alias of Somerton,
co. Somerset, 'yoman'.
The Twynyho surname, from List
& Index Society,
[England], List of Escheators
England and Wales, published 1971, Vol. 72,
for the area of Somerset and Dorset, is listed
on pages 140-141, as:
Twynyho, John, with date of
appointment: 17 Dec 1426;
Twynyho, Thomas, of Keyford,
with date of appointment: 05 Nov 1469;
Twynyho, John, with date of
appointment: 05 Nov 1470.]
Milton Tinney, Sr.
Who's Who in America, Millennium Edition [54th] - 2004
Who's Who In Genealogy and Heraldry, [both editions]
The Lord Jesus Christ, Jews, The House of Joseph, Gentiles
and Heathens:
A Careful Study of the TINNEY Surname from Worldwide Origins.
Section from
the Birth of
Jesus Christ to A.D. 1453
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Copyright © 1997-2025 By: V.
Chris & Thomas M. Tinney, Sr.
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Intelligence is the Light of Truth, or
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LORD Jesus Christ, Jews, The House of Joseph, Gentiles & Heathens:
A Careful
Study of the TINNEY Surname from Worldwide Origins