Ancient To Modern Genealogy and Family History
Ancient origins of genealogy and family history records, as traced
down to modern times, from all available concurrent documented
findings, in both religious scriptures and related secular records.
Book of Remembrance Kept by Adam & Eve & Their Descendants.
Our Bible (s) are indeed a purely human invention; that is, it was
initiated by Ahman, a God who once was a man as we are now.
Yes, the Bible is indeed of purely human, yet godly invention;
given, beginning with the first earthly man Adam, from God
by revelation.  Then, it was kept by his posterity, the long
living ancient fathers, to their human children;
from which all mankind today descends,
through Noah, a global flood survivor.


  Family Genealogy & History Internet Education Directory™ - Wiki

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  Ancient To Contemporary Sources: Anthropology - Archaeology
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Medieval Genealogy Is The Only Way To Connect The Written Past With The Written Present

Archaeology, Anthropology, & Ancient Civilizations
* Ancestor Roots Information: Ancient and Modern Genealogies
* Ancient Christians: An Introduction for Latter-day Saints
Ancient Literature
Anthropology Links - University of Minnesota Duluth
Anthropology: Topic Outline of Anthropology
  Genealogy is a core concept of study, used within the discipline of anthropology.
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Anthropology & Sociology

  - Cultural Anthropology - Research Guides at Columbia University
  - Ethnography
    - Ethnography | Science, Technology, and Society | MIT OpenCourseWare
Syllabus and Assignments
Kinship: Clan and Tribe
Calculating Kinship
Analyzing and understanding cultural codes.
Kinship and Social Organization
      Interactive tutorial.
  - Kinship Degree Systems
    - Genealogies as a Resource for Studying Kin Networks in Time and Space (pdf)
    - Kinship Glossary – Abbreviations and Sources. Terms and Concepts

    - Systematic Kinship Terminologies
  - Links to Other Net Resources of Interest to Anthropologists of Europe
  - Royal Anthropological Institute - Wiley Digital Archives
Search Results for Anthropology, Available Online | Library of Congress
Archaeology: Topic Outline of Archaeology
Antiquity Journal
    Journal of world archaeological research.
Archaeological Sub Disciplines
  - Archaeology
- Archaeology - VoS
Archnet - Extensive, Open Access Library
    Sites, cities, individuals, firms, media and pedagogical material focused
    on the built environment of Muslin societies; and authority records.
Historic Archaeological Research (HAR) Indiana
  - Internet Resources | The University of Edinburgh
    Collection of search tools, websites and gateways for archaeology.
Society for Historical Archaeology
  - Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology (SPMA)
  - Websites in Archaeology: Resources for Research:
Dictionaries & Encyclopedias
    Research Guides at Columbia University.
* Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of the World,
  from the earliest to the present period; exhibiting in each table their immediate
  successors, collateral branches, and the duration of their respective reigns;
  so constructed as to form a series of chronology; and including the genealogy
  of many other personages and families distinguished in scared and profane history;
  particularly all the nobility of these kingdoms descended from princes.
  [The editor would have gladly quoted the various authorities which have assisted him
  in the execution of his work, under the heads upon which they were consulted, if it
  could have been done without crouding (sic) the Tables, and thereby depriving them
  of their principal advantages--perspicuity, beauty, and uniformity. He must, therefore,
  content himself with mentioning those to whom he is most indebted, which are,
  The Bible, The Universal History, with many particular histories of different kingdoms,
  the Classic authors, Anderson's Genealogies,
Rollin, Sandford, Rapin, Guthrie, Collins,
  Crawford, Lodge, and other Peerages. His chief guides in Chronology
Newton (Newton['s] Revised History of Ancient Kingdoms)
  / (The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended)
Blair (Blair’s Chronology: Sewing Up a Timeline)
  / (The Chronology and History of the World: From the Creation to the Year of Christ 1753,
  Illustrated in LVI tables; of Which IV are Introductory & Include the Centurys
  Prior to the Ist Olympiad, and Each of the Remaining LII Contain in One Expanded View,
  50 Years or Half a Century - Wythepedia: The George Wythe Encyclopedia)]
  - An Arrangement of the Genealogies in the Old Testament and Apocrypha (
copy) (pdf)
    To which are Added, from the Same Authorities, a Selection of Single Names,
    and Chronological Tables of the Kings of Egypt, Syria, and Assyria : with Notes Critical,
    Philological, and Explanatory; and Copious Indexes, in Two Volumes - Volume 1
  - An Arrangement of the Genealogies in the Old Testament and Apocrypha (
copy) (pdf)
    To which are Added, from the Same Authorities, a Selection of Single Names,
    and Chronological Tables of the Kings of Egypt, Syria, and Assyria : with Notes Critical,
    Philological, and Explanatory; and Copious Indexes, in Two Volumes - Vol. 2 (
    [Research Note: The Explanation of the Tables is at the beginning of Volume 2,
    which mentions, for example, that II. The Italic letters refer to the Notes in Vol. I (
    However, the PEDIGREE TABLES are actually listed at end of Volume 2. Use TWO PAGE
    view button for full displays. Use PREVIOUS <  > NEXT PAGE arrows to view all TABLES.]
  - Aben Ezra;
Abraham ibn Ezra / Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra / Abenezra / Ibn Ezra
    - Abraham ibn Ezra (1089 - 1164) - Genealogy
    - Abraham ibn Ezra / Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra / Abenezra / Ibn Ezra
  - Abulfaragius writes the name, Klimia.
    - Bar Hebraeus / Gregory Bar Hebraeus / Barebraya / Barebroyo , Abu'l-Faraj
      Latinized name Abulpharagius
    - Historia Compendiosa Dynastarium : Gregorius Abu al-Farag Barhebraeus
  - Africanus: Sextus Julius Africanus
Chronographiae: The Extant Fragments - Sextus Julius Africanus
    - Julius Africanus - The Extant Fragments of the Five Books of the Chronography
    - Julius Africanus Sextus: 221 AD.
      Creation in 5500 BC. 70 weeks of Daniel 9 end in AD 33 at resurrection.
Sextus Julius Africanus -
  - Alberti on Hesych:
Hesychii Alexandrini Lexicon (Ioannem Albertum)
    - Hesychios. Hesychii alexandrini Lexicon post... | HathiTrust Digital Library
    - OCR Results for: Hesychius (of Alexandria) (1858). Lexicon post Ioannem Albertum
  - Aldine Bible
  - Alexandrinus: Clemens Alexandrinus in Strom. B. i. p. 129,
    - Documento1 - Clemens Alessandrinus - Stromata (The stromata, or miscellanies)
  -  Antient Universal History: Universal History Ant. part, Vol. i. p. 150, Note I. Edit. 8vo.;
    - A catalogue of above fifteen thousand volumes : In all Arts, Sciences,
      and every Branch of polite Literature, Many on Royal Paper, and in Morocco, and
      other elegant Bindings ; being the Stock of the late Mr. John Hildyard, deceased,
      with other Libraries purchased since. Among which are Biblia Polyglotta, 8 vols.
      (repeat) Biblia Polyglotta, 8 vols. Lincis rubris. Buxtorsii Concordant. Bib. Heb. . . .
      Stephani Thesaurus, 4 vols. Martinii Lexicon, 2 vols. Plutarchi Opera, 2 vols.
      Aristophanes, Kusteri. Euripides, Barnes. Platonis Opera, Serrani, 3 vols. Herodotus,
      Gronovii. Galeni Opera, 7 vols. Diogenes Laertius, Meibonaii. Virgilii Opera, Baskerville.
      Homeri Opera, Barnes, 2 vols. Homeri Opera, Clarke, 2 vols. Hist. D'angleterre,
      par M. Rapin, 10 tom. Ruins of Palmyra, Ruins of Balbec, fine Plates.
      Postlethwayt's Dictionary, 2 vols. Chambers's and Supplement, 4 vols.
      Johnson's Dictionary, 2 vols. Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, 3 vols.
      Ainsworth's Dictionary, 2 vols. Rushworth's Hist. Collections, 8 vols.
      Rapin's History of England, 2 vols. Guthrie's and Ralph's, 5 vols. Kennet's, 3 vols.
      Tyrrel's, 5 vols. Drake's Antiquities of York. Thoresby's Leeds. Somner's Canterbury.
      Stukeley's Stonehenge. Maitland's History of Edinburgh. - History of Scotland, 2 vols.
      Antient Universal History, 21 vols. Modern Universal Hist. 3 vols. and 8 vols.
      Bp. Gibson's Camden, 2 vols. Bp. Gibson's Codex, 2 vols. Bacon's Works, 4 vols.
      Churchill's Voyages, 8 vols. Duncan's Caesar, fine Plates.
      Dugdale's Summons to Parliament. - Origines Juridiciales. - Hist. of St. Paul's,
      Hollar's Cuts Sir William Temple's Works, 2 vols. Ben. Jonson's Works, best Edition.
      System of Geography, 2 vols. Maps. Ware's Architecture Compleat Body of Husbandry
      Compleat Body of Gardening Swammerdam's Natural History of Insects . . .
      Humphreys on the O. and N. Test, 3 vols. Burkit on the New Testament.
      Patrick, Lowth, and Whitby, 6 vols. Tillotson's Works, 3 vols. Barrow's Works, 2 vols.
      Bp. Hooper's Works. Taylor's Hebrew Concordance, 2 vols.
      Lord Sommers's Tracts, 12 vols. Harleian Miscellany, 8 vols. Astley's Voyages, 4 vols.
      Addison's Works, 4 vols. Sully's Memoirs, 3 vols. Davila's Civil Wars of France, 2 vols.
      Hampton's Polybius. Smollet's History of England, 4 vols. Cay's Statutes at large, 6 vols.
      Strange's Reports, 2 vols. Peere Williams's Reports. Besides a large Collection of other
      Reports and Law Books. Which will begin to be sold (the lowest Price printed
      in the Catalogue) on Wednesday, February 14, 1759, and continue on Sale till
      the Summer Assizes. By John Hinxman /
John Hinxinan, Bookseller in Stonegate, York.
      Catalogues may be had of Messrs. R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall ;
      Messrs. Rivington and Fletcher, in Pater-Noster-Row ; Messrs. Whiston and White,
      in Fleet-Street ; and Mr. Payne, at the Mews-Gate, London. - Also of Mr. Fletcher,
      in Oxford. - Mr. Merrill, in Cambridge. - Messrs. Hamilton and Balsour, in Edinburgh. -
      All the Booksellers in the North of England, and at the Place of Sale. Price One Shilling,
      which will be return'd to any Gentleman who lays out Twenty | Formats and Editions
    - An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time
"Antient Universal History" | Catalogue search | Wellcome Collection
    - From Thomas Jefferson to George W. Lewis, 25 October 1825 , , ,
      Micali Etc. the Antient Universal history should be on our shelves as a book
      of general reference, the most learned, and most faithful perhaps
      that ever was written. it's (sic) style is very plain, but perspicuous.
  - Aquila: Greek version by Aquila,
    - Aquila of Sinope
Aristeas: Letter of Aristeas; Now, supposing the History of the translation
    of the Old Testament into Greek by the Seventy or Seventy-two interpreters,
    as delivered down to us by the author, who assumes the name of Aristeas,
    and by others, to be true, still a slight knowledge of the history of those times . . .
  - Artapanus; Artapanus of Alexandria
  - Austin: St. Austin contra Faust. B. ii. c. xxxv.,
    and Junius and others, in their comments . . .;
    St. Austin's supposition in his Book de Civit. Dei. L. xviii. c. 27,
Augustine of Hippo
    - St. Austin | (Augustine of Canterbury)
The City of God
    - Who Was St Augustine? | English Heritage
  - Baduellus: Claudius Baduellus or
Claude Baduel (ca 1491/1499-1561)
    - The Dark Bible - Cultures of Interpretation in Early Modern English
  - Bar Bahlul: The Syriac Lexicographer Bar Bahlul,;
    - Bar Bahlul, Ḥasan
Dukhrana online searchable version of Hassan bar Bahlul's Syriac Lexicon
    - Ḥasan bar Bahlul
  - Barrington: Markland and Bp. Barrington on the same place
Barrington, Shute - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Shute Barrington (Bishop), 1734-1826
Barthélemy d'Herbelot [Barthélemy d'Herbelot de Molainville (14 Dec 1625-08 Dec 1695),
    French Orientalist; Bibliothèque orientale, ou dictionnaire universel contenant
    tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des peuples de l'Orient]
    - Bibliotheque Orientale, Ou Dictionnaire Universel . . . (a) Gomer. D"Herbelot,
      in his Bibl. Orient. v. Sin, informs us, that the Arabians make Sin, whom the Persians
      and others call Tchin, the eldest son of Japheth, and say, that from him Sin or CHINA
      derives its name. In the same place the same author further informs us, that the eldest
      son of Sin was Matchin; part of the Islamic tradition that Japheth's beautiful posterity
      extended outward to Europe, and northeast CHINA; through secure trade relationships;
      those having been established prior to the division of the Earth, in the days of Peleg.
      Genealogical origins of Middle Eastern and Asiatic peoples are copiously discussed.
  - Bartolocci Bibl. Mag. Rabbin. Tom. i. p. 248, 351, Tom, iii. p. 629, 631,
Giulio Bartolocci
    - Highlights: Bartolocci’s Bibliotheca Magna Rabbinica (1675-1693)
      Hebrew and Jewish Studies Resources at Oxford
  - Basnage Histoire des Juifs Tom. iv. L. vi. c. 16, 17.
Jacques Basnage de Beauval
    - Jacques Basnage de Beauval's "l'Histoire des Juifs"
      Christian Historiographical Perception of Jewry and Judaism
      on the Eve of the Enlightenment on JSTOR
  - Bayle: Bayle's observations on this passage in his Dict. Art. i. Drusilla Note (c).
    - Bayle, Pierre | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle. 1647-1706 (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Repairing Mr. Bayle’s Dictionary - ZSR Library
  - Bedford in his Forty-fourth Table of his Scripture Chronol.
    - Arthur Bedford (writer) (1668-1745)
      . . . Scripture Chronology Demonstrated by Astronomical Considerations
      - The Scripture chronology demonstrated by astronomical calculations,
         and also by the year of jubilee, and the sabbatical year among the Jews:
        or, an account of time from the creation of the world,
        to the destruction of Jerusalem;:
        Bedford, Arthur: 9781170172223: Books
        - The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended
          Written by Sir Isaac Newton, first published posthumously in 1728.
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Ammended (London: 1728)
    - Concerning Astronomical References Found in the Scriptures:
Search for Astronomy | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - The Bible: The World’s Greatest Book on Astronomy |
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Astronomy
  - Berkel: Whitby's Annot. on Luke xxiv. 1; and Berkel. on Step. Byzant.;
    - Abraham van Berkel / Abraham Berkelius, 1630-1688
      - German biography - Berkel, Abraham van
      - Steph. Byzant. Stephanus of Byzantium
Stephanou Byzantiou Ethnika kat'epitomen, . . .
        integro commentario illustravit Abrahamus Berkelius.
Stephanus of Byzantium
Stephanus of Byzantium: links to translation
      - The historical geography of Arabia; or, The patriarchal evidences of revealed religion:
        a memoir ... and an appendix, containing translations, with an alphabet and glossary,
        of the Hamyaritic inscriptions recently discovered in Hadramaut
  - Bernard's Note on Josephus. 1. c.;
Edward Bernard (1638-1697)
    - ‘Great Expectation Among the Learned’:
      Edward Bernard’s Josephus in Restoration Oxford
  - Bernard de Montfaucon, 1655-1741; in his Veritè de L'Histoire de Judith, . . .
    He was an astute scholar who founded the discipline of Palaeography,
    and regarded as one of the founders of the modern discipline of
  - Beza: Beza on Acts of the Apostles vii. 16, edit. Cantab., p. 316;
Theodore Beza . . . (Théodore de Bèze (1519-1605) / 699 titles, 905 vols. | PRDL)
  - Bible translations into Greek:
Koine Greek
  - Blayney: Pr. Blayney's Translation of Jeremiah, p. 216; Benjamin Blayney
    - Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 3
Jeremiah and Lamentations
King James Version (of the Bible)
  - Bochart in his Geographia Sacra, Lib. ii. cap. xiii. Tom. iii. col. 90, 91, Edit.
    Lugd. Batav. 1692,; Sam. Bochartus, Geogr. Sacr.; Samuel Bochart;
Geographia Sacra seu Phaleg et Canaan
    - Samuel Bochart (1599-1667) / 42 titles, 66 vols. | PRDL
  - Bomberg: Bibl. Bomberg
    - Daniel Bomberg
    - Great Bibles - Judaic Treasures
  - Bos's Ellips. Gr. p. 238, edit. Glasg.; but see also Schaeffer in loc. Steph. Byzant. . .
    - Lambert Bos:
Ellipses Graecae; Godofredvs Henricvs Schaefer
    - Stephanus of Byzantium
  - Brugensis, Lucas; Franciscus Lucas Brugensis
  - Brunick: Brunck on Apollon.
    - Brunck, Richard François Philippe . . . Apollonius Rhoidius
Richard François Philippe Brunck
  - Burrington: Gilbert Burrington (
author), 1753 -
Chudleigh History Group - Articles - Vicarages & Vicars
  - Buxtorf, in his answer to Cappell; Buxtorf's Thes. Cram. Hebr.
    Lib. ii. c. v. p. 386, Edit. 1651, and Glassii Philolog. Sacr. Lib. iv.
    Observat. vii. p. 607, Edit. 1711.
Johannes Buxtorf II and Louis Cappel
Perspicue et fideliter conversus: Johannes Buxtorf the Younger’s
      Translation of the Guide of the Perplexed
    - The Vowel-Points Controversy in the XVI. and XVII. Centuries on JSTOR
  - Bythner's Lyra Prophet. Ps. cv. 9, Parkhurst in his Hebr. Lex. vv.,
    and Newcome on Amos vii. 9.; Lyra prophetica Davidis
An Hebrew and English Lexicon Without Points
John Parkhurst (lexicographer)
Victorinus Bythner - Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis (London, 1650),
      a grammatical analysis of the vocabulary of the Hebrew psalms.
  - Byzantine calendar; also called the Roman calendar,
    the Creation Era of Constantinople or the Era of the World; the Serbian Calendar.
  - Calmet's Dictionary by D'Oyly and Colson, Art. Heber;
    - An Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary
      of the Holy Bible . . . To which is annexed, Bibliotheca sacra, or a copious catalogue
      of the best editions and versions of the Bible . . . an ample Chronological Table . . .
      a Jewish Calendar, Tables of all the Hebrew Coins . . . a Dissertation upon Jewish
      Coins and Medals; another upon the Tacticks of the ancient Hebrews,
      by Chevalier Folard . . . Translated into English . . . with . . . remarks,
      by Samuel D'oyly . . . and John Colson
Antoine Augustin Calmet
    - Calmet [Antoine Augustin] - Google™ Search
Calmet [Antoine Augustin] - Samuel Johnson Dictionary Sources
    - Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible
    - Masius, Calmet, and others, suppose the people,
  - Campbell: the learned Dr. Campbell; Campbell's Notes on The Four Gospels;
    Note on Luke iii. 2. Vol. IV. p. 299, edit. 8vo.
    - Collection of Works by George Campbell - Internet Archive
      - The Four Gospels : translated from the Greek
        Campbell regarded this as the greatest work of his life: a 1,500 page translation;
        it includes critical dissertations on the problems of translating and interpreting
        the ancient texts, as well as his observations on the translations themselves.
    - George Campbell (minister) (1719-1796)
Cappel: Kimchi, Jarchi, and the author of the Small Masora
    (as quoted by Cappell in his Critic. sacr. p. 25, 200) . . .
    - Louis Cappel | Reformation Scholar, Biblical Critic & Hebraist | Britannica
  - Casaubon: that from Casaubon's collations it appears that a MS.
    in the Royal Library at Paris reads in Josephus
Isaac Casaubon
    - Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614
Cassia gens: Dio's account of Archelaus's removal is thus.
Archelaus, son of Herod
    - Cassius Dio / Lucius Cassius Dio
    - Cassius Dio - Internet Archive
  - Castalio: Houbigant, following Castalio, and the reading of the Aldine edition
Castalion, Castalio, or Castellio, Sebastian - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Sebastian Castellio, 1515-1563
    - Sebastian Castellio and the Struggle for Freedom of Conscience
  - Castell: Castell's Lex. col. 523, Root . . .
    - Edmund Castell:
Castell, Edmund°
      - Lexicon Heptaglotton Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum,
        Samaritanum, Aethiopicum, Arabicum, et Persicum (1669) - Internet Archive
  - Cedrenus: George Cedrenus - Oxford Reference:
    George Kedrenos - George Kedrenos Biography
    11th century Byzantine historian | Pantheon
    - Compendium historiaru1a.doc
  - Chaim: Heb. Bible, published by Rabbi J. Ben Chaim 1526
Biblia Rabbinica (DFG)
    - Jacob ben Chayyim
Mikraot Gedolot
Rabbinic literature
    - The Second Rabbinic Bible, Venice, 1525
    - "The Strange Career of the Biblia Rabbinica among Christian Hebraists",
      by Stephen G. Burnett
  - Chrisostom, Homil. xxxviii. in Gen., supposes her to be one of the slaves
    given to Abraham by Pharaoh.;
John Chrysostom
    - John Chrysostom Homilies on Genesis - Patristic Bible Commentary
      - Collected Homilies of St. John Chrysostom (15 vols.) | Logos Bible Software
  - Church Fathers:
    Free Resources for Students of the History of the Early Christian Church
Christianity - Faith, Doctrine, Identity | Britannica
    - Early Christianity
      - Acts of the Apostles
      - Christianity and Judaism
Jewish Christian
Early Christians
    - Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers
      - Early Church Fathers - Early Christian Writings
    - Early Church Fathers - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
      - Early Church Fathers - Additional Works in English Translation
      - Ambrose of Milan (339-397 AD)
      - St. Ambrose B. ii. c. x. De Jacobo et Vita beata.
        - Ambrose
      - St. Clement in his Epistle to the Corinthians chap. lv. p. 127, ed. Colomesii.
First Clement: Clement of Rome
        - The Lost Books of the Bible: The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
    - History of Christianity
      [Research Note: Wikipedia incorrectly states that "Christianity originated with
      the ministry of Jesus, a Jewish teacher and healer who proclaimed the imminent
      Kingdom of God and was crucified . . ." It started with
Adam, re: Joseph Smith, Jr.]
      - See: Discourse, 17 January 1843, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, Page 2
        Br Joseph spoke to some length on the kingdom of God & the Baptism of John,
        he said the kingdom of God was set upon the earth in all ages from the days
        of Adam to the presant (sic) time (1) whenever there was a man on earth who had
        authority to Administar (sic) the ordinances of the gospel or a priest of God &
        unto such a man God did reveal his will    Concerning the Baptism of John it was
        the Baptism of repentance unto remission of sins for the receiving of the Holy Ghost
        & it was the gospel Baptism. These were questions which had been in debate for
        many years & in some degree among the Saints. He also spoke upon the subject
        of honor & dishonor &c [p. [2]] - Footnotes - [1] JS consistently taught that people
        who were alive before the establishment of the early Christian church knew of
        and worshipped Jesus Christ. Both the Book of Mormon and JS's revision of the
        Old Testament included teachings about Christ and Christian worship predating
        New Testament times. There were, according to JS, "dispensations and keys and
        powers and glories" that had been "revealed from the days of Adam even to the
        present time," Adam having been the person to whom "Christ was first revealed."
        . . . [2] JS elaborated on earlier instruction, given in 1840, that "the keys of the
        Kingdom of God" were on the earth "in all ages of the world" and constituted
        the means by which "all knowledge, doctrine, the plan of salvation and every
        important truth is revealed from heaven." According to JS, this pattern of revealing
        truth to humanity would continue "to the end of time." . . . [3] JS's reference to the
        church as the kingdom of God in this sermon responded to various disputes in the
        nineteenth century among American Protestants regarding the original founding
        date of Christ's church and earthly kingdom. . . . to the day of Pentecost . . . etc.
  - Clarke: Adam Clarke, 1762-1832
Adam Clarke: Entire Sanctification - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
    - Clarke's Commentary - Bible Commentaries -
Some Notes on Joseph Smith and Adam Clarke | The Interpreter Foundation
  - Clarke: Samuel Clarke (1675-1729)
  - Colson: John Colson; Rev. John Colston / Colson, F.R.S., vicar of Chalk
John Colson
  - Dathius: Rosenmüller: E. F. C. Rosenmüller in his Notes on Gen. iv. 22,
    and with whom Dathius agrees.
CERL Thesaurus - accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
      Consortium of European Research Libraries: CERL
      Promoting Europe's cultural heritage in print and manuscript.
German biography - Dathe, Johann August / Johann Augustus Dathius
  - De-Rossi, Var. lect. Vet. Test. i. Chron. i. 7.;
Giovanni Bernardo De Rossi;
    De Rossi (Varia Lectiones, Vet. Test., pp. xcvii ff.)
    - Full text of "Variae lectiones Veteris Testamenti. De Rossi",
      by Giovanni Bernardo De Rossi - Wikiwand
  - Demetrius; Demetrius - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - D'Oyly: Samuel D'Oyly
    - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / D'Oyly, Samuel
  - Drusius in his Notes on i Macc. xi. 39,;
    - Drusius, Joannes, 1550-1616 | BYU Library - Special Collections
    - Johannes van den Driesche
Judas Maccabeus
    - Maccabees, the First Book of - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Durell on the Parallel Proph. of Jacob and Moses, p. 116-119:
    - The Hebrew Text of the Parallel Prophecies of Jacob and Moses
      Relating to The Twelve Tribes, with a Translation and Notes
      and the Various Lections of Near Forty Mss. . . .;
      by David Durell, B. D. Principal of Hertford College.
David Durell: Durell_David: Brief biography
  - Ernesti 1752
Johann August Ernesti
  - Eusebius in his Chron. p. 65, 170;
Eusebius; Eusebius of Caesarea
    - 0265-0339- Eusebius Caesariensis, Sanctus\ -
      Operum Omnium Conspectus seu 'Index of available Writings'
Eutychius of Alexandria
    - Eutychius, “Annals” – my posts containing the translation – Roger Pearse
  - Ewald: Ewald's rendering of it, (subtillia, minuta);
Ewald, Georg Heinrich August - Biblical Cyclopedia
Ewald, Heinrich, 1803-1875 | The Online Books Page
Heinrich Ewald / Georg Heinrich August Ewald, 1803-1875
    - Jubilees, Book of - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Fabricus: Johann Albert Fabricius:
Bibliotheca Graeca (Volume 14)
  - Fagius: The Hebrew version of Tobit published by Fagius;
    - Paul Fagius, 1504-1549
    - The “Fagius” Hebrew Version of Tobit: An English Translation
      Based on the Constantinople Text of 1519 in: The Book of Tobit.
  - Glassius: Glassii Philolog. Sacr. Lib. iv.; Observat. vii. p. 607, Edit. 1711.;
    Glassius in his Philol. sacr. L. iv. Tract. ii. Observat. xii.,
    - 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica / Glassius, Salomo (1593-1656)
      His principal work, Philologia sacra (1623)
  - Glycas: Michael Glycas in his Annals
    - Annales
    - Glycas, Michael
    - Michael Glykas (or Glycas)
  - Grabe's Prol. c. ii.; Grabe observes on this place of i. Esdras, Prol. c. ii.;
    Grabe's edit. of the Alexandr. MS. . . .
    - Codex Alexandrinus
      The Old Testament was edited by Emst Grabe in 1707-1720,
      and the New Testament by Carl Gottfried Woide in 1786
  - Grotius . . .; Hugo Grotius; Grotius, Hugo | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  - Hallett in Vol. II. of Notes and Discourses p. 19;
    - A Second Volume of Notes and Discourses
    - A Second Volume Of Notes And Discourses (1732)
      Hallet Jr, Joseph: 9781166478353: Books
    - Joseph Hallett II (1656-1722)
    - Joseph Hallett III (c1691-1744)
  - Hammond 1. c. and Dr. Owen on Mark ii. 26, in Bowyer's Conject. on New Test.
    Hammond's Annotations on Luke iii. 2;
    - Henry Hammond
The Life of Henry Hammond, by John Fell
  - Haverkamp: Havercamp's edition of Josephus, Vol. I. p. 445,
Portrait of Siwart Haverkamp (1684 - 1742) - The Online Portrait Gallery
Siwart Haverkamp
  - Herodotus, B. iv. c. xi. xii.,; Herodotus;
    - The Internet Classics Archive | The History of Herodotus by Herodotus
  - Holmes: Dr. Holmes in his Collat. of Gen. iv. 18.;
    Holmes's MSS.; Prol. to Grabe's Edit. . . .; Holmes's collations in Nehemiah
    Dr. Holmes's Collation; Dr. Holmes's Collation of Vet. Test. Craec. 1. c.
Collection: Holmes Manuscripts | Bodleian Archives & Manuscripts
    - Robert Holmes (priest)
  - Horsley, Samuel: Bp. Horsley, Bibl. Critic. Vol. iv. p. 480-489.
    - Biblical Criticism on the First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old Testament;
      also on the First Nine Prophetical Books. by Samuel Horsley, L.L.D. F.R.S. F.A.S.,
      Late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph.; Volume 4 - Internet Archive
  - Hottinger's Thesaur. Philolog. p. 85, 86;
Johann Heinrich Hottinger
  - Houbigant on Gen. ix. 18; x. 21.; Charles François Houbigant
    - Houbigant, Charles FrançoIs - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Hudson's Note on Josephus, 1. c.
    - The Antiquities of the Jews, by Flavius Josephus
      (search for Dr. Hudson and Hudson)
  - Jackson: The Reader may consult on this name the very learned
    Mr. Jackson in his Chron. Ant. Vol. 1. p. 289, No. 2.
    - Chronological antiquities: or, The antiquities and chronology
      of the most ancient kingdoms, from the creation of the world,
      for the space of five thousand years. In three volumes.,
      by John Jackson | The Online Books Page
Jackson, John, 1686-1763  - Biblical Cyclopedia . . .
    - John Jackson (controversialist)
  - Jerome: St. Jerom. in Quaest. seu trad. Hebr. Arachaeus, qui Arcas condidit oppidum . . .|
    - Biography of St. Jerome the Translator of Latin Vulgate Bible
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Jerome
    - Vulgate: Vulgate Latin Bible With English Translation
  - Johnson: Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784; See Johnson's Dict. word, Cousin;
samuel johnson 1709 - Google™ Search
    English writer who was arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history.
A brief History of English Lexicography
A Dictionary of the English Language
    - Johnson's Dictionary Online
Related Links – Johnson's Dictionary Online
Samuel Johnson Dictionary Sources
  - Jones: Sir William Jones on Asiatic Poetry chap. ix.,
    and his Discourse on the Mystical Poetry of the Persians and Hindus
    - Jones, William – Encyclopaedia Iranica
The Works of Sir William Jones
William Jones and the Study of Hinduism
    - William Jones (philologist)
  - Junius:
Franciscus Junius, A Treatise on True Theology
    Junius Institute Digital Companions
  - Junius and Tremellius
Franciscus Junius (the elder)
    - Immanuel Tremellius
  - Jonathan ben Uziel, in his Targum on Gen. x. 4.; Jonathan ben Uzziel
  - Josephus: Flavius Josephus - Complete Works and Writings
  - Juvenal Sat. vi. v. 155, &c.
    - A Commentary on the Satires of Juvenal
    - Juvenal / Decimus Junius Juvenalis
    - The Satires of Juvenal
    - Works by or about Decimus Junius Juvenalis - Internet Archive
  - Kennicott: Dr. Kennicott; See Kennicott's Dissertat. Gen. p. 79.; Kennicott Dissertation;
    - Benjamin Kennicott:
    - Hebrew Biblical manuscripts of Benjamin Kennicott - Archives Hub
Kennicott - Biblical Manuscripts in Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic,
      collected by Benjamin Kennicott (1718-83)
  - Kimchi / Kimhi: David Kimchi;
    - David Kimhi
    - David Kimhi | Hebrew grammar, Biblical exegesis, Jewish philosophy | Britannica
  - King James Bible Translators: General Biographical Sources
AV1611.COM - Bible study tools and Bible version information
    - Edward Lively; Mr. Edward Lively, of Cambridge, whose immature death deprived
      our English translators of the Bible, in King James's Time,;
    - English Bible Translations - Subject Guides at Brigham Young University
History of English Literature-Oxford University Press
    - King James Bible Translators
    - Kings Bible Concordance - A to Z
      The concordance is an alphabetical index of all the words from the Bible.
      Each word is displayed in the line of the verse in which it is contained.
      This will help you find and compare the words and phrases within any verse.
      You can select a starting letter above and select from a word list or search directly.
  - Lardner's Credibility of the Gospel Hist. Part 1. B. ii. c. iv.;
Lardner, Nathaniel, 1684-1768) Catalog Search Results | HathiTrust Digital Library
    - Nathaniel Lardner (1684-1768)
    - Works by or about Nathaniel Lardner - Internet Archive
  - Le Clerc / Clerc: Bibl. Reg. among Sam. Clerc's Var. Lect.; Le Clerc;
    Clerc's Var. Lect. et Observat. in Chald. Paraph. Lond. Pol. Tom. VI. p. 45, c. 2.
    - Jean Le Clerc (theologian) 1657-1736
The Correspondence of Jean Le Clerc – EMLO
  - Leusden in his Onomast. p. 111.; Onomast Sac., Leyden, 1650; s.r.
Johann Leusden (1624-1699)
    - Leusden, Johann - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Lewis's History of the English Trans. of the Bible, p. 322. 2nd edit.,;
    - A complete history of the several translations of the Holy Bible,
      and New Testament, into English, both in MS. and in print: and of
      the most remarkable editions of them since the invention of printing.
John Lewis ... - The second edition, with large additions. 1739
    - John Lewis (antiquarian), 1675-1747
  - Libanius Epist. 1011, in Acts xxv. 13, and the Codd. Lat. . . .
    - Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898), L, Levee, Libanius
    - Libanius
The Letters of Libanius
  - Lightfoot: Dr. Lightfoot interprets the words;
John Lightfoot
    - All the Works of John Lightfoot Doctor in Divinity, . . .
    - Complete Works of Rev John Lightfoot on-line - Biblical Studies
  - Lowth: Bp. Lowth, on ver. 15 of that chapter,
Lowth, Robert - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Robert Lowth
  - Maccabees: Books of the Maccabees
    The author of the Arabic History of the Maccabees, printed in the Paris Polyglott,
  - Macrobius in Saturn. ii. 4,
Macrobius / Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius
    - Saturnalia (Macrobius)
  - Malvenda:
Tomaso Malvenda: Malvenda, Thomas - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Manctho /
Manetho, with an English translation by W.G. Waddell
  - Manutius: Aldine Bible
    - Aldus Pius Manutius (Aldus Manutius the Elder)
  - Marsh: Bp. Marsh's Notes on Michaelis's Lect. on New Test. Vol. II. Part II. p. 817.
Herbert Marsh (1757-1839); Herbert Marsh
    - History of the College of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge; pages 735-778.
      Extensive data on Herbert Marsh, his family, along with his accomplishments.
  - Marsham: Sir John Marsham in Canon Chron. p. 484, and others, . . .
    - D. Johannis Marshami ... Canon chronicus aegyptiacus, ebraicus, graecus, & ...
inauthor:"Sir John Marsham"
Sir John Marsham, 1st Baronet, 1602-1685
  - Masius: Masius, Calmet, and others, suppose the people,
    - Andreas Masius (1514-1573)
    - Classical Syriac Manuscripts at Yale University
    - Masius Search results - Patristic Bible Commentary
  - Matthew:
Matthew Bible (Thomas Matthew)
    Matthew's Bible - 1537 Facsimile Elmo Brown Leather - Biblical Heritage Exhibit
    John Rogers used the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew", a name used by William
    Tyndale on occasion, to avoid persecution and prosecution by the authorities
    who continued to forbid under penalty of death, the printing of the scriptures
    in the English language. The Matthew's Bible was printed in 1537 in Paris
    and Antwerp by Sir Jacobus van Metered the uncle of Roger's wife, Adriana.
  - Maundrell quoted by the editors of Calmet's Dict.
    - Full text of "Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible :
      as published by the late Mr. Charles Taylor, with the fragments incorporated.
      The whole condensed and arranged in alphabetical order"
  - Megasthenes:
Megasthenes in Wikipedia - Bible History
Menahem de Lonzano / Menachem di Lonzano | Texts & Source Sheets
    from Torah, Talmud and Sefaria's library of Jewish sources.
  - Michaelis and Dathius; Michaelis in
Spicileg. P. ii. p. 161; eminent Biblical Critic
    J. D. Michaelis, in Spicil. P. i. p. 19, &c.; Johann David Michaelis
Ioannis Davidis Michaelis Spicilegium geographiae Hebraeorum
      exterae post Bochartum [microform] : Michaelis, Johann David, 1717-1791
    - Johann David Michaelis - Encyclopedia
  - Mill and Wetstein on Matth. i. 4.,; Lectionary 4
    The manuscript was examined by John Mill. It was added
    to the list of the New Testament manuscripts by Wettstein.
    - John Mill (theologian), c. 1645-1707:
Textual criticism
      Mill's work noted over 30,000 discrepancies between
      some 100 extant New Testament manuscripts.
Apocrypha: Biblical apocrypha
        - Apocrypha - Early Christian Writings
Deuterocanonical books
        - List of Old Testament pseudepigr
        - New Testament apocrypha
        - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
          - Joseph Smith’s Developing Relationship with the Apocrypha
          - Section 91, The Apocrypha
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Apocrypha
Letter to the Church, 7 September 1842 [D&C 128], Page 7
Revelation, 9 March 1833 [D&C 91], Page 55
Biblical authority
      - Biblical inerrancy
      - Biblical infallibility
      - Biblical inspiration
      - Biblical literalism
Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures on
      - Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible | Religious Studies Center
        Joseph Smith Translation & King James Translation in Parallel Columns.
        - Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible | Religious Studies Center
        - From Manuscript to Finished Text | Religious Studies Center:
Genesis.pdf; Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deutronomy.pdf;
          Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings,
          and including 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Nehemiah, Job.pdf;
          Psalms, Proverbs.pdf; Songs of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel.pdf;
          Hosea, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Zechariah.pdf;
Matthew.pdf; Mark.pdf;
John.pdf; Acts.pdf; Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians.pdf;
Galatians.pdf; Ephesians.pdf; Phillipians.pdf; Colossians, 1 Thessalonians,
          and including 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy,_2 Timothy.pdf;
Titus, Philemon.pdf;
James.pdf; 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, Jude.pdf; Revelation.pdf
      - The Articles of Faith: 13 Beliefs | Come unto Christ - Number Eight (8)
        We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly;
        we also believe the
Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
  - Morinus; Variat. MSS. published by Morinus; Jo. Morinus
    - Manuscripts, Hebrew - Biblical Cyclopedia . . . These variations were first collected
      by ben-Chayim in the Rabbinic Bible (Venice, 1526), . . . Chayim does not give the
      source from which he took these variations, but Morinus (Exercitt. Biblic. page 409,
      Paris, 1669 fol.) testifies that he saw a list of these variations in some MSS; i.e., As
      to the Eastern and Western codices; from academies in Palestine and Babylonia.
  - Münster: Münster informs us, 1. c.,; Sebast. Münster, in the former passage has . . . ;
    - Sebastian Münster (1488-1552)
      Tombstone describes him has the Ezra and the Strabo of the German people.
  - Naziazen: Gregory Nazianzen, in his Orat. in Maccab.,
    - Gregory of Nazianzus, c. 329-390
      Considered the most accomplished rhetorical stylist of the patristic age.
  - Newcome: Newcome on Amos vii. 9.; Archbp. Newcome on Hosea 1. c.
    - William Newcome (1729-1800)
  - Newton: Bp. Newton's Dissert. on Proph. Vol I. p. 290-299, and p. 322, edit. 4to.
Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Newton, Thomas (1704-1782)
    - The Right Reverend Thomas Newton D.D. Lord Bishop of Bristol,
      and Dean of St. Paul’s, London. - Michael Finney Antique Prints
    - Thomas Newton, Dissertations on the Prophecies, which have remarkably
      been Fulfilled, and at this time are Fulfilling in the World (1825);
      Thomas Newton, D.D., Late Lord Bishop of Bristol
    - Works of the Right Reverend Thomas Newton, D.D., Late Lord Bishop of Bristol,
      and Dean of Saint Paul's, London: with some Accounts of his Life, and Anecdotes
      of Several of his Friends, written by Himself by Thomas Newton
  - Nicephorus in his Chronogr.
    - Database: Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris (CHAP)
      Late Antique Historiography
Stichometry of Nicephorus
    - The Development of the Canon of the New Testament
  - Nobilius: Flam. Nobilius in his Var. Lect. of LXX; Flam. Nobil. in Vers. Graec
Nobilio (or Nobilis), Flaminio - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Nobili, Flaminio - CERL Thesaurus
  - Noldius in his Hist. Idum; History of Idumaea,
    a Synopsis of Sacred History and Antiquities
    - Concordance -
      Christian Nolde (Noldius) in his "Concordance of the Particles,"
      Copenhagen, 1679; new ed., Jena, 1734.
John Taylor (dissenting preacher)
    - Nolde (or Noldius), Curistian - Biblical Cyclopedia
The Comprehensive Concordance to the Holy Scriptures
  - Owen: Hammond 1. c. and Dr. Owen on Mark ii. 26, in Bowyer's Conject. on New Test.
    - Dr. Henry Owen
    - Owen, Henry (1716 - 1795)
      Cleric, physician, and scholar | Dictionary of Welsh Biography
    - William Bowyer (printer)
  - Oxford Classical Dictionary
    - AElian Nat. Animal. B. vi. c. 25.
Aelian | Oxford Classical Dictionary
Aelian : On Animals, 6
Claudius Aelianus
    - Arrian Expedit. Alex. B. vi. p. 398, &c.;
Arrian, c. 86–160 CE | Oxford Classical Dictionary
Perseus under Philologic: searching for 3
    - Diodorus Siculus B. xvii. c. 73;
      - Diodorus (3), Diodorus Siculus, author of the Bibliothēkē
Diodorus Siculus: Bibliotheca historica
The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian
    - Plutarch. Alex. Tom. 1. p. 690;
      - Plutarch, of Chaeronea, b. before 50 CE; d. after 120 CE
    - Quint. Curtius B. v. c. 13;
Curtius Rufus, Quintus, rhetorician and historian | Oxford Classical Dictionary
      - Delphi Complete Works of Quintus Curtius Rufus
        History of Alexander (Illustrated) by Quintus Curtius Rufus - Ebook | Everand
Oxford History of the Biblical World - Oxford Reference
  - Oxford Research Encyclopedias
    - Creation and Contingency | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion [Research Note:
      A dispassionate evaluation of records of beginnings of ancient societies indicates that
      creation motifs of all societies, both ancient and modern, without religious affiliation,
      have no fundamental attachable physical reality, outside of archaeological findings.
      Physical determinism of mankind is only established within Judao-Christian theology.
Faith in the Messiah originates existence as always following from prior conditions.
      An all knowing God eliminates all universal human contingencies and indeterminism.
      The Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and Translator, Joseph Smith, Jr., High Priest President
      of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spoke, at the Temple in
      Joseph spoke on the Spirit of Elias-- the Spirit of Elijah and the Spirit of Messiah--
      the Spirit of Elias is a forerunner same as John the Baptist-- the Spirit of Elijah is the
      sealing power-- to seal the hearts of the Fathers to the children-- and the children to
      the Parents-- as Paul declared that the Saints of the last days could not be perfect with-
      out them-- neither can they be perfect without us-- the Spirit of Messiah is all power in
      Heaven and in Earth-- Enthroned in the Heavens as King of Kings and Lord of Lords--
Creation: The Creation (The Creation) and Doctrine and Covenants 77.
Doctrine and Covenants 101, verses 32-34, validates that current,
      modern science, will never be able to comprehend or ascertain the origins,
      or destiny of this earth, the solar system, or the Universe; except on the principle
      of valiant service and sacrifice in the cause of our King Jesus Christ, who will reveal
      all things at His coming in Glory. Keys of the Universe are restricted to all worthy
      Celestial administrators, such as our Ancient of Days, Father
Adam.  When Son Ahman
      comes, Adam delivers up his stewardship to Christ, that which was delivered to him as
      holding the keys of the Universe, but retains his standing as head of the human family.
      The Joseph Smith Papers - History.]
  - Paschale: Chron. Paschale p. 170;
Chronicon Paschale
      Chronicon Paschale is a huge compilation, attempting
      a chronological list of events from the creation of Adam.
  - Patrick: Bp. Patrick on Ezra i. 8.; Patrick's Commentary, Vol. II. p. 632, edit. fol.
    - A Commentary Upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament    
      in two volumes. By Dr Symon Patrick, late Lord Bishop . . .
    - Simon Patrick (Bishop), 1626-1707;
inauthor:"Simon Patrick"
  - Petavius in his Doctr. Temp. L. xiii. c. 26, and in his Rat. Temp. L. ii. c. 6, make . . .
    - Denis Pétau / Dionysius Petavius
    - Modern Chronologies of the Bible
    - The history of the vvorld: or, An account of time.
      Compiled by the learned Dionisius Petavius. And continued by others,
      to the year of our Lord, 1659. Together with a geographicall description
      of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America.
      - The History of the World; Or, an Account of Time.
  - Philo in Life of Moses, Tom. ii. p. 83.
    - Philo: On the Life of Moses, I
    - Philo: On the Life of Moses, II
  - Photius Cod. 238
Bibliotheca (Photius)
    - Photius: Bibliotheca.  Table of contents
    - Photios I of Constantinople
  - Pilkington in his Remarks,; Remarks upon several passages of scripture:
    rectifying some errors in the printed Hebrew text; Pointing out Several Mistakes
    in the Versions; and Shewing The Benefit and Expediency of a more correct
    and intelligible Translation of the Bible.
    By Matthew Pilkington, LL.B. Prebendary of Lichfield. | Wellcome Collection
  - Pirkei De-Rabbi Eliezer
  - Piscator think.; Johannes Piscator
  - Pliny in his Nat. Hist. B. vi. c. 20.
    - Pliny the Elder, The Natural History
  - Pococke: Dr. Pococke; Pococke's Collat. in vi. Vol. of Lond. Polygl, p. 30 . . .
    - Edward Pococke 1604-1691)
    - Edward Pococke (1604–1691), Comparative Arabic-Hebrew Philology, and the Bible
      Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies | Duke University Press
  - Poole: Malvenda, as quoted by Poole in his Synopsis, 1. c., suspects that . . .;
    Tyrinus, quoted by Poole, in his Synopsis on Ezra ii. 3,
    - Matthew Poole, 1624-1679:
Critici sacri
    - Poole Project: Matthew Poole - Poole General -
Poole Search
Poole-1-2 Chronicles
    - Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacræ Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum,
      summo studio et fide adornata, indicibusque necessariis instructa a Matthaeo Polo,
      Londinensi. . . HathiTrust Digital Library - Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679
  - Prideaux, (Dean), in his Connect. Hist. Old and New Test. Part ii. B. vi. Vol. 2, p. 289
Humphrey Prideaux
    - The Old and New Testaments Connected in the History of the Jews
      and Neighboring Nations from the Declensions of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
      to the Time of Christ, by Humphrey Prideaux, D.D., Dean of Norwich.
  - Ptolemy, the Geographer, in B. vi. c. i., places a province in the North of Assyria
    called Arrapachitis, which Bochart, Phaleg Lib. ii. c. 4, and others believe . . .;
    Ptolemy's Canon, makes Xerxes to reign twenty-one years,
Ptolemy: Geography (Ptolemy)
  - Pyle in his Paraphrase, and others, . . .
    - A Paraphrase with Notes, on the Acts of the Apostles,
      And Upon All the Epistles of the New Testament Being a Compleat Supplement
      to Dr. Clarke's Paraphrase on the Four Gospels.
      With a Short Preface to Each Epistle and a General Index
    - Thomas Pyle (1674-1756) / 9 titles, 12 vols. | PRDL
Rashi or, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki / Yitzhaki: Kimchi, Jarchi,
    and the author of the Small Masora; the mediaeval French rabbi Rashi,
    a.k.a. Jarchi (the Christian name for Rashi): the prince of Jewish commentators;
    placed by Jewish Rabbis at the head of their commentators. See:
List of rabbis.
    - Rashi - Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
      Rashi's piety and learning were so great, and his influence upon the Jewish nation
      by means of his expositions was so extraordinary, that his comments are almost
      looked upon as part of the Bible, and his interpretations in the present day are
      regarded by the most orthodox Jews as the authoritative import of Holy Writ.
Rashi family tree
Works by or about Rashi - Interenet Archive
  - Reland's Palaestin, p. 47.; Reland in his Palaestina B. i. c. xi. p. 63, &c.,
Reland, Adrian°; Adriaan Reland; Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata
  - Reiske: Johann Jakob Reiske
  - Rhod. Argonaut.; . . .;
    - Apollonius of Rhodes
    - Argonautica
  - Rosenmüller: E. F. C. Rosenmüller in his Notes on Gen. iv. 22,
    and with whom Dathius agrees.
    - Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmüller
    - The Biblical geography of Asia Minor, Phœnicia, and Arabia. | Library of Congress
      (Name spelled in some publications as: Ern. Frid. Car. Rosenmüller)
  - Rosenmüller: Rosenmüller's Schol. in Vet. Test. P. i. p. 259;
    Dr. D. Jo. George Rosenmüller;
    Scholia In Novum Testamentum book by Johann Georg Rosenmüller
    - Johann Georg Rosenmüller (
Johann Georg Rosenmüller)
  - Rutherforh (sic) Rutherford: Dr. Rutherforh's Letter to Dr. Kennicott p. 12--14
Rutherford (Thomas) Letter to Dr. Kennicott on the Samaritan Peniteuch
    - Thomas Rutherforth - Rutherford (1712-1771)
  - Sale: George Sale (Sale's Transl. Koran)
    - George Sale (1697–1736) | Quran Translation
    - Internet Archive: Digital Library & Wayback Machine for George Sale.
    - Universal History (Sale et al)
      - Catalog Record: An Universal history, from the earliest account of time /
        Compiled from original authors; and illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, &c.
        With a general index to the whole. HathiTrust Digital Library
  - Scaliger: Joseph Justus Scaliger
    He succeeded in reconstructing the lost Chronicle of Eusebius: Chronicon (Eusebius)
    - Abraham and Melchizedek in: The Book of Genesis in Late Antiquity
  - Schultens: Albert Schultens
  - Sefaria: a Living Library of Jewish Texts Online: Explore Jewish Texts by Topic
Masoretic text | Hebrew Bible, Tanakh, Rabbinic Commentary | Britannica
    - Masoretic Text - The Society for Old Testament Study
The SOTS Wiki - The Society for Old Testament Study
Minchat Shai on Torah | Sefaria (Minchath Shai)
    - Seder Olam Rabbah | Sefaria, or The Great Order of the World
      2nd-century chronicle detailing the dates of biblical events
      from creation to Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia.
      It adds no stories beyond what is in the biblical text.
    - Seder Olam Zutta | Sefaria, or The Small Order of the World
      Based in part on the Seder Olam Rabbah, the work continues the project
      of providing dates fro historical events, beginning with Adam and continuing
      to the talmudic period. Talmudic Figures
  - Selden has long since corrected in his Treatise De Success, in Pontif. Ebraeor. L. i. c. v.
    - John Selden; records listed in Internet Archive: Digital Library & Wayback Machine
  - Septuagint: Read the Septuagint Bible w/ Apocrypha Free Online
A Brief History of the Septuagint
    - Roman Septuagint
The Septuagint: LXX
  - Shaw: Dr. Shaw in his Travels, Vol. ii. p. 24, edit. 1808, observes,
    - Shaw, Thomas, 1694-1751 | The Online Books Page
      - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Shaw, Thomas (1694-1751)
      - Travels or observations relating to several... | HathiTrust Digital Library
  - SHEM: The Jerusalem Targum, and Jonathan ben Uziel in his Targum, and several
    other Jewish writers, suppose Melchizedek to be the same with Shem, the son of Noah;
    and this supposition has been ingeniously supported by the editors of Calmet's Dict.
    in their Enquiries and Discuss. Vol. III. . . . The Arabic version, in Gen. xiv. 18, renders
    . . . Malko Aladal, considering the word as an appellative rather than a Proper name.
    Probably the Arabic translator might be influenced by the customary name given to
    royalty in his country; for . . . many of the Mohammedan princes were, as a token of
    respect, distinguished by this appellation . . . Malck al Afdhal. It may not be improper
    here to observe, that the Salem above mentioned, was, most probably, Jerusalem,
    antiently (sic) known by the name of Salem--See Ps. lxxxvi. 2. And thus the writers
    of the Targums call Melchizedek . . . King of Jerusalem. . . . Porro Salem [read
    Melchizedek] rex Hierusalem dicitur, quae prius Salem appellabatur.
    - LDS Studies: The Connection between Melchizedek and Shem
      Melchizedek received his priesthood through the lineage of his fathers, even till Noah
      [means my priesthood came down in time from Adam to Noah, my father]; from Noah
      till Enoch through the lineage of their fathers [means my priesthood lineage descended
      from Adam via Enoch to Noah, my father, through the lineage of their fathers]; for this
      priesthood was received from Enoch to Abel, who received the priesthood by the hand
      of his father Adam. The priesthood lineage is very clearly recorded; it is a descending
      pedigree lineage, anciently from the man Adam, to the honorable Abel, his slain son
      [who was a brother of Seth, another son of Adam: the actual lineage ancestry of Noah].
      [Research Note: Do not interpret ancient genealogies from the standpoint, or viewpoint,
      of modern, unlearned genealogists, who concentrate on creating ascending research
      pedigrees. Until the Patriarchal Priesthood endowments and covenants were completely
      broken, and records discontinued, or intentionally destroyed; genealogies established,
      in the Ancient Book of Remembrance, were recorded as righteous descending posterity.
      Our Father Abraham clearly states he received handed down records from his fathers.
      Apostle Bruce R. McConkie was incorrect in his creation of gaps in the record source.]
      Now Melchizedek was a man of faith, who wrought righteousness; and when a child
      he feared God, and stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire.
      And thus, having been approved of God, he was ordained an high priest after the
      order of the covenant which God made with Enoch. Shem, the great pre/post flood
      High Priest heir of Noah, was ordained an high priest after the order of the covenant
      which God made with the pre-flood High Priest Enoch; for as a child, Shem feared
      God. Shem stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire, prior
      to the Flood, since after the Flood there was no general wickedness left and there
      was only a minimal number of lions remaining upon the earth. Additionally, according
      to Alma, Chapter 13, of the Book of Mormon, Melchizedek was a High Priest, and was
      a king over the land of Salem . . . for he was the king of Salem, and he did reign under
      his father. Noah lived from 2944 B.C. to 1994 B.C. Shem, or Melchizedek, the High Priest
      lived from 2452 B.C. to 1852 B.C. Abraham lived in the time period between circa --
      2062 B.C. to 1827 B.C.. Under the Patriarchal Order, Terah practiced idolatry; unable
      to receive tithing.  Under the Patriarchal Order, Nahor died in 2013 B.C.; Shem was alive.
      [The Book of Jubilees suggests Nahor was taught idolatry by his father.] Under the
      Patriarchal Order, Serug died in 1961 B.C.; Shem was alive. [The Book of Jubilees
      suggests Serug worshipped idols.] Under the Patriarchal Order, Reu died in 1984 B.C.;
      Shem was alive. [The Chronicles of Jerahmeel suggest he had the spirit of prophesy;
      was righteous.] Under the Patriarchal Order, Peleg died in 2014 B.C.; Shem was alive.
      [The Chronicles of Jerahmeel suggest he was righteous.] Under the Patriarchal Order,
      Eber / Heber died in 1823 B.C. [Shem was alive until 1852 B.C. and Abraham died
      between 1887 / 1827 B.C. Abraham either died in 1887 B.C., before Shem died,
      or outlived him by 25 years. Nevertheless, Eber signifies "the region beyond";
      unconnected to Salem.] Under the Patriarchal Order, Salah / Shelah died in 1884 B.C.;
      Shem was alive. Under the Patriarchal Order, Arphaxad died in 1914 B.C.; Shem
      was alive. Shem would have been King of Salem after the time of the flood, a city
      of righteousness, (after they were called to repentance), under the direction of his father
      Noah, who was also a King, for over a period of 350 years. . . . Finally, The Priesthood
      was first given To Adam: he obtained to (crossed out) the first Presidency & held the
      Keys of it, from genration (sic) to Generation; he obtained it in the creation before
      the world was formed as in Gen. 1, 26:28, - he had dominion given him over every living
      Creature. He is Michael, the Archangel, spoken of in the Scriptures, -- Then to Noah
      who is Gabriel, he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called
      of God to this office & was the Father of all living in his day, & To him was Given the
      Dominion. These men held keys, first on earth, & then in Heaven. -- . . . Dan VII Speaks
      of the Ancient of Days, he means the oldest man, our Father Adam, Michael; he will
      call his children together . . . Both Adam and Noah also obtained the Priesthood Title
      of "King"; or in other words, all three were Prophets, Priests, and Kings, in their own
      right; Adam holding furthermore, the very Keys of the Universe, under the direct
      jurisdiction of Jesus Christ. [Also known as the Jehovah God of the Old Testament.]
    - Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843, Page 4b
      Joseph Smith, Jr. says: Shall I, who hold the keys of the last kingdom, in which is the
      dispensation of the fulness of all things spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets
      since the world began; under the sealing power of the Melchizedek priesthood,
      shall I stoop from the sublime authority of Almighty God, to be handled as a monkey's
      cat's paw, -- and pettify myself into a clown to act the farce of political demagoguery?
      No, no verily; no! . . . I solve mathematical problems of Universities; with truth . . .
Search for Melchizedek | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: 50 Results Search for Melchizedek
      . . . Abraham received the Priesthood from Melchesedec (sic) . . . and it was this
      same Melchizedek to whom Abraham paid tithes; yea, even our father Abraham
      paid tithes of one tenth part of all he possessed . . . [9] By this time, Melchizedek
      was already associated with the high priesthood in the theology articulated by JS.
      . . . vision of the afterlife that individuals who inherited the celestial kingdom
      (the highest degree of heavenly glory) were "priests of the most high after the order
      of Melchesadeck (sic) which was after the order of Enoch which was after the order
      of . . . the only begotten son." (Jesus Christ) . . . endowed with the same power
      as the ancient apostles were. [Research Note: Since the Patriarchal Priesthood
      was the former, and only Priesthood Order of the ancient Church of Jesus Christ,
      that was upon the earth, in the days of Abraham, then it is necessarily self evident
      that Melchizedek was one of the ancient ancestors of our Father Abraham.] . . .
      Then God bestow'd upon the meek, The Priesthood of Melchizedek. 2. By help
      of this their faith increas'd, Till they with God spoke face to face:
      An Enoch, he would walk with God; A Noah ride safe o'er the flood. . . .
      By October 1831 JS taught that "the order of the High priesthood is that
      they have power given them to seal up the Saints unto eternal life."
  - Shuckford on the Creation and Fall of Man, Pref. p. lxii.;
Samuel Shuckford
    - The Creation and Fall of Man: The Creation and Fall of Man
  - Shullam: Rabbi Samuel Shullam, or Samuel Shallum, who in his observations
    on the Hebrew book Sepher Juchasin, written by Rabbi Abraham ben Samuel Zacuth
    - Samuel Shullam
  - Sigonius has done . . .
    - Carolus Sigonius / Sigonio (1520/1524-1584)
    - The Hebrew Republic . . . In Venice, Sigonio wrote Oratio de laudibus historiae,
      which is enormously helpful in understanding his historical method within the
      cultural context of his time. In this work, Sigonio finds history to be the noblest
      of the humanities, writing that those who overlook the passage of time and past
      events cannot really be considered men; they are rather like inexperienced boys
      unable to distinguish one thing from another. Grammarians, rhetoricians, poets,
      and philosophers must resort to the art of history in order to truly understand their
      own disciplines, since history--the analysis of particulars with the aim of reaching
      universals--lies at the foundation of every science. See Science foundations and
      all aspects of scientific education: Science, Technology and How Things Work
  - Simon: Father Simon, in his Critical Hist. of the Old Test. B. i. c. xxiii., speaks
    of an antient (sic) copy of the Hebrew Bible, in which it is noted in the Margin
Richard Simon (priest), 1638-1712
  - Spanheim:
Historia Job - Historia Job by Friedrich Spanheim;
    Jobab, who is called Job; The reader will meet with the same Genealogy of Job,
    though not in so diffuse a manner, at the end of the Arabic Version of Job, . . .
  - Strabo . . .; Strabo
  - Suetonius B. xi. sect. 7, p. 246, edit. Oxon 1690.
    - Suetonius / Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
    - Suetonius on Christians
Works by or about Suetonius - Internet Archive
  - Suidas in his Lexicon v. . . .
Index of the Suda On Line - Kata Biblon
    - Suda
Suda lexicon, by Suidas (Lexicographer) (work) | The Online Books Page
  - Symmachus:
Symmachus (2) - Biblical Cyclopedia
Symmachus (translator)
  - Syncellus: George Syncellus; Goar's Edit. of Syncellus
    - The chronography of George Synkellos :
      a Byzantine chronicle of universal history from the creation |
  - Syriac versions of the Bible
  - Tacitus Hist. B. ii. sect. 2 and 81
Books by Tacitus, Cornelius (sorted alphabetically) - Project Gutenberg
CSL: Publius Cornelius Tacitus
    - Historical Commentary on Tacitus' Histories I and II
      Tacitus [Cornelius Tacitus] - Oxford Scholarly Editions
Tacitus: Histories (Tacitus)
  - Tanchum: Rabbi Tanchum; Rabbi Tanchum
Tanchum - Biblical Cyclopedia
Targum - Biblical Cyclopedia: The Chaldee Paraphrase on the Prophet Isaiah
Targum shel Divrei ha-Yamim Rishonim va-Aharonim
      yisdo Rabi Yosef rosh yeshivah be-Surya: Paraphrasis
      chaldaica in Librum Priorem et Posteriorum Chronicorum
      Aramaic Paraphrase of the Biblical Books of Chronicles by Joseph ben Hiyya
      - David Wilkins (orientalist); Wilkins on Chron.;
        Chaldee paraphrase, published by Wilkins,
      - The Targum of Onkelos in Gen., and the Syriac version in Gen. and . . .
        - targum of onkelos
  - The authour of the Book entitled The Small Genesis,
    as quoted by Epiphanius Adv. Haer. B. i. p. 287, as noted in record:
Jubilees, Book of – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology);
    i.e., the small Genesis, compendium of Genesis, because it only selects
    certain portions of Genesis, although through its lengthy comments upon
    these points it is actually longer than this canonical book (comp. Epiphanius,
    Adv. Hoer. lib. 1, tom. 3, cap. 6, edit. Petav.; G. Syncellus, p. 8); or, according
    to Ewald's rendering of it, (subtillia, minuta) because it divides the history
    upon which it treats into very minute and small periods . . .
  - The Cambridge History of the Bible
Bibliography - The Cambridge History of the Bible
  - The Complutensian Bible
    Special Collections Blog | L. Tom Perry Special Collections | HBLL
  - Theodotion's Version; some Fragments of . . . which are still preserved.;
    - Theodotion | Hellenistic Judaism, Septuagint, Bible Translation | Britannica
  - Thorndike's Collat. Var. Lect. Syr. on Gen. x. 11.; Thorndike's Collat. of Syr. MSS.;
    Thorndike's Collat. Syr. Vet. Test. in Walton's Polyglott Tom. VI.
Herbert Thorndike (1598-1672) / 8 titles, 42 vols. | PRDL
    - Herbert Thorndike. 1598-1672; countenanced a belief in Prayer for the dead; concept,
      noted in the New Testament; fully in Melchizedek priesthood LDS Temple Ordinances.
    - Thorndike, Herbert - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Townsend: Rev. Geo. Townsend, in his excellent publication,
    entitled the Old Test. arranged, &c., Vol. II. p. 427, edit. 2nd.
    - George Townsend (priest), 1788-1857
    - Notes on the contributions of the Rev. George Townsend, M.A. . . .
      to the new edition of Fox's martyrology : Maitland, Samuel Roffey, 1792-1866
    - Townsend, George, Dd - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Tremellius: Immanuel Tremellius
  - Usher's MS: James Ussher | Ussher Chronology
    - Chronology of the Bible
  - Valesius on Eusebius's Eccles. Hist., B. i. c. x.; [
Church History (Eusebius)]
    - Henri Valois (1603-1676) / Henricus Valesius
  - Valpy: reprinted by Valpy in his improved edition of Stevens's Thesaur. Vol. 1 . . .
    - Abraham John Valpy, 1786-1854
Valpy, Abraham John, (1787-1854), Editor and Printer | The National Archives
Valpy, Abraham John, 1787-1854 | The Online Books Page
Henri Estienne / also known as Henricus Stephanus
        - Stephanus' Thesaurus Graecae Linguae
  - Vatable / Vatablus: François Vatable / Franciscus Vatablus
    - Medieval and Early Modern Greek Manuscripts : Act and Epistles book
  - Villoison: Villoison's Animad. ad Long. Past. L. iv. p. 108.
Animadversiones ad Longi pastoralium de Daphnide et Chloe
Jean-Baptiste Gaspard d'Ansse de Villoison
  - Vitringa: Vitringa, Bp. Lowth, and Houbigant, on Isai. xxii. 15,
Campegius Vitringa (1659-1722)
    - Campegius Vitringa, Sr (1659-1722) / 166 titles, 242 vols. | PRDL
    - Full text of "An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement,
      and an explanation of the twelve Minor Prophets" [Search for Vitringa]
  - Vossius Chronol. Sacr. c. x. p. 149.
Gerardus Vossius (1577-1649)
    - The Correspondence of Gerardus Joannes Vossius – EMLO
  - Wall's Crit. Notes on Old Test. . . .
    - Critical Notes on the Old Testament, By the late learned William Wall, D. D.;
      Author of the History of Infant Baptism.
      - An Abridgment of Wall's History of Infant Baptism by William Wall (D.D.),
        Rev. William Henry Spencer - Books on Google Play.
      - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Wall, William (1647-1728)
  - Walton's Polyglott p. 65, and De-Rossi on i. Chron. i. 17.; Brian Walton (bishop)
    - Brian Walton (1600-1661) / 18 titles, 23 vols. | PRDL (London Polyglot Bible)
    - From the Lowy Room: the magnificent 1657 Walton Polyglot Bible
      Library and Archives Canada Blog
  - Wetstein / Wettstein: Wetstein on Matthew viii, 28,
    - Johann Jakob Wettstein [1693-1754 A.D.]: Was a Swiss Theologian.
      Best Known as a New Testament Textual Scholar - Christian Publishing House Blog
  - Whiston, William; William Whiston (
LibriVox); Internet Archive: Digital Library
  - Whitby's Annot. on Luke xxiv. 1; and Berkel. on Step. Byzant.;
    - Daniel Whitby;
Daniel Whitby; #9 - Additional annotations to the New Testament; . . .
  - Wintle: Thomas Wintle, E. D.; Wintle's Dissert. on Daniel p. xxviii, and Notes p. 167.
    - Daniel, an Improved Version Attempted; with a Preliminary Dissertation,
      and Notes Critical, Historical, and Explanatory.
  - Woide: Dr. Woide.
    - Carl Gottfried Woide, Fellow of the Royal Society (F.R.S.)
  - Xenophon: Saocoras, is by Xenophon in his Anab. B. i. called Maska.
    - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), MESOPOTA´MIA
    - Xenophon"s Anabasis and the Origin's of Military Autobiography
  - Yates, Mr. T., reads in Gen. xxv. 15; and thus the Malabaric Pentateuch collated by
    - Collation of an Indian copy of the Hebrew Pentateuch . . . and a notice of some others,
      (Hebrew and Syriac) collected by Claudius Buchanan, in the year 1806, . . . ;
      also a collation and description of a Ms. roll of the Book of Esther;
      and the Megillah of Ahasuerus, from the Hebrew copy originally extant
      in brazen tablets at Goa, on the Malabar Coast /
      with an English translation by Thomas Yeates | Yeates, Thomas, 1768-1839 . . .
      - Thomas Yeates (orientalist)
Yeates, Thomas (1768-1839) orientalist and biblical scholar
Yeates, Thomas, 1768-1839 | The Online Books Page
  - Zacuth / Zacuto: Hebrew book Sepher Juchasin,
    written by Rabbi Abraham ben Samuel Zacuth
    - Abraham Ben Samuel Zacuto - Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies
    - Book of Genealogies - “Sefer Yuhasin” (Heb. ספר יוחסין) by Abraham Zacuto
      Some of the Jewish writers say, also, that Noah had a fourth son named Yoniko.
      See Abraham ben Samuel Zacuth, in Sepher Juchasin, p. 135.
    - English Translation of Sefer Yahassin:
Sefer Yuḥasin
      Abraham Zacuto is renowned as an astronomer; tables were used by Columbus.
      Genealogies intended to outline the historical development of the Oral Law
      and to establish the chronology of the sages who had transmitted it.
Rabbi Abraham Zacuto - (1450-1515; 5210-5275) -
    - Zacuto, Abraham ben Samuel -
  - Aaron | Biblical High Priest & Brother of Moses | Britannica
    - Aaron, Brother of Moses:
Aaron [Research Note: An Aaronic Priest should
      not be confused with the
High Priest Office in the Melchizedek Priesthood.
John Taylor: The Priesthood, Its Organization, Etc. (Journal of Discourses)
Literal Descendants of Aaron and Bishops - LDS Scripture Teachings]
Abaddon | angel | Britannica
  - Abauzit: Firmin Abauzit | Philosopher, Scientist, Educator | Britannica
  - Abel | Cain’s Brother, First Martyr, Shepherd | Britannica
    - [Research Note: Abel /
Abel: Letter to the Church, circa March 1834, Page 143]
Abiathar | High Priest, David’s Court, Solomon’s Reign | Britannica
  - Abigail | Queen of Israel, Wife of David, Prophetess | Britannica
Abijah | King of Judah, Prophet, Priest | Britannica
  - Abraham - Genesis, Scholarship, Bible | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Book of Abraham and Egyptian Material.]
  - Acts of the Apostles | Summary & Facts | Britannica
Adonijah | Son of David, Crown Prince, Solomon’s Rival | Britannica
  - Adrat: Solomon ben Abraham Adret
    Talmudic scholar, halakhist, philosopher | Britannica
ʿAdullam | Canaanite, Judah, Cave | Britannica
  - Aelfric | Old English, Abbot, Monasticism | Britannica
  - Aelred: Saint Aelred of Rievaulx | 12th-century Abbot, Spiritual Writer | Britannica
  - Ahab | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Ahasuerus | Stories, Relationships, & Facts | Britannica
Ahaz | Reign of Terror, Idolatry, Hezekiah | Britannica
  - Aleni: Giulio Aleni | Jesuit missionary, China, Confucianism | Britannica
  - Alfasi: Isaac ben Jacob Alfasi | Sephardic rabbi, halakhist, codifier | Britannica
  - Ambrose Of Camaldoli | Monasticism, Hermits, Reformer | Britannica
  - American Bible Society
  - Amos | Hebrew Pro
phet, 8th Century BCE Prophet & Poet | Britannica
    - Book of Amos | Prophet Amos, Israelite History, Social Justice | Britannica
Andrew Of Caesarea | Greek Father, Cappadocian Father & Hymnographer | Britannica
  - Arabians: The Arabians say that Ishmael had a son called Thor, or Thour.
Arsenius the Great | Biography, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
Athaliah | Biblical Queen, Judah’s Reign, Jehoshabeath | Britannica
  - Babel: Tower of Babel | Story, Summary, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note:
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Tower of Babel" confirms,
    numerous times, such as in “Latter Day Saints,” 1844, Page 406, that "In this important
    and interesting book the history of ancient America is unfolded, from its first settlement
    (after the Great Flood of Noah), by a colony that came from the tower of Babel, at the
    confusion of languages, to the beginning of the fifth century of the Christian era."; all
    contrary to the false, unsubstantiated assertion in Britannica, that it was historical myth.]
  - Bar Salibi:
Jacob Bar Salibi | Biography & Facts | Britannica
  - Baruh: Raphael Baruh
Critica sacra examined: or, An attempt to show that a new method may be found
      to reconcile the seemingly glaring variations in parallel passages of Scripture.
      And that such variations, consequently, are no proofs of corruptions, or mistakes,
      of transcribers : Baruh, Raphael, d. 1800
inauthor:"Raphael Baruh"
The Beginnings of Anglo-Jewish Biblical Exegesis and Bible Translation on JSTOR
  - Bengelius in Gnom.,
    - A Memoir of the Life and Writings of John Albert Bengel
Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament - Bible Commentaries -
    - Johann Albrecht Bengel, 1687-1752
  - Bible Research by Michael Marlowe: Early Printed Editions of the Hebrew Bible
  - Biblical Bibliographies: Index Page
Abbreviations of periodicals, series, reference works, and others
    - Pre-1800 commentaries on the whole Jewish Bible / Old Testament
Society of Biblical Literature Publications
Useful Links of Particular Interest for Biblical Research
  - Biblical literature | Definition, Types, Significance, Survey, & Development | Britannica
  - Biblical literature Facts | Britannica
    Related Content, Photos and Videos, Topics and References, Quizzes and Features.
Biblical literature - Hermeneutics, Interpretation, Exegesis | Britannica
    - Biblical literature - Exegesis, Hermeneutics, Criticism | Britannica
    - Hermeneutics | Definition, History, Principles, Examples, & Types | Britannica
    - SBL - Resources for Biblical Study
Biblical Studies - Oxford Bibliographies
Biblical translation | History, Challenges & Benefits | Britannica
  - Bibliography - Collection at
    XV. Scholars, Antiquaries and Bibliographers - Bibliography - I. Classical Scholars
    The classical scholars and archaeologists mentioned in this chapter are noticed by
    Sir John Edwin Sandys, in his History of Classical Scholarship. vol. II (Cambridge, 1908)
    C. XXIV, pp. 421-439, and vol. III (1908) C. XL, pp. 393-449; also in his Short History of
    Classical Scholarship (Cambridge, 1915), C. XXXV, pp. 273-7, and C. XLVIII, pp. 394-419.
    - John Sandys (classicist): Sir John Edwin Sandys
      Cross-discipline history: general interest | Cambridge University Press
      - Works by or about Sir John Edwin Sandys - Internet Archive
        - A history of classical scholarship : Sandys, John Edwin, 1844-1922
        - A short history of classical scholarship from the sixth century B.C.
          to the present day (1915) - Sandys, John Edwin, 1844-1922 - Internet Archive
        - - Sir John Edwin Sandys: Books
        - History of classical scholarship : from the sixth century B.C.
          to the end of the middle ages : Sandys, John Edwin, 1844-1922
    - Toup in his Emend. in Suid. P. III. p. 382, edit. Oxon.;
Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Toup, Jonathan
Jonathan Toup (1713-1785) / Toup, Jonathan Oannes, (1713-1785)
        philologist and classical editor | The National Archives
    - Tyrwhitt: Tyrwhitt on Orpheus De Lapid.
      - Thomas Tyrwhitt, 1730-1786
      - Thomas Tyrwhitt (Tyrwhitt, Thomas, 1730-1786) | The Online Books Page
British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) | Britannica
  - Bruce's Travels, Vol. II. p. 531
    - James Bruce - Historic UK, 1730-1794
    - The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Life and Adventures of Bruce,
      the African Traveller, by Major Sir Francis B. Head.
    - Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile
  - Brucioli: Antonio Brucioli
    Renaissance Translator, Bible Scholar & Latinist | Britannica
  - Buber: Martin Buber | Jewish Existentialist, Dialogical Philosopher | Britannica
  - Calvin: John Calvin
    Biography, Beliefs, Predestination, Writings, Reformation, & Facts | Britannica
    - John Calvin
  - Cappel: Louis Cappel | Reformation Scholar, Biblical Critic & Hebraist | Britannica
Cassiodorus | Roman Senator, 6th-century Italy | Britannica
  - Christians: Eastern Christians call her . . .
    - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
    - Christianity | Definition, Origin, History, Beliefs, Symbols, Types, & Facts | Britannica
      - Christianity:
Christian Denomination
List of Christian Denominations by Number of Members
      - The Only True and Living Church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        - Latter Day Saint Movement:
List of Denominations in the Latter Day Saint Movement
        - Search | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Search Tinney (example)
    - Internet Sacred Text Archive: Sacred-Texts ISTA - Internet Sacred Text Archive
Religious Denomination: Prevailing World Religions Map
      - Association of Religion Data Archives: World Religion Menu
World Religion Database
  - Comings's Answer to Kennicott's i. Dissert. p. 108.
    - Comings, Fowler, 1727 or 1728- | Wellcome Collection
Fowler Comings - Internet Archive
    - Fowler Comings (c.1727-) / 1 titles, 1 vols. | PRDL
Complutensian Polyglot Bible | Description, Languages, & Facts | Britannica
  - Coverdale:
Miles Coverdale | Reformer, Bible Translator, Tyndale | Britannica
  - Cyrillus adver. Julian. p. 134;a
    - Against the Galileans:
      Cyril of Alexandria and the Revival of Paganism in the Fourth Century.
      Against Julian by Cyril of Alexandria (d. 444) is a monumental refutation
      of the anti-Christian polemic composed by the emperor Julian in 362-363.
    - Saint Cyril of Alexandria
      Biography, Writings, Legacy, Feast Day, & Facts | Britannica
  - Daniel: The Book of Daniel
    Prophet Daniel, Babylonian Exile, Jewish History | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly suggests, "Because its religious ideas
    do not belong to the 6th century BC, numerous scholars date Daniel in the first
    half of the 2nd century BC"; and, continues the disparagement by suggesting
    falsely, that "The unknown author may have drawn inspiration from Ugaritic and
    Phoenician sources that speak of a legendary figure notable for his righteousness
    and wisdom." Daniel: Prophet of God, Companion of Kings (Daniel)]; in its Notes
    and Commentary on Daniel, presents a comprehensive evaluation of subject matter.
    That Daniel saw Adam, or the "Ancient of Days," and Also Christ Taking His Rightful
    Place as King over the Earth, completely repudiates any non Israelite sources.]
  - De La Mare: William De La Mare
    English Philosopher, Medieval Scholar & Theologian | Britannica
  - De Tott / Du Tott: Baron Du Tott, Vol. II. p. 64
inauthor:"François baron de Tott"
    - Memories of the Baron de Tott, on the Turks and the Tartars
  - Dead Sea Scrolls | Definition, Discovery, History, & Facts | Britannica
    - Dead Sea Scrolls
    - Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
    - The Dead Sea Scrolls | The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  - Deer: The Book of Deer
    Early Medieval, Monastic Manuscript, Pictish Script | Britannica
  - Des Maizeaux: Engl. edit. by Des Maizeaux;
    - Pierre des Maizeaux
  - Deuteronomy | Ancient Hebrew Law, Moses & Covenant | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly opines: "Although Deuteronomy is presented
    as an address by Moses, scholars generally agree that it dates from a much later
    period of Israelite history." However, the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. in review of
    the Bible, produced Old Testament Revision 2, Page 73; re: Deuteronomy, Ch. 34,
    mentioning: "So Mosses (sic) the Servant of the Lord died thare (sic) in the land
    of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. for the Lord took him unto his Fathers,
    in a valley in the land of Moab, over against . . . Bethpeor; therefore no man
    knoweth of his sepulchar (sic) unto this day." See: Historical Introduction.
    Note under the section Moses, that he did not physically die; he was translated,
    and taken out of the midst of the disobedient. rebellious House of Israel;
    which rebellion ultimately resulted in the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the Gentile population.]
  - Diodati:
Giovanni Diodati | Reformation, Bible Translation, Geneva | Britannica
  - Documents That Changed the World on Apple Podcasts
    - Annals of the World, 1650 | UW News
      Annals of the Old Testament, deduced from the first origins of the world,
      the chronicle of Asiatic and Egyptian matters together produced from the
      beginning of historical time up to the beginnings of Maccabees. Created by:
    - James Ussher | Church of Ireland, Archbishop of Armagh, Theologian | Britannica;
      1,300 page Annals of the World through close study of The Bible's
      Old Testament, as well as a wide range of more secular histories.
    - The annals of the world deduced from the origin of time, and continued
      to the beginning of the Emperour Vespasians reign, and the totall destruction
      and abolition of the temple and common-wealth of the Jews : containing
      the historie of the Old and New Testament, with that of the Macchabees,
      also the most memorable affairs of Asia and Egypt, and the rise of the empire
      of the Roman Caesars under C. Julius, and Octavianus : collected from all history,
      as well sacred, as prophane, and methodically digested / by ... James Ussher ...
    - Works by or about James Ussher, 1581-1656; Internet Archive
Douai-Reims Bible | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
  - du Fresne, sieur du Cange: Edit. Du Cange; Charles Dufresne
    - Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange
      Du Cange is one of the historians that
Edward Gibbon cites;
      "our sure and indefatigable guide in the Middle Ages and Byzantine history".
  - Early editions of the Hebrew Bible: Great Bibles - Judaic Treasures
    - Footprints: Written Work Bible. Early Prophets. Commentary (Radak & Gersonides)
      - In The Footprints of the Prophets:
        Hebrew Incunabula from the Duke of Sussex’s Library | Bibliomania.
    - Hebrew incunabula
Hebrew Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries
    - Hooght, Everadus van der, 1642?-1716 - Internet Archive;
      Van der Hooght, in his edition of the Hebrew Bible . . .
      - Everardus van der Hooght (1642-1716),
        the Last of the Christian Hebraists in the Dutch Republic on JSTOR
Hooght, Everardus van der, 1642?-1716 | The Online Books Page
Soncino: a name linked to printing for five centuries -
Soncino -
Soncino family; consider Prophet. Soncin. printed in 1486,;
    - The First Printed Haggadah,
      of which Only Two Copies Survived : History of Information
    - The Soncinos – j-Italy
  - Earth and World: Earth - Planet, Atmosphere, Geology | Britannica
Earth sciences - Prehistoric, Origins, Geology | Britannica
    [Research Note: The world and earth are not synonymous terms. (The commentaries
    by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., are a complete repudiation of modern science. . . .)
    The world is the human family. This earth was organized or formed out of other
    planets which were broke up and remodelled (sic) and made into the one on which
    we live (i.e., unorganized, pulverized elements). The elements are eternal. That which
    has a beginning . . . will surely have an end. Take a ring, it is without beginning or
    end; cut it for a beginning place, and at the same time you will have an ending place.
    A key, every principle proceeding from God is eternal, and any principle which is not
    eternal is of the Devil. The sun has no beginning or end, the rays which proceed from
    himself (the Sun) have no bounds, consequently are eternal (i.e., a Celestial Planet,
    or glorified, eternal Star). So it is with God. If the soul of man had a beginning it will
    surely have an end. In the translation; "without form and void" it should read "empty
    and desolate" The word "created" should be formed or organized. . . . Observations
    on the Sectarian God. That which is without body or parts is nothing. There is no other
    God in heaven but that God who has flesh and bones (in a Celestial state of being).
    . . .
The great principle of happiness consists in having a body. . . . All beings who
    have bodies have power over those who have not. . . . This earth will be rolled back
    into the presence of God and crowned with Celestial Glory (i.e., become like our Sun).
    Discourse, 5 January 1841, as Reported by William Clayton, Page 4]
  - Eichrodt:
Walther Eichrodt | Old Testament, Theology, Exegesis | Britannica
Elijah | Biography, Name, Meaning, Story, & Elisha | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Power to Seal on Earth and in Heaven "The spirit, power, and calling
    of Elijah is, that ye have power to hold the key of the revelation, ordinances, oracles,
    powers and endowments of the fullness of the Melchizedek Priesthood and of the
    kingdom of God on the earth; and to receive, obtain, and perform all the ordinances
    belonging to the kingdom of God, even unto the turning of the hearts of the fathers
    unto the children, and hearts of the children unto the fathers, even those who are
    in heaven" (History of the Church 6:251; spelling modernized).
. . . "This is the spirit
    of Elijah, that we redeem our dead (through properly authorized Latter-day Saint
    Temple ordinance work), and connect ourselves with our fathers which are in heaven
    (deceased), and seal up our dead to come forth in the first resurrection; and here
    we want the power of Elijah to seal those who dwell on earth to those who dwell
    in heaven" (History of the Church, 6:252).]
  - Eliot: John Eliot | Puritan, Massachusetts, Algonquian | Britannica
Puritan John Eliot translated The 1661-1685 Eliot Bible
      The First Bible Printed in America
English Bible History: Timeline of How We Got the English Bible
    - The English Bible in the Early Modern World | Brill
      - Contents in: The English Bible in the Early Modern World
Index in: The English Bible in the Early Modern World
Emser: Hieronymus Emser | Reformer, Humanist, Scholar | Britannica
Erasmus | Biography, Beliefs, Works, Books, & Facts | Britannica
  - Fall of Man | Bible, Painting, Genesis, & Dürer | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica's complete chronological distortion of record sources,
    using fabricated, incorrect reconstructions of ancient data sets, contrary to  various
    theologically established narratives; provided by First President Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Prophet, Seer, Revelator, Translator.
    - Fall of Man: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Fall of Man"
      - Discourse, 5 February 1840, Page 1; with
Historical Introduction
    - Lectures on Faith: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Lectures on Faith";
      the lectures can be considered Joseph Smith documents in the sense that he and
      other members of the church presidency introduced them in a signed preface as
      being among "the leading items of the religion which we have professed to believe."]
  - Faxard Marquis of Valez (sic) Velez collated sixteen manuscripts,
    eight of which he borrowed from the King of Spain's library.; Peter Faxard
    - The North American Review - The Text of the New Testament
  - Fuller: See Fuller's Miscell. Sacra. Lib. iii. c. 13, in the IX. Vol. of Critic. sacr. col. 2320;
Nicholas Fuller
  - Gabriel | Definition & Feast Day | Britannica
    [Research Note: Fact checked as:
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Gabriel.
    And the voice of Michael the Archangel, the voice of Gabriel, and of Raphael,
    and of divers Angels from Michael or Adam, down to the present time; . . .
    Then to Noah who is Gabriel he stands next in authority to Adam in the priesthood.]
  - Genesis | Creation, Covenant & Patriarchs | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly states "The patriarchal history begins
    with the divine promise to Abraham that "I will make of you a great nation".
Glossary Patriarchal Priesthood | correctly notes The right of dominion
    over the creation belonged to God. God gave that right (first) to Adam and Eve. . . .
    It is the right to hold dominion over the world as the steward, (Keys of the Universe), (as)
    father, or patriarch over all creation; walking in the similitude of our Lord Jesus Christ.]
Genesis Rabbah | Midrash, Aggadah, Parables | Britannica
  - Geneva Bible | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
  - Gerard's Institutes of Bibl. Critic. p. 254.
  - Gerhard: Johann Gerhard | Lutheran Reformer, Theologian & Writer | Britannica
  - Gesner: Gesner's Note on the Fragm. of Orpheus p. 361.
    - Gesner, Johann Matthias:
      Novus Linguae Et Eruditionis Romanae Thesaurus. - Leipzig, 1749.
inauthor:"Johann Matthias Gesner"
    - Johann Matthias Gesner, 1691-1761
    - The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus
Gideons International | Christian Ministry, Bible Distribution, Evangelism | Britannica
  - Gloss. Gr.;
  - Goodspeed:
Edgar J. Goodspeed | Translator, Translations, Bible | Britannica
  - Gutenberg Bible | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
    - 7 Things You May Not Know About the Gutenberg Bible | History
The Gutenberg Bible - Harry Ransom Center Digital Collections
    - The Gutenberg Bible - Library of Congress Bible Collection
      Exhibitions - Library of Congress
    - The Morgan Gutenberg Bible Online
      The Morgan Library & Museum Online Exhibitions
Hebrew literature | History, Characteristics, Books, Writers, & Facts | Britannica
  - Hengstenberg: Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
    Reformation, Biblical Criticism & Exegesis | Britannica
Hexapla | Septuagint, Origen, Bible | Britannica
  - Hodius / Hody: De Bibliorum Texibus Originalibus; Hodius De Bibl. Text. Orig. p. 114
    - Humphrey Hody
    - Works by or about Humphrey Hody - Internet Archive
      Includes [De bibliorum textibus originalibus], Humfredi Hodii
  - Hort: Fenton J. A. Hort | New Testament, Theology, Anglican | Britannica
  - Howel's History, and Patrick's Commentary, that . . .
Hugh of Saint-Cher | Facts, Writings, & Biography | Britannica
  - Ibbetson in his Note on Josephus Jew. Ant. B. xx. c. i. Sect 2.p. 957;
    Ibbetson's Note on Josephus Tom. I. p. 944, edit. Havercamp.
  - ibn Tibbon: Moses ben Samuel ibn Tibbon
    Hebrew Scholar, Translator & Philosopher | Britannica
Ibrāhīm al-Ḥāqilānī | Islamic Scholar, Scholar of Hadith | Britannica
  - Isaac: Saint Isaac the Great | Biography, Feast Day, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
  - Isaiah: Book of Isaiah | Prophecy, Messianic Hope & Historical Context | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica improperly divides the writings of Isaiah into two areas
    of authorship, ignoring other resources presenting findings on
Understanding Isaiah.
    As mentioned, Nephi taught that the words of Isaiah "are plain unto all those that
    are filled with the spirit of prophecy". The Book of Mormon prophet Nephi further
    stated concerning Joseph, son of Jacob, that "He truly prophesied concerning all
    his seed. And the prophecies which he wrote, there are not many greater." So this
    resolves all problems. The Book of Mormon is true, because it is not restricted by
    time considerations; meaning events going forward for generations of time, are
    known and can be spoken of, as if occurring within the present generation, of living
    prophets, seers, and revelators; such as Joseph of Egypt speaking in future times,
    of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by his descendants Joseph, father and
    son, or Joseph Smith, Sr. and Joseph Smith, Jr.; which only the faithful comprehend.
    This same power of belief, founded upon a perfect faith in Jesus Christ, grants a JST
    Genesis 50 translation, to be valid, when ancient Joseph prophesied the bondage of
    his father's family in Egypt and their eventual deliverance by Moses, and specifically
    names him and his brother, Aaron. Moses was to deliver Israel from Egypt, have
    power over the Red Sea, receive commandments from God, and be assisted by
    Aaron as his spokesman. This belief system is grounded in the spirit of prophecy.]
  - Jablonski: and particularly the Glossarium P. E. Jablonskii Voc. AEgypt. p. cclii. &c.,
    [P. E. Jablonski, who stressed the fact that the Gnostics liked to represent, Christ
    as the Sun (god). From:
Three Elusive Amulets on JSTOR];
The risen Christ is our SUN - Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research].
    A Gnostic letter of around 200 AD states that resurrection is real for us Christians,
    because we 'possess' resurrection. "Resurrection of the spirit", it says, "swallows
    resurrection of the psyche and resurrection of the flesh". It then describes resurrection
    of the spirit as "being drawn upward by God as rays are drawn by the sun". [Research
    Note: A partial "resurrection" is described in the Book of Mormon, in the distinct case
    of Three Nephites. In the Book of Mormon, the Three Nephites (also known as the
Three Nephite Disciples) are three Nephite disciples of Jesus who were blessed by
    Jesus to remain alive on the earth, engaged in the ministry and in their apostolic
    callings until his Second Coming. As described in Third Nephi chapter 28, this change
    occurred when they were caught up into heaven. Similar to Mormon beliefs about
the Apostle. Three Nephites were granted immortality in order to carry out their
    ministering work on the earth . . . they can show themselves unto whatsoever person
    or people they choose. Wikipedia falsely denigrates these facts as "Mormon folklore".]
ADB:Jablonski, Paul Ernst - Wikisource
    - Coptic manuscripts of Paul Ernest Jablonski - Archives Hub
Jablonski, Paul Ernst, 1693-1757 | The Online Books Page
    - OCLC Classify -- an Experimental Classification Service - Paul Ernst Jablonski
    - Paul Ernst Jablonski
  - Jason of Cyrene: Jason of Cyrene
  - Job: The Book of Job | Biblical Text and Themes | Britannica
    [Research Note: Fact check: Britannica incorrectly states "The poetic disputations
    are set within the prose framework of an ancient legend that originated outside Israel.
    This legend concerns Job, . . ." See: Doctrine and Covenants 121: 10 "Thou art not yet
    as Job; thy friends do not contend against thee, neither charge thee with transgression,
    as they did Job." The Lord God Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, validates by His statements,
    to Joseph Smith, Jr., in the jail at Liberty, Missouri, that Job is connected to Israel.]
  - John: Saint John the Apostle
    Biography, Facts, Feast Day, Writings, & Death | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
John.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms John as a historical person. The JST title is: "The Testimony of St. John".
    It invalidates Britannica's false assertion that John's subsequent history is obscure
    and passes into the uncertain mists of legend; etc.. John is mentioned frequently
    in latter-day revelation . . . passages serve to confirm and to clarify the biblical record
    of John and also give us a hint as to his greatness and the importance of the work
    the Lord has given him to do on the earth, not only in the time of the New Testament,
    but also in the last days. We especially have a clarification . . . ascertaining that John
    did not die but has been allowed to remain on the earth as a ministering servant
    until the time of the Lord's Second Coming . . . .]
  - Joseph: Book of Joseph / Book of Joseph / Joseph, Son of Jacob
    - Joseph foretold of a latter-day seer - Church News
    - Joseph Smith and Ancient Egypt | Religious Studies Center
    - Joseph Smith Papyri
    - Joseph Smith’s Biblical View of Egypt | Religious Studies Center
    - Patriarchal Era: Joseph in Egypt - Part I /
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Joseph in Egypt
The Joseph Smith Papyri and the Writings of Joseph of Egypt on JSTOR
    - Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham: Book of Abraham Translation
Book of Abraham and Egyptian Material
Joshua | Conquest of Canaan, Military Leader, Miracle of Jericho | Britannica
    - [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly asserts that Joshua, the leader of the Israelite
      tribes after the death of Moses.
Moses did not physically die; he was translated,
      and taken out of the midst of the disobedient. rebellious House of Israel;
      which rebellion ultimately resulted in the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ,
      and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the Gentile population.
      Elijah, Moses + 6 More Times People Were Translated by God - LDS Living.]
Josiah | Reformation, Covenant & Prophets | Britannica
  - Jud:
Leo Jud | Reformation, Zurich, Theology | Britannica
Judah ha-Nasi | Jewish Patriarch, Talmudic Scholar | Britannica
Judaism | Definition, Origin, History, Beliefs, & Facts | Britannica
  - Judson: Adoniram Judson | Burma, Baptist, Conversion | Britannica
  - Kanzō: Uchimura Kanzō | Meiji period, Christian faith, pacifism | Britannica
  - Knox: John Knox | Scottish Reformer & Father of Presbyterianism | Britannica
Works by or about John Knox -Internet Archive
Knox: Ronald Knox | Anglican Priest, Catholic Convert, Writer | Britannica
  - Laban: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Brass Plates of Laban
Laban, Keeper of the Brass Plates: Brass Plates
    - Search for Brass Plates of Laban | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  - Lagrange: Marie-Joseph Lagrange
    Biblical Scholar, Scholarly Writings, Catholic Church | Britannica
  - Leclerc: Jean Leclerc | French, Historian, Theologian | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica describes His views on the Scriptures included
    the denial of Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch as well as of the divine
    inspiration of Ecclesiastes, Job, Proverbs, and the Song of Solomon. Compare:
    Is the Song of Solomon Scripture? - BYU Studies . . . In July 1832, during his divinely
    directed efforts to provide inspired revisions to the biblical text (now called the
    Joseph Smith Translation, JST, Joseph Smith claimed, "The Songs of Solomon
    are not inspired writings (sic)."
The Book of Moses confirms the authorship of Moses.]
  - Lefèvre: Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples
    French Humanist, Theologian & Bible Translator | Britannica
  - List of Biblical Commentaries
    - Cornelius a Lapide: Biblical Commentary of Cornelius ἁ Lapide
  - Lloyd: Bishop Lloyd contends, that Obed was the grandfather . . .
    - Lloyd, William (1627 - 1717),
      Bishop of St Asaph (1680-1692) | Dictionary of Welsh Biography
    - William Lloyd (Bishop of Worcester), 1627-1717
  - Luke:
Saint Luke | Biography, Feast Day, Patron Saint Of, Facts, & History | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
Luke.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms Luke as a historical person. The JST title is: "The Testimony of St. Luke".
    It invalidates Britannica's false insinuation, concerning "If Luke was the author of
    the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles", as being a quite spurious statement.]
  - Luther: Martin Luther | Biography,
    Reformation, Accomplishments, Quotes, & Facts | Britannica
    - Luther Bible: Luther Bible - Internet Archive
Martin Luther: Martin Luther bibliography
    - Temple Work for the Founding Fathers . . . and other Eminent Men and Women
      . . . Martin Luther and John Wesley helped to release the people from religious
      bondage that held them during the dark ages. They also prepared the people's
      hearts so they would be ready to receive the restored gospel when the Lord
      sent it again to men on the earth.
James Godson Bleak - Chief Recorder, SGEOR.
  - Lyra's opinion is, that there were three successive generations . . .
    - Nicholas of Lyra
    - Nicholas Of Lyra | Medieval Theologian, Exegete, Commentator | Britannica
  - Mahonri Moriancumer | Book of Mormon Central: Chapter 50: Ether 1–5
    - Family Genealogy and History Internet Education Directory - Wiki - Posts | Facebook
      Pure Genealogy in The Body of Christ - Family Genealogy & History Book of Life.
    - The meaning of the name Mahonri Moriancumer
      General Discussions - Mormon Dialogue and Discussion Board.
  - Maimonides: Moses Maimonides | Biography, Philosophy, & Teachings | Britannica
  - Malachi: The Book of Malachi | Summary & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Malachi and Moroni said Elijah would come - Church News; see also:
Why Did Moroni Quote Malachi about Elijah’s Coming? | Book of Mormon Central.
    These additional resources indicate that Malachi was not an unknown author, as
    suggested in Britannica; but that indeed, he was the Prophet Malachi; since he was
    quoted by both the
Messiah Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon Prophet, Moroni.]
  - Marianna; Mariana; I suppose with Piscator, Mariana, Houbigant and others;
    the opinion of Tirinus and Mariana; Tyrinus: Tyrinus, quoted by Poole
Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti V. Pontificis Maximi iussu recognita.
      et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita |
Juan de Mariana
    - Tirinus, Jacobus, (S.I.), 1580-1636 | The Online Books Page;
au="Tirinus, Jacobus" - Search Results
  - Mark: Gospel According to Mark | Description, Authorship, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
Mark.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms Mark as a historical person. The JST title is: "The Testimony of St. Mark".
    It invalidates Britannica's false assertion of some scholars, concerning authorship.]
  - Markland and Bp. Barrington on the same place;
  - Marnix: Philips van Marnix, Heer Van Sint Aldegonde
    Facts, Biography, & Psalms | Britannica
  - Martin: Gregory Martin | Biography, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
  - Martyr: unless, with Pet. Martyr, we suppose this Pillar to have been erected . . .
    - Martyr, Peter - Biblical Cyclopedia
Masoretic text | Hebrew Bible, Tanakh, Rabbinic Commentary | Britannica
  - Matthew: Saint Matthew | History, Facts, Feast Day, & Death | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
Matthew.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms Matthew as a historical person. The JST
title is: "The Testimony of St. Matthew".
    It invalidates Britannica's false assertion that Matthew's authorship is seriously doubted.]
  - Maximus The Greek | Byzantine Scholar, Monk & Humanist | Britannica
Melanchthon: Philipp Melanchthon | Biography, Reformation, Works, & Facts | Britannica
  - Melchizedek | Story, Meaning, Priesthood, & Bible Verse | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Overview of Priesthood Line of Authority indicates that Melchizedek
    was of Patriarchal descent from the House of Noah; as Abraham received priesthood
    from Melchizedek; which priesthood originally was called very respectfully, "the Holy
    Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God"; namely, that of Jesus Christ / Jehovah.
    Shem, or Melchizedek, his Royal King Title, ruled in righteousness under King Noah.
    This validates that Church of the Firstborn (Jesus Christ) initiated the hereditary kings.
    Thus, The Lord Jesus Christ was appropriately "Jesus the Nazarene,
King of the Jews".]
Menahem | King of Israel | Britannica
  - Mendelssohn:
Moses Mendelssohn | Biography, Books, & Facts | Britannica
  - Mesrop: Saint Mesrop Mashtots | Biography, Alphabet, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
  - Methuselah | Bible, Age, Passages, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Grammar & Alphabet of the Egyptian Language notes:
    Kolob in the first degree. It signifies the first great grand governing fixed star which
    is the fartherest that ever has been discovered by the fathers which was discovered
    by Methusela (sic) and also by Abraham; by the use of the Urim and Thummim.]
  - Michael | Description, History, & Feast Days | Britannica
    [Research Note: Michael is Adam, the Ancient of Days; or
Adam, the Archangel.]
  - Micah:
Book of Micah | Prophet, Prophecy, Israel | Britannica
  - Milescu: Nicolae Milescu | Enlightened traveler, polymath, diplomat | Britannica
Moffatt: James Moffatt | New Testament, Bible Translation, Theology | Britannica
  - Mohammedan: Mohammedan authors also say; Mohammedan writers
    - List of biographies of Muhammad
    - List of Muslim historians
List of Muslim theologians
    - List of Muslim writers and poets
    - Lists of Muslims
    - Muhammad | Biography, History, & Facts | Britannica
      - Muhammad in Islam
The Mohammedan World on JSTOR
  - Montanus, Pagninus, and our English translators, in the margin, render, . . .
    - Bible/Hebrew/Christian hebraist/Pagninus/Montanus
Arias Montanus (Benedictus) -
      . . . Xantis Pagnini Lucensis, Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispal.
Biblia Hebraica. : Eorundem Latina interpretatio Xantis Pagnini Lucensis,
        Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispal. & quorundam aliorum collato studio,
        ad Hebraicam dictionem dilligentissimè expensa |
        Authors: Sante Paginni and Benito Arias Montano
Santes Pagnino: Pagninus, Sanctes - Biblical Cyclopedia
Santes Pagninus | Hebrew Bible translator, commentator | Britannica
      - Thesaurus linguae sanctae sive lexicon hebraicum
  - Moore: George Foot Moore | Religious Historian,
    Harvard Professor, Biblical Critic | Britannica
  - Morgan:
William Morgan | Welsh Reformer, Bible Translator & Bishop | Britannica
  - Morin:
Jean Morin | Reformer, Scholar, Jesuit | Britannica
  - Mormon:
Book of Mormon | Description & History | Britannica
  - Moroni: Moroni | Prophet, Angel, Book of Mormon | Britannica
    [Research Note: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Moroni, and
Search for Moroni | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]
  - Morrison:
Robert Morrison | China, Translation, Bible | Britannica
  - Moses: Moses | Story, Summary, Significance, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Answer to the question, was the Priesthood
    of Melchizedeck (sic) taken away when Moses died. (?) ,
    {Internal Research Note: Moses did not physically die; he was translated,
    and taken out of the midst of the disobedient. rebellious House of Israel;
    which rebellion ultimately resulted in the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the Gentile population.
    Elijah, Moses + 6 More Times People Were Translated by God - LDS Living.}
    Continuing: All priesthood is Melchizedek; but there are different portions
    or degrees of it. That portion which brought Moses to speak with God face
    to face was taken away; but that which brought the ministry of angels (i.e.,
    The Aaronic Priesthood) remained. All the Prophets had the Melchizedeck (sic)
    Priesthood and was ordained by God himself (i.e., by authorized representatives).
    Discourse, 5 January 1841, as Reported by William Clayton, Page 4]
  - Mowinckel: Sigmund Mowinckel | Old Testament, Psalms, Theology | Britannica
  - Nahum:
Book of Nahum | Prophecy, Judgment & Wrath | Britannica
  - New Testament | Description & History | Britannica
New Testament Books | Listed in Canonical Order | Britannica
Nicholas Of Hereford | Medieval theologian, Philosopher, Mystic | Britannica
  - Nimrod | Definition, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly defines Nimrod as a legendary biblical figure
    of the Book of Genesis. Nevertheless, he is included by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    in his Old Testament Revision 1. Furthermore, Nimrod is part of the ancient Adamic
    language, as it is a name of one of the
Kings in the Book of Ether; as part of records
    contained in the Book of Mormon. The Book of Ether names are indicative of the pure
    Adamic Language, handed down from the time of Adam and Eve. Biblical patterns
    are included, in the List of Book of Mormon people: Jared, Noah, Levi, Aaron, Seth, etc.
    Nimrod also is in Revelation given to Joseph the Seer: Old Testament Revision 2.]
  - Noah | Biblical Hero, Flood Survivor & Patriarch | Britannica
    [Research Note: Noah, the son of Lamech, with full historical pedigree documentation,
    contrary to the incorrect statement, that he was the originator of vineyard cultivation,
    (which belonged to Adam & Eve, who were commanded to tend the Garden of Eden);
    as well as incorrect designation of
Noah, Bible Patriarch, as just a biblical tradition.]
  - Numbers | Israelites, Tribes & Wilderness | Britannica
  - Obadiah: Book of Obadiah
    Hebrew Prophecy, Minor Prophet & Judgment | Britannica
  - Oecolampadius: Johann Oecolampadius
    Biography, Reformation, Protestant, & Facts | Britannica
  - Old Testament | Definition & History | Britannica
    - Hebrew Bible - Torah, Prophets, Writings | Britannica
      Books of the Hebrew Bible.
  - Olives:
Mount of Olives | Gethsemane, History, Map, & Facts | Britannica
  - Orientals believe . . . Oriental writers
  - Origen | Early Christian Theologian & Scholar | Britannica
Orm | Old English, Anglo-Saxon, Poet | Britannica
  - Palmer in Exercit. ad Strah. p. 289,
  - Paul: Saint Paul the Apostle | Biography & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Discourse, 5 January 1841, as Reported by William Clayton, Page 4
    Description of Paul-- He is about 5 foot high; very dark hair; dark complection (sic);
    dark skin; large Roman nose; sharp face; small black eyes, penetrating as eternity;
    round shoulders; a whining voice, exept (sic) when elevated and then it almost
    resembles the roaring of a Lion. He was a good orator, but Doctor John C. Bennett
    is a superior orator; and like Paul is active and diligent, always, employing himself
    in doing good to his fellow men.]
  - Pedersen:
Christiern Pedersen
    Renaissance Scholar, Historian & Translator | Britannica
  - Pedersen: Johannes Peder Ejler Pedersen
    Philosophy, Logic & Mathematics | Britannica
Peshitta | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica
  - Peter: Letters of Peter | Summary, Authorship, & Facts | Britannica
  - Peter: St. Peter the Apostle - Disciple, Rome, Martyr | Britannica
    [Research Note: Keys – Glossary Topic notes that Jesus Christ gave Peter the "keys
    of the kingdom of heaven"; which were later conferred upon Joseph Smith, Jr., and
    also Oliver Cowdery by former Apostleship Presidency: Peter James, and John.]
  - Petri:
Laurentius Petri | Reformation, Lutheranism & Archbishop | Britannica
  - Philemon:
Letter of Paul to Philemon | Summary & Facts | Britannica
  - Philipppians:
Letter of Paul to the Philippians | Summary & Facts | Britannica
Philological criticism | Textual analysis, Source criticism, Historical context | Britannica
Philoxenus of Mabbug | Biography & Facts | Britannica
  - Plantin: Christophe Plantin | Renaissance, Bookbinding, Antwerp | Britannica
Polycarp: Martyrdom of Polycarp | Description, Importance, Date, & Facts | Britannica
  - Polyglot Bible | Description, Editions, & Facts | Britannica
Portal:Latter Day Saint Movement
    - Latter Day Saint Movement
    - Mormon Studies
    - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
      Latter-day Saint Family History Centers and Temples
      (Mormon Family History and Genealogy Search)
PRDL | Welcome to The Post-Reformation Digital Library
    16th century religious movement creating the establishment of Protestant Churches.
PRDL | Authors
PRDL | Biblical Books
PRDL | Dates / Range: 10 years
PRDL | Digital Libraries
PRDL | Genres
PRDL | Genres / Biographical
PRDL | Publishers
PRDL | Reference
PRDL | Related Websites
    - PRDL | Scholastica
    - TIMELINE of Christianity
  - Proverbs, The | Wisdom, Morality & Instruction | Britannica
Psalms | Definition & Facts | Britannica
  - Raphalengius: Franciscus Raphalengius, who printed them in the year 1572, . . .
Franciscus Raphelengius, 1539-1597
  - Research Bibliography for Biblical & Theological Studies – BibTheo
    - Academic Journals – BibTheo
Bible Dictionaries – BibTheo
    - Commentaries – BibTheo
Online Bibliography Guides – BibTheo
    - Primary Sources – BibTheo
  - Revelation to John | Summary & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica totally distorts historical reality by stating that:
    Revelation to John appears to be a collection of separate units composed
    by unknown authors who lived during the last quarter of the 1st century,
    though it purports to have been written by an individual named John--
    who calls himself "the servant" of Jesus--at Patmos, in the Aegean Sea.
Joseph Smith and the Book of Revelation clarifies, and provides understanding.
    - John the Beloved in Latter-day Scripture (D&C 7) | Religious Studies Center
    - John, the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
    - Revelation - Inspired Version and Revelation_2.pdf offers corrected translation,
      with further information on the servant of Jesus, at:
Section 7, John the Revelator.]
  - Robinson: Edward Robinson | Religious Historian,
    Biblical Geographer, Biblical Critic | Britannica
  - Robinson: Henry Wheeler Robinson
    Victorian Era, Anglican Church, Scholar | Britannica
  - Rogers: John Rogers | Puritan preacher, martyr, Bible translator | Britannica
John Rogers (Bible editor and martyr)
  - Romans:
Letter of Paul to the Romans | Summary & Facts | Britannica
  - Rosenzweig: Franz Rosenzweig
    Jewish Philosopher, Theologian & Translator | Britannica
  - Ruffinus makes his surname Caddis.
Tyrannius Rufinus
    - Tyrannius Rufinus | Christian Apologist, Church Historian & Monk | Britannica
  - Russell: Charles Taze Russell | Founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses,
    Bible Student Movement | Britannica
  - Ruth:
Book of Ruth | Summary & Facts | Britannica
Saʿadia ben Joseph | Jewish Exegete, Philosopher & Gaon | Britannica
  - Salesbury:
William Salesbury | Translator, Lexicographer, Welsh | Britannica
  - Samuel: Books of Samuel | History, Figures & Themes | Britannica
  - Samuel: Samuel ha-Nagid
    Maimonidean philosopher, Andalusian poet, Granadan vizier | Britannica
  - Schechter: Solomon Schechter | Conservative Judaism
    Jewish Education, Jewish Theology | Britannica
Genizah | Definition & Facts | Britannica
      - Cairo Genizah: Advanced Search for Genealogy
      - Cambridge Digital Library - University of Cambridge - Bibliography Search
Scripture | Meaning, Religions, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Scriptures / Scriptures / Search for Scriptures
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.]
    - ScripturePlus: About ScripturePlus
Septuagint | Greek, Hebrew & Aramaic Sources | Britannica
  - Several writers, both Arabic and Turkish, expressly say, that Azar, or Azer,
    and Terah, were the same person, under different names; thus making
    their Genealogy to coincide with that given in Scripture. . . . Abraham's Father,
    as we learn from Sale 1. c., is called Zarah in the Talmud, and Athar by Eusebius,
  - Simson in Chron. Cathol. A. M. 3902, supposes that Alexander Janneus . . .
  - Smith: Sir George Adam Smith
    Scottish Historian, Geographer, Theologian | Britannica
  - Smith: Joseph Smith | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures on
    - The Joseph Smith Papers
      Comprehensive digital collection of the papers of Joseph Smith, Jr..
  - Smith: William Robertson Smith
    Religious Critic, Biblical Scholar, Theologian | Britannica
  - Solomon | Sources, Meaning, Temple, & Facts | Britannica
  - Stackhouse and Calmet have committed; Stackhouse in his History of the Bible . . .
  - Steevens's Note on Othello Vol. XIX. p. 235;
George Steevens;
    Johnson's and Steeven's Shakspeare edit. Reed.
    - The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, From the Text of Johnson, Steevens and Reed;
      With a Biographical Memoir, Summary Remarks on each Play, Copious Glossary,
      and Variorum Notes, by William Shakespeare et al. | The Online Books Page
  - Stephen: Saint Stephen of Perm
    Slavic Evangelist, Miracle Worker & Martyr | Britannica
  - Strigelius and others consider the word . . .; Lat. Victorinus Strigelius, 1524-1569
Strigel, Viktorin - Oxford Reference
    - Strigel, Victorinus, 1524-1569 | The Online Books Page
  - Strype: See Lightfoot's works, published by Strype, Vol. II. p. 98.
    - John Strype, 1643-1737
  - Sulpicius: And Severus Sulpicius, and many other writers,
    as well as the antients (sic), as the moderns come also into this opinion.
1911 Encyclopædia Britannica / Severus, Sulpicius
Sulpicius Severus, c. 363 - c. 425
Sulpicius Severus | Roman historian, Gallic monk | Britannica
  - Talmud and Midrash | Definition, Books, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
  - Tam:
Jacob ben Meir Tam | Rashi’s grandson, Tosafist | Britannica
Tanakh | Hebrew Bible, Torah, Prophets | Britannica
  - Targum | Ancient Jewish Biblical Interpretation & Translation | Britannica
  - Tatian | Biography, Apologist, Works, & Facts | Britannica
  - Taylor in his Concordance supposes, . . .
  - The Bible Collection: Introduction
    Resource Guide from the Rare Book and Special Collections Division
    Research Guides at Library of Congress
    - Collection Materials - The Bible Collection
    - Digital Resources - The Bible Collection
    - Reference Bibliography - The Bible Collection
    - Search Strategies - The Bible Collection
    - Using the Library of Congress - The Bible Collection
    - Video Resources - The Bible Collection
  - Theobald's Note on King Richard II. Vol. XIV. p. 296,;
Lewis Theobald
Mr. Theobald (Theobald, Mr. (Lewis), 1688-1744) | The Online Books Page
Theodore Of Mopsuestia | Syrian Theologian, Biblical Exegete | Britannica
Thessalonians: Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians | Summary & Facts | Britannica
  - Thorláksson:
Gudbrandur Thorláksson (Icelandic Bishop and Scholar
    Renaissance Man, Reformer & Educator | Britannica
  - Timothy: Saint Timothy | Apostle, Disciple, Ephesus | Britannica
    - Letters of Paul to Timothy | Summary, Authorship, & Facts | Britannica
  - Tirinus; Tyrinus: Marianna; Mariana; I suppose with Piscator, Mariana, Houbigant
    and others; the opinion of Tirinus and Mariana; Tyrinus: Tyrinus, quoted by Poole
Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti V. Pontificis Maximi iussu recognita.
      et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita |
Juan de Mariana
    - Tirinus, Jacobus, (S.I.), 1580-1636 | The Online Books Page;
      - au="Tirinus, Jacobus" - Search Results
  - Tischendorf: Konstantin von Tischendorf | Facts, Biography, & Research | Britannica
    - Codex Sinaiticus:
Codex Sinaiticus - See The Manuscript | Genesis |
    - Codex Sinaiticus | Earliest Known Biblical Manuscript | Britannica
  - Titus:
Letter of Paul to Titus | Summary, Authorship, & Facts | Britannica
  - Tobit:
Tobit | Book of Tobit, Apocrypha, Aramaic | Britannica
    - Book of Tobit
Torah | Definition, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Tosafot | Talmudic, Commentaries, Rishonim | Britannica
Tyconius | 5th Century Christian Theologian & Biblical Exegete | Britannica
  - Tyndale: William Tyndale | Biography, Bible, Death, & Facts | Britannica
    - Tyndale House: Tyndale Archive of Biblical Studies
Ulfilas | 4th-Century Bishop of the Goths | Britannica
  - Uzziah | Reign of Uzziah, Judah, Temple Building | Britannica
  - Van Dalen: A Van Dalen in his Dissert. De Hist. Aristeae p. 136. and . . .
  - Waxman: Meyer Waxman
Meyer Waxman | Jewish Historian, Talmudic Scholar, Rabbi | Britannica
  - Weiss:
Johannes Weiss | Biblical Critic, Lutheranism, Exegesis | Britannica
  - Welch:
Adam Cleghorn Welch | Victorian Era, Biblical Criticism, Theology | Britannica
  - Wellhausen:
Julius Wellhausen | Biblical Critic, Historian, Theologian | Britannica
  - Wells: In this I have the concurrence of Dr. Wells;
  - Wesley: John Wesley | Biography, Methodism, Beliefs, & Facts | Britannica
    - John Wesley: John Wesley bibliography
    - The works of John and Charles Wesley : a bibliography,
      containing an exact account of all the publications issued by the brothers Wesley,
      arranged in chronological order, with a list of the early editions, and descriptive
      and illustrative notes : Green, Richard, 1829-1907 : Internet Archive
  - Westcott: Brooke Foss Westcott
    Church of England, Anglican Theology, Biblical Criticism | Britannica
  - Weymouth:
Richard Francis Weymouth | Translation, Bible, Theology | Britannica
  - Wolfü: Chr. Wolfü Bibl. Heb. Part. i.p. 492, &c. and p. 497, &c.; Wolfius Biblioth. Hebr.
    Tom i. 215, and Gesner's Note on the Fragm. of Orpheus p. 361.
Christian Wolff (philosopher) / Wolfius / ennobled as Christian Freiherr von Wolff.
    - Wolff, Christian (1679–1754) - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    - Works by or about Christian Wolff - Internet Archive
  - Willet, and others,
  - Wycliffe: John Wycliffe | Biography, Bible, (
Read the Wycliffe Free Online),
    Beliefs, Reformation, Legacy, Death, & Facts | Britannica
  - Yahweh | YHWH, Adonai, Elohim, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Sacred Name Honor; similar to substitution and use of Melchizedek,
    which is the Priesthood that is after the Order of the Son of God, even Jehovah; for,
    before his day it was called the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God.]
Yiddish literature - Jewish Culture, Poetry, Fiction | Britannica
  - Zechariah:
Book of Zechariah | Prophet, Visions, Judgement | Britannica
  - Zedekiah | Babylonian Exile, Prophecy & Blindness | Britannica
    [Research Note: All the posterity of
Zedekiah were not slain.
    - BOOK [Stick] of JUDAH - Mattaniah - Zedekiah
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Mulek]
  - Zephaniah:
Book of Zephaniah | Prophet, Judah, Judgment | Britannica
Zeraʿim | Torah, Mishnah, Talmud | Britannica
Zerubbabel | Persian Ruler, Jewish Leader & Temple Builder | Britannica
    - Zerubbabel:
Temple of Zerubbabel
  - Zion | History, Significance, Map, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note:
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Zion
    Search for Zion | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
Zunz: Leopold Zunz | Jewish Historian, German Scholar | Britannica
  - Zwingli: Huldrych Zwingli - Reformation, Theology, Switzerland | Britannica
  - Berry: William Berry (genealogist):
Genealogica Sacra, or Scripture Tables (Biblical Canon)
  - Betham, William, 1749-1839 (William Betham. 1749–1839)
  - Genealogies in the Bible: Complete Bible Genealogy
  - Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures on
    - Bible Search | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Archive Bible Search | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - Joseph Smith, Jr. Papers:
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
      Comprehensive digital collection of the papers of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Scriptures: LDS Church Magazines and LDS Information
  - Journal of Ancient Judaism | Brill
    - Genealogy versus Merit? On the Role of Lineage in Ancient Judaism.
      Introduction in: Journal of Ancient Judaism Volume 11 Issue 1 (2020)
      The articles gathered in this theme issue explore the dynamics of genealogy
      and merit in Jewish texts from the Hellenistic and Roman periods,
      in relation to individual family, and ethnic self-definitions, as well as individual
      and group strategies meant to establish legitimacy, prestige,
      or control over other segments of society.
  - Royal Genealogies : Or, the Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings and Princes,
    From Adam to these Times. James Anderson (Freemason), D. D.
    PART I. Begins with a Chronological History of the World,
    from the Beginning of Time to the Christian Era, and then the Genealogies
    of the earliest great Families and most ancient Sovereigns of Alia, Europe,
    Africa and America, down to Charlemain, and many of 'em down to these Times.
    PART II.  Begins with the Grand Revolution of Charlemain, and carries on the Royal
    and Princely Genealogies of Europe down to these Times, concluding with those
    of the Britannic Isles. See a more particular Account in the Preface
    and in the Contents of the Tables. [Research Note: The Royal Genealogies
    by James Anderson can be best read by switching to view as plain text,
    using the "More actions menu" at the top left side of the front book page.
    Genealogical Tables: Tab. II., or Table Two (2), mention is made of Antediluvian
    Patriarchs, according to Profane History. It should be clearly noted from a Biblical
    perspective, that after the Tower of Babel, naming patterns were distorted globally,
    when the Language of Adam was lost, in its purity, except in peculiar cases; such
    as the
Jaredites, the greatest nation upon the earth; until destroyed by internal, open
    civil warfare, waged across the
length and breadth of the North American Continent.
    Table III. shows Chaldean Kings before the Flood, from
Berosus. Table IV. mentions
    The Egyptians have also a Series of Kings, who, as they pretend, reigned before
    the Flood; and their Account begins the same Year with that of
Berossus. The naming
    of the Gods, and Demigods, who are supposed to have reigned in Egypt, clearly do
    show the transliteration of God the Father, or Ahman, and Jesus Christ, also known
    as Son Ahman, into Hephsestion /
Hephaestus, or Vulcan; as well as Helios, or the Sun.
    Ancient Patriarchs and their Priesthood powers were transmogrified into planetary
    designations; originally revealed by the words of Abraham, via Urim and Thummim.]
  - The Plates within the Plates: Ether [Research Note: What was the faith of the Brother
    of Jared; also know as Mahonri Moriancumer? Answer: "And when the Lord had said
    these words, he showed unto the brother of Jared all the inhabitants of the earth which
    had been, and also all that would be; and he withheld them not from his sight, even
    unto the ends of the earth. For he had said unto him in times before, that if he would
    believe in him that he could show unto him all things--it should be shown unto him;
    therefore the Lord could not withhold anything from him, for he knew that the Lord
    could show him all things
." . . . "They shall not go forth unto the Gentiles until the day
    that they shall repent of their iniquity, and become clean before the Lord. And in that
    day that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did,
    (also known as Mahonri Moriancumer), that they may become sanctified in me, then will
    I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared (Mahonri Moriancumer) saw,
    even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations, saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
    the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are."]
Ussher Chronology by James Ussher; James Ussher - Internet Archive: Digital Library
* History and Social Studies
Mapping History
  Interactive and animated representations of fundamental historical problems.
* PBS - Empires Series
  Greeks: Crucible of Civilization; Napoleon; Islam: Empire of Faith;
  Queen Victoria's Empire; Roman Empire: First Century AD; Egypt; Kingdom of David.
* Promptuarium Iconum Insigniorum
  Portraits are listed in chronological order, beginning with those of Adam and Eve
  and ending with those of renowned individuals from the mid-16th century, each
  accompanied by a summarized biographical text. In a 1577 edition, approximately
  100 more portraits were added; featuring genuine or fictitious woodcut portraits
  of renowned individuals of different eras / places; popular in 16th-century Europe.
  - Category:Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum - Wikimedia Commons
  - Category:Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum - Wikimedia Commons
Category:Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum (Ancient Rome) - Wikimedia Commons
  - Guillaume Rouillé: Guillaume Rouillé (1518?-1589)
  - Prima pars Promptuarii iconum insigniorum à seculo hominum,
    subjectis eorum vitis, per compendium ex probatissimis autoribus desumptis
    et Promptuarii iconum pars secunda incipit a Christo nato, perpetuam ducens feriem
    ad usque christianissimus francorum regem Henricum hoc nomine secundum,
    hodie feliciter regnantem.

TheCollector | Ancient & Modern History, Art, Philosophy
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BIBLE and BIBLICAL RESOURCES: Bible - Portal:Bible
Families are forever, as verified by the words of the Messiah Jesus Christ:
"Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, suffered you to put away
your wives; but from the beginning it was not so."
Matthew 19:9
Biblical EVE, the wife of Adam, is the Mother of All Living.  She is a daughter of God.
She is the
Mother and only progenitor of all human genealogy pedigree databases.
Family, genealogy, LDS Temple ordinances work, or local history research specialists
should study and acquire the mindset of a "generational historian".  They must
"thirst for historical knowledge in all its cultural, economic, legal, religious,
and social contexts.  With or without history degrees, they approach research
with a commitment to standards and excellence learned in their professional
careers.  They value the difference between gathering names and reconstructing
lives.  They seek out specialized institutes, conferences, learning tapes, online
courses, and distance-learning opportunities to hone research skills.  Before
visiting a repository they identify its holdings and study its catalogs.  Their
research is exhaustive; they document carefully, evaluate evidence critically,
and rely only on the best sources possible.  Their measure of success is not
the number of family members found, but the extent to which they correctly
portray each human life they study.

Genealogy in the 'Information Age': History's New Frontier?
[Elizabeth Shown Mills / Fellows > American Society of Genealogists]
15 Best Bible Apps for Android and iPhone in 2024
* : Free Bible Apps
  - Bible on the App Store
  - Holy Bible - Apps on Google™ Play
Art: Representation of Biblical Women | Jewish Women's Archive
* Barren Women in the Bible | Jewish Women's Archive
* Bible Encyclopedias
  Choose from seven free online encyclopedias.
* Bible Society:
United Bible Societies (United Bible Societies)
* Bible Translations: Timeline of Bible Translations
  - Bible Translation Timeline - Internet Bible Catalog
Bibles : Find Foreign Language Bibles in Over 4000 World Languages
  - - Cataloging the World's Scriptures -
  - List of Bible Translations by Language
    - List of English Bible Translations
Internet Bible Catalog: Catalogues
      - Timeline: Bible Translations - English Based
    - List of Non-English Translations - Internet Bible Catalog
BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Concubine
* BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Concubines
* BibleGateway - Keyword Search: Daughter
* and
Bible Research
  Internet resources, searchable online Bible in over 100 versions / 50 languages.
* Biblical Archaeology Society
* Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament : Keil, Carl Friedrich, 1807-1888
  - [Books 1-5, 3 volumes]: The Pentateuch /
    Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch ; translated by James Martin --
  - [Books 6-8]: Joshua, Judges, Ruth /
    Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch ; translated by James Martin --
  - [Books 9--10]: Biblical commentary on the books of Samuel /
    Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch ; translated by James Martin --
  - [Books 11-12]: The books of the Kings /
    Carl Friedrich Keil ; translated by James Martin --
  - [Books 13-14]: The books of the Chronicles /
    Carl Friedrich Keil ; translated by Andrew Harper --
  - [Books 15-17]:] The books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther /
    Carl Friedrich Keil : translated by Sophia Tucker --

  - [Book 18, 2 volumes]: Biblical commentary on the book of Job /
    Franz Delitzsch ; translated by Francis Bolton --

  - [Book 19, 3 volumes]: Biblical commentary on the Psalms /
    Franz Delitzsch ; translated by Francis Bolton --

  - [Book 20, 2 volumes]: Biblical commentary on the Proverbs of Solomon /
    Franz Delitzsch ; translated by Matthew George Easton --
  - [Books 21-22]: Commentary on the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes /

    Franz Delitzsch ; translated by Matthew George Easton --
  - [Book 23, 2 volumes]: Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Isaiah /
    Franz Delitzsch : translated by James Martin --

  - [Books 24-25, 2 volumes]:
    The prophecies of Jeremiah [and] The Lamentations of Jeremiah /
    Carl Friedrich Keil ; translated by David Patrick and James Kennedy --

  - [Book 26, 2 volumes]: Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Ezekiel /
    Carl Friedrich Keil ; translated by James Martin --
  - [Book 27]; Biblical commentary on the book of Daniel /
    Carl Friedrich Keil ; translated by Matthew George Easton --

  - [Books 28-39, 2 volumes]: The Twelve Minor Prophets /
    Carl Friedrich Keil ; translated by James Martin --
  - Books Available - Keil & Delitzsch Old Testament Commentary
    Bible Commentaries -
  - Catalog Record: Biblical commentary on the Old Testament
    HathiTrust Digital Library
Biblical Cookware and Crockery -
* Biblical Women in World and Hebrew Literature | Jewish Women's Archive
* - the Bible on the Internet
* Books of the Bible | USCCB
  Books of the Bible in Canonical and Alphabetical Order.
  Presented by The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
* Chronology of the Bible: The chronology of the Bible is an elaborate system
  of lifespans, 'generations', and other means by which the Masoretic Hebrew
  Bible (the text of the Bible most commonly in use today) measures the passage
  of events from the creation to . . . (the year of the re-dedication of the Second
  Temple). . . . The passage of time is measured initially by adding the ages of
  the Patriarchs at the birth of their firstborn sons, later through express statements,
  and later still by the synchronized reigns of the kings of Israel and Judah. Later,
  The Great Order of the World, or
Seder Olam Rabbah, detailed all the dates of
  biblical events from creation to
Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia. Thus,
  Traditional Jewish Chronology has long preserved a record of dates and time
  sequences of important historical events related to the Jewish nation. Josephus
  painstakingly listed the complete panoply of Jewish high priests who served
  during the
Second Temple period and which, by comparison of his dates when
  each man officiated as high priest, can be used as a time indicator to determine
  the span of time in which the Second Temple had its existence. In Early Jewish
Flavius Josephus Against Apion. Book I, expounds upon the historical
  accuracy and applications of official Ancient handed down record compilations.
  Josephus Rejected the Rebellion Against Rome, Why Did He Celebrate Chanukah?

  . . . "But now as to our forefathers, that they took no less care about writing such
  records, (for I will not say they took greater care than the others I spoke of), and
  that they committed that matter to their (Aaronic) high priests and to their prophets,
  (Ancient Patriarchal High Priests), and that these records have been written all
  along down to our own times with the utmost accuracy, nay, if it be not too bold
  for me to say it, our history will be so written hereafter, - I shall endeavor briefly
  to inform you. 7. For our forefathers did not only appoint the best of these (Aaronic)
  priests, and those that attended upon the Divine worship, for that design from
  the beginning, (or, from the time of Adam and Eve), but made provision that the
  stock of the (Aaronic) priests should continue unmixed and pure; for he who is
  partaker of the priesthood must propagate of a wife of the same nation, without
  having any regard to money, or any other dignities, but he is to make a scrutiny,
  and take his wife's genealogy  from the ancient (Bible) tables, and procure many
  witnesses to it. (7) Of this accuracy of the Jews before and in our Savior's time, in
  carefully preserving their genealogies all along, particularly those of the priests,
  see Josephus's Life, sect. 1. This accuracy seems to have ended at the destruction
  of Jerusalem by Titus, or, however, at that by Adrian." [Further relevant information
  is reviewed in:
Joseph Smith Translation - Luke 11: 52 (JST Luke 11:53; at b and c)
  Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away The Key of Knowledge, the fulness
  of the scriptures
; . . .   (Indication by Jesus Christ that holy family records,
  genealogies and related family data, were being destroyed by the lawyers.)
  Sextus Julius Africanus wrote a history of the world (Chronografiai) and Kestoi
  ("Embroiderings"), the latter work includes a "Letter to Aristides" on the genealogies
  of Christ, of which only fragments are preserved
.  "But since the Hebrew families
  and those traceable to proselytes, such as Achior the Ammonite . . . , and Ruth the
  Moabitess, and the mixed families which had come out of Egypt, had until then been
  enrolled . . . in the archives . . . , Herod, because the family of the Israelites contributed
  nothing to him, and because he was goaded by his own consciousness of his base birth,
  burned the records . . . of their families, thinking to appear noble if no one else was able
  by public documents . . . to trace his family to the patriarchs or proselytes, to the so--called
  gers . . . of mixed descent." -
Jude and the Relatives of Jesus in the Early Church (pdf),
  by Richard Bauckham, page 358; from the  Translation of Eusebius - footnote #135.
  "The Lukan Genealogy of Jesus" further mentions: "We know that Herod was sensitive
  about his Idumaean and therefore only half-Jewish origins, which many Jews regarded
  as disqualifying him from legitimate rule over Israel . . . , that his court historian Nicolaus
  of Damascus gave him a pure Jewish ancestry
. . . presumably as part of an attempt
  by Herod himself to conceal his origins, and that his fear of rivals to his throne led
  to decimation of the leading Jewish aristocratic families . . ." - 
Titus 1: 14
  Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.]

  Continuing, "And this is our practice not only in Judea, but wheresoever any body of men
  of our nation do live, and even there an exact catalogue of our priests' marriages is kept,
  I mean at Egypt and at Babylon, or in any other place of the rest of the habitable earth,
  whithersoever our priests are scattered, for they send to Jerusalem the ancient names of
  their parents in writing, as well as those of their remoter ancestors, and signify who are
  the witnesses also." [Research Note:
Asenath: Bible | Jewish Women's Archive definitely
  appears to be an absolute fictional novel. In Volume 02 Journal of Discourses, page 269,
  Brigham Young notes: "The Book of Mormon came to Ephraim, for Joseph Smith was a
  pure Ephraimite, and the Book of Mormon was revealed to him, and while he lived he
  made it his business to search for those who believed the Gospel." Joseph Smith, Jr.,
  as a direct descendant of the ancient Joseph in Egypt, and according to the patriarchal
  law of the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God; it would have been contrary
  to family standards to marry out of the pure descendants of the House of Abraham. This
  clearly suggests that when Pharaoh honored Joseph. by giving him as a wife, Asenath,
  "the daughter of Potiphera, priest from the city of On"; she was a relative of Abraham.
  Asenath: Midrash and Aggadah | Jewish Women's Archive addresses this conundrum.
  Accordingly, Ephraim and Manasseh are worthy descendents, who continue Jacob's way.
  See also: Israel in Egypt | The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition]

  "But if any war falls out, such as have fallen out a great many of them already, . . .
  those priests that survive them compose new tables of genealogy out of the old records,
  and examine the circumstances of the women that remain, for still they do not admit
  of those that have been captives, as suspecting that they had conversation with some
  foreigners. But what is the strongest argument of our exact management in this matter
  is what I am now going to say, that we have the names of our (Aaronic) high priests
  from father to son set down in our records for the interval of two thousand years, and
  if any of these have been transgressors of these rules, they are prohibited to present
  themselves at the altar, or to be partakers of any other of our purifications, and this
  is justly, or rather necessarily done, because every one is not permitted of his own
  accord to be a writer, nor is there any disagreement in what is written, they being
  only prophets that have written the original and earliest accounts of things as they
  learned them of God himself by inspiration, and others have written what happened
  in their own times, and that in a very distinct manner also. . . . It is true, our history
  hath been written since
Artaxerxes very particularly, but hath not been esteemed
  of the like authority with the former by our forefathers, because there hath not been
  an exact succession of prophets since that time; and how firmly we have given credit
  to these books of our own nation is evident by what we do, for during so many ages
  as have already passed, no one has been so bold as either to add any thing to them,
  to take any thing from them, or to make any change in them; but it is become natural
  to all Jews immediately, and from their very birth, to esteem these books to contain
  Divine doctrines, and to persist in them, and if occasion be willingly to die for them.
  For it is no new thing for our captives, many of them in number, and frequently in time,
  to be seen to endure racks and deaths of all kinds upon the theatres, that they may
  not be obliged to say one word against our laws and the records that contain them,
  whereas there are none at all among the Greeks who would undergo the least harm
  on that account, no, nor in case all the writings that are among them were to be
  destroyed, for they take them to be such discourses as are framed agreeably to the
  inclinations of those that write them; and they have justly the same opinion of the
  ancient writers, since they see some of the present generation bold enough to write
  about such affairs, wherein they were not present, nor had concern enough to inform
  themselves about them from those that knew them, examples of which may be had
  in this late war of ours, where some persons have written histories, and published
  them, without having been in the places concerned, or having been near them
  when the actions were done; but these men put a few things together by hearsay,
  and insolently abuse the world, and call these writings by the name of Histories. . . .

  I shall begin with the writings of the Egyptians; not indeed of those that have written
  in the Egyptian language, which it is impossible for me to do. But Manetho was a man
  who by birth an Egyptian, yet had he made himself master of the Greek learning,
  as is very evident, for he wrote the history of his own country in the Greek tongue,
  by translating it, as he saith himself, out of their sacred records; he also finds great
  fault with Herodotus for his ignorance and false relations of Egyptian affairs. Now
  this Manetho, in the second book of his Egyptian History, writes concerning us (Jews)
  in the following manner. I will set down his very words, as if I were to bring the very
  man himself into a court for a witness. . . . This whole nation was styled HYCSOS,
  that is, Shepherd-kings: for the first syllable HYC, according to the sacred dialect,
  denotes a king, as is SOS a shepherd; . . . in another copy it is said that this word
  does not denote Kings, but on the contrary, denotes Captive Shepherds, . . . they built
  a city in that country which is now called Judea, and that large enough to contain
  this great number of men, (their whole families and effects, not fewer in number than
  two hundred and forty thousand), and called it Jerusalem. (9) Now Manetho, in another
  book of his, says, "That this nation thus called Shepherds, were also called Captives,
  in their sacred books." And this account of his is the truth, for feeding of sheep was
  the employment of our forefathers in the most ancient ages (10) and as they led such
  a wandering life in feeding sheep, they were called Shepherds. Nor was it without
  reason that they were called Captives by the Egyptians, since one of our ancestors,
  Joseph, told the king of Egypt that he was a captive, and afterward sent for his brethren
  into Egypt by the king's permission. But as for these matters, I shall make a more exact
  inquiry about them elsewhere. [Research Note: Abel, one of the sons of Adam and Eve,
  is recorded as a
keeper of sheep. The Contents of the Plates of Brass further validates
  a copy of the Law, or the Five Books of Moses, was historically preserved by the Jews.
  What Are the Five Books of Moses? - the
Torah, the foundation of Judaism.
  The Book of Mormon mentions the history of the Jews, further confirming the words
  of Flavius Josephus, including specifically the prophet Lehi genealogy, to circa 600 B. C.;
  indicating from this primary source, that Lehi descended from Joseph's son Manasseh.
  See also: The BOOK [Stick] of LEVI: List of High Priests of Israel (Aaronic Priesthood).
  Tolidah, a concise summary of Samaritan history and the dynasty of kohanim.
  Samaritan High Priest has
List of Samaritan High Priests and [Moses Gaster's List /
  Moses Gaster Manuscripts Collection at The University of Manchester Rylands Library /
  Gaster Cataloguing Project: | UCL Special Collections / An Update of Moses Gaster’s
  “Chain of Samaritan High Priests”:
The Samaritans in Flavius Josephus - Google™ Books.
  Thus, the Ussher Chronology is based correctly upon Annals of the Old Testament, as
  deduced from the first origins of the world; preserved over time by the House of Israel.
  Annales Veteris Testamenti, a prima mundi origine dedvcti: una cum rerum asiaticarum

  et ægyptiacarum chronico, a temporis historici principio usque ad Maccabaicorum
  initia producto | Library of Congress.]

Comparative Religion: "studies in comparative religion" - Google™ Scholar
Complete Bible Genealogy: Genealogies in the Bible
  Every person in the Bible from Adam to Jesus.
- Book [Stick] of Judah: Family of King David
    Book [Stick] of Levi | Book [Stick] of Nathan
Davidic Line: Descendant Family Trees - Davidic Dynasty

Can We Prove Descent From King David?
Category:Jewish families
Davidic Dynasty (archived)
      - Davidic Genealogy Links (Rabbinic Families)
Family History Research | YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
      - First American Families - American Jewish Archives
      - Households, Sects, and the Origins of Rabbinic Judaism | Brill
Jewish Genealogy Research • FamilySearch
Mishpachah: The Jewish Family in Tradition and in Transition on JSTOR
      - Rabbinical Genealogy: (Avotaynu Online:
Rabbinic genealogy)
        [Research Note:
Jaroslav Pelikan was an American scholar of the history
        of Christianity, theology, and medieval intellectual history at Yale University.
        In 1997, Yale University Press published
The Illustrated Jesus Through the Centuries,
        In pages 9-23, scholar Jaroslav Pelikan examines the changing perceptions of Jesus'
        role as a Jewish rabbi and teacher.
The Rabbi states clearly "that Jesus was a Jew,
        so that the first attempts to understand his message took place within the context
        of Judaism. . . . - - four Aramaic words appear as titles for Jesus: Rabbi, or teacher;
        Amen, or prophet; Messias, or Christ; and Mar, or Lord. The most neutral and least
        controversial of these words is probably Rabbi, along with the related Rabbouni."
        . . . he "came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; and he went to the
        synagogue, as his custom was, on the Sabbath day. And he stood up to read."
        The State of Israel adheres to the Jewish law of matrilineal descent for matters
        which could affect Israeli family law. The histories of the Patriarchs and Mariarchs
        in Genesis are generally compatible with matrilineal descent . . . Abraham fathered
        children with three wives or concubines, Sarah, Hagar, and Keturah. According
        to Jewish resources, Sarah was a member of Abraham's extended family, and her
        descendants became Jewish. Hagar's and Keturah's descendants were considered
        non-Jewish: Ishmaelites, from Egyptian Hagar; Keturah, also mentioned by Jewish
        Historian Josephus; she having six sons; some noted by
Alexander Polyhistor; etc.

        Testimony of Matthew contains information that identifies his occupation as publican,
        who historically sat at the "receipt of custom", in Capernaum. The New Testament
        provides two accounts of the genealogy of Rabbi Jesus, one in Matthew's gospel;
        the other in the gospel of Luke. Matthew's record of the origin of Jesus Christ; it
        begins with the "son of David, the son of Abraham". The fact that there were (14)
        fourteen generations in all, from Abraham to David, (14) fourteen generations
        from David to the exile to Babylon, and (14) fourteen generations from the exile
        to the Rabbi Jesus; it manifests the systematic record keeping system of the Jews,
        as in scroll storage in designated receptacles; generational era patriarchal records.
        What is significant for historical credibility, is that Matthew as a tax collector, had
        a required status within his society, to be able to certify correct receipt of customs;
        even as
Mary and Joseph were required to go hometown, to be taxed, by Romans.
        Again, since there is mention of 14 and 14 and 14; whereas there are 14 - 14 - 13; his
        record suggests strongly that Jesus Christ was married, with biological posterity. It
        was the very first commandment in the Garden of Eden, to
"Be Fruitful and Multiply".
        Thus indisputable that Jesus Christ fulfilled this law, for His own exaltation, by Elohim;
        for Jesus Christ was required to be baptized; and He exactingly kept the Law of Moses.
        For omissions in the records, wicked kings may be omitted for ecclesiastical reasons.
        Doctrine and Covenants 132 mentions David's wives and concubines were given unto
        him of me, by the hand of Nathan, my servant, and others of the prophets who had
        keys of this power; and in none of these things did he sin against me save in the case
        of Uriah and his wife; and, therefore he hath fallen from his exaltation, and received
        his portion; & he shall not inherit them out of the world, for I gave them unto another,
        saith the Lord. Interesting that there was more than one prophet that held these keys,
        during the time of King David; and who stripped King David of his eternal family status,
        due to the intentional murder of Uriah, his valiant servant; by King David's own order.
        Bible (King James)/1 Chronicles notes: Now the acts of David the king, first and last,
        behold, they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, and in the book of Nathan
        the prophet
, and in the book of Gad the seer. So, there were two seers specifically
        mentioned in the records
, as well as the book of Nathan the prophet; those who were
        capable under the authority of Jehovah, to bind, seal and loose on earth, & in heaven.
        This clearly validates that the Bible, as currently composed, is woefully incomplete.
        Both the Gospel of Luke and the Gospel of Matthew give Joseph as the father of Jesus;
        "Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (
as was supposed) . . .
        Interestingly, In the Gospels of Mark and Luke, the person called to serve: (Matthew);
        he is called Levi, who was son of Alpheus, according to Mark; (Alpheus not in Luke).
        By the deletion of Alpheus; Luke appears to suggest Matthew has the Levite heritage.
        Luke was a physician, drawn from the priestly tribe of Levites. This absolutely, without
        any doubt, is why the Gospel of Luke adds an account of John's infancy, introducing
        him as the miraculous son of Zechariah, an old priest, and his old wife Elizabeth, who
        was past menopause and therefore unable to have children. The murder of Zechariah,
        priest of the sons of Aaron; his wife Elizabeth was a relative of Mary, mother of Jesus.
        So Luke is socially, intimately, credibly interconnected with Levite Temple hierarchy;
        priests of Aaron, as well as intimately, credibly interconnected to the House of David.
        Matthew and others called by Jesus, immediately followed the renowned Rabbi Jesus.
        See Also: The Physician in Ancient Israel: His Status and Function
      - Rav-SIG: Infofile > Reference > Surnames of Rabbinical Families
      - Rav-SIG: Online Journal > Ashkenazic Rabbinic Families
* Daughter - Biblical Cyclopedia
* Daughter in Jewish Law -
* Daughter Zion (Bat Tzion) | Jewish Women's Archive
* Dead Sea Scrolls | Definition, Discovery, History, & Facts | Britannica
  - Dead Sea Scrolls:
Dead Sea Scrolls | PDF | Dead Sea Scrolls | Religious Texts
  - Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
Israel Antiquities Authority: The Dead Sea Scrolls
  - "LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls" /
    LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls
by Donald W. Parry and Dana M. Pike
  - The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament | Religious Studies Center
- The Dead Sea Scrolls Reader, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
The Dead Sea Scrolls | The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
   - The Dead Sea Scrolls—Window to the Modern Bible
   - The Lost 500 Years: From Malachi to John the Baptist
* Early Christian Writings
  New Testament, apocrypha, gnostics and Catholic church fathers.
* Early Jewish Writings
  Tanakh, Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, etc.
Female Purity (Niddah) | Jewish Women's Archive
* Find Websites - Biblical Studies Library Research Guide
  LibGuides at University of Dallas
* Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of the World,
  from the earliest to the present period; exhibiting in each table their immediate
  successors, collateral branches, and the duration of their respective reigns;
  so constructed as to form a series of chronology; and including the genealogy
  of many other personages and families distinguished in scared and profane history;
  particularly all the nobility of these kingdoms descended from princes.
  [The editor would have gladly quoted the various authorities which have assisted him
  in the execution of his work, under the heads upon which they were consulted, if it
  could have been done without crouding (sic) the Tables, and thereby depriving them
  of their principal advantages--perspicuity, beauty, and uniformity. He must, therefore,
  content himself with mentioning those to whom he is most indebted, which are,
  The Bible, The Universal History, with many particular histories of different kingdoms,
  the Classic authors, Anderson's Genealogies,
Rollin, Sandford, Rapin, Guthrie, Collins,
  Crawford, Lodge, and other Peerages. His chief guides in Chronology
Newton (Newton['s] Revised History of Ancient Kingdoms)
  / (The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended)
Blair (Blair’s Chronology: Sewing Up a Timeline)
  / (The Chronology and History of the World: From the Creation to the Year of Christ 1753,
  Illustrated in LVI tables; of Which IV are Introductory & Include the Centurys
  Prior to the Ist Olympiad, and Each of the Remaining LII Contain in One Expanded View,
  50 Years or Half a Century - Wythepedia: The George Wythe Encyclopedia)]
  - An Arrangement of the Genealogies in the Old Testament and Apocrypha (
copy) (pdf)
    To which are Added, from the Same Authorities, a Selection of Single Names,
    and Chronological Tables of the Kings of Egypt, Syria, and Assyria : with Notes Critical,
    Philological, and Explanatory; and Copious Indexes, in Two Volumes - Volume 1
  - An Arrangement of the Genealogies in the Old Testament and Apocrypha (
copy) (pdf)
    To which are Added, from the Same Authorities, a Selection of Single Names,
    and Chronological Tables of the Kings of Egypt, Syria, and Assyria : with Notes Critical,
    Philological, and Explanatory; and Copious Indexes, in Two Volumes - Vol. 2 (
    [Research Note: The Explanation of the Tables is at the beginning of Volume 2,
    which mentions, for example, that II. The Italic letters refer to the Notes in Vol. I (
    However, the PEDIGREE TABLES are actually listed at end of Volume 2. Use TWO PAGE
    view button for full displays. Use PREVIOUS <  > NEXT PAGE arrows to view all TABLES.]
  - Aben Ezra;
Abraham ibn Ezra / Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra / Abenezra / Ibn Ezra
    - Abraham ibn Ezra (1089 - 1164) - Genealogy
    - Abraham ibn Ezra / Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra / Abenezra / Ibn Ezra
  - Abulfaragius writes the name, Klimia.
    - Bar Hebraeus / Gregory Bar Hebraeus / Barebraya / Barebroyo , Abu'l-Faraj
      Latinized name Abulpharagius
    - Historia Compendiosa Dynastarium : Gregorius Abu al-Farag Barhebraeus
  - Africanus: Sextus Julius Africanus
Chronographiae: The Extant Fragments - Sextus Julius Africanus
    - Julius Africanus - The Extant Fragments of the Five Books of the Chronography
    - Julius Africanus Sextus: 221 AD.
      Creation in 5500 BC. 70 weeks of Daniel 9 end in AD 33 at resurrection.
Sextus Julius Africanus -
  - Alberti on Hesych:
Hesychii Alexandrini Lexicon (Ioannem Albertum)
    - Hesychios. Hesychii alexandrini Lexicon post... | HathiTrust Digital Library
    - OCR Results for: Hesychius (of Alexandria) (1858). Lexicon post Ioannem Albertum
  - Aldine Bible
  - Alexandrinus: Clemens Alexandrinus in Strom. B. i. p. 129,
    - Documento1 - Clemens Alessandrinus - Stromata (The stromata, or miscellanies)
  -  Antient Universal History: Universal History Ant. part, Vol. i. p. 150, Note I. Edit. 8vo.;
    - A catalogue of above fifteen thousand volumes : In all Arts, Sciences,
      and every Branch of polite Literature, Many on Royal Paper, and in Morocco, and
      other elegant Bindings ; being the Stock of the late Mr. John Hildyard, deceased,
      with other Libraries purchased since. Among which are Biblia Polyglotta, 8 vols.
      (repeat) Biblia Polyglotta, 8 vols. Lincis rubris. Buxtorsii Concordant. Bib. Heb. . . .
      Stephani Thesaurus, 4 vols. Martinii Lexicon, 2 vols. Plutarchi Opera, 2 vols.
      Aristophanes, Kusteri. Euripides, Barnes. Platonis Opera, Serrani, 3 vols. Herodotus,
      Gronovii. Galeni Opera, 7 vols. Diogenes Laertius, Meibonaii. Virgilii Opera, Baskerville.
      Homeri Opera, Barnes, 2 vols. Homeri Opera, Clarke, 2 vols. Hist. D'angleterre,
      par M. Rapin, 10 tom. Ruins of Palmyra, Ruins of Balbec, fine Plates.
      Postlethwayt's Dictionary, 2 vols. Chambers's and Supplement, 4 vols.
      Johnson's Dictionary, 2 vols. Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, 3 vols.
      Ainsworth's Dictionary, 2 vols. Rushworth's Hist. Collections, 8 vols.
      Rapin's History of England, 2 vols. Guthrie's and Ralph's, 5 vols. Kennet's, 3 vols.
      Tyrrel's, 5 vols. Drake's Antiquities of York. Thoresby's Leeds. Somner's Canterbury.
      Stukeley's Stonehenge. Maitland's History of Edinburgh. - History of Scotland, 2 vols.
      Antient Universal History, 21 vols. Modern Universal Hist. 3 vols. and 8 vols.
      Bp. Gibson's Camden, 2 vols. Bp. Gibson's Codex, 2 vols. Bacon's Works, 4 vols.
      Churchill's Voyages, 8 vols. Duncan's Caesar, fine Plates.
      Dugdale's Summons to Parliament. - Origines Juridiciales. - Hist. of St. Paul's,
      Hollar's Cuts Sir William Temple's Works, 2 vols. Ben. Jonson's Works, best Edition.
      System of Geography, 2 vols. Maps. Ware's Architecture Compleat Body of Husbandry
      Compleat Body of Gardening Swammerdam's Natural History of Insects . . .
      Humphreys on the O. and N. Test, 3 vols. Burkit on the New Testament.
      Patrick, Lowth, and Whitby, 6 vols. Tillotson's Works, 3 vols. Barrow's Works, 2 vols.
      Bp. Hooper's Works. Taylor's Hebrew Concordance, 2 vols.
      Lord Sommers's Tracts, 12 vols. Harleian Miscellany, 8 vols. Astley's Voyages, 4 vols.
      Addison's Works, 4 vols. Sully's Memoirs, 3 vols. Davila's Civil Wars of France, 2 vols.
      Hampton's Polybius. Smollet's History of England, 4 vols. Cay's Statutes at large, 6 vols.
      Strange's Reports, 2 vols. Peere Williams's Reports. Besides a large Collection of other
      Reports and Law Books. Which will begin to be sold (the lowest Price printed
      in the Catalogue) on Wednesday, February 14, 1759, and continue on Sale till
      the Summer Assizes. By John Hinxman /
John Hinxinan, Bookseller in Stonegate, York.
      Catalogues may be had of Messrs. R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall ;
      Messrs. Rivington and Fletcher, in Pater-Noster-Row ; Messrs. Whiston and White,
      in Fleet-Street ; and Mr. Payne, at the Mews-Gate, London. - Also of Mr. Fletcher,
      in Oxford. - Mr. Merrill, in Cambridge. - Messrs. Hamilton and Balsour, in Edinburgh. -
      All the Booksellers in the North of England, and at the Place of Sale. Price One Shilling,
      which will be return'd to any Gentleman who lays out Twenty | Formats and Editions
    - An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time
"Antient Universal History" | Catalogue search | Wellcome Collection
    - From Thomas Jefferson to George W. Lewis, 25 October 1825 , , ,
      Micali Etc. the Antient Universal history should be on our shelves as a book
      of general reference, the most learned, and most faithful perhaps
      that ever was written. it's (sic) style is very plain, but perspicuous.
  - Aquila: Greek version by Aquila,
    - Aquila of Sinope
Aristeas: Letter of Aristeas; Now, supposing the History of the translation
    of the Old Testament into Greek by the Seventy or Seventy-two interpreters,
    as delivered down to us by the author, who assumes the name of Aristeas,
    and by others, to be true, still a slight knowledge of the history of those times . . .
  - Artapanus; Artapanus of Alexandria
  - Austin: St. Austin contra Faust. B. ii. c. xxxv.,
    and Junius and others, in their comments . . .;
    St. Austin's supposition in his Book de Civit. Dei. L. xviii. c. 27,
Augustine of Hippo
    - St. Austin | (Augustine of Canterbury)
The City of God
    - Who Was St Augustine? | English Heritage
  - Baduellus: Claudius Baduellus or
Claude Baduel (ca 1491/1499-1561)
    - The Dark Bible - Cultures of Interpretation in Early Modern English
  - Bar Bahlul: The Syriac Lexicographer Bar Bahlul,;
    - Bar Bahlul, Ḥasan
Dukhrana online searchable version of Hassan bar Bahlul's Syriac Lexicon
    - Ḥasan bar Bahlul
  - Barrington: Markland and Bp. Barrington on the same place
Barrington, Shute - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Shute Barrington (Bishop), 1734-1826
Barthélemy d'Herbelot [Barthélemy d'Herbelot de Molainville (14 Dec 1625-08 Dec 1695),
    French Orientalist; Bibliothèque orientale, ou dictionnaire universel contenant
    tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des peuples de l'Orient]
    - Bibliotheque Orientale, Ou Dictionnaire Universel . . . (a) Gomer. D"Herbelot,
      in his Bibl. Orient. v. Sin, informs us, that the Arabians make Sin, whom the Persians
      and others call Tchin, the eldest son of Japheth, and say, that from him Sin or CHINA
      derives its name. In the same place the same author further informs us, that the eldest
      son of Sin was Matchin; part of the Islamic tradition that Japheth's beautiful posterity
      extended outward to Europe, and northeast CHINA; through secure trade relationships;
      those having been established prior to the division of the Earth, in the days of Peleg.
      Genealogical origins of Middle Eastern and Asiatic peoples are copiously discussed.
  - Bartolocci Bibl. Mag. Rabbin. Tom. i. p. 248, 351, Tom, iii. p. 629, 631,
Giulio Bartolocci
    - Highlights: Bartolocci’s Bibliotheca Magna Rabbinica (1675-1693)
      Hebrew and Jewish Studies Resources at Oxford
  - Basnage Histoire des Juifs Tom. iv. L. vi. c. 16, 17.
Jacques Basnage de Beauval
    - Jacques Basnage de Beauval's "l'Histoire des Juifs"
      Christian Historiographical Perception of Jewry and Judaism
      on the Eve of the Enlightenment on JSTOR
  - Bayle: Bayle's observations on this passage in his Dict. Art. i. Drusilla Note (c).
    - Bayle, Pierre | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle. 1647-1706 (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Repairing Mr. Bayle’s Dictionary - ZSR Library
  - Bedford in his Forty-fourth Table of his Scripture Chronol.
    - Arthur Bedford (writer) (1668-1745)
      . . . Scripture Chronology Demonstrated by Astronomical Considerations
      - The Scripture chronology demonstrated by astronomical calculations,
         and also by the year of jubilee, and the sabbatical year among the Jews:
        or, an account of time from the creation of the world,
        to the destruction of Jerusalem;:
        Bedford, Arthur: 9781170172223: Books
        - The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended
          Written by Sir Isaac Newton, first published posthumously in 1728.
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Ammended (London: 1728)
    - Concerning Astronomical References Found in the Scriptures:
Search for Astronomy | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - The Bible: The World’s Greatest Book on Astronomy |
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Astronomy
  - Berkel: Whitby's Annot. on Luke xxiv. 1; and Berkel. on Step. Byzant.;
    - Abraham van Berkel / Abraham Berkelius, 1630-1688
      - German biography - Berkel, Abraham van
      - Steph. Byzant. Stephanus of Byzantium
Stephanou Byzantiou Ethnika kat'epitomen, . . .
        integro commentario illustravit Abrahamus Berkelius.
Stephanus of Byzantium
Stephanus of Byzantium: links to translation
      - The historical geography of Arabia; or, The patriarchal evidences of revealed religion:
        a memoir ... and an appendix, containing translations, with an alphabet and glossary,
        of the Hamyaritic inscriptions recently discovered in Hadramaut
  - Bernard's Note on Josephus. 1. c.;
Edward Bernard (1638-1697)
    - ‘Great Expectation Among the Learned’:
      Edward Bernard’s Josephus in Restoration Oxford
  - Bernard de Montfaucon, 1655-1741; in his Veritè de L'Histoire de Judith, . . .
    He was an astute scholar who founded the discipline of Palaeography,
    and regarded as one of the founders of the modern discipline of
  - Beza: Beza on Acts of the Apostles vii. 16, edit. Cantab., p. 316;
Theodore Beza . . . (Théodore de Bèze (1519-1605) / 699 titles, 905 vols. | PRDL)
  - Bible translations into Greek:
Koine Greek
  - Blayney: Pr. Blayney's Translation of Jeremiah, p. 216; Benjamin Blayney
    - Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 3
Jeremiah and Lamentations
King James Version (of the Bible)
  - Bochart in his Geographia Sacra, Lib. ii. cap. xiii. Tom. iii. col. 90, 91, Edit.
    Lugd. Batav. 1692,; Sam. Bochartus, Geogr. Sacr.; Samuel Bochart;
Geographia Sacra seu Phaleg et Canaan
    - Samuel Bochart (1599-1667) / 42 titles, 66 vols. | PRDL
  - Bomberg: Bibl. Bomberg
    - Daniel Bomberg
    - Great Bibles - Judaic Treasures
  - Bos's Ellips. Gr. p. 238, edit. Glasg.; but see also Schaeffer in loc. Steph. Byzant. . .
    - Lambert Bos:
Ellipses Graecae; Godofredvs Henricvs Schaefer
    - Stephanus of Byzantium
  - Brugensis, Lucas; Franciscus Lucas Brugensis
  - Brunick: Brunck on Apollon.
    - Brunck, Richard François Philippe . . . Apollonius Rhoidius
Richard François Philippe Brunck
  - Burrington: Gilbert Burrington (
author), 1753 -
Chudleigh History Group - Articles - Vicarages & Vicars
  - Buxtorf, in his answer to Cappell; Buxtorf's Thes. Cram. Hebr.
    Lib. ii. c. v. p. 386, Edit. 1651, and Glassii Philolog. Sacr. Lib. iv.
    Observat. vii. p. 607, Edit. 1711.
Johannes Buxtorf II and Louis Cappel
Perspicue et fideliter conversus: Johannes Buxtorf the Younger’s
      Translation of the Guide of the Perplexed
    - The Vowel-Points Controversy in the XVI. and XVII. Centuries on JSTOR
  - Bythner's Lyra Prophet. Ps. cv. 9, Parkhurst in his Hebr. Lex. vv.,
    and Newcome on Amos vii. 9.; Lyra prophetica Davidis
An Hebrew and English Lexicon Without Points
John Parkhurst (lexicographer)
Victorinus Bythner - Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis (London, 1650),
      a grammatical analysis of the vocabulary of the Hebrew psalms.
  - Byzantine calendar; also called the Roman calendar,
    the Creation Era of Constantinople or the Era of the World; the Serbian Calendar.
  - Calmet's Dictionary by D'Oyly and Colson, Art. Heber;
    - An Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary
      of the Holy Bible . . . To which is annexed, Bibliotheca sacra, or a copious catalogue
      of the best editions and versions of the Bible . . . an ample Chronological Table . . .
      a Jewish Calendar, Tables of all the Hebrew Coins . . . a Dissertation upon Jewish
      Coins and Medals; another upon the Tacticks of the ancient Hebrews,
      by Chevalier Folard . . . Translated into English . . . with . . . remarks,
      by Samuel D'oyly . . . and John Colson
Antoine Augustin Calmet
    - Calmet [Antoine Augustin] - Google™ Search
Calmet [Antoine Augustin] - Samuel Johnson Dictionary Sources
    - Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible
    - Masius, Calmet, and others, suppose the people,
  - Campbell: the learned Dr. Campbell; Campbell's Notes on The Four Gospels;
    Note on Luke iii. 2. Vol. IV. p. 299, edit. 8vo.
    - Collection of Works by George Campbell - Internet Archive
      - The Four Gospels : translated from the Greek
        Campbell regarded this as the greatest work of his life: a 1,500 page translation;
        it includes critical dissertations on the problems of translating and interpreting
        the ancient texts, as well as his observations on the translations themselves.
    - George Campbell (minister) (1719-1796)
Cappel: Kimchi, Jarchi, and the author of the Small Masora
    (as quoted by Cappell in his Critic. sacr. p. 25, 200) . . .
    - Louis Cappel | Reformation Scholar, Biblical Critic & Hebraist | Britannica
  - Casaubon: that from Casaubon's collations it appears that a MS.
    in the Royal Library at Paris reads in Josephus
Isaac Casaubon
    - Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614
Cassia gens: Dio's account of Archelaus's removal is thus.
Archelaus, son of Herod
    - Cassius Dio / Lucius Cassius Dio
    - Cassius Dio - Internet Archive
  - Castalio: Houbigant, following Castalio, and the reading of the Aldine edition
Castalion, Castalio, or Castellio, Sebastian - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Sebastian Castellio, 1515-1563
    - Sebastian Castellio and the Struggle for Freedom of Conscience
  - Castell: Castell's Lex. col. 523, Root . . .
    - Edmund Castell:
Castell, Edmund°
      - Lexicon Heptaglotton Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum,
        Samaritanum, Aethiopicum, Arabicum, et Persicum (1669) - Internet Archive
  - Cedrenus: George Cedrenus - Oxford Reference:
    George Kedrenos - George Kedrenos Biography
    11th century Byzantine historian | Pantheon
    - Compendium historiaru1a.doc
  - Chaim: Heb. Bible, published by Rabbi J. Ben Chaim 1526
Biblia Rabbinica (DFG)
    - Jacob ben Chayyim
Mikraot Gedolot
Rabbinic literature
    - The Second Rabbinic Bible, Venice, 1525
    - "The Strange Career of the Biblia Rabbinica among Christian Hebraists",
      by Stephen G. Burnett
  - Chrisostom, Homil. xxxviii. in Gen., supposes her to be one of the slaves
    given to Abraham by Pharaoh.;
John Chrysostom
    - John Chrysostom Homilies on Genesis - Patristic Bible Commentary
      - Collected Homilies of St. John Chrysostom (15 vols.) | Logos Bible Software
  - Church Fathers:
    Free Resources for Students of the History of the Early Christian Church
Christianity - Faith, Doctrine, Identity | Britannica
    - Early Christianity
      - Acts of the Apostles
      - Christianity and Judaism
Jewish Christian
Early Christians
    - Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers
      - Early Church Fathers - Early Christian Writings
    - Early Church Fathers - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
      - Early Church Fathers - Additional Works in English Translation
      - Ambrose of Milan (339-397 AD)
      - St. Ambrose B. ii. c. x. De Jacobo et Vita beata.
        - Ambrose
      - St. Clement in his Epistle to the Corinthians chap. lv. p. 127, ed. Colomesii.
First Clement: Clement of Rome
        - The Lost Books of the Bible: The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
    - History of Christianity
      [Research Note: Wikipedia incorrectly states that "Christianity originated with
      the ministry of Jesus, a Jewish teacher and healer who proclaimed the imminent
      Kingdom of God and was crucified . . ." It started with
Adam, re: Joseph Smith, Jr.]
      - See: Discourse, 17 January 1843, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, Page 2
        Br Joseph spoke to some length on the kingdom of God & the Baptism of John,
        he said the kingdom of God was set upon the earth in all ages from the days
        of Adam to the presant (sic) time (1) whenever there was a man on earth who had
        authority to Administar (sic) the ordinances of the gospel or a priest of God &
        unto such a man God did reveal his will    Concerning the Baptism of John it was
        the Baptism of repentance unto remission of sins for the receiving of the Holy Ghost
        & it was the gospel Baptism. These were questions which had been in debate for
        many years & in some degree among the Saints. He also spoke upon the subject
        of honor & dishonor &c [p. [2]] - Footnotes - [1] JS consistently taught that people
        who were alive before the establishment of the early Christian church knew of
        and worshipped Jesus Christ. Both the Book of Mormon and JS's revision of the
        Old Testament included teachings about Christ and Christian worship predating
        New Testament times. There were, according to JS, "dispensations and keys and
        powers and glories" that had been "revealed from the days of Adam even to the
        present time," Adam having been the person to whom "Christ was first revealed."
        . . . [2] JS elaborated on earlier instruction, given in 1840, that "the keys of the
        Kingdom of God" were on the earth "in all ages of the world" and constituted
        the means by which "all knowledge, doctrine, the plan of salvation and every
        important truth is revealed from heaven." According to JS, this pattern of revealing
        truth to humanity would continue "to the end of time." . . . [3] JS's reference to the
        church as the kingdom of God in this sermon responded to various disputes in the
        nineteenth century among American Protestants regarding the original founding
        date of Christ's church and earthly kingdom. . . . to the day of Pentecost . . . etc.
  - Clarke: Adam Clarke, 1762-1832
Adam Clarke: Entire Sanctification - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
    - Clarke's Commentary - Bible Commentaries -
Some Notes on Joseph Smith and Adam Clarke | The Interpreter Foundation
  - Clarke: Samuel Clarke (1675-1729)
  - Colson: John Colson; Rev. John Colston / Colson, F.R.S., vicar of Chalk
John Colson
  - Dathius: Rosenmüller: E. F. C. Rosenmüller in his Notes on Gen. iv. 22,
    and with whom Dathius agrees.
CERL Thesaurus - accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
      Consortium of European Research Libraries: CERL
      Promoting Europe's cultural heritage in print and manuscript.
German biography - Dathe, Johann August / Johann Augustus Dathius
  - De-Rossi, Var. lect. Vet. Test. i. Chron. i. 7.;
Giovanni Bernardo De Rossi;
    De Rossi (Varia Lectiones, Vet. Test., pp. xcvii ff.)
    - Full text of "Variae lectiones Veteris Testamenti. De Rossi",
      by Giovanni Bernardo De Rossi - Wikiwand
  - Demetrius; Demetrius - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - D'Oyly: Samuel D'Oyly
    - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / D'Oyly, Samuel
  - Drusius in his Notes on i Macc. xi. 39,;
    - Drusius, Joannes, 1550-1616 | BYU Library - Special Collections
    - Johannes van den Driesche
Judas Maccabeus
    - Maccabees, the First Book of - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Durell on the Parallel Proph. of Jacob and Moses, p. 116-119:
    - The Hebrew Text of the Parallel Prophecies of Jacob and Moses
      Relating to The Twelve Tribes, with a Translation and Notes
      and the Various Lections of Near Forty Mss. . . .;
      by David Durell, B. D. Principal of Hertford College.
David Durell: Durell_David: Brief biography
  - Ernesti 1752
Johann August Ernesti
  - Eusebius in his Chron. p. 65, 170;
Eusebius; Eusebius of Caesarea
    - 0265-0339- Eusebius Caesariensis, Sanctus\ -
      Operum Omnium Conspectus seu 'Index of available Writings'
Eutychius of Alexandria
    - Eutychius, “Annals” – my posts containing the translation – Roger Pearse
  - Ewald: Ewald's rendering of it, (subtillia, minuta);
Ewald, Georg Heinrich August - Biblical Cyclopedia
Ewald, Heinrich, 1803-1875 | The Online Books Page
Heinrich Ewald / Georg Heinrich August Ewald, 1803-1875
    - Jubilees, Book of - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Fabricus: Johann Albert Fabricius:
Bibliotheca Graeca (Volume 14)
  - Fagius: The Hebrew version of Tobit published by Fagius;
    - Paul Fagius, 1504-1549
    - The “Fagius” Hebrew Version of Tobit: An English Translation
      Based on the Constantinople Text of 1519 in: The Book of Tobit.
  - Glassius: Glassii Philolog. Sacr. Lib. iv.; Observat. vii. p. 607, Edit. 1711.;
    Glassius in his Philol. sacr. L. iv. Tract. ii. Observat. xii.,
    - 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica / Glassius, Salomo (1593-1656)
      His principal work, Philologia sacra (1623)
  - Glycas: Michael Glycas in his Annals
    - Annales
    - Glycas, Michael
    - Michael Glykas (or Glycas)
  - Grabe's Prol. c. ii.; Grabe observes on this place of i. Esdras, Prol. c. ii.;
    Grabe's edit. of the Alexandr. MS. . . .
    - Codex Alexandrinus
      The Old Testament was edited by Emst Grabe in 1707-1720,
      and the New Testament by Carl Gottfried Woide in 1786
  - Grotius . . .; Hugo Grotius; Grotius, Hugo | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  - Hallett in Vol. II. of Notes and Discourses p. 19;
    - A Second Volume of Notes and Discourses
    - A Second Volume Of Notes And Discourses (1732)
      Hallet Jr, Joseph: 9781166478353: Books
    - Joseph Hallett II (1656-1722)
    - Joseph Hallett III (c1691-1744)
  - Hammond 1. c. and Dr. Owen on Mark ii. 26, in Bowyer's Conject. on New Test.
    Hammond's Annotations on Luke iii. 2;
    - Henry Hammond
The Life of Henry Hammond, by John Fell
  - Haverkamp: Havercamp's edition of Josephus, Vol. I. p. 445,
Portrait of Siwart Haverkamp (1684 - 1742) - The Online Portrait Gallery
Siwart Haverkamp
  - Herodotus, B. iv. c. xi. xii.,; Herodotus;
    - The Internet Classics Archive | The History of Herodotus by Herodotus
  - Holmes: Dr. Holmes in his Collat. of Gen. iv. 18.;
    Holmes's MSS.; Prol. to Grabe's Edit. . . .; Holmes's collations in Nehemiah
    Dr. Holmes's Collation; Dr. Holmes's Collation of Vet. Test. Craec. 1. c.
Collection: Holmes Manuscripts | Bodleian Archives & Manuscripts
    - Robert Holmes (priest)
  - Horsley, Samuel: Bp. Horsley, Bibl. Critic. Vol. iv. p. 480-489.
    - Biblical Criticism on the First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old Testament;
      also on the First Nine Prophetical Books. by Samuel Horsley, L.L.D. F.R.S. F.A.S.,
      Late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph.; Volume 4 - Internet Archive
  - Hottinger's Thesaur. Philolog. p. 85, 86;
Johann Heinrich Hottinger
  - Houbigant on Gen. ix. 18; x. 21.; Charles François Houbigant
    - Houbigant, Charles FrançoIs - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Hudson's Note on Josephus, 1. c.
    - The Antiquities of the Jews, by Flavius Josephus
      (search for Dr. Hudson and Hudson)
  - Jackson: The Reader may consult on this name the very learned
    Mr. Jackson in his Chron. Ant. Vol. 1. p. 289, No. 2.
    - Chronological antiquities: or, The antiquities and chronology
      of the most ancient kingdoms, from the creation of the world,
      for the space of five thousand years. In three volumes.,
      by John Jackson | The Online Books Page
Jackson, John, 1686-1763  - Biblical Cyclopedia . . .
    - John Jackson (controversialist)
  - Jerome: St. Jerom. in Quaest. seu trad. Hebr. Arachaeus, qui Arcas condidit oppidum . . .|
    - Biography of St. Jerome the Translator of Latin Vulgate Bible
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Jerome
    - Vulgate: Vulgate Latin Bible With English Translation
  - Johnson: Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784; See Johnson's Dict. word, Cousin;
samuel johnson 1709 - Google™ Search
    English writer who was arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history.
A brief History of English Lexicography
A Dictionary of the English Language
    - Johnson's Dictionary Online
Related Links – Johnson's Dictionary Online
Samuel Johnson Dictionary Sources
  - Jones: Sir William Jones on Asiatic Poetry chap. ix.,
    and his Discourse on the Mystical Poetry of the Persians and Hindus
    - Jones, William – Encyclopaedia Iranica
The Works of Sir William Jones
William Jones and the Study of Hinduism
    - William Jones (philologist)
  - Junius:
Franciscus Junius, A Treatise on True Theology
    Junius Institute Digital Companions
  - Junius and Tremellius
Franciscus Junius (the elder)
    - Immanuel Tremellius
  - Jonathan ben Uziel, in his Targum on Gen. x. 4.; Jonathan ben Uzziel
  - Josephus: Flavius Josephus - Complete Works and Writings
  - Juvenal Sat. vi. v. 155, &c.
    - A Commentary on the Satires of Juvenal
    - Juvenal / Decimus Junius Juvenalis
    - The Satires of Juvenal
    - Works by or about Decimus Junius Juvenalis - Internet Archive
  - Kennicott: Dr. Kennicott; See Kennicott's Dissertat. Gen. p. 79.; Kennicott Dissertation;
    - Benjamin Kennicott:
    - Hebrew Biblical manuscripts of Benjamin Kennicott - Archives Hub
Kennicott - Biblical Manuscripts in Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic,
      collected by Benjamin Kennicott (1718-83)
  - Kimchi / Kimhi: David Kimchi;
    - David Kimhi
    - David Kimhi | Hebrew grammar, Biblical exegesis, Jewish philosophy | Britannica
  - King James Bible Translators: General Biographical Sources
AV1611.COM - Bible study tools and Bible version information
    - Edward Lively; Mr. Edward Lively, of Cambridge, whose immature death deprived
      our English translators of the Bible, in King James's Time,;
    - English Bible Translations - Subject Guides at Brigham Young University
History of English Literature-Oxford University Press
    - King James Bible Translators
    - Kings Bible Concordance - A to Z
      The concordance is an alphabetical index of all the words from the Bible.
      Each word is displayed in the line of the verse in which it is contained.
      This will help you find and compare the words and phrases within any verse.
      You can select a starting letter above and select from a word list or search directly.
  - Lardner's Credibility of the Gospel Hist. Part 1. B. ii. c. iv.;
Lardner, Nathaniel, 1684-1768) Catalog Search Results | HathiTrust Digital Library
    - Nathaniel Lardner (1684-1768)
    - Works by or about Nathaniel Lardner - Internet Archive
  - Le Clerc / Clerc: Bibl. Reg. among Sam. Clerc's Var. Lect.; Le Clerc;
    Clerc's Var. Lect. et Observat. in Chald. Paraph. Lond. Pol. Tom. VI. p. 45, c. 2.
    - Jean Le Clerc (theologian) 1657-1736
The Correspondence of Jean Le Clerc – EMLO
  - Leusden in his Onomast. p. 111.; Onomast Sac., Leyden, 1650; s.r.
Johann Leusden (1624-1699)
    - Leusden, Johann - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Lewis's History of the English Trans. of the Bible, p. 322. 2nd edit.,;
    - A complete history of the several translations of the Holy Bible,
      and New Testament, into English, both in MS. and in print: and of
      the most remarkable editions of them since the invention of printing.
John Lewis ... - The second edition, with large additions. 1739
    - John Lewis (antiquarian), 1675-1747
  - Libanius Epist. 1011, in Acts xxv. 13, and the Codd. Lat. . . .
    - Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898), L, Levee, Libanius
    - Libanius
The Letters of Libanius
  - Lightfoot: Dr. Lightfoot interprets the words;
John Lightfoot
    - All the Works of John Lightfoot Doctor in Divinity, . . .
    - Complete Works of Rev John Lightfoot on-line - Biblical Studies
  - Lowth: Bp. Lowth, on ver. 15 of that chapter,
Lowth, Robert - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Robert Lowth
  - Maccabees: Books of the Maccabees
    The author of the Arabic History of the Maccabees, printed in the Paris Polyglott,
  - Macrobius in Saturn. ii. 4,
Macrobius / Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius
    - Saturnalia (Macrobius)
  - Malvenda:
Tomaso Malvenda: Malvenda, Thomas - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Manctho /
Manetho, with an English translation by W.G. Waddell
  - Manutius: Aldine Bible
    - Aldus Pius Manutius (Aldus Manutius the Elder)
  - Marsh: Bp. Marsh's Notes on Michaelis's Lect. on New Test. Vol. II. Part II. p. 817.
Herbert Marsh (1757-1839); Herbert Marsh
    - History of the College of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge; pages 735-778.
      Extensive data on Herbert Marsh, his family, along with his accomplishments.
  - Marsham: Sir John Marsham in Canon Chron. p. 484, and others, . . .
    - D. Johannis Marshami ... Canon chronicus aegyptiacus, ebraicus, graecus, & ...
inauthor:"Sir John Marsham"
Sir John Marsham, 1st Baronet, 1602-1685
  - Masius: Masius, Calmet, and others, suppose the people,
    - Andreas Masius (1514-1573)
    - Classical Syriac Manuscripts at Yale University
    - Masius Search results - Patristic Bible Commentary
  - Matthew:
Matthew Bible (Thomas Matthew)
    Matthew's Bible - 1537 Facsimile Elmo Brown Leather - Biblical Heritage Exhibit
    John Rogers used the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew", a name used by William
    Tyndale on occasion, to avoid persecution and prosecution by the authorities
    who continued to forbid under penalty of death, the printing of the scriptures
    in the English language. The Matthew's Bible was printed in 1537 in Paris
    and Antwerp by Sir Jacobus van Metered the uncle of Roger's wife, Adriana.
  - Maundrell quoted by the editors of Calmet's Dict.
    - Full text of "Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible :
      as published by the late Mr. Charles Taylor, with the fragments incorporated.
      The whole condensed and arranged in alphabetical order"
  - Megasthenes:
Megasthenes in Wikipedia - Bible History
Menahem de Lonzano / Menachem di Lonzano | Texts & Source Sheets
    from Torah, Talmud and Sefaria's library of Jewish sources.
  - Michaelis and Dathius; Michaelis in
Spicileg. P. ii. p. 161; eminent Biblical Critic
    J. D. Michaelis, in Spicil. P. i. p. 19, &c.; Johann David Michaelis
Ioannis Davidis Michaelis Spicilegium geographiae Hebraeorum
      exterae post Bochartum [microform] : Michaelis, Johann David, 1717-1791
    - Johann David Michaelis - Encyclopedia
  - Mill and Wetstein on Matth. i. 4.,; Lectionary 4
    The manuscript was examined by John Mill. It was added
    to the list of the New Testament manuscripts by Wettstein.
    - John Mill (theologian), c. 1645-1707:
Textual criticism
      Mill's work noted over 30,000 discrepancies between
      some 100 extant New Testament manuscripts.
Apocrypha: Biblical apocrypha
        - Apocrypha - Early Christian Writings
Deuterocanonical books
        - List of Old Testament pseudepigr
        - New Testament apocrypha
        - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
          - Joseph Smith’s Developing Relationship with the Apocrypha
          - Section 91, The Apocrypha
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Apocrypha
Letter to the Church, 7 September 1842 [D&C 128], Page 7
Revelation, 9 March 1833 [D&C 91], Page 55
Biblical authority
      - Biblical inerrancy
      - Biblical infallibility
      - Biblical inspiration
      - Biblical literalism
Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures on
      - Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible | Religious Studies Center
        Joseph Smith Translation & King James Translation in Parallel Columns.
        - Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible | Religious Studies Center
        - From Manuscript to Finished Text | Religious Studies Center:
Genesis.pdf; Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deutronomy.pdf;
          Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings,
          and including 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Nehemiah, Job.pdf;
          Psalms, Proverbs.pdf; Songs of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel.pdf;
          Hosea, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Zechariah.pdf;
Matthew.pdf; Mark.pdf;
John.pdf; Acts.pdf; Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians.pdf;
Galatians.pdf; Ephesians.pdf; Phillipians.pdf; Colossians, 1 Thessalonians,
          and including 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy,_2 Timothy.pdf;
Titus, Philemon.pdf;
James.pdf; 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, Jude.pdf; Revelation.pdf
      - The Articles of Faith: 13 Beliefs | Come unto Christ - Number Eight (8)
        We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly;
        we also believe the
Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
  - Morinus; Variat. MSS. published by Morinus; Jo. Morinus
    - Manuscripts, Hebrew - Biblical Cyclopedia . . . These variations were first collected
      by ben-Chayim in the Rabbinic Bible (Venice, 1526), . . . Chayim does not give the
      source from which he took these variations, but Morinus (Exercitt. Biblic. page 409,
      Paris, 1669 fol.) testifies that he saw a list of these variations in some MSS; i.e., As
      to the Eastern and Western codices; from academies in Palestine and Babylonia.
  - Münster: Münster informs us, 1. c.,; Sebast. Münster, in the former passage has . . . ;
    - Sebastian Münster (1488-1552)
      Tombstone describes him has the Ezra and the Strabo of the German people.
  - Naziazen: Gregory Nazianzen, in his Orat. in Maccab.,
    - Gregory of Nazianzus, c. 329-390
      Considered the most accomplished rhetorical stylist of the patristic age.
  - Newcome: Newcome on Amos vii. 9.; Archbp. Newcome on Hosea 1. c.
    - William Newcome (1729-1800)
  - Newton: Bp. Newton's Dissert. on Proph. Vol I. p. 290-299, and p. 322, edit. 4to.
Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Newton, Thomas (1704-1782)
    - The Right Reverend Thomas Newton D.D. Lord Bishop of Bristol,
      and Dean of St. Paul’s, London. - Michael Finney Antique Prints
    - Thomas Newton, Dissertations on the Prophecies, which have remarkably
      been Fulfilled, and at this time are Fulfilling in the World (1825);
      Thomas Newton, D.D., Late Lord Bishop of Bristol
    - Works of the Right Reverend Thomas Newton, D.D., Late Lord Bishop of Bristol,
      and Dean of Saint Paul's, London: with some Accounts of his Life, and Anecdotes
      of Several of his Friends, written by Himself by Thomas Newton
  - Nicephorus in his Chronogr.
    - Database: Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris (CHAP)
      Late Antique Historiography
Stichometry of Nicephorus
    - The Development of the Canon of the New Testament
  - Nobilius: Flam. Nobilius in his Var. Lect. of LXX; Flam. Nobil. in Vers. Graec
Nobilio (or Nobilis), Flaminio - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Nobili, Flaminio - CERL Thesaurus
  - Noldius in his Hist. Idum; History of Idumaea,
    a Synopsis of Sacred History and Antiquities
    - Concordance -
      Christian Nolde (Noldius) in his "Concordance of the Particles,"
      Copenhagen, 1679; new ed., Jena, 1734.
John Taylor (dissenting preacher)
    - Nolde (or Noldius), Curistian - Biblical Cyclopedia
The Comprehensive Concordance to the Holy Scriptures
  - Owen: Hammond 1. c. and Dr. Owen on Mark ii. 26, in Bowyer's Conject. on New Test.
    - Dr. Henry Owen
    - Owen, Henry (1716 - 1795)
      Cleric, physician, and scholar | Dictionary of Welsh Biography
    - William Bowyer (printer)
  - Oxford Classical Dictionary
    - AElian Nat. Animal. B. vi. c. 25.
Aelian | Oxford Classical Dictionary
Aelian : On Animals, 6
Claudius Aelianus
    - Arrian Expedit. Alex. B. vi. p. 398, &c.;
Arrian, c. 86–160 CE | Oxford Classical Dictionary
Perseus under Philologic: searching for 3
    - Diodorus Siculus B. xvii. c. 73;
      - Diodorus (3), Diodorus Siculus, author of the Bibliothēkē
Diodorus Siculus: Bibliotheca historica
The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian
    - Plutarch. Alex. Tom. 1. p. 690;
      - Plutarch, of Chaeronea, b. before 50 CE; d. after 120 CE
    - Quint. Curtius B. v. c. 13;
Curtius Rufus, Quintus, rhetorician and historian | Oxford Classical Dictionary
      - Delphi Complete Works of Quintus Curtius Rufus
        History of Alexander (Illustrated) by Quintus Curtius Rufus - Ebook | Everand
Oxford History of the Biblical World - Oxford Reference
  - Oxford Research Encyclopedias
    - Creation and Contingency | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion [Research Note:
      A dispassionate evaluation of records of beginnings of ancient societies indicates that
      creation motifs of all societies, both ancient and modern, without religious affiliation,
      have no fundamental attachable physical reality, outside of archaeological findings.
      Physical determinism of mankind is only established within Judao-Christian theology.
Faith in the Messiah originates existence as always following from prior conditions.
      An all knowing God eliminates all universal human contingencies and indeterminism.
      The Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and Translator, Joseph Smith, Jr., High Priest President
      of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spoke, at the Temple in
      Joseph spoke on the Spirit of Elias-- the Spirit of Elijah and the Spirit of Messiah--
      the Spirit of Elias is a forerunner same as John the Baptist-- the Spirit of Elijah is the
      sealing power-- to seal the hearts of the Fathers to the children-- and the children to
      the Parents-- as Paul declared that the Saints of the last days could not be perfect with-
      out them-- neither can they be perfect without us-- the Spirit of Messiah is all power in
      Heaven and in Earth-- Enthroned in the Heavens as King of Kings and Lord of Lords--
Creation: The Creation (The Creation) and Doctrine and Covenants 77.
Doctrine and Covenants 101, verses 32-34, validates that current,
      modern science, will never be able to comprehend or ascertain the origins,
      or destiny of this earth, the solar system, or the Universe; except on the principle
      of valiant service and sacrifice in the cause of our King Jesus Christ, who will reveal
      all things at His coming in Glory. Keys of the Universe are restricted to all worthy
      Celestial administrators, such as our Ancient of Days, Father
Adam.  When Son Ahman
      comes, Adam delivers up his stewardship to Christ, that which was delivered to him as
      holding the keys of the Universe, but retains his standing as head of the human family.
      The Joseph Smith Papers - History.]
  - Paschale: Chron. Paschale p. 170;
Chronicon Paschale
      Chronicon Paschale is a huge compilation, attempting
      a chronological list of events from the creation of Adam.
  - Patrick: Bp. Patrick on Ezra i. 8.; Patrick's Commentary, Vol. II. p. 632, edit. fol.
    - A Commentary Upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament    
      in two volumes. By Dr Symon Patrick, late Lord Bishop . . .
    - Simon Patrick (Bishop), 1626-1707;
inauthor:"Simon Patrick"
  - Petavius in his Doctr. Temp. L. xiii. c. 26, and in his Rat. Temp. L. ii. c. 6, make . . .
    - Denis Pétau / Dionysius Petavius
    - Modern Chronologies of the Bible
    - The history of the vvorld: or, An account of time.
      Compiled by the learned Dionisius Petavius. And continued by others,
      to the year of our Lord, 1659. Together with a geographicall description
      of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America.
      - The History of the World; Or, an Account of Time.
  - Philo in Life of Moses, Tom. ii. p. 83.
    - Philo: On the Life of Moses, I
    - Philo: On the Life of Moses, II
  - Photius Cod. 238
Bibliotheca (Photius)
    - Photius: Bibliotheca.  Table of contents
    - Photios I of Constantinople
  - Pilkington in his Remarks,; Remarks upon several passages of scripture:
    rectifying some errors in the printed Hebrew text; Pointing out Several Mistakes
    in the Versions; and Shewing The Benefit and Expediency of a more correct
    and intelligible Translation of the Bible.
    By Matthew Pilkington, LL.B. Prebendary of Lichfield. | Wellcome Collection
  - Pirkei De-Rabbi Eliezer
  - Piscator think.; Johannes Piscator
  - Pliny in his Nat. Hist. B. vi. c. 20.
    - Pliny the Elder, The Natural History
  - Pococke: Dr. Pococke; Pococke's Collat. in vi. Vol. of Lond. Polygl, p. 30 . . .
    - Edward Pococke 1604-1691)
    - Edward Pococke (1604–1691), Comparative Arabic-Hebrew Philology, and the Bible
      Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies | Duke University Press
  - Poole: Malvenda, as quoted by Poole in his Synopsis, 1. c., suspects that . . .;
    Tyrinus, quoted by Poole, in his Synopsis on Ezra ii. 3,
    - Matthew Poole, 1624-1679:
Critici sacri
    - Poole Project: Matthew Poole - Poole General -
Poole Search
Poole-1-2 Chronicles
    - Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacræ Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum,
      summo studio et fide adornata, indicibusque necessariis instructa a Matthaeo Polo,
      Londinensi. . . HathiTrust Digital Library - Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679
  - Prideaux, (Dean), in his Connect. Hist. Old and New Test. Part ii. B. vi. Vol. 2, p. 289
Humphrey Prideaux
    - The Old and New Testaments Connected in the History of the Jews
      and Neighboring Nations from the Declensions of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
      to the Time of Christ, by Humphrey Prideaux, D.D., Dean of Norwich.
  - Ptolemy, the Geographer, in B. vi. c. i., places a province in the North of Assyria
    called Arrapachitis, which Bochart, Phaleg Lib. ii. c. 4, and others believe . . .;
    Ptolemy's Canon, makes Xerxes to reign twenty-one years,
Ptolemy: Geography (Ptolemy)
  - Pyle in his Paraphrase, and others, . . .
    - A Paraphrase with Notes, on the Acts of the Apostles,
      And Upon All the Epistles of the New Testament Being a Compleat Supplement
      to Dr. Clarke's Paraphrase on the Four Gospels.
      With a Short Preface to Each Epistle and a General Index
    - Thomas Pyle (1674-1756) / 9 titles, 12 vols. | PRDL
Rashi or, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki / Yitzhaki: Kimchi, Jarchi,
    and the author of the Small Masora; the mediaeval French rabbi Rashi,
    a.k.a. Jarchi (the Christian name for Rashi): the prince of Jewish commentators;
    placed by Jewish Rabbis at the head of their commentators. See:
List of rabbis.
    - Rashi - Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
      Rashi's piety and learning were so great, and his influence upon the Jewish nation
      by means of his expositions was so extraordinary, that his comments are almost
      looked upon as part of the Bible, and his interpretations in the present day are
      regarded by the most orthodox Jews as the authoritative import of Holy Writ.
Rashi family tree
Works by or about Rashi - Interenet Archive
  - Reland's Palaestin, p. 47.; Reland in his Palaestina B. i. c. xi. p. 63, &c.,
Reland, Adrian°; Adriaan Reland; Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata
  - Reiske: Johann Jakob Reiske
  - Rhod. Argonaut.; . . .;
    - Apollonius of Rhodes
    - Argonautica
  - Rosenmüller: E. F. C. Rosenmüller in his Notes on Gen. iv. 22,
    and with whom Dathius agrees.
    - Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmüller
    - The Biblical geography of Asia Minor, Phœnicia, and Arabia. | Library of Congress
      (Name spelled in some publications as: Ern. Frid. Car. Rosenmüller)
  - Rosenmüller: Rosenmüller's Schol. in Vet. Test. P. i. p. 259;
    Dr. D. Jo. George Rosenmüller;
    Scholia In Novum Testamentum book by Johann Georg Rosenmüller
    - Johann Georg Rosenmüller (
Johann Georg Rosenmüller)
  - Rutherforh (sic) Rutherford: Dr. Rutherforh's Letter to Dr. Kennicott p. 12--14
Rutherford (Thomas) Letter to Dr. Kennicott on the Samaritan Peniteuch
    - Thomas Rutherforth - Rutherford (1712-1771)
  - Sale: George Sale (Sale's Transl. Koran)
    - George Sale (1697–1736) | Quran Translation
    - Internet Archive: Digital Library & Wayback Machine for George Sale.
    - Universal History (Sale et al)
      - Catalog Record: An Universal history, from the earliest account of time /
        Compiled from original authors; and illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, &c.
        With a general index to the whole. HathiTrust Digital Library
  - Scaliger: Joseph Justus Scaliger
    He succeeded in reconstructing the lost Chronicle of Eusebius: Chronicon (Eusebius)
    - Abraham and Melchizedek in: The Book of Genesis in Late Antiquity
  - Schultens: Albert Schultens
  - Sefaria: a Living Library of Jewish Texts Online: Explore Jewish Texts by Topic
Masoretic text | Hebrew Bible, Tanakh, Rabbinic Commentary | Britannica
    - Masoretic Text - The Society for Old Testament Study
The SOTS Wiki - The Society for Old Testament Study
Minchat Shai on Torah | Sefaria (Minchath Shai)
    - Seder Olam Rabbah | Sefaria, or The Great Order of the World
      2nd-century chronicle detailing the dates of biblical events
      from creation to Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia.
      It adds no stories beyond what is in the biblical text.
    - Seder Olam Zutta | Sefaria, or The Small Order of the World
      Based in part on the Seder Olam Rabbah, the work continues the project
      of providing dates fro historical events, beginning with Adam and continuing
      to the talmudic period. Talmudic Figures
  - Selden has long since corrected in his Treatise De Success, in Pontif. Ebraeor. L. i. c. v.
    - John Selden; records listed in Internet Archive: Digital Library & Wayback Machine
  - Septuagint: Read the Septuagint Bible w/ Apocrypha Free Online
A Brief History of the Septuagint
    - Roman Septuagint
The Septuagint: LXX
  - Shaw: Dr. Shaw in his Travels, Vol. ii. p. 24, edit. 1808, observes,
    - Shaw, Thomas, 1694-1751 | The Online Books Page
      - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Shaw, Thomas (1694-1751)
      - Travels or observations relating to several... | HathiTrust Digital Library
  - SHEM: The Jerusalem Targum, and Jonathan ben Uziel in his Targum, and several
    other Jewish writers, suppose Melchizedek to be the same with Shem, the son of Noah;
    and this supposition has been ingeniously supported by the editors of Calmet's Dict.
    in their Enquiries and Discuss. Vol. III. . . . The Arabic version, in Gen. xiv. 18, renders
    . . . Malko Aladal, considering the word as an appellative rather than a Proper name.
    Probably the Arabic translator might be influenced by the customary name given to
    royalty in his country; for . . . many of the Mohammedan princes were, as a token of
    respect, distinguished by this appellation . . . Malck al Afdhal. It may not be improper
    here to observe, that the Salem above mentioned, was, most probably, Jerusalem,
    antiently (sic) known by the name of Salem--See Ps. lxxxvi. 2. And thus the writers
    of the Targums call Melchizedek . . . King of Jerusalem. . . . Porro Salem [read
    Melchizedek] rex Hierusalem dicitur, quae prius Salem appellabatur.
    - LDS Studies: The Connection between Melchizedek and Shem
      Melchizedek received his priesthood through the lineage of his fathers, even till Noah
      [means my priesthood came down in time from Adam to Noah, my father]; from Noah
      till Enoch through the lineage of their fathers [means my priesthood lineage descended
      from Adam via Enoch to Noah, my father, through the lineage of their fathers]; for this
      priesthood was received from Enoch to Abel, who received the priesthood by the hand
      of his father Adam. The priesthood lineage is very clearly recorded; it is a descending
      pedigree lineage, anciently from the man Adam, to the honorable Abel, his slain son
      [who was a brother of Seth, another son of Adam: the actual lineage ancestry of Noah].
      [Research Note: Do not interpret ancient genealogies from the standpoint, or viewpoint,
      of modern, unlearned genealogists, who concentrate on creating ascending research
      pedigrees. Until the Patriarchal Priesthood endowments and covenants were completely
      broken, and records discontinued, or intentionally destroyed; genealogies established,
      in the Ancient Book of Remembrance, were recorded as righteous descending posterity.
      Our Father Abraham clearly states he received handed down records from his fathers.
      Apostle Bruce R. McConkie was incorrect in his creation of gaps in the record source.]
      Now Melchizedek was a man of faith, who wrought righteousness; and when a child
      he feared God, and stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire.
      And thus, having been approved of God, he was ordained an high priest after the
      order of the covenant which God made with Enoch. Shem, the great pre/post flood
      High Priest heir of Noah, was ordained an high priest after the order of the covenant
      which God made with the pre-flood High Priest Enoch; for as a child, Shem feared
      God. Shem stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire, prior
      to the Flood, since after the Flood there was no general wickedness left and there
      was only a minimal number of lions remaining upon the earth. Additionally, according
      to Alma, Chapter 13, of the Book of Mormon, Melchizedek was a High Priest, and was
      a king over the land of Salem . . . for he was the king of Salem, and he did reign under
      his father. Noah lived from 2944 B.C. to 1994 B.C. Shem, or Melchizedek, the High Priest
      lived from 2452 B.C. to 1852 B.C. Abraham lived in the time period between circa --
      2062 B.C. to 1827 B.C.. Under the Patriarchal Order, Terah practiced idolatry; unable
      to receive tithing.  Under the Patriarchal Order, Nahor died in 2013 B.C.; Shem was alive.
      [The Book of Jubilees suggests Nahor was taught idolatry by his father.] Under the
      Patriarchal Order, Serug died in 1961 B.C.; Shem was alive. [The Book of Jubilees
      suggests Serug worshipped idols.] Under the Patriarchal Order, Reu died in 1984 B.C.;
      Shem was alive. [The Chronicles of Jerahmeel suggest he had the spirit of prophesy;
      was righteous.] Under the Patriarchal Order, Peleg died in 2014 B.C.; Shem was alive.
      [The Chronicles of Jerahmeel suggest he was righteous.] Under the Patriarchal Order,
      Eber / Heber died in 1823 B.C. [Shem was alive until 1852 B.C. and Abraham died
      between 1887 / 1827 B.C. Abraham either died in 1887 B.C., before Shem died,
      or outlived him by 25 years. Nevertheless, Eber signifies "the region beyond";
      unconnected to Salem.] Under the Patriarchal Order, Salah / Shelah died in 1884 B.C.;
      Shem was alive. Under the Patriarchal Order, Arphaxad died in 1914 B.C.; Shem
      was alive. Shem would have been King of Salem after the time of the flood, a city
      of righteousness, (after they were called to repentance), under the direction of his father
      Noah, who was also a King, for over a period of 350 years. . . . Finally, The Priesthood
      was first given To Adam: he obtained to (crossed out) the first Presidency & held the
      Keys of it, from genration (sic) to Generation; he obtained it in the creation before
      the world was formed as in Gen. 1, 26:28, - he had dominion given him over every living
      Creature. He is Michael, the Archangel, spoken of in the Scriptures, -- Then to Noah
      who is Gabriel, he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called
      of God to this office & was the Father of all living in his day, & To him was Given the
      Dominion. These men held keys, first on earth, & then in Heaven. -- . . . Dan VII Speaks
      of the Ancient of Days, he means the oldest man, our Father Adam, Michael; he will
      call his children together . . . Both Adam and Noah also obtained the Priesthood Title
      of "King"; or in other words, all three were Prophets, Priests, and Kings, in their own
      right; Adam holding furthermore, the very Keys of the Universe, under the direct
      jurisdiction of Jesus Christ. [Also known as the Jehovah God of the Old Testament.]
    - Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843, Page 4b
      Joseph Smith, Jr. says: Shall I, who hold the keys of the last kingdom, in which is the
      dispensation of the fulness of all things spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets
      since the world began; under the sealing power of the Melchizedek priesthood,
      shall I stoop from the sublime authority of Almighty God, to be handled as a monkey's
      cat's paw, -- and pettify myself into a clown to act the farce of political demagoguery?
      No, no verily; no! . . . I solve mathematical problems of Universities; with truth . . .
Search for Melchizedek | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: 50 Results Search for Melchizedek
      . . . Abraham received the Priesthood from Melchesedec (sic) . . . and it was this
      same Melchizedek to whom Abraham paid tithes; yea, even our father Abraham
      paid tithes of one tenth part of all he possessed . . . [9] By this time, Melchizedek
      was already associated with the high priesthood in the theology articulated by JS.
      . . . vision of the afterlife that individuals who inherited the celestial kingdom
      (the highest degree of heavenly glory) were "priests of the most high after the order
      of Melchesadeck (sic) which was after the order of Enoch which was after the order
      of . . . the only begotten son." (Jesus Christ) . . . endowed with the same power
      as the ancient apostles were. [Research Note: Since the Patriarchal Priesthood
      was the former, and only Priesthood Order of the ancient Church of Jesus Christ,
      that was upon the earth, in the days of Abraham, then it is necessarily self evident
      that Melchizedek was one of the ancient ancestors of our Father Abraham.] . . .
      Then God bestow'd upon the meek, The Priesthood of Melchizedek. 2. By help
      of this their faith increas'd, Till they with God spoke face to face:
      An Enoch, he would walk with God; A Noah ride safe o'er the flood. . . .
      By October 1831 JS taught that "the order of the High priesthood is that
      they have power given them to seal up the Saints unto eternal life."
  - Shuckford on the Creation and Fall of Man, Pref. p. lxii.;
Samuel Shuckford
    - The Creation and Fall of Man: The Creation and Fall of Man
  - Shullam: Rabbi Samuel Shullam, or Samuel Shallum, who in his observations
    on the Hebrew book Sepher Juchasin, written by Rabbi Abraham ben Samuel Zacuth
    - Samuel Shullam
  - Sigonius has done . . .
    - Carolus Sigonius / Sigonio (1520/1524-1584)
    - The Hebrew Republic . . . In Venice, Sigonio wrote Oratio de laudibus historiae,
      which is enormously helpful in understanding his historical method within the
      cultural context of his time. In this work, Sigonio finds history to be the noblest
      of the humanities, writing that those who overlook the passage of time and past
      events cannot really be considered men; they are rather like inexperienced boys
      unable to distinguish one thing from another. Grammarians, rhetoricians, poets,
      and philosophers must resort to the art of history in order to truly understand their
      own disciplines, since history--the analysis of particulars with the aim of reaching
      universals--lies at the foundation of every science. See Science foundations and
      all aspects of scientific education: Science, Technology and How Things Work
  - Simon: Father Simon, in his Critical Hist. of the Old Test. B. i. c. xxiii., speaks
    of an antient (sic) copy of the Hebrew Bible, in which it is noted in the Margin
Richard Simon (priest), 1638-1712
  - Spanheim:
Historia Job - Historia Job by Friedrich Spanheim;
    Jobab, who is called Job; The reader will meet with the same Genealogy of Job,
    though not in so diffuse a manner, at the end of the Arabic Version of Job, . . .
  - Strabo . . .; Strabo
  - Suetonius B. xi. sect. 7, p. 246, edit. Oxon 1690.
    - Suetonius / Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
    - Suetonius on Christians
Works by or about Suetonius - Internet Archive
  - Suidas in his Lexicon v. . . .
Index of the Suda On Line - Kata Biblon
    - Suda
Suda lexicon, by Suidas (Lexicographer) (work) | The Online Books Page
  - Symmachus:
Symmachus (2) - Biblical Cyclopedia
Symmachus (translator)
  - Syncellus: George Syncellus; Goar's Edit. of Syncellus
    - The chronography of George Synkellos :
      a Byzantine chronicle of universal history from the creation |
  - Syriac versions of the Bible
  - Tacitus Hist. B. ii. sect. 2 and 81
Books by Tacitus, Cornelius (sorted alphabetically) - Project Gutenberg
CSL: Publius Cornelius Tacitus
    - Historical Commentary on Tacitus' Histories I and II
      Tacitus [Cornelius Tacitus] - Oxford Scholarly Editions
Tacitus: Histories (Tacitus)
  - Tanchum: Rabbi Tanchum; Rabbi Tanchum
Tanchum - Biblical Cyclopedia
Targum - Biblical Cyclopedia: The Chaldee Paraphrase on the Prophet Isaiah
Targum shel Divrei ha-Yamim Rishonim va-Aharonim
      yisdo Rabi Yosef rosh yeshivah be-Surya: Paraphrasis
      chaldaica in Librum Priorem et Posteriorum Chronicorum
      Aramaic Paraphrase of the Biblical Books of Chronicles by Joseph ben Hiyya
      - David Wilkins (orientalist); Wilkins on Chron.;
        Chaldee paraphrase, published by Wilkins,
      - The Targum of Onkelos in Gen., and the Syriac version in Gen. and . . .
        - targum of onkelos
  - The authour of the Book entitled The Small Genesis,
    as quoted by Epiphanius Adv. Haer. B. i. p. 287, as noted in record:
Jubilees, Book of – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology);
    i.e., the small Genesis, compendium of Genesis, because it only selects
    certain portions of Genesis, although through its lengthy comments upon
    these points it is actually longer than this canonical book (comp. Epiphanius,
    Adv. Hoer. lib. 1, tom. 3, cap. 6, edit. Petav.; G. Syncellus, p. 8); or, according
    to Ewald's rendering of it, (subtillia, minuta) because it divides the history
    upon which it treats into very minute and small periods . . .
  - The Cambridge History of the Bible
Bibliography - The Cambridge History of the Bible
  - The Complutensian Bible
    Special Collections Blog | L. Tom Perry Special Collections | HBLL
  - Theodotion's Version; some Fragments of . . . which are still preserved.;
    - Theodotion | Hellenistic Judaism, Septuagint, Bible Translation | Britannica
  - Thorndike's Collat. Var. Lect. Syr. on Gen. x. 11.; Thorndike's Collat. of Syr. MSS.;
    Thorndike's Collat. Syr. Vet. Test. in Walton's Polyglott Tom. VI.
Herbert Thorndike (1598-1672) / 8 titles, 42 vols. | PRDL
    - Herbert Thorndike. 1598-1672; countenanced a belief in Prayer for the dead; concept,
      noted in the New Testament; fully in Melchizedek priesthood LDS Temple Ordinances.
    - Thorndike, Herbert - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Townsend: Rev. Geo. Townsend, in his excellent publication,
    entitled the Old Test. arranged, &c., Vol. II. p. 427, edit. 2nd.
    - George Townsend (priest), 1788-1857
    - Notes on the contributions of the Rev. George Townsend, M.A. . . .
      to the new edition of Fox's martyrology : Maitland, Samuel Roffey, 1792-1866
    - Townsend, George, Dd - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Tremellius: Immanuel Tremellius
  - Usher's MS: James Ussher | Ussher Chronology
    - Chronology of the Bible
  - Valesius on Eusebius's Eccles. Hist., B. i. c. x.; [
Church History (Eusebius)]
    - Henri Valois (1603-1676) / Henricus Valesius
  - Valpy: reprinted by Valpy in his improved edition of Stevens's Thesaur. Vol. 1 . . .
    - Abraham John Valpy, 1786-1854
Valpy, Abraham John, (1787-1854), Editor and Printer | The National Archives
Valpy, Abraham John, 1787-1854 | The Online Books Page
Henri Estienne / also known as Henricus Stephanus
        - Stephanus' Thesaurus Graecae Linguae
  - Vatable / Vatablus: François Vatable / Franciscus Vatablus
    - Medieval and Early Modern Greek Manuscripts : Act and Epistles book
  - Villoison: Villoison's Animad. ad Long. Past. L. iv. p. 108.
Animadversiones ad Longi pastoralium de Daphnide et Chloe
Jean-Baptiste Gaspard d'Ansse de Villoison
  - Vitringa: Vitringa, Bp. Lowth, and Houbigant, on Isai. xxii. 15,
Campegius Vitringa (1659-1722)
    - Campegius Vitringa, Sr (1659-1722) / 166 titles, 242 vols. | PRDL
    - Full text of "An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement,
      and an explanation of the twelve Minor Prophets" [Search for Vitringa]
  - Vossius Chronol. Sacr. c. x. p. 149.
Gerardus Vossius (1577-1649)
    - The Correspondence of Gerardus Joannes Vossius – EMLO
  - Wall's Crit. Notes on Old Test. . . .
    - Critical Notes on the Old Testament, By the late learned William Wall, D. D.;
      Author of the History of Infant Baptism.
      - An Abridgment of Wall's History of Infant Baptism by William Wall (D.D.),
        Rev. William Henry Spencer - Books on Google Play.
      - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Wall, William (1647-1728)
  - Walton's Polyglott p. 65, and De-Rossi on i. Chron. i. 17.; Brian Walton (bishop)
    - Brian Walton (1600-1661) / 18 titles, 23 vols. | PRDL (London Polyglot Bible)
    - From the Lowy Room: the magnificent 1657 Walton Polyglot Bible
      Library and Archives Canada Blog
  - Wetstein / Wettstein: Wetstein on Matthew viii, 28,
    - Johann Jakob Wettstein [1693-1754 A.D.]: Was a Swiss Theologian.
      Best Known as a New Testament Textual Scholar - Christian Publishing House Blog
  - Whiston, William; William Whiston (
LibriVox); Internet Archive: Digital Library
  - Whitby's Annot. on Luke xxiv. 1; and Berkel. on Step. Byzant.;
    - Daniel Whitby;
Daniel Whitby; #9 - Additional annotations to the New Testament; . . .
  - Wintle: Thomas Wintle, E. D.; Wintle's Dissert. on Daniel p. xxviii, and Notes p. 167.
    - Daniel, an Improved Version Attempted; with a Preliminary Dissertation,
      and Notes Critical, Historical, and Explanatory.
  - Woide: Dr. Woide.
    - Carl Gottfried Woide, Fellow of the Royal Society (F.R.S.)
  - Xenophon: Saocoras, is by Xenophon in his Anab. B. i. called Maska.
    - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), MESOPOTA´MIA
    - Xenophon"s Anabasis and the Origin's of Military Autobiography
  - Yates, Mr. T., reads in Gen. xxv. 15; and thus the Malabaric Pentateuch collated by
    - Collation of an Indian copy of the Hebrew Pentateuch . . . and a notice of some others,
      (Hebrew and Syriac) collected by Claudius Buchanan, in the year 1806, . . . ;
      also a collation and description of a Ms. roll of the Book of Esther;
      and the Megillah of Ahasuerus, from the Hebrew copy originally extant
      in brazen tablets at Goa, on the Malabar Coast /
      with an English translation by Thomas Yeates | Yeates, Thomas, 1768-1839 . . .
      - Thomas Yeates (orientalist)
Yeates, Thomas (1768-1839) orientalist and biblical scholar
Yeates, Thomas, 1768-1839 | The Online Books Page
  - Zacuth / Zacuto: Hebrew book Sepher Juchasin,
    written by Rabbi Abraham ben Samuel Zacuth
    - Abraham Ben Samuel Zacuto - Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies
    - Book of Genealogies - “Sefer Yuhasin” (Heb. ספר יוחסין) by Abraham Zacuto
      Some of the Jewish writers say, also, that Noah had a fourth son named Yoniko.
      See Abraham ben Samuel Zacuth, in Sepher Juchasin, p. 135.
    - English Translation of Sefer Yahassin:
Sefer Yuḥasin
      Abraham Zacuto is renowned as an astronomer; tables were used by Columbus.
      Genealogies intended to outline the historical development of the Oral Law
      and to establish the chronology of the sages who had transmitted it.
Rabbi Abraham Zacuto - (1450-1515; 5210-5275) -
    - Zacuto, Abraham ben Samuel -
  - Aaron | Biblical High Priest & Brother of Moses | Britannica
    - Aaron, Brother of Moses:
Aaron [Research Note: An Aaronic Priest should
      not be confused with the
High Priest Office in the Melchizedek Priesthood.
John Taylor: The Priesthood, Its Organization, Etc. (Journal of Discourses)
Literal Descendants of Aaron and Bishops - LDS Scripture Teachings]
Abaddon | angel | Britannica
  - Abauzit: Firmin Abauzit | Philosopher, Scientist, Educator | Britannica
  - Abel | Cain’s Brother, First Martyr, Shepherd | Britannica
    - [Research Note: Abel /
Abel: Letter to the Church, circa March 1834, Page 143]
Abiathar | High Priest, David’s Court, Solomon’s Reign | Britannica
  - Abigail | Queen of Israel, Wife of David, Prophetess | Britannica
Abijah | King of Judah, Prophet, Priest | Britannica
  - Abraham - Genesis, Scholarship, Bible | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Book of Abraham and Egyptian Material.]
  - Acts of the Apostles | Summary & Facts | Britannica
Adonijah | Son of David, Crown Prince, Solomon’s Rival | Britannica
  - Adrat: Solomon ben Abraham Adret
    Talmudic scholar, halakhist, philosopher | Britannica
ʿAdullam | Canaanite, Judah, Cave | Britannica
  - Aelfric | Old English, Abbot, Monasticism | Britannica
  - Aelred: Saint Aelred of Rievaulx | 12th-century Abbot, Spiritual Writer | Britannica
  - Ahab | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Ahasuerus | Stories, Relationships, & Facts | Britannica
Ahaz | Reign of Terror, Idolatry, Hezekiah | Britannica
  - Aleni: Giulio Aleni | Jesuit missionary, China, Confucianism | Britannica
  - Alfasi: Isaac ben Jacob Alfasi | Sephardic rabbi, halakhist, codifier | Britannica
  - Ambrose Of Camaldoli | Monasticism, Hermits, Reformer | Britannica
  - American Bible Society
  - Amos | Hebrew Pro
phet, 8th Century BCE Prophet & Poet | Britannica
    - Book of Amos | Prophet Amos, Israelite History, Social Justice | Britannica
Andrew Of Caesarea | Greek Father, Cappadocian Father & Hymnographer | Britannica
  - Arabians: The Arabians say that Ishmael had a son called Thor, or Thour.
Arsenius the Great | Biography, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
Athaliah | Biblical Queen, Judah’s Reign, Jehoshabeath | Britannica
  - Babel: Tower of Babel | Story, Summary, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note:
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Tower of Babel" confirms,
    numerous times, such as in “Latter Day Saints,” 1844, Page 406, that "In this important
    and interesting book the history of ancient America is unfolded, from its first settlement
    (after the Great Flood of Noah), by a colony that came from the tower of Babel, at the
    confusion of languages, to the beginning of the fifth century of the Christian era."; all
    contrary to the false, unsubstantiated assertion in Britannica, that it was historical myth.]
  - Bar Salibi:
Jacob Bar Salibi | Biography & Facts | Britannica
  - Baruh: Raphael Baruh
Critica sacra examined: or, An attempt to show that a new method may be found
      to reconcile the seemingly glaring variations in parallel passages of Scripture.
      And that such variations, consequently, are no proofs of corruptions, or mistakes,
      of transcribers : Baruh, Raphael, d. 1800
inauthor:"Raphael Baruh"
The Beginnings of Anglo-Jewish Biblical Exegesis and Bible Translation on JSTOR
  - Bengelius in Gnom.,
    - A Memoir of the Life and Writings of John Albert Bengel
Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament - Bible Commentaries -
    - Johann Albrecht Bengel, 1687-1752
  - Bible Research by Michael Marlowe: Early Printed Editions of the Hebrew Bible
  - Biblical Bibliographies: Index Page
Abbreviations of periodicals, series, reference works, and others
    - Pre-1800 commentaries on the whole Jewish Bible / Old Testament
Society of Biblical Literature Publications
Useful Links of Particular Interest for Biblical Research
  - Biblical literature | Definition, Types, Significance, Survey, & Development | Britannica
  - Biblical literature Facts | Britannica
    Related Content, Photos and Videos, Topics and References, Quizzes and Features.
Biblical literature - Hermeneutics, Interpretation, Exegesis | Britannica
    - Biblical literature - Exegesis, Hermeneutics, Criticism | Britannica
    - Hermeneutics | Definition, History, Principles, Examples, & Types | Britannica
    - SBL - Resources for Biblical Study
Biblical Studies - Oxford Bibliographies
Biblical translation | History, Challenges & Benefits | Britannica
  - Bibliography - Collection at
    XV. Scholars, Antiquaries and Bibliographers - Bibliography - I. Classical Scholars
    The classical scholars and archaeologists mentioned in this chapter are noticed by
    Sir John Edwin Sandys, in his History of Classical Scholarship. vol. II (Cambridge, 1908)
    C. XXIV, pp. 421-439, and vol. III (1908) C. XL, pp. 393-449; also in his Short History of
    Classical Scholarship (Cambridge, 1915), C. XXXV, pp. 273-7, and C. XLVIII, pp. 394-419.
    - John Sandys (classicist): Sir John Edwin Sandys
      Cross-discipline history: general interest | Cambridge University Press
      - Works by or about Sir John Edwin Sandys - Internet Archive
        - A history of classical scholarship : Sandys, John Edwin, 1844-1922
        - A short history of classical scholarship from the sixth century B.C.
          to the present day (1915) - Sandys, John Edwin, 1844-1922 - Internet Archive
        - - Sir John Edwin Sandys: Books
        - History of classical scholarship : from the sixth century B.C.
          to the end of the middle ages : Sandys, John Edwin, 1844-1922
    - Toup in his Emend. in Suid. P. III. p. 382, edit. Oxon.;
Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Toup, Jonathan
Jonathan Toup (1713-1785) / Toup, Jonathan Oannes, (1713-1785)
        philologist and classical editor | The National Archives
    - Tyrwhitt: Tyrwhitt on Orpheus De Lapid.
      - Thomas Tyrwhitt, 1730-1786
      - Thomas Tyrwhitt (Tyrwhitt, Thomas, 1730-1786) | The Online Books Page
British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) | Britannica
  - Bruce's Travels, Vol. II. p. 531
    - James Bruce - Historic UK, 1730-1794
    - The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Life and Adventures of Bruce,
      the African Traveller, by Major Sir Francis B. Head.
    - Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile
  - Brucioli: Antonio Brucioli
    Renaissance Translator, Bible Scholar & Latinist | Britannica
  - Buber: Martin Buber | Jewish Existentialist, Dialogical Philosopher | Britannica
  - Calvin: John Calvin
    Biography, Beliefs, Predestination, Writings, Reformation, & Facts | Britannica
    - John Calvin
  - Cappel: Louis Cappel | Reformation Scholar, Biblical Critic & Hebraist | Britannica
Cassiodorus | Roman Senator, 6th-century Italy | Britannica
  - Christians: Eastern Christians call her . . .
    - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
    - Christianity | Definition, Origin, History, Beliefs, Symbols, Types, & Facts | Britannica
      - Christianity:
Christian Denomination
List of Christian Denominations by Number of Members
      - The Only True and Living Church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        - Latter Day Saint Movement:
List of Denominations in the Latter Day Saint Movement
        - Search | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Search Tinney (example)
    - Internet Sacred Text Archive: Sacred-Texts ISTA - Internet Sacred Text Archive
Religious Denomination: Prevailing World Religions Map
      - Association of Religion Data Archives: World Religion Menu
World Religion Database
  - Comings's Answer to Kennicott's i. Dissert. p. 108.
    - Comings, Fowler, 1727 or 1728- | Wellcome Collection
Fowler Comings - Internet Archive
    - Fowler Comings (c.1727-) / 1 titles, 1 vols. | PRDL
Complutensian Polyglot Bible | Description, Languages, & Facts | Britannica
  - Coverdale:
Miles Coverdale | Reformer, Bible Translator, Tyndale | Britannica
  - Cyrillus adver. Julian. p. 134;a
    - Against the Galileans:
      Cyril of Alexandria and the Revival of Paganism in the Fourth Century.
      Against Julian by Cyril of Alexandria (d. 444) is a monumental refutation
      of the anti-Christian polemic composed by the emperor Julian in 362-363.
    - Saint Cyril of Alexandria
      Biography, Writings, Legacy, Feast Day, & Facts | Britannica
  - Daniel: The Book of Daniel
    Prophet Daniel, Babylonian Exile, Jewish History | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly suggests, "Because its religious ideas
    do not belong to the 6th century BC, numerous scholars date Daniel in the first
    half of the 2nd century BC"; and, continues the disparagement by suggesting
    falsely, that "The unknown author may have drawn inspiration from Ugaritic and
    Phoenician sources that speak of a legendary figure notable for his righteousness
    and wisdom." Daniel: Prophet of God, Companion of Kings (Daniel)]; in its Notes
    and Commentary on Daniel, presents a comprehensive evaluation of subject matter.
    That Daniel saw Adam, or the "Ancient of Days," and Also Christ Taking His Rightful
    Place as King over the Earth, completely repudiates any non Israelite sources.]
  - De La Mare: William De La Mare
    English Philosopher, Medieval Scholar & Theologian | Britannica
  - De Tott / Du Tott: Baron Du Tott, Vol. II. p. 64
inauthor:"François baron de Tott"
    - Memories of the Baron de Tott, on the Turks and the Tartars
  - Dead Sea Scrolls | Definition, Discovery, History, & Facts | Britannica
    - Dead Sea Scrolls
    - Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
    - The Dead Sea Scrolls | The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  - Deer: The Book of Deer
    Early Medieval, Monastic Manuscript, Pictish Script | Britannica
  - Des Maizeaux: Engl. edit. by Des Maizeaux;
    - Pierre des Maizeaux
  - Deuteronomy | Ancient Hebrew Law, Moses & Covenant | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly opines: "Although Deuteronomy is presented
    as an address by Moses, scholars generally agree that it dates from a much later
    period of Israelite history." However, the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. in review of
    the Bible, produced Old Testament Revision 2, Page 73; re: Deuteronomy, Ch. 34,
    mentioning: "So Mosses (sic) the Servant of the Lord died thare (sic) in the land
    of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. for the Lord took him unto his Fathers,
    in a valley in the land of Moab, over against . . . Bethpeor; therefore no man
    knoweth of his sepulchar (sic) unto this day." See: Historical Introduction.
    Note under the section Moses, that he did not physically die; he was translated,
    and taken out of the midst of the disobedient. rebellious House of Israel;
    which rebellion ultimately resulted in the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the Gentile population.]
  - Diodati:
Giovanni Diodati | Reformation, Bible Translation, Geneva | Britannica
  - Documents That Changed the World on Apple Podcasts
    - Annals of the World, 1650 | UW News
      Annals of the Old Testament, deduced from the first origins of the world,
      the chronicle of Asiatic and Egyptian matters together produced from the
      beginning of historical time up to the beginnings of Maccabees. Created by:
    - James Ussher | Church of Ireland, Archbishop of Armagh, Theologian | Britannica;
      1,300 page Annals of the World through close study of The Bible's
      Old Testament, as well as a wide range of more secular histories.
    - The annals of the world deduced from the origin of time, and continued
      to the beginning of the Emperour Vespasians reign, and the totall destruction
      and abolition of the temple and common-wealth of the Jews : containing
      the historie of the Old and New Testament, with that of the Macchabees,
      also the most memorable affairs of Asia and Egypt, and the rise of the empire
      of the Roman Caesars under C. Julius, and Octavianus : collected from all history,
      as well sacred, as prophane, and methodically digested / by ... James Ussher ...
    - Works by or about James Ussher, 1581-1656; Internet Archive
Douai-Reims Bible | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
  - du Fresne, sieur du Cange: Edit. Du Cange; Charles Dufresne
    - Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange
      Du Cange is one of the historians that
Edward Gibbon cites;
      "our sure and indefatigable guide in the Middle Ages and Byzantine history".
  - Early editions of the Hebrew Bible: Great Bibles - Judaic Treasures
    - Footprints: Written Work Bible. Early Prophets. Commentary (Radak & Gersonides)
      - In The Footprints of the Prophets:
        Hebrew Incunabula from the Duke of Sussex’s Library | Bibliomania.
    - Hebrew incunabula
Hebrew Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries
    - Hooght, Everadus van der, 1642?-1716 - Internet Archive;
      Van der Hooght, in his edition of the Hebrew Bible . . .
      - Everardus van der Hooght (1642-1716),
        the Last of the Christian Hebraists in the Dutch Republic on JSTOR
Hooght, Everardus van der, 1642?-1716 | The Online Books Page
Soncino: a name linked to printing for five centuries -
Soncino -
Soncino family; consider Prophet. Soncin. printed in 1486,;
    - The First Printed Haggadah,
      of which Only Two Copies Survived : History of Information
    - The Soncinos – j-Italy
  - Earth and World: Earth - Planet, Atmosphere, Geology | Britannica
Earth sciences - Prehistoric, Origins, Geology | Britannica
    [Research Note: The world and earth are not synonymous terms. (The commentaries
    by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., are a complete repudiation of modern science. . . .)
    The world is the human family. This earth was organized or formed out of other
    planets which were broke up and remodelled (sic) and made into the one on which
    we live (i.e., unorganized, pulverized elements). The elements are eternal. That which
    has a beginning . . . will surely have an end. Take a ring, it is without beginning or
    end; cut it for a beginning place, and at the same time you will have an ending place.
    A key, every principle proceeding from God is eternal, and any principle which is not
    eternal is of the Devil. The sun has no beginning or end, the rays which proceed from
    himself (the Sun) have no bounds, consequently are eternal (i.e., a Celestial Planet,
    or glorified, eternal Star). So it is with God. If the soul of man had a beginning it will
    surely have an end. In the translation; "without form and void" it should read "empty
    and desolate" The word "created" should be formed or organized. . . . Observations
    on the Sectarian God. That which is without body or parts is nothing. There is no other
    God in heaven but that God who has flesh and bones (in a Celestial state of being).
    . . .
The great principle of happiness consists in having a body. . . . All beings who
    have bodies have power over those who have not. . . . This earth will be rolled back
    into the presence of God and crowned with Celestial Glory (i.e., become like our Sun).
    Discourse, 5 January 1841, as Reported by William Clayton, Page 4]
  - Eichrodt:
Walther Eichrodt | Old Testament, Theology, Exegesis | Britannica
Elijah | Biography, Name, Meaning, Story, & Elisha | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Power to Seal on Earth and in Heaven "The spirit, power, and calling
    of Elijah is, that ye have power to hold the key of the revelation, ordinances, oracles,
    powers and endowments of the fullness of the Melchizedek Priesthood and of the
    kingdom of God on the earth; and to receive, obtain, and perform all the ordinances
    belonging to the kingdom of God, even unto the turning of the hearts of the fathers
    unto the children, and hearts of the children unto the fathers, even those who are
    in heaven" (History of the Church 6:251; spelling modernized).
. . . "This is the spirit
    of Elijah, that we redeem our dead (through properly authorized Latter-day Saint
    Temple ordinance work), and connect ourselves with our fathers which are in heaven
    (deceased), and seal up our dead to come forth in the first resurrection; and here
    we want the power of Elijah to seal those who dwell on earth to those who dwell
    in heaven" (History of the Church, 6:252).]
  - Eliot: John Eliot | Puritan, Massachusetts, Algonquian | Britannica
Puritan John Eliot translated The 1661-1685 Eliot Bible
      The First Bible Printed in America
English Bible History: Timeline of How We Got the English Bible
    - The English Bible in the Early Modern World | Brill
      - Contents in: The English Bible in the Early Modern World
Index in: The English Bible in the Early Modern World
Emser: Hieronymus Emser | Reformer, Humanist, Scholar | Britannica
Erasmus | Biography, Beliefs, Works, Books, & Facts | Britannica
  - Fall of Man | Bible, Painting, Genesis, & Dürer | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica's complete chronological distortion of record sources,
    using fabricated, incorrect reconstructions of ancient data sets, contrary to  various
    theologically established narratives; provided by First President Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Prophet, Seer, Revelator, Translator.
    - Fall of Man: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Fall of Man"
      - Discourse, 5 February 1840, Page 1; with
Historical Introduction
    - Lectures on Faith: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Lectures on Faith";
      the lectures can be considered Joseph Smith documents in the sense that he and
      other members of the church presidency introduced them in a signed preface as
      being among "the leading items of the religion which we have professed to believe."]
  - Faxard Marquis of Valez (sic) Velez collated sixteen manuscripts,
    eight of which he borrowed from the King of Spain's library.; Peter Faxard
    - The North American Review - The Text of the New Testament
  - Fuller: See Fuller's Miscell. Sacra. Lib. iii. c. 13, in the IX. Vol. of Critic. sacr. col. 2320;
Nicholas Fuller
  - Gabriel | Definition & Feast Day | Britannica
    [Research Note: Fact checked as:
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Gabriel.
    And the voice of Michael the Archangel, the voice of Gabriel, and of Raphael,
    and of divers Angels from Michael or Adam, down to the present time; . . .
    Then to Noah who is Gabriel he stands next in authority to Adam in the priesthood.]
  - Genesis | Creation, Covenant & Patriarchs | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly states "The patriarchal history begins
    with the divine promise to Abraham that "I will make of you a great nation".
Glossary Patriarchal Priesthood | correctly notes The right of dominion
    over the creation belonged to God. God gave that right (first) to Adam and Eve. . . .
    It is the right to hold dominion over the world as the steward, (Keys of the Universe), (as)
    father, or patriarch over all creation; walking in the similitude of our Lord Jesus Christ.]
Genesis Rabbah | Midrash, Aggadah, Parables | Britannica
  - Geneva Bible | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
  - Gerard's Institutes of Bibl. Critic. p. 254.
  - Gerhard: Johann Gerhard | Lutheran Reformer, Theologian & Writer | Britannica
  - Gesner: Gesner's Note on the Fragm. of Orpheus p. 361.
    - Gesner, Johann Matthias:
      Novus Linguae Et Eruditionis Romanae Thesaurus. - Leipzig, 1749.
inauthor:"Johann Matthias Gesner"
    - Johann Matthias Gesner, 1691-1761
    - The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus
Gideons International | Christian Ministry, Bible Distribution, Evangelism | Britannica
  - Gloss. Gr.;
  - Goodspeed:
Edgar J. Goodspeed | Translator, Translations, Bible | Britannica
  - Gutenberg Bible | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
    - 7 Things You May Not Know About the Gutenberg Bible | History
The Gutenberg Bible - Harry Ransom Center Digital Collections
    - The Gutenberg Bible - Library of Congress Bible Collection
      Exhibitions - Library of Congress
    - The Morgan Gutenberg Bible Online
      The Morgan Library & Museum Online Exhibitions
Hebrew literature | History, Characteristics, Books, Writers, & Facts | Britannica
  - Hengstenberg: Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
    Reformation, Biblical Criticism & Exegesis | Britannica
Hexapla | Septuagint, Origen, Bible | Britannica
  - Hodius / Hody: De Bibliorum Texibus Originalibus; Hodius De Bibl. Text. Orig. p. 114
    - Humphrey Hody
    - Works by or about Humphrey Hody - Internet Archive
      Includes [De bibliorum textibus originalibus], Humfredi Hodii
  - Hort: Fenton J. A. Hort | New Testament, Theology, Anglican | Britannica
  - Howel's History, and Patrick's Commentary, that . . .
Hugh of Saint-Cher | Facts, Writings, & Biography | Britannica
  - Ibbetson in his Note on Josephus Jew. Ant. B. xx. c. i. Sect 2.p. 957;
    Ibbetson's Note on Josephus Tom. I. p. 944, edit. Havercamp.
  - ibn Tibbon: Moses ben Samuel ibn Tibbon
    Hebrew Scholar, Translator & Philosopher | Britannica
Ibrāhīm al-Ḥāqilānī | Islamic Scholar, Scholar of Hadith | Britannica
  - Isaac: Saint Isaac the Great | Biography, Feast Day, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
  - Isaiah: Book of Isaiah | Prophecy, Messianic Hope & Historical Context | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica improperly divides the writings of Isaiah into two areas
    of authorship, ignoring other resources presenting findings on
Understanding Isaiah.
    As mentioned, Nephi taught that the words of Isaiah "are plain unto all those that
    are filled with the spirit of prophecy". The Book of Mormon prophet Nephi further
    stated concerning Joseph, son of Jacob, that "He truly prophesied concerning all
    his seed. And the prophecies which he wrote, there are not many greater." So this
    resolves all problems. The Book of Mormon is true, because it is not restricted by
    time considerations; meaning events going forward for generations of time, are
    known and can be spoken of, as if occurring within the present generation, of living
    prophets, seers, and revelators; such as Joseph of Egypt speaking in future times,
    of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by his descendants Joseph, father and
    son, or Joseph Smith, Sr. and Joseph Smith, Jr.; which only the faithful comprehend.
    This same power of belief, founded upon a perfect faith in Jesus Christ, grants a JST
    Genesis 50 translation, to be valid, when ancient Joseph prophesied the bondage of
    his father's family in Egypt and their eventual deliverance by Moses, and specifically
    names him and his brother, Aaron. Moses was to deliver Israel from Egypt, have
    power over the Red Sea, receive commandments from God, and be assisted by
    Aaron as his spokesman. This belief system is grounded in the spirit of prophecy.]
  - Jablonski: and particularly the Glossarium P. E. Jablonskii Voc. AEgypt. p. cclii. &c.,
    [P. E. Jablonski, who stressed the fact that the Gnostics liked to represent, Christ
    as the Sun (god). From:
Three Elusive Amulets on JSTOR];
The risen Christ is our SUN - Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research].
    A Gnostic letter of around 200 AD states that resurrection is real for us Christians,
    because we 'possess' resurrection. "Resurrection of the spirit", it says, "swallows
    resurrection of the psyche and resurrection of the flesh". It then describes resurrection
    of the spirit as "being drawn upward by God as rays are drawn by the sun". [Research
    Note: A partial "resurrection" is described in the Book of Mormon, in the distinct case
    of Three Nephites. In the Book of Mormon, the Three Nephites (also known as the
Three Nephite Disciples) are three Nephite disciples of Jesus who were blessed by
    Jesus to remain alive on the earth, engaged in the ministry and in their apostolic
    callings until his Second Coming. As described in Third Nephi chapter 28, this change
    occurred when they were caught up into heaven. Similar to Mormon beliefs about
the Apostle. Three Nephites were granted immortality in order to carry out their
    ministering work on the earth . . . they can show themselves unto whatsoever person
    or people they choose. Wikipedia falsely denigrates these facts as "Mormon folklore".]
ADB:Jablonski, Paul Ernst - Wikisource
    - Coptic manuscripts of Paul Ernest Jablonski - Archives Hub
Jablonski, Paul Ernst, 1693-1757 | The Online Books Page
    - OCLC Classify -- an Experimental Classification Service - Paul Ernst Jablonski
    - Paul Ernst Jablonski
  - Jason of Cyrene: Jason of Cyrene
  - Job: The Book of Job | Biblical Text and Themes | Britannica
    [Research Note: Fact check: Britannica incorrectly states "The poetic disputations
    are set within the prose framework of an ancient legend that originated outside Israel.
    This legend concerns Job, . . ." See: Doctrine and Covenants 121: 10 "Thou art not yet
    as Job; thy friends do not contend against thee, neither charge thee with transgression,
    as they did Job." The Lord God Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, validates by His statements,
    to Joseph Smith, Jr., in the jail at Liberty, Missouri, that Job is connected to Israel.]
  - John: Saint John the Apostle
    Biography, Facts, Feast Day, Writings, & Death | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
John.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms John as a historical person. The JST title is: "The Testimony of St. John".
    It invalidates Britannica's false assertion that John's subsequent history is obscure
    and passes into the uncertain mists of legend; etc.. John is mentioned frequently
    in latter-day revelation . . . passages serve to confirm and to clarify the biblical record
    of John and also give us a hint as to his greatness and the importance of the work
    the Lord has given him to do on the earth, not only in the time of the New Testament,
    but also in the last days. We especially have a clarification . . . ascertaining that John
    did not die but has been allowed to remain on the earth as a ministering servant
    until the time of the Lord's Second Coming . . . .]
  - Joseph: Book of Joseph / Book of Joseph / Joseph, Son of Jacob
    - Joseph foretold of a latter-day seer - Church News
    - Joseph Smith and Ancient Egypt | Religious Studies Center
    - Joseph Smith Papyri
    - Joseph Smith’s Biblical View of Egypt | Religious Studies Center
    - Patriarchal Era: Joseph in Egypt - Part I /
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Joseph in Egypt
The Joseph Smith Papyri and the Writings of Joseph of Egypt on JSTOR
    - Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham: Book of Abraham Translation
Book of Abraham and Egyptian Material
Joshua | Conquest of Canaan, Military Leader, Miracle of Jericho | Britannica
    - [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly asserts that Joshua, the leader of the Israelite
      tribes after the death of Moses.
Moses did not physically die; he was translated,
      and taken out of the midst of the disobedient. rebellious House of Israel;
      which rebellion ultimately resulted in the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ,
      and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the Gentile population.
      Elijah, Moses + 6 More Times People Were Translated by God - LDS Living.]
Josiah | Reformation, Covenant & Prophets | Britannica
  - Jud:
Leo Jud | Reformation, Zurich, Theology | Britannica
Judah ha-Nasi | Jewish Patriarch, Talmudic Scholar | Britannica
Judaism | Definition, Origin, History, Beliefs, & Facts | Britannica
  - Judson: Adoniram Judson | Burma, Baptist, Conversion | Britannica
  - Kanzō: Uchimura Kanzō | Meiji period, Christian faith, pacifism | Britannica
  - Knox: John Knox | Scottish Reformer & Father of Presbyterianism | Britannica
Works by or about John Knox -Internet Archive
Knox: Ronald Knox | Anglican Priest, Catholic Convert, Writer | Britannica
  - Laban: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Brass Plates of Laban
Laban, Keeper of the Brass Plates: Brass Plates
    - Search for Brass Plates of Laban | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  - Lagrange: Marie-Joseph Lagrange
    Biblical Scholar, Scholarly Writings, Catholic Church | Britannica
  - Leclerc: Jean Leclerc | French, Historian, Theologian | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica describes His views on the Scriptures included
    the denial of Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch as well as of the divine
    inspiration of Ecclesiastes, Job, Proverbs, and the Song of Solomon. Compare:
    Is the Song of Solomon Scripture? - BYU Studies . . . In July 1832, during his divinely
    directed efforts to provide inspired revisions to the biblical text (now called the
    Joseph Smith Translation, JST, Joseph Smith claimed, "The Songs of Solomon
    are not inspired writings (sic)."
The Book of Moses confirms the authorship of Moses.]
  - Lefèvre: Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples
    French Humanist, Theologian & Bible Translator | Britannica
  - List of Biblical Commentaries
    - Cornelius a Lapide: Biblical Commentary of Cornelius ἁ Lapide
  - Lloyd: Bishop Lloyd contends, that Obed was the grandfather . . .
    - Lloyd, William (1627 - 1717),
      Bishop of St Asaph (1680-1692) | Dictionary of Welsh Biography
    - William Lloyd (Bishop of Worcester), 1627-1717
  - Luke:
Saint Luke | Biography, Feast Day, Patron Saint Of, Facts, & History | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
Luke.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms Luke as a historical person. The JST title is: "The Testimony of St. Luke".
    It invalidates Britannica's false insinuation, concerning "If Luke was the author of
    the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles", as being a quite spurious statement.]
  - Luther: Martin Luther | Biography,
    Reformation, Accomplishments, Quotes, & Facts | Britannica
    - Luther Bible: Luther Bible - Internet Archive
Martin Luther: Martin Luther bibliography
    - Temple Work for the Founding Fathers . . . and other Eminent Men and Women
      . . . Martin Luther and John Wesley helped to release the people from religious
      bondage that held them during the dark ages. They also prepared the people's
      hearts so they would be ready to receive the restored gospel when the Lord
      sent it again to men on the earth.
James Godson Bleak - Chief Recorder, SGEOR.
  - Lyra's opinion is, that there were three successive generations . . .
    - Nicholas of Lyra
    - Nicholas Of Lyra | Medieval Theologian, Exegete, Commentator | Britannica
  - Mahonri Moriancumer | Book of Mormon Central: Chapter 50: Ether 1–5
    - Family Genealogy and History Internet Education Directory - Wiki - Posts | Facebook
      Pure Genealogy in The Body of Christ - Family Genealogy & History Book of Life.
    - The meaning of the name Mahonri Moriancumer
      General Discussions - Mormon Dialogue and Discussion Board.
  - Maimonides: Moses Maimonides | Biography, Philosophy, & Teachings | Britannica
  - Malachi: The Book of Malachi | Summary & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Malachi and Moroni said Elijah would come - Church News; see also:
Why Did Moroni Quote Malachi about Elijah’s Coming? | Book of Mormon Central.
    These additional resources indicate that Malachi was not an unknown author, as
    suggested in Britannica; but that indeed, he was the Prophet Malachi; since he was
    quoted by both the
Messiah Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon Prophet, Moroni.]
  - Marianna; Mariana; I suppose with Piscator, Mariana, Houbigant and others;
    the opinion of Tirinus and Mariana; Tyrinus: Tyrinus, quoted by Poole
Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti V. Pontificis Maximi iussu recognita.
      et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita |
Juan de Mariana
    - Tirinus, Jacobus, (S.I.), 1580-1636 | The Online Books Page;
au="Tirinus, Jacobus" - Search Results
  - Mark: Gospel According to Mark | Description, Authorship, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
Mark.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms Mark as a historical person. The JST title is: "The Testimony of St. Mark".
    It invalidates Britannica's false assertion of some scholars, concerning authorship.]
  - Markland and Bp. Barrington on the same place;
  - Marnix: Philips van Marnix, Heer Van Sint Aldegonde
    Facts, Biography, & Psalms | Britannica
  - Martin: Gregory Martin | Biography, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
  - Martyr: unless, with Pet. Martyr, we suppose this Pillar to have been erected . . .
    - Martyr, Peter - Biblical Cyclopedia
Masoretic text | Hebrew Bible, Tanakh, Rabbinic Commentary | Britannica
  - Matthew: Saint Matthew | History, Facts, Feast Day, & Death | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
Matthew.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms Matthew as a historical person. The JST
title is: "The Testimony of St. Matthew".
    It invalidates Britannica's false assertion that Matthew's authorship is seriously doubted.]
  - Maximus The Greek | Byzantine Scholar, Monk & Humanist | Britannica
Melanchthon: Philipp Melanchthon | Biography, Reformation, Works, & Facts | Britannica
  - Melchizedek | Story, Meaning, Priesthood, & Bible Verse | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Overview of Priesthood Line of Authority indicates that Melchizedek
    was of Patriarchal descent from the House of Noah; as Abraham received priesthood
    from Melchizedek; which priesthood originally was called very respectfully, "the Holy
    Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God"; namely, that of Jesus Christ / Jehovah.
    Shem, or Melchizedek, his Royal King Title, ruled in righteousness under King Noah.
    This validates that Church of the Firstborn (Jesus Christ) initiated the hereditary kings.
    Thus, The Lord Jesus Christ was appropriately "Jesus the Nazarene,
King of the Jews".]
Menahem | King of Israel | Britannica
  - Mendelssohn:
Moses Mendelssohn | Biography, Books, & Facts | Britannica
  - Mesrop: Saint Mesrop Mashtots | Biography, Alphabet, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
  - Methuselah | Bible, Age, Passages, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Grammar & Alphabet of the Egyptian Language notes:
    Kolob in the first degree. It signifies the first great grand governing fixed star which
    is the fartherest that ever has been discovered by the fathers which was discovered
    by Methusela (sic) and also by Abraham; by the use of the Urim and Thummim.]
  - Michael | Description, History, & Feast Days | Britannica
    [Research Note: Michael is Adam, the Ancient of Days; or
Adam, the Archangel.]
  - Micah:
Book of Micah | Prophet, Prophecy, Israel | Britannica
  - Milescu: Nicolae Milescu | Enlightened traveler, polymath, diplomat | Britannica
Moffatt: James Moffatt | New Testament, Bible Translation, Theology | Britannica
  - Mohammedan: Mohammedan authors also say; Mohammedan writers
    - List of biographies of Muhammad
    - List of Muslim historians
List of Muslim theologians
    - List of Muslim writers and poets
    - Lists of Muslims
    - Muhammad | Biography, History, & Facts | Britannica
      - Muhammad in Islam
The Mohammedan World on JSTOR
  - Montanus, Pagninus, and our English translators, in the margin, render, . . .
    - Bible/Hebrew/Christian hebraist/Pagninus/Montanus
Arias Montanus (Benedictus) -
      . . . Xantis Pagnini Lucensis, Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispal.
Biblia Hebraica. : Eorundem Latina interpretatio Xantis Pagnini Lucensis,
        Benedicti Ariae Montani Hispal. & quorundam aliorum collato studio,
        ad Hebraicam dictionem dilligentissimè expensa |
        Authors: Sante Paginni and Benito Arias Montano
Santes Pagnino: Pagninus, Sanctes - Biblical Cyclopedia
Santes Pagninus | Hebrew Bible translator, commentator | Britannica
      - Thesaurus linguae sanctae sive lexicon hebraicum
  - Moore: George Foot Moore | Religious Historian,
    Harvard Professor, Biblical Critic | Britannica
  - Morgan:
William Morgan | Welsh Reformer, Bible Translator & Bishop | Britannica
  - Morin:
Jean Morin | Reformer, Scholar, Jesuit | Britannica
  - Mormon:
Book of Mormon | Description & History | Britannica
  - Moroni: Moroni | Prophet, Angel, Book of Mormon | Britannica
    [Research Note: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Moroni, and
Search for Moroni | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]
  - Morrison:
Robert Morrison | China, Translation, Bible | Britannica
  - Moses: Moses | Story, Summary, Significance, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Answer to the question, was the Priesthood
    of Melchizedeck (sic) taken away when Moses died. (?) ,
    {Internal Research Note: Moses did not physically die; he was translated,
    and taken out of the midst of the disobedient. rebellious House of Israel;
    which rebellion ultimately resulted in the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the Gentile population.
    Elijah, Moses + 6 More Times People Were Translated by God - LDS Living.}
    Continuing: All priesthood is Melchizedek; but there are different portions
    or degrees of it. That portion which brought Moses to speak with God face
    to face was taken away; but that which brought the ministry of angels (i.e.,
    The Aaronic Priesthood) remained. All the Prophets had the Melchizedeck (sic)
    Priesthood and was ordained by God himself (i.e., by authorized representatives).
    Discourse, 5 January 1841, as Reported by William Clayton, Page 4]
  - Mowinckel: Sigmund Mowinckel | Old Testament, Psalms, Theology | Britannica
  - Nahum:
Book of Nahum | Prophecy, Judgment & Wrath | Britannica
  - New Testament | Description & History | Britannica
New Testament Books | Listed in Canonical Order | Britannica
Nicholas Of Hereford | Medieval theologian, Philosopher, Mystic | Britannica
  - Nimrod | Definition, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly defines Nimrod as a legendary biblical figure
    of the Book of Genesis. Nevertheless, he is included by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    in his Old Testament Revision 1. Furthermore, Nimrod is part of the ancient Adamic
    language, as it is a name of one of the
Kings in the Book of Ether; as part of records
    contained in the Book of Mormon. The Book of Ether names are indicative of the pure
    Adamic Language, handed down from the time of Adam and Eve. Biblical patterns
    are included, in the List of Book of Mormon people: Jared, Noah, Levi, Aaron, Seth, etc.
    Nimrod also is in Revelation given to Joseph the Seer: Old Testament Revision 2.]
  - Noah | Biblical Hero, Flood Survivor & Patriarch | Britannica
    [Research Note: Noah, the son of Lamech, with full historical pedigree documentation,
    contrary to the incorrect statement, that he was the originator of vineyard cultivation,
    (which belonged to Adam & Eve, who were commanded to tend the Garden of Eden);
    as well as incorrect designation of
Noah, Bible Patriarch, as just a biblical tradition.]
  - Numbers | Israelites, Tribes & Wilderness | Britannica
  - Obadiah: Book of Obadiah
    Hebrew Prophecy, Minor Prophet & Judgment | Britannica
  - Oecolampadius: Johann Oecolampadius
    Biography, Reformation, Protestant, & Facts | Britannica
  - Old Testament | Definition & History | Britannica
    - Hebrew Bible - Torah, Prophets, Writings | Britannica
      Books of the Hebrew Bible.
  - Olives:
Mount of Olives | Gethsemane, History, Map, & Facts | Britannica
  - Orientals believe . . . Oriental writers
  - Origen | Early Christian Theologian & Scholar | Britannica
Orm | Old English, Anglo-Saxon, Poet | Britannica
  - Palmer in Exercit. ad Strah. p. 289,
  - Paul: Saint Paul the Apostle | Biography & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Discourse, 5 January 1841, as Reported by William Clayton, Page 4
    Description of Paul-- He is about 5 foot high; very dark hair; dark complection (sic);
    dark skin; large Roman nose; sharp face; small black eyes, penetrating as eternity;
    round shoulders; a whining voice, exept (sic) when elevated and then it almost
    resembles the roaring of a Lion. He was a good orator, but Doctor John C. Bennett
    is a superior orator; and like Paul is active and diligent, always, employing himself
    in doing good to his fellow men.]
  - Pedersen:
Christiern Pedersen
    Renaissance Scholar, Historian & Translator | Britannica
  - Pedersen: Johannes Peder Ejler Pedersen
    Philosophy, Logic & Mathematics | Britannica
Peshitta | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica
  - Peter: Letters of Peter | Summary, Authorship, & Facts | Britannica
  - Peter: St. Peter the Apostle - Disciple, Rome, Martyr | Britannica
    [Research Note: Keys – Glossary Topic notes that Jesus Christ gave Peter the "keys
    of the kingdom of heaven"; which were later conferred upon Joseph Smith, Jr., and
    also Oliver Cowdery by former Apostleship Presidency: Peter James, and John.]
  - Petri:
Laurentius Petri | Reformation, Lutheranism & Archbishop | Britannica
  - Philemon:
Letter of Paul to Philemon | Summary & Facts | Britannica
  - Philipppians:
Letter of Paul to the Philippians | Summary & Facts | Britannica
Philological criticism | Textual analysis, Source criticism, Historical context | Britannica
Philoxenus of Mabbug | Biography & Facts | Britannica
  - Plantin: Christophe Plantin | Renaissance, Bookbinding, Antwerp | Britannica
Polycarp: Martyrdom of Polycarp | Description, Importance, Date, & Facts | Britannica
  - Polyglot Bible | Description, Editions, & Facts | Britannica
Portal:Latter Day Saint Movement
    - Latter Day Saint Movement
    - Mormon Studies
    - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
      Latter-day Saint Family History Centers and Temples
      (Mormon Family History and Genealogy Search)
PRDL | Welcome to The Post-Reformation Digital Library
    16th century religious movement creating the establishment of Protestant Churches.
PRDL | Authors
PRDL | Biblical Books
PRDL | Dates / Range: 10 years
PRDL | Digital Libraries
PRDL | Genres
PRDL | Genres / Biographical
PRDL | Publishers
PRDL | Reference
PRDL | Related Websites
    - PRDL | Scholastica
    - TIMELINE of Christianity
  - Proverbs, The | Wisdom, Morality & Instruction | Britannica
Psalms | Definition & Facts | Britannica
  - Raphalengius: Franciscus Raphalengius, who printed them in the year 1572, . . .
Franciscus Raphelengius, 1539-1597
  - Research Bibliography for Biblical & Theological Studies – BibTheo
    - Academic Journals – BibTheo
Bible Dictionaries – BibTheo
    - Commentaries – BibTheo
Online Bibliography Guides – BibTheo
    - Primary Sources – BibTheo
  - Revelation to John | Summary & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica totally distorts historical reality by stating that:
    Revelation to John appears to be a collection of separate units composed
    by unknown authors who lived during the last quarter of the 1st century,
    though it purports to have been written by an individual named John--
    who calls himself "the servant" of Jesus--at Patmos, in the Aegean Sea.
Joseph Smith and the Book of Revelation clarifies, and provides understanding.
    - John the Beloved in Latter-day Scripture (D&C 7) | Religious Studies Center
    - John, the Disciple Whom Jesus Loved
    - Revelation - Inspired Version and Revelation_2.pdf offers corrected translation,
      with further information on the servant of Jesus, at:
Section 7, John the Revelator.]
  - Robinson: Edward Robinson | Religious Historian,
    Biblical Geographer, Biblical Critic | Britannica
  - Robinson: Henry Wheeler Robinson
    Victorian Era, Anglican Church, Scholar | Britannica
  - Rogers: John Rogers | Puritan preacher, martyr, Bible translator | Britannica
John Rogers (Bible editor and martyr)
  - Romans:
Letter of Paul to the Romans | Summary & Facts | Britannica
  - Rosenzweig: Franz Rosenzweig
    Jewish Philosopher, Theologian & Translator | Britannica
  - Ruffinus makes his surname Caddis.
Tyrannius Rufinus
    - Tyrannius Rufinus | Christian Apologist, Church Historian & Monk | Britannica
  - Russell: Charles Taze Russell | Founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses,
    Bible Student Movement | Britannica
  - Ruth:
Book of Ruth | Summary & Facts | Britannica
Saʿadia ben Joseph | Jewish Exegete, Philosopher & Gaon | Britannica
  - Salesbury:
William Salesbury | Translator, Lexicographer, Welsh | Britannica
  - Samuel: Books of Samuel | History, Figures & Themes | Britannica
  - Samuel: Samuel ha-Nagid
    Maimonidean philosopher, Andalusian poet, Granadan vizier | Britannica
  - Schechter: Solomon Schechter | Conservative Judaism
    Jewish Education, Jewish Theology | Britannica
Genizah | Definition & Facts | Britannica
      - Cairo Genizah: Advanced Search for Genealogy
      - Cambridge Digital Library - University of Cambridge - Bibliography Search
Scripture | Meaning, Religions, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Scriptures / Scriptures / Search for Scriptures
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.]
    - ScripturePlus: About ScripturePlus
Septuagint | Greek, Hebrew & Aramaic Sources | Britannica
  - Several writers, both Arabic and Turkish, expressly say, that Azar, or Azer,
    and Terah, were the same person, under different names; thus making
    their Genealogy to coincide with that given in Scripture. . . . Abraham's Father,
    as we learn from Sale 1. c., is called Zarah in the Talmud, and Athar by Eusebius,
  - Simson in Chron. Cathol. A. M. 3902, supposes that Alexander Janneus . . .
  - Smith: Sir George Adam Smith
    Scottish Historian, Geographer, Theologian | Britannica
  - Smith: Joseph Smith | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures on
    - The Joseph Smith Papers
      Comprehensive digital collection of the papers of Joseph Smith, Jr..
  - Smith: William Robertson Smith
    Religious Critic, Biblical Scholar, Theologian | Britannica
  - Solomon | Sources, Meaning, Temple, & Facts | Britannica
  - Stackhouse and Calmet have committed; Stackhouse in his History of the Bible . . .
  - Steevens's Note on Othello Vol. XIX. p. 235;
George Steevens;
    Johnson's and Steeven's Shakspeare edit. Reed.
    - The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare, From the Text of Johnson, Steevens and Reed;
      With a Biographical Memoir, Summary Remarks on each Play, Copious Glossary,
      and Variorum Notes, by William Shakespeare et al. | The Online Books Page
  - Stephen: Saint Stephen of Perm
    Slavic Evangelist, Miracle Worker & Martyr | Britannica
  - Strigelius and others consider the word . . .; Lat. Victorinus Strigelius, 1524-1569
Strigel, Viktorin - Oxford Reference
    - Strigel, Victorinus, 1524-1569 | The Online Books Page
  - Strype: See Lightfoot's works, published by Strype, Vol. II. p. 98.
    - John Strype, 1643-1737
  - Sulpicius: And Severus Sulpicius, and many other writers,
    as well as the antients (sic), as the moderns come also into this opinion.
1911 Encyclopædia Britannica / Severus, Sulpicius
Sulpicius Severus, c. 363 - c. 425
Sulpicius Severus | Roman historian, Gallic monk | Britannica
  - Talmud and Midrash | Definition, Books, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
  - Tam:
Jacob ben Meir Tam | Rashi’s grandson, Tosafist | Britannica
Tanakh | Hebrew Bible, Torah, Prophets | Britannica
  - Targum | Ancient Jewish Biblical Interpretation & Translation | Britannica
  - Tatian | Biography, Apologist, Works, & Facts | Britannica
  - Taylor in his Concordance supposes, . . .
  - The Bible Collection: Introduction
    Resource Guide from the Rare Book and Special Collections Division
    Research Guides at Library of Congress
    - Collection Materials - The Bible Collection
    - Digital Resources - The Bible Collection
    - Reference Bibliography - The Bible Collection
    - Search Strategies - The Bible Collection
    - Using the Library of Congress - The Bible Collection
    - Video Resources - The Bible Collection
  - Theobald's Note on King Richard II. Vol. XIV. p. 296,;
Lewis Theobald
Mr. Theobald (Theobald, Mr. (Lewis), 1688-1744) | The Online Books Page
Theodore Of Mopsuestia | Syrian Theologian, Biblical Exegete | Britannica
Thessalonians: Letters of Paul to the Thessalonians | Summary & Facts | Britannica
  - Thorláksson:
Gudbrandur Thorláksson (Icelandic Bishop and Scholar
    Renaissance Man, Reformer & Educator | Britannica
  - Timothy: Saint Timothy | Apostle, Disciple, Ephesus | Britannica
    - Letters of Paul to Timothy | Summary, Authorship, & Facts | Britannica
  - Tirinus; Tyrinus: Marianna; Mariana; I suppose with Piscator, Mariana, Houbigant
    and others; the opinion of Tirinus and Mariana; Tyrinus: Tyrinus, quoted by Poole
Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti V. Pontificis Maximi iussu recognita.
      et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita |
Juan de Mariana
    - Tirinus, Jacobus, (S.I.), 1580-1636 | The Online Books Page;
      - au="Tirinus, Jacobus" - Search Results
  - Tischendorf: Konstantin von Tischendorf | Facts, Biography, & Research | Britannica
    - Codex Sinaiticus:
Codex Sinaiticus - See The Manuscript | Genesis |
    - Codex Sinaiticus | Earliest Known Biblical Manuscript | Britannica
  - Titus:
Letter of Paul to Titus | Summary, Authorship, & Facts | Britannica
  - Tobit:
Tobit | Book of Tobit, Apocrypha, Aramaic | Britannica
    - Book of Tobit
Torah | Definition, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
Tosafot | Talmudic, Commentaries, Rishonim | Britannica
Tyconius | 5th Century Christian Theologian & Biblical Exegete | Britannica
  - Tyndale: William Tyndale | Biography, Bible, Death, & Facts | Britannica
    - Tyndale House: Tyndale Archive of Biblical Studies
Ulfilas | 4th-Century Bishop of the Goths | Britannica
  - Uzziah | Reign of Uzziah, Judah, Temple Building | Britannica
  - Van Dalen: A Van Dalen in his Dissert. De Hist. Aristeae p. 136. and . . .
  - Waxman: Meyer Waxman
Meyer Waxman | Jewish Historian, Talmudic Scholar, Rabbi | Britannica
  - Weiss:
Johannes Weiss | Biblical Critic, Lutheranism, Exegesis | Britannica
  - Welch:
Adam Cleghorn Welch | Victorian Era, Biblical Criticism, Theology | Britannica
  - Wellhausen:
Julius Wellhausen | Biblical Critic, Historian, Theologian | Britannica
  - Wells: In this I have the concurrence of Dr. Wells;
  - Wesley: John Wesley | Biography, Methodism, Beliefs, & Facts | Britannica
    - John Wesley: John Wesley bibliography
    - The works of John and Charles Wesley : a bibliography,
      containing an exact account of all the publications issued by the brothers Wesley,
      arranged in chronological order, with a list of the early editions, and descriptive
      and illustrative notes : Green, Richard, 1829-1907 : Internet Archive
  - Westcott: Brooke Foss Westcott
    Church of England, Anglican Theology, Biblical Criticism | Britannica
  - Weymouth:
Richard Francis Weymouth | Translation, Bible, Theology | Britannica
  - Wolfü: Chr. Wolfü Bibl. Heb. Part. i.p. 492, &c. and p. 497, &c.; Wolfius Biblioth. Hebr.
    Tom i. 215, and Gesner's Note on the Fragm. of Orpheus p. 361.
Christian Wolff (philosopher) / Wolfius / ennobled as Christian Freiherr von Wolff.
    - Wolff, Christian (1679–1754) - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    - Works by or about Christian Wolff - Internet Archive
  - Willet, and others,
  - Wycliffe: John Wycliffe | Biography, Bible, (
Read the Wycliffe Free Online),
    Beliefs, Reformation, Legacy, Death, & Facts | Britannica
  - Yahweh | YHWH, Adonai, Elohim, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: Sacred Name Honor; similar to substitution and use of Melchizedek,
    which is the Priesthood that is after the Order of the Son of God, even Jehovah; for,
    before his day it was called the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God.]
Yiddish literature - Jewish Culture, Poetry, Fiction | Britannica
  - Zechariah:
Book of Zechariah | Prophet, Visions, Judgement | Britannica
  - Zedekiah | Babylonian Exile, Prophecy & Blindness | Britannica
    [Research Note: All the posterity of
Zedekiah were not slain.
    - BOOK [Stick] of JUDAH - Mattaniah - Zedekiah
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Mulek]
  - Zephaniah:
Book of Zephaniah | Prophet, Judah, Judgment | Britannica
Zeraʿim | Torah, Mishnah, Talmud | Britannica
Zerubbabel | Persian Ruler, Jewish Leader & Temple Builder | Britannica
    - Zerubbabel:
Temple of Zerubbabel
  - Zion | History, Significance, Map, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note:
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Zion
    Search for Zion | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:
Zunz: Leopold Zunz | Jewish Historian, German Scholar | Britannica
  - Zwingli: Huldrych Zwingli - Reformation, Theology, Switzerland | Britannica
  - Berry: William Berry (genealogist):
Genealogica Sacra, or Scripture Tables (Biblical Canon)
  - Betham, William, 1749-1839 (William Betham. 1749–1839)
  - Genealogies in the Bible: Complete Bible Genealogy
  - Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures on
    - Bible Search | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Archive Bible Search | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - Joseph Smith, Jr. Papers:
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
      Comprehensive digital collection of the papers of Joseph Smith, Jr.
Scriptures: LDS Church Magazines and LDS Information
  - Journal of Ancient Judaism | Brill
    - Genealogy versus Merit? On the Role of Lineage in Ancient Judaism.
      Introduction in: Journal of Ancient Judaism Volume 11 Issue 1 (2020)
      The articles gathered in this theme issue explore the dynamics of genealogy
      and merit in Jewish texts from the Hellenistic and Roman periods,
      in relation to individual family, and ethnic self-definitions, as well as individual
      and group strategies meant to establish legitimacy, prestige,
      or control over other segments of society.
  - Royal Genealogies : Or, the Genealogical Tables of Emperors, Kings and Princes,
    From Adam to these Times. James Anderson (Freemason), D. D.
    PART I. Begins with a Chronological History of the World,
    from the Beginning of Time to the Christian Era, and then the Genealogies
    of the earliest great Families and most ancient Sovereigns of Alia, Europe,
    Africa and America, down to Charlemain, and many of 'em down to these Times.
    PART II.  Begins with the Grand Revolution of Charlemain, and carries on the Royal
    and Princely Genealogies of Europe down to these Times, concluding with those
    of the Britannic Isles. See a more particular Account in the Preface
    and in the Contents of the Tables. [Research Note: The Royal Genealogies
    by James Anderson can be best read by switching to view as plain text,
    using the "More actions menu" at the top left side of the front book page.
    Genealogical Tables: Tab. II., or Table Two (2), mention is made of Antediluvian
    Patriarchs, according to Profane History. It should be clearly noted from a Biblical
    perspective, that after the Tower of Babel, naming patterns were distorted globally,
    when the Language of Adam was lost, in its purity, except in peculiar cases; such
    as the
Jaredites, the greatest nation upon the earth; until destroyed by internal, open
    civil warfare, waged across the
length and breadth of the North American Continent.
    Table III. shows Chaldean Kings before the Flood, from
Berosus. Table IV. mentions
    The Egyptians have also a Series of Kings, who, as they pretend, reigned before
    the Flood; and their Account begins the same Year with that of
Berossus. The naming
    of the Gods, and Demigods, who are supposed to have reigned in Egypt, clearly do
    show the transliteration of God the Father, or Ahman, and Jesus Christ, also known
    as Son Ahman, into Hephsestion /
Hephaestus, or Vulcan; as well as Helios, or the Sun.
    Ancient Patriarchs and their Priesthood powers were transmogrified into planetary
    designations; originally revealed by the words of Abraham, via Urim and Thummim.]
  - The Plates within the Plates: Ether [Research Note: What was the faith of the Brother
    of Jared; also know as Mahonri Moriancumer? Answer: "And when the Lord had said
    these words, he showed unto the brother of Jared all the inhabitants of the earth which
    had been, and also all that would be; and he withheld them not from his sight, even
    unto the ends of the earth. For he had said unto him in times before, that if he would
    believe in him that he could show unto him all things--it should be shown unto him;
    therefore the Lord could not withhold anything from him, for he knew that the Lord
    could show him all things
." . . . "They shall not go forth unto the Gentiles until the day
    that they shall repent of their iniquity, and become clean before the Lord. And in that
    day that they shall exercise faith in me, saith the Lord, even as the brother of Jared did,
    (also known as Mahonri Moriancumer), that they may become sanctified in me, then will
    I manifest unto them the things which the brother of Jared (Mahonri Moriancumer) saw,
    even to the unfolding unto them all my revelations, saith Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
    the Father of the heavens and of the earth, and all things that in them are."]
Ussher Chronology by James Ussher; James Ussher - Internet Archive: Digital Library
* Genealogies in the Bible:
Complete Bible Genealogy
* Generations of Noah
Hebrew Women in Egypt: Bible | Jewish Women's Archive
* Herodian Women | Jewish Women's Archive: Mariamme I The Hasmonean
In Honor of the Torah — Google™ Arts & Culture
Intertextuality: | Biblical Intertextuality | About This Website
  Highlights and explores the literary relationships and links within and between
  the traditional collections in the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. This website
  serves as a guide to diverse Intertextual links, within a network of ancient voices
  that still speak today. Along with these primary sources, it is a goal of this website
  to highlight academic analysis of this literature from theological, philosophical,
  and historical perspectives, and to provide insight from a broad range of voices,
  including Jewish, Christian, non-confessional, and others. Selected examples:
  - Compare Hebrew Bible with Ancient Near East
  - Gathering the Lord's Words into One:
    Biblical Intertextuality in the Doctrine and Covenants | Religious Studies Center
  - Intertextuality and Biblical Studies: A Review
  - Reference List
* Jesus's Interactions with Women:
Relief Society | Relief Society

* Jewish Women in the New Testament | Jewish Women's Archive
* Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female | Jewish Women's Archive
Legal-Religious Status of the Virgin | Jewish Women's Archive
* Library Of World Religions And Faith Traditions | Patheos
* List of Biblical Names
  - List of Names for the Biblical Nameless
List of Women in the Bible
* List of Manuscripts
Biblical Manuscript
Codex Sinaiticus
      Manuscript of the Christian Bible written in the middle of the
      fourth century, that contains the earliest complete copy of the
      Christian New Testament. The hand-written text is in Greek.
      The New Testament appears in the original vernacular language
      (koine) and the Old Testament in the version, known as the Septuagint.
  - List of Hebrew Bible Manuscripts
* List of Religions and Spiritual Traditions
Maimonides | Jewish Women's Archive
* Menstruation in the Bible | Jewish Women's Archive
* Mesad Hashavyahu Ostracon: A Case of Biblical Law |
  Extra-biblical pottery fragment dated to circa 630 B.C., during the reign of King Josiah.
Midwife: Bible | Jewish Women's Archive
Midwife: Midrash and Aggadah | Jewish Women's Archive
* Museum of the Bible: Museum of the Bible - YouTube™
Navigating the Bible II
  People, places, plants and animals occurring in the Bible.
Online Bible Study Tools
  Search and read gateway to Bible resources.
* Open Access Digital Theological Library (OADTL) LibGuides at Digital Theological Library
  Curates high-quality content in religious studies and related disciplines from publisher
  websites, Institutional repositories, scholarly societies, archives, and stable public domain
  collections. Curates content without regard for theological or confessional perspective.
  Research Aids:
Complete Bible Commentaries | Dissertations and Articles
Greek Lexica and Grammars | Hebrew Lexica and Grammars
* Origins & Design: Access Research Network

World Population Since Creation
* Portal:Judaism
* Post-Biblical and Rabbinic Women | Jewish Women's Archive
* Promptuarium Iconum Insigniorum
  Portraits are listed in chronological order, beginning with those of Adam and Eve
  and ending with those of renowned individuals from the mid-16th century, each
  accompanied by a summarized biographical text. In a 1577 edition, approximately
  100 more portraits were added; featuring genuine or fictitious woodcut portraits
  of renowned individuals of different eras / places; popular in 16th-century Europe.
  - Category:Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum - Wikimedia Commons
  - Category:Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum - Wikimedia Commons
Category:Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum (Ancient Rome) - Wikimedia Commons
  - Guillaume Rouillé: Guillaume Rouillé (1518?-1589)
  - Prima pars Promptuarii iconum insigniorum à seculo hominum,
    subjectis eorum vitis, per compendium ex probatissimis autoribus desumptis
    et Promptuarii iconum pars secunda incipit a Christo nato, perpetuam ducens feriem
    ad usque christianissimus francorum regem Henricum hoc nomine secundum,
    hodie feliciter regnantem.
* Quran:
Biblical and Quranic Narratives
  Central religious text of Islam: Portal:Islam
Islam and other Religions: Islam and Mormonism
* Quran: List of people in both the Bible and the Quran
Rashi | Jewish Women's Archive
* Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050 | Pew Research Center
* Resource Pages for Biblical Studies
Scriptures (LDS - Mormon)
  Analyzed Evidence: Mention of wars in the Book of Mormon is absolute proof
  the compiled record is an inspired historical document.  All military leaders
  who have written histories, mention
wars.  Joseph Smith, Jr., did not have
  any personal knowledge or experience of warfare; yet, "
Wars and the politics
  of war were an integral part of history in the Book of Mormon"  In the A. D. 1832
  handwriting of Frederick G. Williams, it is recorded about
Joseph Smith, Jr.:
  "suffice it to say I was mearly instructed in reading and writing and the ground
  {rules} of Arithmatic which constuted my whole literary acquirements."  
  Orson Pratt mentioned in 1840, that: "He could read without much difficulty, and
  write a very imperfect hand; and had a very limited understanding of the ground
  rules of arithmetic.  These were his highest and only attainments; while the rest
  of those branches, so universally taught in the common schools, throughout the
  United States, were entirely unknown to him."  Joseph Smith, Jr. had minimal
  qualifications, similar to those listed for admission as a cadet to West Point, the
  United States military academy, (published in A.D. 1864), which then required,
a rigid medical examination of his physical qualifications, and also as to his
  proficiency in reading, writing, the four ground-rules of arithmetic, reduction,
  and vulgar and decimal fractions."  Joseph Smith, Jr. also did not have the
  opportunity to study Caesar's Commentarii de Bello Gallico.  He did not have
  access to the writings of the strategos
Thucydides, father of "scientific history",
  whose texts are currently studied worldwide at advanced military colleges;
  nor, did he have access to the Histories of Herodotus, the "Father of History".
  "This is the showing-forth of the inquiry of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, so
  that neither what has come to be from man in time might become faded,
  nor that great and wondrous deeds, those shown forth by Greeks and those
  by barbarians, might be without their glory; and together with all this,
  also through what cause they warred with each other."  In like manner,
  the Book of Mormon is a quality case study of General Mormon's
  kinship patterns, preserved within a reverent military cadence
  of internally consistent spiritual themes, critically reliable
  in documenting its primary sources.

Bible Chronology: World Chronology
    The Hebrew Bible, the Septuagint or Greek translation,
    and the Samaritan Pentateuch do not agree together,
    so that many dates cannot be fixed with certainty.
    From the time of David onwards we get much assistance
    from secular history, such as inscriptions on monuments
    and other state records.  However, the Biblical records,
    as reviewed by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., clearly
    delineate the historical data sets for the early prophets.
    President Joseph Smith, Jr. noted: "I was engaged in
    the school of the elders, and in preparing the lectures
    on theology [
Faith] for publication in the Book of Doctrine
    and Covenants, which the committee appointed last September
    were now compiling."  The deletion of the Lectures on Faith,
    from the current D&C, is in direct contradiction to the purpose,
    efforts and labors of President and Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.
Doctrine and Covenants, 1835 edition

How Did the Book of Jasher Know?
    The question arises of how the author of Jasher could have known
    specific facts from before the Great Flood, such as Cainan becoming
    very wise when he was forty years old.  These correlations attest that
    it was composed from exceedingly ancient reliable sources.
  - Index of Place Names - Bible Maps Index

Origin of Man
    “God created man in his own image” (
Genesis 1: 27).
* Search Bible | Jewish Women's Archive
* Shelomith 1: Midrash and Aggadah | Jewish Women's Archive
Smith's Bible Dictionary on
* Society of Biblical Literature
* Sotah, Tractate | Jewish Women's Archive: Consecration: An Everlasting Covenant
* [Research Note:  John 8 mentions concerning Jesus Christ: "And early in the morning
  he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down,
  and taught them. And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken
  in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, They say unto him, Master,
  this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act." The
Sotah (Talmud) historical reality
  of this encounter is testified to within the Sotah, Tractate, as "The Mishnaic Tractate
  Soah deals with the trial by ordeal undergone in the Temple by a sotah, a woman
  whose husband suspected her of adultery. In particular, the Mishnaic ritual is closer
  to the punishment of an adulteress . . . the laws of evidence transform the sotah . . .
  to one against whom there is solid evidence of immoral behavior." There is unbinding
  of the woman's hair, rending of the woman's garments (currently, LDS temple garments,
  or requirements forbidding their use or wearing in the future), and inviting public witness;
  or, subject her to buffetings of Satan; a repulsive open abuse; destruction in naked flesh.]
* The Many Bibles of Joseph Smith:
  Textual, Prophetic, and Scholarly Authority in Early-National Bible Culture.
  - Historicity of the Bible
Joseph Smith’s Biblical Antiquity | Religious Studies Center
  - List of Burial Places of Abrahamic Figures (from Adam and Eve)
  - List of Inscriptions in Biblical Archaeology: Biblical Archaeology
  - Personages who appeared to Joseph Smith - FAIR
  - The Visions of Joseph Smith: "The Visions of Joseph Smith" - YouTube™ (
Alex Baugh)
  - Universal Resurrection: (Resurrection) The Ultimate Triumph
  - What Does It Mean to "Come Forth in the Morning of the First Resurrection"?
The Works of Flavius Josephus
* Visual Commentary on Scripture | VCS
  Freely accessible online publication that provides theological commentary
  on the Bible in dialogue with works of art. It helps its users to (re) discover
  the Bible in new ways through the illuminating interaction of artworks,
  scriptural texts, and commissioned commentaries.
* Witness Evidence: The Book of Mormon: A Guide for the Old Testament
The Book of Mormon As a Witness of the Old Testament
   Ether 1 . . . twenty and four plates . . . called the Book of Ether
   . . . (I, Moroni) suppose that the first part of this record, which speaks concerning
   the creation of the world, and also of Adam, and an account from that time even
   to the great tower (
Tower of Babel), and whatsoever things transpired among the
   children of men until that time, is had among the Jews-- Therefore I do not write
   those things which transpired from the days of Adam until that time; but they are
   had upon the plates; and whoso findeth them, the same will have power that he
   may get the full account. But behold, I give not the full account, but a part of the
   account I give, from the tower down until they were destroyed. . . .
   Appendix 4: Testimony of Three Witnesses, Late June 1829, P. 589 . . . Historical
   Introduction . . . Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris testified . . .
   Decades later, David Whitmer added, "We not only saw the plates of the B[ook]
   of M[ormon] but also the Brass plates, the Plates of the Book of ether, the Plates
   containing the Record of the wickedness of the people of the world, and many
   other plates." The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for the "Brass Plates of Laban"
   . . . and thus my father lehi did discover the genealogy of his fathers and Laban
   also was a desendant of joseph (Of the land of egypt) wherefore he and his fathers
   had kept the records . . . that these plate of brass Should go forth unto all nations
   kindreds tongues and people Which ware of his seed wherefore he said that these
   plate of brass should never perish neither should they be dimd Any more by time
   The Plates of Brass: A Witness of Christ (The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Plates")
   The Savior’s Use of the Old Testament "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears."
* Women in Judaism
* Women in Scripture - Google™ Books
                 The Hebrew Bible
                 The Apocryphal / Deuterocanonical Books
                 The New Testament 
Women in scripture : a dictionary of named and unnamed women in the Hebrew Bible,
  the Apocryphal / Deuterocanonical books, and the New Testament : Internet Archive
  Reference work of all women mentioned in the Bible, named and unnamed; from
  prophets to prostitutes, military heroines to musicians, deacons to dancers, widows
  to wet nurses, rulers to slaves; innovative section devoted to many unnamed women.
* Women in the Bible
* Women in the Qur'an, Traditions, and Interpretation | Oxford Academic: Mary
* Women In The Scriptures
List of all the Women in the New Testament (in Chronological Order) - Google™ Docs
List of all the Women in the Old Testament (in Chronological Order) - Google™ Docs
* Women Warriors | Jewish Women's Archive
* Yael Wife of Heber The Kenite: Midrash and Aggadah | Jewish Women's Archive

↑ upΛ


ANSWER: Significant manuscripts are contained in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The Dead Sea Scrolls "have partial or complete copies of every book
in the Hebrew Bible (except the book of Esther)." The Old Testament is credible,
as further validated by
Books of Chronicles record keeping and historiography.

BOOK [Stick] of JUDAH was the ancestor of 052: Mattaniah - Zedekiah, and posterity.

[Historiography | Definition, History, Branches, & Methodology | Britannica:
states within the first histories: "In the beginning was the spoken word".
The Inspired Version of the
Bible by Joseph Smith, Jr. states likewise.
Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia suggests that the Historiography
discipline was established in the 5th century BC with the Histories of
founder of Historiography. Questions on Islam suggests
the first man, Hazrat Adam, was quite literate. The Book of Moses
Joseph Smith, Jr.
Translation Manuscripts, records clearly the fact:
And a Book of Remembrance was kept, in the which was recorded
in the language of Adam. For it was given unto as many as called
upon God, to write with the spirit of inspiration. And by them their
children were taught to read and write, having a language which
 was pure and undefiled; it being authored by inspired Patriarchs;
according to the pattern given by the finger (or the Spirit) of God.
Abraham possessed records; a chronology running back from him
to the very beginning of creation; with Solar System knowledge,
and of the stars, as they were made known unto all the fathers.
Since Noah, who is Angel Gabriel, is next to Adam in priesthood,
his lineage is
credible, consisting of a long line of holy patriarchs.
The Ages of the Patriarchs in the Joseph Smith Translation will be
validated, by predicted future restoration of Brass Plates of Laban:
they should go forth unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people,
that they shall know of the mysteries contained thereon (
Alma 37:4);
part of the absolute necessity for
Gathering Israel in the Last Days.]

"Descent from antiquity (commonly abbreviated as DFA) is the project of
establishing a well-researched, generation-by-generation descent of living persons
from people living in antiquity.  It is an ultimate challenge in prosopography
and genealogy."  The intent of a Biblical DFA "is to establish an ancestry which
is historically accurate and verifiable" within given ancient contexts of
and secondary record sources, as handed down for the benefit of our modern
Writing Systems began with "Adam, for it was given unto as many
as called upon God to write by the spirit of inspiration;  And by them their children
were taught to read and write, having a language which was pure and undefiled."

Jesus said in
3 Nephi 27: 26 that "all things are written by the Father; therefore
out of the books which shall be written shall  the world be judged."  Jesus declared
Matthew 10: 29-31 and Luke 12: 6-7 that sparrows and "the very hairs of your head
are all numbered".  In
Moses 1: 8, Moses looked, and beheld the world upon which
he was created; and Moses beheld the world and the ends thereof, and all the
children of men which are, and which were created; of the same he greatly
marveled and wondered.  Records in Heaven appear therefore as all inclusive,
showing the kindness and love of a caring God, who keeps the individual identity
of every one of His spirit children born to this earth.  Electrophotography, or
Xerography, uses visible light to obtain a reproduction of original documents.
Variations in the sun's output of points of light upon the earth, changed by
Solar Flares may be producing intelligent charge patterns, that generate photo
conduction throughout space, subsequently transferred to the books written
in heaven,
from which the world shall be judged. 
Moses 1: 27-29 shows that
Moses cast his eyes and beheld the earth, yea, even all of it; and there was
not a particle of it which he did not behold, discerning it by the spirit of God.

The work of the
Restoration from before the foundation of this world, includes
full recovery of primary source document records from Adam until time ends.
D&C 128: 6-8  And further, I want you to remember that John the Revelator
was contemplating this very subject in relation to the dead, when he declared,
as you will find recorded in
Revelation 20: 12---And I saw the dead, small and
great, stand before God; and the books were opened; and another book was
opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things
which were written in the books, according to their works. 
Joseph Smith, Jr.
continues: You will discover in this quotation that the books were opened; and
another book was opened, which was the book of life; but the dead were judged
out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works;
consequently, the books spoken of must be the books which contained the
record of their works, and refer to the records which are kept on the earth.
. . . Or, in other words, taking a different view of the translation, whatsoever
you record on earth shall be recorded in heaven, and whatsoever you do not
record on earth shall not be recorded in heaven; for out of the books shall
your dead be judged, according to their own works, whether they themselves
have attended to the ordinances in their own propria persona, or by the means
of their own agents, according to the ordinance which God has prepared for their
salvation from before the foundation of the world, according to the records which
they have kept concerning their dead.

Revelation 20: 13-15  And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death
and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged
every man according to their works.  And death and hell were cast into
the lake of fire.  This is the second death.  And whosoever was not found
written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.  From a genealogical
research standpoint, the Book of Life eventually will include all individuals
born on the earth, except the sons of perdition, who openly deny all truth.

D&C 76  and other related Scriptures describe three degrees of glory,
with priesthood ordinances that will be recorded in the Book of Life:
[1] a church of the Firstborn patriarchal Celestial (sun radiating)  family
kingdom, {
three additional subdivisions}, whose fully glorified residents
ultimately live on this celestial Earth, in direct contact with Father and Son;
[2] a Church of Jesus Christ Terrestrial (moon reflecting) world, who receive
of the presence of the Son through the ministration of Celestial Melchizedek

priesthood ordinances, but not of the fullness of the Father.
Isaiah 30:26 KJV,
mentions: Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and
the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that
the Lord bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.
Enoch built city of Zion; walked, talked with God - Church News. Through modern
revelation, it is taught that when the New Jerusalem is built in Jackson County, Mo.,
the city of Enoch will return from above to be reunited with earthly Zion. (
Moses 7)
This inspired information, reviewed candidly, reveals by inference, many important
details concerning Terrestrial living. First, there is the stark indication immediately
of massive climate change; for the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun.
The City of Enoch was lifted off from the earth within a more exalted condition, that
is somewhere regionally connected to this mortal earth, apparently radiating light.
Secondly, the light of the sun actually being sevenfold, as the light of seven days; it
far transcends current mortality living arrangements; suggesting therefore humans
dwelling in wickedness, will fully become
ashes under the feet of the righteous.
Modes of transportation will be transformed by humans having capacity to control
earth's gravitational forces; with all elements subject to godly verbal commands.
A terrestrial government will provide equitable distribution of all goods and services.
[3] also, multitude of heirs of salvation in the glory of the Telestial (individual stars)
world, who receive of the Holy Spirit through the Aaronic priesthood administering
of angels, directed by the designated inhabitants from the Terrestrial Kingdom.

"I Have My Family Tree Back to Adam and Eve" Part 2
A dispassionate study of the internal evidence of the Biblical record reveals:
By age comparison, (due to the extended overlapping life spans), information
recorded as covering about two thousand years, can be compared today, (by
professional genealogical standards), within the memory framework that young
children could obtain/retain from oral or written tradition, (concerning the
significant exploits of great-grandparents); i.e., the genealogies were living history.
Irish Pedigrees; or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation also includes information
concerning the generations of Adam; and from the biblical account of the creation,
has incorrectly connected to
genealogies of Milesian Irish. Clan of the Geoghegans
states as number 10, that Noah divided the world amongst his three sons, begotten
of his wife Titea; viz., to Shem, he gave Asia, within the Euphrates, to Indian Ocean;
to Ham he gave Syria, Arabia, and Africa; and to Japhet, the rest of Asia beyond
the Euphrates, together with Europe to Gadea (or Cadiz). Thus, by this statement,
Noah was not aware of the American Continents. From a Biblical standpoint, all
identified components of said division, are inconsistent with the fact that
a later descendant, was the time frame for the division of the earth; indicating
there was no Asia, Europe, Africa, or other Continental designations, as they now
exist, until many years later; testified by validating, inspired scriptural evidences.
Therefore, the Irish genealogies connect into later Sons of Mil
Family Information.

The Irish Mil genealogies are military, ship census and family data,
connected by historical time period after the Battle of Carchemish,
crica 605 BC, when Tyre was forced to submit to the rule of Babylonia.
The various curses placed against the sons of Mil so that they could
not find Ireland again, are similar to "the curses leveled against Tyre
should it abrogate its treaty obligations"; i.e., the early data on Ireland
contacts reveal treaty and trade relationships. Just as in the triad of
three Kings in Ireland, [Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht, and Mac Greine]: "May
Baal Shamaim, Baal Malagec and Baal Saphon raise an evil wind
against your ships to undo their moorings and tear out their mooring
pole, may a strong wave sink them in the sea and a violent tide [rise]
against you".

This curse, taken from Neo-Assyrian Treaties and Loyalty Oaths, c. 1988,
[as reviewed in Tyre, "In the Heart of the Seas"] shows a cultural link
to Irish Texts, #394, "The druids of Ireland and the poets sang spells
behind them, so that they were carried far from Ireland, and were
in distress by reason of the sea."


Judah and the Judeans in the Neo-Babylonian Period
IR: The sons of Benjamin: . . . There was "an international conference held
at the University of Tel Aviv, Israel", May 29-31, 2001, on: Judah and the Judeans
in the Neo-Babylonian Period. The volume was copyrighted in 2003 by Eisenbrauns;
edited by Oded Lipschits and Joseph Blenkinsopp. . . . Page 364 . . .
From Table 3. Estimate of Total Population of Judah at the End of the Iron Age
and in the Persian Period, by Regional Distribution, for Benjamin, went from 28,750
at the end of the Iron Age to 12,500 in the Persian period, a difference of 16,250 people.
. . . There "is no evidence of a deportation from either the region of Benjamin
or the northern Judean Hills", suggesting that major colonization did occur
through economic trade contacts, in this time period, for those elite groups,
who were not interested in becoming second class status citizens to the new
centralized leadership in the resettlement of Jerusalem. - Page 365 . . .
Parallel to this, with the shift of the political and religious hub to Jerusalem,
a rapid dwindling in population took place in the Benjaminite region. Apparently,
part of the region's inhabitants migrated out of the province . . . [I again note:
Jewish foreign contact [IN IRELAND], is found in the Hebrew word "Ir", meaning "city"
[Irish Texts Society Vol. XLIV - Ir] or "town" as presented in the word structure of #428,
wherein Ir s. Mil, . . . of his progeny are Fergus s. Roig with his numerous COMMUNITIES,
and Conall Cernach with his numerous COMMUNITIES.] - Page 438 . . .
The Babylonians seem to have left the area of Benjamin relatively undisturbed . . .
It was to their advantage to spare this area, if only to exploit it as a source of supplies
during a siege of uncertain duration. . . . Page 483 . . . Mixed marriages between
the long-established and culturally influential Babylonian urbanites and foreigners
were in one direction: the Babylonians would marry alien wives, but they did not give
their daughters in marriage to non-Babylonians. We would expect Babylonians,
who were the influential group in their country, to marry acculturated foreign wives,
but we would hardly expect urbanite Babylonians to give their own daughters
in marriage to foreign commoners. [IR to IRELAND suggests a similar pattern
of an acculturated Jewish marriage into the influential established Irish Royalty.]

Ir is of Hebrew origins, appearing in 1 Chronicles 7: 6-12. The name means "city"
or "town". Verse 6: The sons of Benjamin: Bela, Becher, and Jediael, three.
The sons of Bela: Ezbon, Uzzi, Uzziel, Jerimoth and Iri, five, heads of ancestral houses,
mighty warriors; & their enrollment by genealogies was twenty-two thousand thrity-four.
. . . Verse 12: And Shuppim and Huppim were the sons of Ir, Hushim the son of Aher.
"Verses 6-11 are taken from a military census document." . . . Jewish foreign contact
is found in the Hebrew word "Ir", meaning "city" [Irish Texts Society, Vol. XLIV - Ir]
or "town" as presented in the word structure of #42, wherein Ir s. Mil, . . .
of his progeny are Fergus s. Roig with his numerous COMMUNITIES,
and Conall Cernach with his numerous COMMUNITIES.

↑ upΛ

Jan 1835 President Joseph Smith, Jr.: "I was engaged in the school of the elders,
and in preparing the lectures on theology [
Faith] for publication in the Book of
Doctrine and Covenants, which the committee appointed last September were
now compiling." 
Doctrine and Covenants, 1835 edition From the Second Lecture:

Neither can there be a doubt existing on the mind of any person, that Adam was
the first who did communicate the knowledge of the existence of a God to his posterity;
and that the whole faith of the world, from that time down to the present, is in a certain
degree dependent on the knowledge first communicated to them by their common
progenitor.  And it has been handed down to the day and generation in which we live,
as we shall show from the face of the sacred records.

First, Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born (Gen. 5:3). And the days of Adam,
after he had begotten Seth, were 800 years, making him 930 years old when he died
(Gen. 5:4-5). Seth was 105 when Enos was born (Gen. 5:6). Enos was 90 when Cainan
was born (Gen. 5:9).  Cainan was 70 when Mahalaleel was born (Gen. 5:12). Mahalaleel
was 65 when Jared was born (Gen. 5:15).  Jared was 162 when Enoch was born
(Gen. 5:18).  Enoch was 65 when Methuselah was born (Gen. 5:21). Methuselah was 187
when Lamech was born (Gen. 5:25).  Lamech was 182 when Noah was born (Gen. 5:28).

From this account it appears that Lamech, the 9th from Adam, and the father of Noah,
was 56 years old when Adam died; Methuselah, 243; Enoch, 308; Jared, 470;
Mahalaleel, 535; Cainan, 605; Enos, 695; and Seth, 800.  So that Lamech (the father
of Noah), Methuselah, Enoch, Jared, Mahalaleel, Cainan, Enos, Seth, and Adam,
were all living at the same time, and beyond all controversy were all preachers of

Moses further informs us that Seth lived after he begat Enos 807 years, making him
912 years old at his death (Gen. 5:7-8).  And Enos lived after he begat Cainan 815
years, making him 905 years old when he died (Gen. 5:10-11).  And Cainan lived
after he begat Mahalaleel 840 years, making him 910 years old at his death
(Gen. 5:13-14).  And Mahalaleel lived after he begat Jared 830 years, making
him 895 years old when he died (Gen. 5: 16-17).  And Jared lived after
he begat Enoch 800 years, making him 962 years old at his death (Gen. 5:19-20).
And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah 300 years, making him
365 years old [D&C 107: 49 and he walked with God three hundred and sixty-five
years, making him four hundred and thirty years old] when he was translated
(King James Version Gen. 5:22-23).  NOTE: According to the Pearl of Great Price
(Moses 7:68  And all of the days of ZION, in the days of Enoch, were three hundred
and sixty-five years.)

And Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech 782 years, making him 969 years old
when he died (Gen. 5:26-27).  Lamech lived after he begat Noah 595 years, making
him 777 years old when he died (Gen. 5:30-31).

Agreeable to this account, Adam died in the 930th year of the world; Enoch
was translated in the 987th; Seth died in the 1042nd; Enos in the 1140th;
Cainan in the 1235th; Mahalaleel in the 1290th; Jared in the 1422nd;
Lamech in the 1651st; and Methuselah in the 1656th - it being the same
in which the flood came.

So Noah was 84 years old when Enos died, 176 when Cainan died, 234 when
Mahalaleel died, 366 when Jared died, 595 when Lamech died, and 600 when
Methuselah died.  We can see from this that Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared,
Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah all lived on the earth at the same time; and
that Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Methuselah and Lamech, were all
acquainted with both Adam and Noah.

From the foregoing it is easily to be seen, not only how the knowledge of God
came into the world, but upon what principle it was preserved; that from the
time it was first communicated, it was retained in the minds of righteous men,
who taught not only their own posterity, but the world; so that there was no
need of a new revelation to man after Adam's creation to Noah, to give them
the first idea or notion of the existence of a God; and not only of a God, but
of the true and living God.

Having traced the chronology of the world from Adam to Noah, we will now
trace it from Noah to Abraham.

Noah was 502 years old when Shem was born - 98 years afterward the flood came,
being the 600th year of Noah's age.  [Research Note:  This appears to be backdated
from the 600th year when the Flood occurred. 
According to the Pearl of Great Price,
Arphaxad, was born in 2352 B.C. and died 1914 B.C.  Noah was six hundred years
old {2344 B.C.} when the flood of waters was upon the earth.  Thus, Arphaxad was
carried aboard the Ark of Noah, by his father Shem, as a young child eight years old.

Noah was 492 years old when Shem was born - 108 years later, the flood came;
being the 600th year of Noah's age.]  And Moses informs us that Noah lived after
the flood 350 years; making him 950 years old when he died (Gen. 9:28-29).
Shem was 100 years old when Arphaxad was born (Gen. 11:10).  Arphaxad was
35 when Salah was born (Gen. 11:12). Salah was 30 when Eber was born (Gen. 11:14).
Eber was 34 when Peleg was born, in whose days the earth was divided (Gen. 11:16).

Peleg was 30 when Reu was born (Gen. 11:18).  Reu was 32 when Serug was born
(Gen. 11:20).  Serug was 30 when Nahor was born (Gen. 11:22).  Nahor was 29
when Terah was born (Gen. 11:24).  Terah was 70 when Haran and Abraham were
born (Gen. 11:26).

There is some difficulty in the account given by Moses, of Abraham's birth.  Some
have supposed that Abraham was not born until Terah was 130 years old.  This
conclusion is drawn from a variety of scriptures, which are not to our purpose at
present to quote.  Neither is it a matter of any consequence to us, whether Abraham
was born when Terah was 70 years old, or 130.  [See also, previous information on
the life span age difference between D&C: Enoch 430 years, less King James Version
365 years (actually ZION dated period) = 65 year difference, at time of recorded death.]

But in order that there may no doubt exist upon any mind, in relation to the object
lying immediately before us in presenting the present chronology, we will date the
birth of Abraham at the latest period - that is, when Terah was 130 years old.

It appears from this account, that from the flood to the birth of Abraham was
352 years.  Moses informs us that Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad 500 [years]
(Gen 11:11).  This added to 100 years, which was his age when Arphaxad was
born, makes him 600 years old when he died.  Arphaxad lived after he begat
Salah 403 years (Gen. 11:13).  This added to 35 years, which was his age when Salah
was born, makes him 438 years old when he died.

Salah lived after he begat Eber 403 years (Gen. 11:15).  This added to 30 years,
which was his age when Eber was born, makes him 433 years old when he died.
Eber lived after he begat Peleg 430 years (Gen. 11:17).  This added to 34 years,
which was his age when Peleg was born, makes him 464 years old.

Peleg lived after he begat Reu 209 years (Gen. 11:19).  This added to 30 years,
which was his age when Reu was born, makes him 239 years old when he died.
Reu lived after he begat Serug 207 years (Gen. 11:21).  This added to 32 years,
which was his age when Serug was born, makes him 239 years old when he died.

Serug lived after he begat Nahor 200 years (Gen. 11:23).  This added to 30 years,
which was his age when Nahor was born, makes him 230 years old when he died.
Nahor lived after he begat Terah 119 years (Gen. 11:25).  This added to 29 years,
which was his age when Terah was born, makes him 148 years old when he died.
Terah was 130 years old when Abraham was born, and is supposed to have lived
75 years after his birth, making him 205 years old when he died.

Agreeable to this last account, Peleg died in the 1996th year of the world, Nahor
in the 1997th, and Noah in the 2006th.  So that Peleg, in whose days the earth
was divided, and Nahor, the grandfather of Abraham, both died before Noah
- the former being 239 years old, and the latter [at age] 148.  And who cannot
but see that they must have had a long and intimate acquaintance with Noah?

Reu died in the 2026th year of the world, Serug in [the] 2049th, Terah in the 2083rd,
Arphaxad in the 2096th, Salah in the 2126th, Shem in the 2158th, Abraham in the
2183rd, and Eber in the 2187th, which was four years after Abraham's death.
And Eber was the fourth from Noah.

Nahor, (Abraham's brother) was 58 years old when Noah died, Terah 128, Serug 187,
Reu 219, Eber 283, Salah 313, Arphaxad 344, and Shem 448.  It appears from this
account that Nahor (brother of Abraham), Terah, Nahor, Serug, Reu, Peleg, Eber,
Salah, Arphaxad, Shem, and Noah, all lived on the earth at the same time.

And that Abraham was 18 years old when Reu died, 41 when Serug and his brother
Nahor died, 75 when Terah died, 88 when Arphaxad died, 118 when Salah died, 150
when Shem died; and that Eber lived four years after Abraham's death . . . that Shem,
Arphaxad, Salah, Eber, Reu, Serug, Terah, and Nahor (the brother of Abraham), and
Abraham lived at the same time.  And that Nahor (brother of Abraham), Terah, Serug,
Reu, Eber, Salah, Arphaxad, and Shem, were all acquainted with both Noah
and Abraham.

We have now traced the chronology of the world, agreeable to the account
given in our present [King James Version] Bible, from Adam to Abraham,
and have clearly determined beyond the power of controversy, that there
was no difficulty in preserving the knowledge of God in the world from the
creation of Adam, and the manifestation made to his immediate descendants,
as set forth in the former part of this lecture; so that . . . the knowledge of
the existence of a God must have continued from father to son, as a matter
of tradition, at least.  For we cannot suppose that a knowledge of this
important fact could have existed in the mind of any of the before mentioned
individuals, without their having made it known to their posterity.
↑ up

1st Millennium BC - 1st Millennium - 2nd Millennium
07.10.12, Review Article: Rome's Fall and Europe's Rise | The Medieval Review
* Ancient and Classical History: History and Social Studies
Celt: Celtic Studies
  - Celtic Digital Initiative | University College Cork
CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies
Digital Resources - Celtic Studies Association of North America
  - Modern Celts
School of Celtic Studies – DIAS: Resources & Links – DIAS
  - Web Links - Celtic Studies - Subject Guides at University of Sydney
Early Medieval Europe 300-1050: The Birth of Western Society
* Genealogical Tables of the Sovereigns of the World,
  from the earliest to the present period; exhibiting in each table their immediate
  successors, collateral branches, and the duration of their respective reigns;
  so constructed as to form a series of chronology; and including the genealogy
  of many other personages and families distinguished in scared and profane history;
  particularly all the nobility of these kingdoms descended from princes.
  [The editor would have gladly quoted the various authorities which have assisted him
  in the execution of his work, under the heads upon which they were consulted, if it
  could have been done without crouding (sic) the Tables, and thereby depriving them
  of their principal advantages--perspicuity, beauty, and uniformity. He must, therefore,
  content himself with mentioning those to whom he is most indebted, which are,
  The Bible, The Universal History, with many particular histories of different kingdoms,
  the Classic authors, Anderson's Genealogies,
Rollin, Sandford, Rapin, Guthrie, Collins,
  Crawford, Lodge, and other Peerages. His chief guides in Chronology
Newton (Newton['s] Revised History of Ancient Kingdoms)
  / (The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended)
Blair (Blair’s Chronology: Sewing Up a Timeline)
  / (The Chronology and History of the World: From the Creation to the Year of Christ 1753,
  Illustrated in LVI tables; of Which IV are Introductory & Include the Centurys
  Prior to the Ist Olympiad, and Each of the Remaining LII Contain in One Expanded View,
  50 Years or Half a Century - Wythepedia: The George Wythe Encyclopedia)]
  - An Arrangement of the Genealogies in the Old Testament and Apocrypha (
copy) (pdf)
    To which are Added, from the Same Authorities, a Selection of Single Names,
    and Chronological Tables of the Kings of Egypt, Syria, and Assyria : with Notes Critical,
    Philological, and Explanatory; and Copious Indexes, in Two Volumes - Volume 1
  - An Arrangement of the Genealogies in the Old Testament and Apocrypha (
copy) (pdf)
    To which are Added, from the Same Authorities, a Selection of Single Names,
    and Chronological Tables of the Kings of Egypt, Syria, and Assyria : with Notes Critical,
    Philological, and Explanatory; and Copious Indexes, in Two Volumes - Vol. 2 (
    [Research Note: The Explanation of the Tables is at the beginning of Volume 2,
    which mentions, for example, that II. The Italic letters refer to the Notes in Vol. I (
    However, the PEDIGREE TABLES are actually listed at end of Volume 2. Use TWO PAGE
    view button for full displays. Use PREVIOUS <  > NEXT PAGE arrows to view all TABLES.]
  - Aben Ezra;
Abraham ibn Ezra / Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra / Abenezra / Ibn Ezra
    - Abraham ibn Ezra (1089 - 1164) - Genealogy
    - Abraham ibn Ezra / Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra / Abenezra / Ibn Ezra
  - Abulfaragius writes the name, Klimia.
    - Bar Hebraeus / Gregory Bar Hebraeus / Barebraya / Barebroyo , Abu'l-Faraj
      Latinized name Abulpharagius
    - Historia Compendiosa Dynastarium : Gregorius Abu al-Farag Barhebraeus
  - Africanus: Sextus Julius Africanus
Chronographiae: The Extant Fragments - Sextus Julius Africanus
    - Julius Africanus - The Extant Fragments of the Five Books of the Chronography
    - Julius Africanus Sextus: 221 AD.
      Creation in 5500 BC. 70 weeks of Daniel 9 end in AD 33 at resurrection.
Sextus Julius Africanus -
  - Alberti on Hesych:
Hesychii Alexandrini Lexicon (Ioannem Albertum)
    - Hesychios. Hesychii alexandrini Lexicon post... | HathiTrust Digital Library
    - OCR Results for: Hesychius (of Alexandria) (1858). Lexicon post Ioannem Albertum
  - Aldine Bible
  - Alexandrinus: Clemens Alexandrinus in Strom. B. i. p. 129,
    - Documento1 - Clemens Alessandrinus - Stromata (The stromata, or miscellanies)
  -  Antient Universal History: Universal History Ant. part, Vol. i. p. 150, Note I. Edit. 8vo.;
    - A catalogue of above fifteen thousand volumes : In all Arts, Sciences,
      and every Branch of polite Literature, Many on Royal Paper, and in Morocco, and
      other elegant Bindings ; being the Stock of the late Mr. John Hildyard, deceased,
      with other Libraries purchased since. Among which are Biblia Polyglotta, 8 vols.
      (repeat) Biblia Polyglotta, 8 vols. Lincis rubris. Buxtorsii Concordant. Bib. Heb. . . .
      Stephani Thesaurus, 4 vols. Martinii Lexicon, 2 vols. Plutarchi Opera, 2 vols.
      Aristophanes, Kusteri. Euripides, Barnes. Platonis Opera, Serrani, 3 vols. Herodotus,
      Gronovii. Galeni Opera, 7 vols. Diogenes Laertius, Meibonaii. Virgilii Opera, Baskerville.
      Homeri Opera, Barnes, 2 vols. Homeri Opera, Clarke, 2 vols. Hist. D'angleterre,
      par M. Rapin, 10 tom. Ruins of Palmyra, Ruins of Balbec, fine Plates.
      Postlethwayt's Dictionary, 2 vols. Chambers's and Supplement, 4 vols.
      Johnson's Dictionary, 2 vols. Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, 3 vols.
      Ainsworth's Dictionary, 2 vols. Rushworth's Hist. Collections, 8 vols.
      Rapin's History of England, 2 vols. Guthrie's and Ralph's, 5 vols. Kennet's, 3 vols.
      Tyrrel's, 5 vols. Drake's Antiquities of York. Thoresby's Leeds. Somner's Canterbury.
      Stukeley's Stonehenge. Maitland's History of Edinburgh. - History of Scotland, 2 vols.
      Antient Universal History, 21 vols. Modern Universal Hist. 3 vols. and 8 vols.
      Bp. Gibson's Camden, 2 vols. Bp. Gibson's Codex, 2 vols. Bacon's Works, 4 vols.
      Churchill's Voyages, 8 vols. Duncan's Caesar, fine Plates.
      Dugdale's Summons to Parliament. - Origines Juridiciales. - Hist. of St. Paul's,
      Hollar's Cuts Sir William Temple's Works, 2 vols. Ben. Jonson's Works, best Edition.
      System of Geography, 2 vols. Maps. Ware's Architecture Compleat Body of Husbandry
      Compleat Body of Gardening Swammerdam's Natural History of Insects . . .
      Humphreys on the O. and N. Test, 3 vols. Burkit on the New Testament.
      Patrick, Lowth, and Whitby, 6 vols. Tillotson's Works, 3 vols. Barrow's Works, 2 vols.
      Bp. Hooper's Works. Taylor's Hebrew Concordance, 2 vols.
      Lord Sommers's Tracts, 12 vols. Harleian Miscellany, 8 vols. Astley's Voyages, 4 vols.
      Addison's Works, 4 vols. Sully's Memoirs, 3 vols. Davila's Civil Wars of France, 2 vols.
      Hampton's Polybius. Smollet's History of England, 4 vols. Cay's Statutes at large, 6 vols.
      Strange's Reports, 2 vols. Peere Williams's Reports. Besides a large Collection of other
      Reports and Law Books. Which will begin to be sold (the lowest Price printed
      in the Catalogue) on Wednesday, February 14, 1759, and continue on Sale till
      the Summer Assizes. By John Hinxman /
John Hinxinan, Bookseller in Stonegate, York.
      Catalogues may be had of Messrs. R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall ;
      Messrs. Rivington and Fletcher, in Pater-Noster-Row ; Messrs. Whiston and White,
      in Fleet-Street ; and Mr. Payne, at the Mews-Gate, London. - Also of Mr. Fletcher,
      in Oxford. - Mr. Merrill, in Cambridge. - Messrs. Hamilton and Balsour, in Edinburgh. -
      All the Booksellers in the North of England, and at the Place of Sale. Price One Shilling,
      which will be return'd to any Gentleman who lays out Twenty | Formats and Editions
    - An Universal History, from the Earliest Account of Time
"Antient Universal History" | Catalogue search | Wellcome Collection
    - From Thomas Jefferson to George W. Lewis, 25 October 1825 , , ,
      Micali Etc. the Antient Universal history should be on our shelves as a book
      of general reference, the most learned, and most faithful perhaps
      that ever was written. it's (sic) style is very plain, but perspicuous.
  - Aquila: Greek version by Aquila,
    - Aquila of Sinope
Aristeas: Letter of Aristeas; Now, supposing the History of the translation
    of the Old Testament into Greek by the Seventy or Seventy-two interpreters,
    as delivered down to us by the author, who assumes the name of Aristeas,
    and by others, to be true, still a slight knowledge of the history of those times . . .
  - Artapanus; Artapanus of Alexandria
  - Austin: St. Austin contra Faust. B. ii. c. xxxv.,
    and Junius and others, in their comments . . .;
    St. Austin's supposition in his Book de Civit. Dei. L. xviii. c. 27,
Augustine of Hippo
    - St. Austin | (Augustine of Canterbury)
The City of God
    - Who Was St Augustine? | English Heritage
  - Baduellus: Claudius Baduellus or
Claude Baduel (ca 1491/1499-1561)
    - The Dark Bible - Cultures of Interpretation in Early Modern English
  - Bar Bahlul: The Syriac Lexicographer Bar Bahlul,;
    - Bar Bahlul, Ḥasan
Dukhrana online searchable version of Hassan bar Bahlul's Syriac Lexicon
    - Ḥasan bar Bahlul
  - Barrington: Markland and Bp. Barrington on the same place
Barrington, Shute - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Shute Barrington (Bishop), 1734-1826
Barthélemy d'Herbelot [Barthélemy d'Herbelot de Molainville (14 Dec 1625-08 Dec 1695),
    French Orientalist; Bibliothèque orientale, ou dictionnaire universel contenant
    tout ce qui regarde la connoissance des peuples de l'Orient]
    - Bibliotheque Orientale, Ou Dictionnaire Universel . . . (a) Gomer. D"Herbelot,
      in his Bibl. Orient. v. Sin, informs us, that the Arabians make Sin, whom the Persians
      and others call Tchin, the eldest son of Japheth, and say, that from him Sin or CHINA
      derives its name. In the same place the same author further informs us, that the eldest
      son of Sin was Matchin; part of the Islamic tradition that Japheth's beautiful posterity
      extended outward to Europe, and northeast CHINA; through secure trade relationships;
      those having been established prior to the division of the Earth, in the days of Peleg.
      Genealogical origins of Middle Eastern and Asiatic peoples are copiously discussed.
  - Bartolocci Bibl. Mag. Rabbin. Tom. i. p. 248, 351, Tom, iii. p. 629, 631,
Giulio Bartolocci
    - Highlights: Bartolocci’s Bibliotheca Magna Rabbinica (1675-1693)
      Hebrew and Jewish Studies Resources at Oxford
  - Basnage Histoire des Juifs Tom. iv. L. vi. c. 16, 17.
Jacques Basnage de Beauval
    - Jacques Basnage de Beauval's "l'Histoire des Juifs"
      Christian Historiographical Perception of Jewry and Judaism
      on the Eve of the Enlightenment on JSTOR
  - Bayle: Bayle's observations on this passage in his Dict. Art. i. Drusilla Note (c).
    - Bayle, Pierre | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Pierre Bayle
Pierre Bayle. 1647-1706 (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Repairing Mr. Bayle’s Dictionary - ZSR Library
  - Bedford in his Forty-fourth Table of his Scripture Chronol.
    - Arthur Bedford (writer) (1668-1745)
      . . . Scripture Chronology Demonstrated by Astronomical Considerations
      - The Scripture chronology demonstrated by astronomical calculations,
         and also by the year of jubilee, and the sabbatical year among the Jews:
        or, an account of time from the creation of the world,
        to the destruction of Jerusalem;:
        Bedford, Arthur: 9781170172223: Books
        - The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended
          Written by Sir Isaac Newton, first published posthumously in 1728.
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Ammended (London: 1728)
    - Concerning Astronomical References Found in the Scriptures:
Search for Astronomy | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - The Bible: The World’s Greatest Book on Astronomy |
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Astronomy
  - Berkel: Whitby's Annot. on Luke xxiv. 1; and Berkel. on Step. Byzant.;
    - Abraham van Berkel / Abraham Berkelius, 1630-1688
      - German biography - Berkel, Abraham van
      - Steph. Byzant. Stephanus of Byzantium
Stephanou Byzantiou Ethnika kat'epitomen, . . .
        integro commentario illustravit Abrahamus Berkelius.
Stephanus of Byzantium
Stephanus of Byzantium: links to translation
      - The historical geography of Arabia; or, The patriarchal evidences of revealed religion:
        a memoir ... and an appendix, containing translations, with an alphabet and glossary,
        of the Hamyaritic inscriptions recently discovered in Hadramaut
  - Bernard's Note on Josephus. 1. c.;
Edward Bernard (1638-1697)
    - ‘Great Expectation Among the Learned’:
      Edward Bernard’s Josephus in Restoration Oxford
  - Bernard de Montfaucon, 1655-1741; in his Veritè de L'Histoire de Judith, . . .
    He was an astute scholar who founded the discipline of Palaeography,
    and regarded as one of the founders of the modern discipline of
  - Beza: Beza on Acts of the Apostles vii. 16, edit. Cantab., p. 316;
Theodore Beza . . . (Théodore de Bèze (1519-1605) / 699 titles, 905 vols. | PRDL)
  - Bible translations into Greek:
Koine Greek
  - Blayney: Pr. Blayney's Translation of Jeremiah, p. 216; Benjamin Blayney
    - Commentary on Jeremiah and Lamentations - Volume 3
Jeremiah and Lamentations
King James Version (of the Bible)
  - Bochart in his Geographia Sacra, Lib. ii. cap. xiii. Tom. iii. col. 90, 91, Edit.
    Lugd. Batav. 1692,; Sam. Bochartus, Geogr. Sacr.; Samuel Bochart;
Geographia Sacra seu Phaleg et Canaan
    - Samuel Bochart (1599-1667) / 42 titles, 66 vols. | PRDL
  - Bomberg: Bibl. Bomberg
    - Daniel Bomberg
    - Great Bibles - Judaic Treasures
  - Bos's Ellips. Gr. p. 238, edit. Glasg.; but see also Schaeffer in loc. Steph. Byzant. . .
    - Lambert Bos:
Ellipses Graecae; Godofredvs Henricvs Schaefer
    - Stephanus of Byzantium
  - Brugensis, Lucas; Franciscus Lucas Brugensis
  - Brunick: Brunck on Apollon.
    - Brunck, Richard François Philippe . . . Apollonius Rhoidius
Richard François Philippe Brunck
  - Burrington: Gilbert Burrington (
author), 1753 -
Chudleigh History Group - Articles - Vicarages & Vicars
  - Buxtorf, in his answer to Cappell; Buxtorf's Thes. Cram. Hebr.
    Lib. ii. c. v. p. 386, Edit. 1651, and Glassii Philolog. Sacr. Lib. iv.
    Observat. vii. p. 607, Edit. 1711.
Johannes Buxtorf II and Louis Cappel
Perspicue et fideliter conversus: Johannes Buxtorf the Younger’s
      Translation of the Guide of the Perplexed
    - The Vowel-Points Controversy in the XVI. and XVII. Centuries on JSTOR
  - Bythner's Lyra Prophet. Ps. cv. 9, Parkhurst in his Hebr. Lex. vv.,
    and Newcome on Amos vii. 9.; Lyra prophetica Davidis
An Hebrew and English Lexicon Without Points
John Parkhurst (lexicographer)
Victorinus Bythner - Lyra Prophetica Davidis Regis (London, 1650),
      a grammatical analysis of the vocabulary of the Hebrew psalms.
  - Byzantine calendar; also called the Roman calendar,
    the Creation Era of Constantinople or the Era of the World; the Serbian Calendar.
  - Calmet's Dictionary by D'Oyly and Colson, Art. Heber;
    - An Historical, Critical, Geographical, Chronological, and Etymological Dictionary
      of the Holy Bible . . . To which is annexed, Bibliotheca sacra, or a copious catalogue
      of the best editions and versions of the Bible . . . an ample Chronological Table . . .
      a Jewish Calendar, Tables of all the Hebrew Coins . . . a Dissertation upon Jewish
      Coins and Medals; another upon the Tacticks of the ancient Hebrews,
      by Chevalier Folard . . . Translated into English . . . with . . . remarks,
      by Samuel D'oyly . . . and John Colson
Antoine Augustin Calmet
    - Calmet [Antoine Augustin] - Google™ Search
Calmet [Antoine Augustin] - Samuel Johnson Dictionary Sources
    - Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible
    - Masius, Calmet, and others, suppose the people,
  - Campbell: the learned Dr. Campbell; Campbell's Notes on The Four Gospels;
    Note on Luke iii. 2. Vol. IV. p. 299, edit. 8vo.
    - Collection of Works by George Campbell - Internet Archive
      - The Four Gospels : translated from the Greek
        Campbell regarded this as the greatest work of his life: a 1,500 page translation;
        it includes critical dissertations on the problems of translating and interpreting
        the ancient texts, as well as his observations on the translations themselves.
    - George Campbell (minister) (1719-1796)
Cappel: Kimchi, Jarchi, and the author of the Small Masora
    (as quoted by Cappell in his Critic. sacr. p. 25, 200) . . .
    - Louis Cappel | Reformation Scholar, Biblical Critic & Hebraist | Britannica
  - Casaubon: that from Casaubon's collations it appears that a MS.
    in the Royal Library at Paris reads in Josephus
Isaac Casaubon
    - Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614
Cassia gens: Dio's account of Archelaus's removal is thus.
Archelaus, son of Herod
    - Cassius Dio / Lucius Cassius Dio
    - Cassius Dio - Internet Archive
  - Castalio: Houbigant, following Castalio, and the reading of the Aldine edition
Castalion, Castalio, or Castellio, Sebastian - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Sebastian Castellio, 1515-1563
    - Sebastian Castellio and the Struggle for Freedom of Conscience
  - Castell: Castell's Lex. col. 523, Root . . .
    - Edmund Castell:
Castell, Edmund°
      - Lexicon Heptaglotton Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum,
        Samaritanum, Aethiopicum, Arabicum, et Persicum (1669) - Internet Archive
  - Cedrenus: George Cedrenus - Oxford Reference:
    George Kedrenos - George Kedrenos Biography
    11th century Byzantine historian | Pantheon
    - Compendium historiaru1a.doc
  - Chaim: Heb. Bible, published by Rabbi J. Ben Chaim 1526
Biblia Rabbinica (DFG)
    - Jacob ben Chayyim
Mikraot Gedolot
Rabbinic literature
    - The Second Rabbinic Bible, Venice, 1525
    - "The Strange Career of the Biblia Rabbinica among Christian Hebraists",
      by Stephen G. Burnett
  - Chrisostom, Homil. xxxviii. in Gen., supposes her to be one of the slaves
    given to Abraham by Pharaoh.;
John Chrysostom
    - John Chrysostom Homilies on Genesis - Patristic Bible Commentary
      - Collected Homilies of St. John Chrysostom (15 vols.) | Logos Bible Software
  - Church Fathers:
    Free Resources for Students of the History of the Early Christian Church
Christianity - Faith, Doctrine, Identity | Britannica
    - Early Christianity
      - Acts of the Apostles
      - Christianity and Judaism
Jewish Christian
Early Christians
    - Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers
      - Early Church Fathers - Early Christian Writings
    - Early Church Fathers - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
      - Early Church Fathers - Additional Works in English Translation
      - Ambrose of Milan (339-397 AD)
      - St. Ambrose B. ii. c. x. De Jacobo et Vita beata.
        - Ambrose
      - St. Clement in his Epistle to the Corinthians chap. lv. p. 127, ed. Colomesii.
First Clement: Clement of Rome
        - The Lost Books of the Bible: The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
    - History of Christianity
      [Research Note: Wikipedia incorrectly states that "Christianity originated with
      the ministry of Jesus, a Jewish teacher and healer who proclaimed the imminent
      Kingdom of God and was crucified . . ." It started with
Adam, re: Joseph Smith, Jr.]
      - See: Discourse, 17 January 1843, as Reported by Wilford Woodruff, Page 2
        Br Joseph spoke to some length on the kingdom of God & the Baptism of John,
        he said the kingdom of God was set upon the earth in all ages from the days
        of Adam to the presant (sic) time (1) whenever there was a man on earth who had
        authority to Administar (sic) the ordinances of the gospel or a priest of God &
        unto such a man God did reveal his will    Concerning the Baptism of John it was
        the Baptism of repentance unto remission of sins for the receiving of the Holy Ghost
        & it was the gospel Baptism. These were questions which had been in debate for
        many years & in some degree among the Saints. He also spoke upon the subject
        of honor & dishonor &c [p. [2]] - Footnotes - [1] JS consistently taught that people
        who were alive before the establishment of the early Christian church knew of
        and worshipped Jesus Christ. Both the Book of Mormon and JS's revision of the
        Old Testament included teachings about Christ and Christian worship predating
        New Testament times. There were, according to JS, "dispensations and keys and
        powers and glories" that had been "revealed from the days of Adam even to the
        present time," Adam having been the person to whom "Christ was first revealed."
        . . . [2] JS elaborated on earlier instruction, given in 1840, that "the keys of the
        Kingdom of God" were on the earth "in all ages of the world" and constituted
        the means by which "all knowledge, doctrine, the plan of salvation and every
        important truth is revealed from heaven." According to JS, this pattern of revealing
        truth to humanity would continue "to the end of time." . . . [3] JS's reference to the
        church as the kingdom of God in this sermon responded to various disputes in the
        nineteenth century among American Protestants regarding the original founding
        date of Christ's church and earthly kingdom. . . . to the day of Pentecost . . . etc.
  - Clarke: Adam Clarke, 1762-1832
Adam Clarke: Entire Sanctification - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
    - Clarke's Commentary - Bible Commentaries -
Some Notes on Joseph Smith and Adam Clarke | The Interpreter Foundation
  - Clarke: Samuel Clarke (1675-1729)
  - Colson: John Colson; Rev. John Colston / Colson, F.R.S., vicar of Chalk
John Colson
  - Dathius: Rosenmüller: E. F. C. Rosenmüller in his Notes on Gen. iv. 22,
    and with whom Dathius agrees.
CERL Thesaurus - accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
      Consortium of European Research Libraries: CERL
      Promoting Europe's cultural heritage in print and manuscript.
German biography - Dathe, Johann August / Johann Augustus Dathius
  - De-Rossi, Var. lect. Vet. Test. i. Chron. i. 7.;
Giovanni Bernardo De Rossi;
    De Rossi (Varia Lectiones, Vet. Test., pp. xcvii ff.)
    - Full text of "Variae lectiones Veteris Testamenti. De Rossi",
      by Giovanni Bernardo De Rossi - Wikiwand
  - Demetrius; Demetrius - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - D'Oyly: Samuel D'Oyly
    - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / D'Oyly, Samuel
  - Drusius in his Notes on i Macc. xi. 39,;
    - Drusius, Joannes, 1550-1616 | BYU Library - Special Collections
    - Johannes van den Driesche
Judas Maccabeus
    - Maccabees, the First Book of - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Durell on the Parallel Proph. of Jacob and Moses, p. 116-119:
    - The Hebrew Text of the Parallel Prophecies of Jacob and Moses
      Relating to The Twelve Tribes, with a Translation and Notes
      and the Various Lections of Near Forty Mss. . . .;
      by David Durell, B. D. Principal of Hertford College.
David Durell: Durell_David: Brief biography
  - Ernesti 1752
Johann August Ernesti
  - Eusebius in his Chron. p. 65, 170;
Eusebius; Eusebius of Caesarea
    - 0265-0339- Eusebius Caesariensis, Sanctus\ -
      Operum Omnium Conspectus seu 'Index of available Writings'
Eutychius of Alexandria
    - Eutychius, “Annals” – my posts containing the translation – Roger Pearse
  - Ewald: Ewald's rendering of it, (subtillia, minuta);
Ewald, Georg Heinrich August - Biblical Cyclopedia
Ewald, Heinrich, 1803-1875 | The Online Books Page
Heinrich Ewald / Georg Heinrich August Ewald, 1803-1875
    - Jubilees, Book of - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Fabricus: Johann Albert Fabricius:
Bibliotheca Graeca (Volume 14)
  - Fagius: The Hebrew version of Tobit published by Fagius;
    - Paul Fagius, 1504-1549
    - The “Fagius” Hebrew Version of Tobit: An English Translation
      Based on the Constantinople Text of 1519 in: The Book of Tobit.
  - Glassius: Glassii Philolog. Sacr. Lib. iv.; Observat. vii. p. 607, Edit. 1711.;
    Glassius in his Philol. sacr. L. iv. Tract. ii. Observat. xii.,
    - 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica / Glassius, Salomo (1593-1656)
      His principal work, Philologia sacra (1623)
  - Glycas: Michael Glycas in his Annals
    - Annales
    - Glycas, Michael
    - Michael Glykas (or Glycas)
  - Grabe's Prol. c. ii.; Grabe observes on this place of i. Esdras, Prol. c. ii.;
    Grabe's edit. of the Alexandr. MS. . . .
    - Codex Alexandrinus
      The Old Testament was edited by Emst Grabe in 1707-1720,
      and the New Testament by Carl Gottfried Woide in 1786
  - Grotius . . .; Hugo Grotius; Grotius, Hugo | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  - Hallett in Vol. II. of Notes and Discourses p. 19;
    - A Second Volume of Notes and Discourses
    - A Second Volume Of Notes And Discourses (1732)
      Hallet Jr, Joseph: 9781166478353: Books
    - Joseph Hallett II (1656-1722)
    - Joseph Hallett III (c1691-1744)
  - Hammond 1. c. and Dr. Owen on Mark ii. 26, in Bowyer's Conject. on New Test.
    Hammond's Annotations on Luke iii. 2;
    - Henry Hammond
The Life of Henry Hammond, by John Fell
  - Haverkamp: Havercamp's edition of Josephus, Vol. I. p. 445,
Portrait of Siwart Haverkamp (1684 - 1742) - The Online Portrait Gallery
Siwart Haverkamp
  - Herodotus, B. iv. c. xi. xii.,; Herodotus;
    - The Internet Classics Archive | The History of Herodotus by Herodotus
  - Holmes: Dr. Holmes in his Collat. of Gen. iv. 18.;
    Holmes's MSS.; Prol. to Grabe's Edit. . . .; Holmes's collations in Nehemiah
    Dr. Holmes's Collation; Dr. Holmes's Collation of Vet. Test. Craec. 1. c.
Collection: Holmes Manuscripts | Bodleian Archives & Manuscripts
    - Robert Holmes (priest)
  - Horsley, Samuel: Bp. Horsley, Bibl. Critic. Vol. iv. p. 480-489.
    - Biblical Criticism on the First Fourteen Historical Books of the Old Testament;
      also on the First Nine Prophetical Books. by Samuel Horsley, L.L.D. F.R.S. F.A.S.,
      Late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph.; Volume 4 - Internet Archive
  - Hottinger's Thesaur. Philolog. p. 85, 86;
Johann Heinrich Hottinger
  - Houbigant on Gen. ix. 18; x. 21.; Charles François Houbigant
    - Houbigant, Charles FrançoIs - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Hudson's Note on Josephus, 1. c.
    - The Antiquities of the Jews, by Flavius Josephus
      (search for Dr. Hudson and Hudson)
  - Jackson: The Reader may consult on this name the very learned
    Mr. Jackson in his Chron. Ant. Vol. 1. p. 289, No. 2.
    - Chronological antiquities: or, The antiquities and chronology
      of the most ancient kingdoms, from the creation of the world,
      for the space of five thousand years. In three volumes.,
      by John Jackson | The Online Books Page
Jackson, John, 1686-1763  - Biblical Cyclopedia . . .
    - John Jackson (controversialist)
  - Jerome: St. Jerom. in Quaest. seu trad. Hebr. Arachaeus, qui Arcas condidit oppidum . . .|
    - Biography of St. Jerome the Translator of Latin Vulgate Bible
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Jerome
    - Vulgate: Vulgate Latin Bible With English Translation
  - Johnson: Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784; See Johnson's Dict. word, Cousin;
samuel johnson 1709 - Google™ Search
    English writer who was arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history.
A brief History of English Lexicography
A Dictionary of the English Language
    - Johnson's Dictionary Online
Related Links – Johnson's Dictionary Online
Samuel Johnson Dictionary Sources
  - Jones: Sir William Jones on Asiatic Poetry chap. ix.,
    and his Discourse on the Mystical Poetry of the Persians and Hindus
    - Jones, William – Encyclopaedia Iranica
The Works of Sir William Jones
William Jones and the Study of Hinduism
    - William Jones (philologist)
  - Junius:
Franciscus Junius, A Treatise on True Theology
    Junius Institute Digital Companions
  - Junius and Tremellius
Franciscus Junius (the elder)
    - Immanuel Tremellius
  - Jonathan ben Uziel, in his Targum on Gen. x. 4.; Jonathan ben Uzziel
  - Josephus: Flavius Josephus - Complete Works and Writings
  - Juvenal Sat. vi. v. 155, &c.
    - A Commentary on the Satires of Juvenal
    - Juvenal / Decimus Junius Juvenalis
    - The Satires of Juvenal
    - Works by or about Decimus Junius Juvenalis - Internet Archive
  - Kennicott: Dr. Kennicott; See Kennicott's Dissertat. Gen. p. 79.; Kennicott Dissertation;
    - Benjamin Kennicott:
    - Hebrew Biblical manuscripts of Benjamin Kennicott - Archives Hub
Kennicott - Biblical Manuscripts in Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic,
      collected by Benjamin Kennicott (1718-83)
  - Kimchi / Kimhi: David Kimchi;
    - David Kimhi
    - David Kimhi | Hebrew grammar, Biblical exegesis, Jewish philosophy | Britannica
  - King James Bible Translators: General Biographical Sources
AV1611.COM - Bible study tools and Bible version information
    - Edward Lively; Mr. Edward Lively, of Cambridge, whose immature death deprived
      our English translators of the Bible, in King James's Time,;
    - English Bible Translations - Subject Guides at Brigham Young University
History of English Literature-Oxford University Press
    - King James Bible Translators
    - Kings Bible Concordance - A to Z
      The concordance is an alphabetical index of all the words from the Bible.
      Each word is displayed in the line of the verse in which it is contained.
      This will help you find and compare the words and phrases within any verse.
      You can select a starting letter above and select from a word list or search directly.
  - Lardner's Credibility of the Gospel Hist. Part 1. B. ii. c. iv.;
Lardner, Nathaniel, 1684-1768) Catalog Search Results | HathiTrust Digital Library
    - Nathaniel Lardner (1684-1768)
    - Works by or about Nathaniel Lardner - Internet Archive
  - Le Clerc / Clerc: Bibl. Reg. among Sam. Clerc's Var. Lect.; Le Clerc;
    Clerc's Var. Lect. et Observat. in Chald. Paraph. Lond. Pol. Tom. VI. p. 45, c. 2.
    - Jean Le Clerc (theologian) 1657-1736
The Correspondence of Jean Le Clerc – EMLO
  - Leusden in his Onomast. p. 111.; Onomast Sac., Leyden, 1650; s.r.
Johann Leusden (1624-1699)
    - Leusden, Johann - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Lewis's History of the English Trans. of the Bible, p. 322. 2nd edit.,;
    - A complete history of the several translations of the Holy Bible,
      and New Testament, into English, both in MS. and in print: and of
      the most remarkable editions of them since the invention of printing.
John Lewis ... - The second edition, with large additions. 1739
    - John Lewis (antiquarian), 1675-1747
  - Libanius Epist. 1011, in Acts xxv. 13, and the Codd. Lat. . . .
    - Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898), L, Levee, Libanius
    - Libanius
The Letters of Libanius
  - Lightfoot: Dr. Lightfoot interprets the words;
John Lightfoot
    - All the Works of John Lightfoot Doctor in Divinity, . . .
    - Complete Works of Rev John Lightfoot on-line - Biblical Studies
  - Lowth: Bp. Lowth, on ver. 15 of that chapter,
Lowth, Robert - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Robert Lowth
  - Maccabees: Books of the Maccabees
    The author of the Arabic History of the Maccabees, printed in the Paris Polyglott,
  - Macrobius in Saturn. ii. 4,
Macrobius / Macrobius Ambrosius Theodosius
    - Saturnalia (Macrobius)
  - Malvenda:
Tomaso Malvenda: Malvenda, Thomas - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Manctho /
Manetho, with an English translation by W.G. Waddell
  - Manutius: Aldine Bible
    - Aldus Pius Manutius (Aldus Manutius the Elder)
  - Marsh: Bp. Marsh's Notes on Michaelis's Lect. on New Test. Vol. II. Part II. p. 817.
Herbert Marsh (1757-1839); Herbert Marsh
    - History of the College of St. John the Evangelist, Cambridge; pages 735-778.
      Extensive data on Herbert Marsh, his family, along with his accomplishments.
  - Marsham: Sir John Marsham in Canon Chron. p. 484, and others, . . .
    - D. Johannis Marshami ... Canon chronicus aegyptiacus, ebraicus, graecus, & ...
inauthor:"Sir John Marsham"
Sir John Marsham, 1st Baronet, 1602-1685
  - Masius: Masius, Calmet, and others, suppose the people,
    - Andreas Masius (1514-1573)
    - Classical Syriac Manuscripts at Yale University
    - Masius Search results - Patristic Bible Commentary
  - Matthew:
Matthew Bible (Thomas Matthew)
    Matthew's Bible - 1537 Facsimile Elmo Brown Leather - Biblical Heritage Exhibit
    John Rogers used the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew", a name used by William
    Tyndale on occasion, to avoid persecution and prosecution by the authorities
    who continued to forbid under penalty of death, the printing of the scriptures
    in the English language. The Matthew's Bible was printed in 1537 in Paris
    and Antwerp by Sir Jacobus van Metered the uncle of Roger's wife, Adriana.
  - Maundrell quoted by the editors of Calmet's Dict.
    - Full text of "Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible :
      as published by the late Mr. Charles Taylor, with the fragments incorporated.
      The whole condensed and arranged in alphabetical order"
  - Megasthenes:
Megasthenes in Wikipedia - Bible History
Menahem de Lonzano / Menachem di Lonzano | Texts & Source Sheets
    from Torah, Talmud and Sefaria's library of Jewish sources.
  - Michaelis and Dathius; Michaelis in
Spicileg. P. ii. p. 161; eminent Biblical Critic
    J. D. Michaelis, in Spicil. P. i. p. 19, &c.; Johann David Michaelis
Ioannis Davidis Michaelis Spicilegium geographiae Hebraeorum
      exterae post Bochartum [microform] : Michaelis, Johann David, 1717-1791
    - Johann David Michaelis - Encyclopedia
  - Mill and Wetstein on Matth. i. 4.,; Lectionary 4
    The manuscript was examined by John Mill. It was added
    to the list of the New Testament manuscripts by Wettstein.
    - John Mill (theologian), c. 1645-1707:
Textual criticism
      Mill's work noted over 30,000 discrepancies between
      some 100 extant New Testament manuscripts.
Apocrypha: Biblical apocrypha
        - Apocrypha - Early Christian Writings
Deuterocanonical books
        - List of Old Testament pseudepigr
        - New Testament apocrypha
        - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
          - Joseph Smith’s Developing Relationship with the Apocrypha
          - Section 91, The Apocrypha
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Apocrypha
Letter to the Church, 7 September 1842 [D&C 128], Page 7
Revelation, 9 March 1833 [D&C 91], Page 55
Biblical authority
      - Biblical inerrancy
      - Biblical infallibility
      - Biblical inspiration
      - Biblical literalism
Inspired Version of the Holy Scriptures on
      - Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible | Religious Studies Center
        Joseph Smith Translation & King James Translation in Parallel Columns.
        - Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible | Religious Studies Center
        - From Manuscript to Finished Text | Religious Studies Center:
Genesis.pdf; Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deutronomy.pdf;
          Joshua, Judges, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings,
          and including 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Nehemiah, Job.pdf;
          Psalms, Proverbs.pdf; Songs of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel.pdf;
          Hosea, Joel, Amos, Jonah, Zechariah.pdf;
Matthew.pdf; Mark.pdf;
John.pdf; Acts.pdf; Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians.pdf;
Galatians.pdf; Ephesians.pdf; Phillipians.pdf; Colossians, 1 Thessalonians,
          and including 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy,_2 Timothy.pdf;
Titus, Philemon.pdf;
James.pdf; 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, Jude.pdf; Revelation.pdf
      - The Articles of Faith: 13 Beliefs | Come unto Christ - Number Eight (8)
        We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly;
        we also believe the
Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
  - Morinus; Variat. MSS. published by Morinus; Jo. Morinus
    - Manuscripts, Hebrew - Biblical Cyclopedia . . . These variations were first collected
      by ben-Chayim in the Rabbinic Bible (Venice, 1526), . . . Chayim does not give the
      source from which he took these variations, but Morinus (Exercitt. Biblic. page 409,
      Paris, 1669 fol.) testifies that he saw a list of these variations in some MSS; i.e., As
      to the Eastern and Western codices; from academies in Palestine and Babylonia.
  - Münster: Münster informs us, 1. c.,; Sebast. Münster, in the former passage has . . . ;
    - Sebastian Münster (1488-1552)
      Tombstone describes him has the Ezra and the Strabo of the German people.
  - Naziazen: Gregory Nazianzen, in his Orat. in Maccab.,
    - Gregory of Nazianzus, c. 329-390
      Considered the most accomplished rhetorical stylist of the patristic age.
  - Newcome: Newcome on Amos vii. 9.; Archbp. Newcome on Hosea 1. c.
    - William Newcome (1729-1800)
  - Newton: Bp. Newton's Dissert. on Proph. Vol I. p. 290-299, and p. 322, edit. 4to.
Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Newton, Thomas (1704-1782)
    - The Right Reverend Thomas Newton D.D. Lord Bishop of Bristol,
      and Dean of St. Paul’s, London. - Michael Finney Antique Prints
    - Thomas Newton, Dissertations on the Prophecies, which have remarkably
      been Fulfilled, and at this time are Fulfilling in the World (1825);
      Thomas Newton, D.D., Late Lord Bishop of Bristol
    - Works of the Right Reverend Thomas Newton, D.D., Late Lord Bishop of Bristol,
      and Dean of Saint Paul's, London: with some Accounts of his Life, and Anecdotes
      of Several of his Friends, written by Himself by Thomas Newton
  - Nicephorus in his Chronogr.
    - Database: Clavis Historicorum Antiquitatis Posterioris (CHAP)
      Late Antique Historiography
Stichometry of Nicephorus
    - The Development of the Canon of the New Testament
  - Nobilius: Flam. Nobilius in his Var. Lect. of LXX; Flam. Nobil. in Vers. Graec
Nobilio (or Nobilis), Flaminio - Biblical Cyclopedia
    - Nobili, Flaminio - CERL Thesaurus
  - Noldius in his Hist. Idum; History of Idumaea,
    a Synopsis of Sacred History and Antiquities
    - Concordance -
      Christian Nolde (Noldius) in his "Concordance of the Particles,"
      Copenhagen, 1679; new ed., Jena, 1734.
John Taylor (dissenting preacher)
    - Nolde (or Noldius), Curistian - Biblical Cyclopedia
The Comprehensive Concordance to the Holy Scriptures
  - Owen: Hammond 1. c. and Dr. Owen on Mark ii. 26, in Bowyer's Conject. on New Test.
    - Dr. Henry Owen
    - Owen, Henry (1716 - 1795)
      Cleric, physician, and scholar | Dictionary of Welsh Biography
    - William Bowyer (printer)
  - Oxford Classical Dictionary
    - AElian Nat. Animal. B. vi. c. 25.
Aelian | Oxford Classical Dictionary
Aelian : On Animals, 6
Claudius Aelianus
    - Arrian Expedit. Alex. B. vi. p. 398, &c.;
Arrian, c. 86–160 CE | Oxford Classical Dictionary
Perseus under Philologic: searching for 3
    - Diodorus Siculus B. xvii. c. 73;
      - Diodorus (3), Diodorus Siculus, author of the Bibliothēkē
Diodorus Siculus: Bibliotheca historica
The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian
    - Plutarch. Alex. Tom. 1. p. 690;
      - Plutarch, of Chaeronea, b. before 50 CE; d. after 120 CE
    - Quint. Curtius B. v. c. 13;
Curtius Rufus, Quintus, rhetorician and historian | Oxford Classical Dictionary
      - Delphi Complete Works of Quintus Curtius Rufus
        History of Alexander (Illustrated) by Quintus Curtius Rufus - Ebook | Everand
Oxford History of the Biblical World - Oxford Reference
  - Oxford Research Encyclopedias
    - Creation and Contingency | Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion [Research Note:
      A dispassionate evaluation of records of beginnings of ancient societies indicates that
      creation motifs of all societies, both ancient and modern, without religious affiliation,
      have no fundamental attachable physical reality, outside of archaeological findings.
      Physical determinism of mankind is only established within Judao-Christian theology.
Faith in the Messiah originates existence as always following from prior conditions.
      An all knowing God eliminates all universal human contingencies and indeterminism.
      The Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and Translator, Joseph Smith, Jr., High Priest President
      of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spoke, at the Temple in
      Joseph spoke on the Spirit of Elias-- the Spirit of Elijah and the Spirit of Messiah--
      the Spirit of Elias is a forerunner same as John the Baptist-- the Spirit of Elijah is the
      sealing power-- to seal the hearts of the Fathers to the children-- and the children to
      the Parents-- as Paul declared that the Saints of the last days could not be perfect with-
      out them-- neither can they be perfect without us-- the Spirit of Messiah is all power in
      Heaven and in Earth-- Enthroned in the Heavens as King of Kings and Lord of Lords--
Creation: The Creation (The Creation) and Doctrine and Covenants 77.
Doctrine and Covenants 101, verses 32-34, validates that current,
      modern science, will never be able to comprehend or ascertain the origins,
      or destiny of this earth, the solar system, or the Universe; except on the principle
      of valiant service and sacrifice in the cause of our King Jesus Christ, who will reveal
      all things at His coming in Glory. Keys of the Universe are restricted to all worthy
      Celestial administrators, such as our Ancient of Days, Father
Adam.  When Son Ahman
      comes, Adam delivers up his stewardship to Christ, that which was delivered to him as
      holding the keys of the Universe, but retains his standing as head of the human family.
      The Joseph Smith Papers - History.]
  - Paschale: Chron. Paschale p. 170;
Chronicon Paschale
      Chronicon Paschale is a huge compilation, attempting
      a chronological list of events from the creation of Adam.
  - Patrick: Bp. Patrick on Ezra i. 8.; Patrick's Commentary, Vol. II. p. 632, edit. fol.
    - A Commentary Upon the Historical Books of the Old Testament    
      in two volumes. By Dr Symon Patrick, late Lord Bishop . . .
    - Simon Patrick (Bishop), 1626-1707;
inauthor:"Simon Patrick"
  - Petavius in his Doctr. Temp. L. xiii. c. 26, and in his Rat. Temp. L. ii. c. 6, make . . .
    - Denis Pétau / Dionysius Petavius
    - Modern Chronologies of the Bible
    - The history of the vvorld: or, An account of time.
      Compiled by the learned Dionisius Petavius. And continued by others,
      to the year of our Lord, 1659. Together with a geographicall description
      of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America.
      - The History of the World; Or, an Account of Time.
  - Philo in Life of Moses, Tom. ii. p. 83.
    - Philo: On the Life of Moses, I
    - Philo: On the Life of Moses, II
  - Photius Cod. 238
Bibliotheca (Photius)
    - Photius: Bibliotheca.  Table of contents
    - Photios I of Constantinople
  - Pilkington in his Remarks,; Remarks upon several passages of scripture:
    rectifying some errors in the printed Hebrew text; Pointing out Several Mistakes
    in the Versions; and Shewing The Benefit and Expediency of a more correct
    and intelligible Translation of the Bible.
    By Matthew Pilkington, LL.B. Prebendary of Lichfield. | Wellcome Collection
  - Pirkei De-Rabbi Eliezer
  - Piscator think.; Johannes Piscator
  - Pliny in his Nat. Hist. B. vi. c. 20.
    - Pliny the Elder, The Natural History
  - Pococke: Dr. Pococke; Pococke's Collat. in vi. Vol. of Lond. Polygl, p. 30 . . .
    - Edward Pococke 1604-1691)
    - Edward Pococke (1604–1691), Comparative Arabic-Hebrew Philology, and the Bible
      Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies | Duke University Press
  - Poole: Malvenda, as quoted by Poole in his Synopsis, 1. c., suspects that . . .;
    Tyrinus, quoted by Poole, in his Synopsis on Ezra ii. 3,
    - Matthew Poole, 1624-1679:
Critici sacri
    - Poole Project: Matthew Poole - Poole General -
Poole Search
Poole-1-2 Chronicles
    - Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacræ Scripturae interpretum et commentatorum,
      summo studio et fide adornata, indicibusque necessariis instructa a Matthaeo Polo,
      Londinensi. . . HathiTrust Digital Library - Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679
  - Prideaux, (Dean), in his Connect. Hist. Old and New Test. Part ii. B. vi. Vol. 2, p. 289
Humphrey Prideaux
    - The Old and New Testaments Connected in the History of the Jews
      and Neighboring Nations from the Declensions of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
      to the Time of Christ, by Humphrey Prideaux, D.D., Dean of Norwich.
  - Ptolemy, the Geographer, in B. vi. c. i., places a province in the North of Assyria
    called Arrapachitis, which Bochart, Phaleg Lib. ii. c. 4, and others believe . . .;
    Ptolemy's Canon, makes Xerxes to reign twenty-one years,
Ptolemy: Geography (Ptolemy)
  - Pyle in his Paraphrase, and others, . . .
    - A Paraphrase with Notes, on the Acts of the Apostles,
      And Upon All the Epistles of the New Testament Being a Compleat Supplement
      to Dr. Clarke's Paraphrase on the Four Gospels.
      With a Short Preface to Each Epistle and a General Index
    - Thomas Pyle (1674-1756) / 9 titles, 12 vols. | PRDL
Rashi or, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki / Yitzhaki: Kimchi, Jarchi,
    and the author of the Small Masora; the mediaeval French rabbi Rashi,
    a.k.a. Jarchi (the Christian name for Rashi): the prince of Jewish commentators;
    placed by Jewish Rabbis at the head of their commentators. See:
List of rabbis.
    - Rashi - Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature
      Rashi's piety and learning were so great, and his influence upon the Jewish nation
      by means of his expositions was so extraordinary, that his comments are almost
      looked upon as part of the Bible, and his interpretations in the present day are
      regarded by the most orthodox Jews as the authoritative import of Holy Writ.
Rashi family tree
Works by or about Rashi - Interenet Archive
  - Reland's Palaestin, p. 47.; Reland in his Palaestina B. i. c. xi. p. 63, &c.,
Reland, Adrian°; Adriaan Reland; Palaestina ex monumentis veteribus illustrata
  - Reiske: Johann Jakob Reiske
  - Rhod. Argonaut.; . . .;
    - Apollonius of Rhodes
    - Argonautica
  - Rosenmüller: E. F. C. Rosenmüller in his Notes on Gen. iv. 22,
    and with whom Dathius agrees.
    - Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmüller
    - The Biblical geography of Asia Minor, Phœnicia, and Arabia. | Library of Congress
      (Name spelled in some publications as: Ern. Frid. Car. Rosenmüller)
  - Rosenmüller: Rosenmüller's Schol. in Vet. Test. P. i. p. 259;
    Dr. D. Jo. George Rosenmüller;
    Scholia In Novum Testamentum book by Johann Georg Rosenmüller
    - Johann Georg Rosenmüller (
Johann Georg Rosenmüller)
  - Rutherforh (sic) Rutherford: Dr. Rutherforh's Letter to Dr. Kennicott p. 12--14
Rutherford (Thomas) Letter to Dr. Kennicott on the Samaritan Peniteuch
    - Thomas Rutherforth - Rutherford (1712-1771)
  - Sale: George Sale (Sale's Transl. Koran)
    - George Sale (1697–1736) | Quran Translation
    - Internet Archive: Digital Library & Wayback Machine for George Sale.
    - Universal History (Sale et al)
      - Catalog Record: An Universal history, from the earliest account of time /
        Compiled from original authors; and illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, &c.
        With a general index to the whole. HathiTrust Digital Library
  - Scaliger: Joseph Justus Scaliger
    He succeeded in reconstructing the lost Chronicle of Eusebius: Chronicon (Eusebius)
    - Abraham and Melchizedek in: The Book of Genesis in Late Antiquity
  - Schultens: Albert Schultens
  - Sefaria: a Living Library of Jewish Texts Online: Explore Jewish Texts by Topic
Masoretic text | Hebrew Bible, Tanakh, Rabbinic Commentary | Britannica
    - Masoretic Text - The Society for Old Testament Study
The SOTS Wiki - The Society for Old Testament Study
Minchat Shai on Torah | Sefaria (Minchath Shai)
    - Seder Olam Rabbah | Sefaria, or The Great Order of the World
      2nd-century chronicle detailing the dates of biblical events
      from creation to Alexander the Great's conquest of Persia.
      It adds no stories beyond what is in the biblical text.
    - Seder Olam Zutta | Sefaria, or The Small Order of the World
      Based in part on the Seder Olam Rabbah, the work continues the project
      of providing dates fro historical events, beginning with Adam and continuing
      to the talmudic period. Talmudic Figures
  - Selden has long since corrected in his Treatise De Success, in Pontif. Ebraeor. L. i. c. v.
    - John Selden; records listed in Internet Archive: Digital Library & Wayback Machine
  - Septuagint: Read the Septuagint Bible w/ Apocrypha Free Online
A Brief History of the Septuagint
    - Roman Septuagint
The Septuagint: LXX
  - Shaw: Dr. Shaw in his Travels, Vol. ii. p. 24, edit. 1808, observes,
    - Shaw, Thomas, 1694-1751 | The Online Books Page
      - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Shaw, Thomas (1694-1751)
      - Travels or observations relating to several... | HathiTrust Digital Library
  - SHEM: The Jerusalem Targum, and Jonathan ben Uziel in his Targum, and several
    other Jewish writers, suppose Melchizedek to be the same with Shem, the son of Noah;
    and this supposition has been ingeniously supported by the editors of Calmet's Dict.
    in their Enquiries and Discuss. Vol. III. . . . The Arabic version, in Gen. xiv. 18, renders
    . . . Malko Aladal, considering the word as an appellative rather than a Proper name.
    Probably the Arabic translator might be influenced by the customary name given to
    royalty in his country; for . . . many of the Mohammedan princes were, as a token of
    respect, distinguished by this appellation . . . Malck al Afdhal. It may not be improper
    here to observe, that the Salem above mentioned, was, most probably, Jerusalem,
    antiently (sic) known by the name of Salem--See Ps. lxxxvi. 2. And thus the writers
    of the Targums call Melchizedek . . . King of Jerusalem. . . . Porro Salem [read
    Melchizedek] rex Hierusalem dicitur, quae prius Salem appellabatur.
    - LDS Studies: The Connection between Melchizedek and Shem
      Melchizedek received his priesthood through the lineage of his fathers, even till Noah
      [means my priesthood came down in time from Adam to Noah, my father]; from Noah
      till Enoch through the lineage of their fathers [means my priesthood lineage descended
      from Adam via Enoch to Noah, my father, through the lineage of their fathers]; for this
      priesthood was received from Enoch to Abel, who received the priesthood by the hand
      of his father Adam. The priesthood lineage is very clearly recorded; it is a descending
      pedigree lineage, anciently from the man Adam, to the honorable Abel, his slain son
      [who was a brother of Seth, another son of Adam: the actual lineage ancestry of Noah].
      [Research Note: Do not interpret ancient genealogies from the standpoint, or viewpoint,
      of modern, unlearned genealogists, who concentrate on creating ascending research
      pedigrees. Until the Patriarchal Priesthood endowments and covenants were completely
      broken, and records discontinued, or intentionally destroyed; genealogies established,
      in the Ancient Book of Remembrance, were recorded as righteous descending posterity.
      Our Father Abraham clearly states he received handed down records from his fathers.
      Apostle Bruce R. McConkie was incorrect in his creation of gaps in the record source.]
      Now Melchizedek was a man of faith, who wrought righteousness; and when a child
      he feared God, and stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire.
      And thus, having been approved of God, he was ordained an high priest after the
      order of the covenant which God made with Enoch. Shem, the great pre/post flood
      High Priest heir of Noah, was ordained an high priest after the order of the covenant
      which God made with the pre-flood High Priest Enoch; for as a child, Shem feared
      God. Shem stopped the mouths of lions, and quenched the violence of fire, prior
      to the Flood, since after the Flood there was no general wickedness left and there
      was only a minimal number of lions remaining upon the earth. Additionally, according
      to Alma, Chapter 13, of the Book of Mormon, Melchizedek was a High Priest, and was
      a king over the land of Salem . . . for he was the king of Salem, and he did reign under
      his father. Noah lived from 2944 B.C. to 1994 B.C. Shem, or Melchizedek, the High Priest
      lived from 2452 B.C. to 1852 B.C. Abraham lived in the time period between circa --
      2062 B.C. to 1827 B.C.. Under the Patriarchal Order, Terah practiced idolatry; unable
      to receive tithing.  Under the Patriarchal Order, Nahor died in 2013 B.C.; Shem was alive.
      [The Book of Jubilees suggests Nahor was taught idolatry by his father.] Under the
      Patriarchal Order, Serug died in 1961 B.C.; Shem was alive. [The Book of Jubilees
      suggests Serug worshipped idols.] Under the Patriarchal Order, Reu died in 1984 B.C.;
      Shem was alive. [The Chronicles of Jerahmeel suggest he had the spirit of prophesy;
      was righteous.] Under the Patriarchal Order, Peleg died in 2014 B.C.; Shem was alive.
      [The Chronicles of Jerahmeel suggest he was righteous.] Under the Patriarchal Order,
      Eber / Heber died in 1823 B.C. [Shem was alive until 1852 B.C. and Abraham died
      between 1887 / 1827 B.C. Abraham either died in 1887 B.C., before Shem died,
      or outlived him by 25 years. Nevertheless, Eber signifies "the region beyond";
      unconnected to Salem.] Under the Patriarchal Order, Salah / Shelah died in 1884 B.C.;
      Shem was alive. Under the Patriarchal Order, Arphaxad died in 1914 B.C.; Shem
      was alive. Shem would have been King of Salem after the time of the flood, a city
      of righteousness, (after they were called to repentance), under the direction of his father
      Noah, who was also a King, for over a period of 350 years. . . . Finally, The Priesthood
      was first given To Adam: he obtained to (crossed out) the first Presidency & held the
      Keys of it, from genration (sic) to Generation; he obtained it in the creation before
      the world was formed as in Gen. 1, 26:28, - he had dominion given him over every living
      Creature. He is Michael, the Archangel, spoken of in the Scriptures, -- Then to Noah
      who is Gabriel, he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called
      of God to this office & was the Father of all living in his day, & To him was Given the
      Dominion. These men held keys, first on earth, & then in Heaven. -- . . . Dan VII Speaks
      of the Ancient of Days, he means the oldest man, our Father Adam, Michael; he will
      call his children together . . . Both Adam and Noah also obtained the Priesthood Title
      of "King"; or in other words, all three were Prophets, Priests, and Kings, in their own
      right; Adam holding furthermore, the very Keys of the Universe, under the direct
      jurisdiction of Jesus Christ. [Also known as the Jehovah God of the Old Testament.]
    - Letter to James Arlington Bennet, 13 November 1843, Page 4b
      Joseph Smith, Jr. says: Shall I, who hold the keys of the last kingdom, in which is the
      dispensation of the fulness of all things spoken by the mouths of all the holy prophets
      since the world began; under the sealing power of the Melchizedek priesthood,
      shall I stoop from the sublime authority of Almighty God, to be handled as a monkey's
      cat's paw, -- and pettify myself into a clown to act the farce of political demagoguery?
      No, no verily; no! . . . I solve mathematical problems of Universities; with truth . . .
Search for Melchizedek | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: 50 Results Search for Melchizedek
      . . . Abraham received the Priesthood from Melchesedec (sic) . . . and it was this
      same Melchizedek to whom Abraham paid tithes; yea, even our father Abraham
      paid tithes of one tenth part of all he possessed . . . [9] By this time, Melchizedek
      was already associated with the high priesthood in the theology articulated by JS.
      . . . vision of the afterlife that individuals who inherited the celestial kingdom
      (the highest degree of heavenly glory) were "priests of the most high after the order
      of Melchesadeck (sic) which was after the order of Enoch which was after the order
      of . . . the only begotten son." (Jesus Christ) . . . endowed with the same power
      as the ancient apostles were. [Research Note: Since the Patriarchal Priesthood
      was the former, and only Priesthood Order of the ancient Church of Jesus Christ,
      that was upon the earth, in the days of Abraham, then it is necessarily self evident
      that Melchizedek was one of the ancient ancestors of our Father Abraham.] . . .
      Then God bestow'd upon the meek, The Priesthood of Melchizedek. 2. By help
      of this their faith increas'd, Till they with God spoke face to face:
      An Enoch, he would walk with God; A Noah ride safe o'er the flood. . . .
      By October 1831 JS taught that "the order of the High priesthood is that
      they have power given them to seal up the Saints unto eternal life."
  - Shuckford on the Creation and Fall of Man, Pref. p. lxii.;
Samuel Shuckford
    - The Creation and Fall of Man: The Creation and Fall of Man
  - Shullam: Rabbi Samuel Shullam, or Samuel Shallum, who in his observations
    on the Hebrew book Sepher Juchasin, written by Rabbi Abraham ben Samuel Zacuth
    - Samuel Shullam
  - Sigonius has done . . .
    - Carolus Sigonius / Sigonio (1520/1524-1584)
    - The Hebrew Republic . . . In Venice, Sigonio wrote Oratio de laudibus historiae,
      which is enormously helpful in understanding his historical method within the
      cultural context of his time. In this work, Sigonio finds history to be the noblest
      of the humanities, writing that those who overlook the passage of time and past
      events cannot really be considered men; they are rather like inexperienced boys
      unable to distinguish one thing from another. Grammarians, rhetoricians, poets,
      and philosophers must resort to the art of history in order to truly understand their
      own disciplines, since history--the analysis of particulars with the aim of reaching
      universals--lies at the foundation of every science. See Science foundations and
      all aspects of scientific education: Science, Technology and How Things Work
  - Simon: Father Simon, in his Critical Hist. of the Old Test. B. i. c. xxiii., speaks
    of an antient (sic) copy of the Hebrew Bible, in which it is noted in the Margin
Richard Simon (priest), 1638-1712
  - Spanheim:
Historia Job - Historia Job by Friedrich Spanheim;
    Jobab, who is called Job; The reader will meet with the same Genealogy of Job,
    though not in so diffuse a manner, at the end of the Arabic Version of Job, . . .
  - Strabo . . .; Strabo
  - Suetonius B. xi. sect. 7, p. 246, edit. Oxon 1690.
    - Suetonius / Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
    - Suetonius on Christians
Works by or about Suetonius - Internet Archive
  - Suidas in his Lexicon v. . . .
Index of the Suda On Line - Kata Biblon
    - Suda
Suda lexicon, by Suidas (Lexicographer) (work) | The Online Books Page
  - Symmachus:
Symmachus (2) - Biblical Cyclopedia
Symmachus (translator)
  - Syncellus: George Syncellus; Goar's Edit. of Syncellus
    - The chronography of George Synkellos :
      a Byzantine chronicle of universal history from the creation |
  - Syriac versions of the Bible
  - Tacitus Hist. B. ii. sect. 2 and 81
Books by Tacitus, Cornelius (sorted alphabetically) - Project Gutenberg
CSL: Publius Cornelius Tacitus
    - Historical Commentary on Tacitus' Histories I and II
      Tacitus [Cornelius Tacitus] - Oxford Scholarly Editions
Tacitus: Histories (Tacitus)
  - Tanchum: Rabbi Tanchum; Rabbi Tanchum
Tanchum - Biblical Cyclopedia
Targum - Biblical Cyclopedia: The Chaldee Paraphrase on the Prophet Isaiah
Targum shel Divrei ha-Yamim Rishonim va-Aharonim
      yisdo Rabi Yosef rosh yeshivah be-Surya: Paraphrasis
      chaldaica in Librum Priorem et Posteriorum Chronicorum
      Aramaic Paraphrase of the Biblical Books of Chronicles by Joseph ben Hiyya
      - David Wilkins (orientalist); Wilkins on Chron.;
        Chaldee paraphrase, published by Wilkins,
      - The Targum of Onkelos in Gen., and the Syriac version in Gen. and . . .
        - targum of onkelos
  - The authour of the Book entitled The Small Genesis,
    as quoted by Epiphanius Adv. Haer. B. i. p. 287, as noted in record:
Jubilees, Book of – Encyclopedic Dictionary of Bible and Theology);
    i.e., the small Genesis, compendium of Genesis, because it only selects
    certain portions of Genesis, although through its lengthy comments upon
    these points it is actually longer than this canonical book (comp. Epiphanius,
    Adv. Hoer. lib. 1, tom. 3, cap. 6, edit. Petav.; G. Syncellus, p. 8); or, according
    to Ewald's rendering of it, (subtillia, minuta) because it divides the history
    upon which it treats into very minute and small periods . . .
  - The Cambridge History of the Bible
Bibliography - The Cambridge History of the Bible
  - The Complutensian Bible
    Special Collections Blog | L. Tom Perry Special Collections | HBLL
  - Theodotion's Version; some Fragments of . . . which are still preserved.;
    - Theodotion | Hellenistic Judaism, Septuagint, Bible Translation | Britannica
  - Thorndike's Collat. Var. Lect. Syr. on Gen. x. 11.; Thorndike's Collat. of Syr. MSS.;
    Thorndike's Collat. Syr. Vet. Test. in Walton's Polyglott Tom. VI.
Herbert Thorndike (1598-1672) / 8 titles, 42 vols. | PRDL
    - Herbert Thorndike. 1598-1672; countenanced a belief in Prayer for the dead; concept,
      noted in the New Testament; fully in Melchizedek priesthood LDS Temple Ordinances.
    - Thorndike, Herbert - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Townsend: Rev. Geo. Townsend, in his excellent publication,
    entitled the Old Test. arranged, &c., Vol. II. p. 427, edit. 2nd.
    - George Townsend (priest), 1788-1857
    - Notes on the contributions of the Rev. George Townsend, M.A. . . .
      to the new edition of Fox's martyrology : Maitland, Samuel Roffey, 1792-1866
    - Townsend, George, Dd - Biblical Cyclopedia
  - Tremellius: Immanuel Tremellius
  - Usher's MS: James Ussher | Ussher Chronology
    - Chronology of the Bible
  - Valesius on Eusebius's Eccles. Hist., B. i. c. x.; [
Church History (Eusebius)]
    - Henri Valois (1603-1676) / Henricus Valesius
  - Valpy: reprinted by Valpy in his improved edition of Stevens's Thesaur. Vol. 1 . . .
    - Abraham John Valpy, 1786-1854
Valpy, Abraham John, (1787-1854), Editor and Printer | The National Archives
Valpy, Abraham John, 1787-1854 | The Online Books Page
Henri Estienne / also known as Henricus Stephanus
        - Stephanus' Thesaurus Graecae Linguae
  - Vatable / Vatablus: François Vatable / Franciscus Vatablus
    - Medieval and Early Modern Greek Manuscripts : Act and Epistles book
  - Villoison: Villoison's Animad. ad Long. Past. L. iv. p. 108.
Animadversiones ad Longi pastoralium de Daphnide et Chloe
Jean-Baptiste Gaspard d'Ansse de Villoison
  - Vitringa: Vitringa, Bp. Lowth, and Houbigant, on Isai. xxii. 15,
Campegius Vitringa (1659-1722)
    - Campegius Vitringa, Sr (1659-1722) / 166 titles, 242 vols. | PRDL
    - Full text of "An attempt towards an improved version, a metrical arrangement,
      and an explanation of the twelve Minor Prophets" [Search for Vitringa]
  - Vossius Chronol. Sacr. c. x. p. 149.
Gerardus Vossius (1577-1649)
    - The Correspondence of Gerardus Joannes Vossius – EMLO
  - Wall's Crit. Notes on Old Test. . . .
    - Critical Notes on the Old Testament, By the late learned William Wall, D. D.;
      Author of the History of Infant Baptism.
      - An Abridgment of Wall's History of Infant Baptism by William Wall (D.D.),
        Rev. William Henry Spencer - Books on Google Play.
      - Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Wall, William (1647-1728)
  - Walton's Polyglott p. 65, and De-Rossi on i. Chron. i. 17.; Brian Walton (bishop)
    - Brian Walton (1600-1661) / 18 titles, 23 vols. | PRDL (London Polyglot Bible)
    - From the Lowy Room: the magnificent 1657 Walton Polyglot Bible
      Library and Archives Canada Blog
  - Wetstein / Wettstein: Wetstein on Matthew viii, 28,
    - Johann Jakob Wettstein [1693-1754 A.D.]: Was a Swiss Theologian.
      Best Known as a New Testament Textual Scholar - Christian Publishing House Blog
  - Whiston, William; William Whiston (
LibriVox); Internet Archive: Digital Library
  - Whitby's Annot. on Luke xxiv. 1; and Berkel. on Step. Byzant.;
    - Daniel Whitby;
Daniel Whitby; #9 - Additional annotations to the New Testament; . . .
  - Wintle: Thomas Wintle, E. D.; Wintle's Dissert. on Daniel p. xxviii, and Notes p. 167.
    - Daniel, an Improved Version Attempted; with a Preliminary Dissertation,
      and Notes Critical, Historical, and Explanatory.
  - Woide: Dr. Woide.
    - Carl Gottfried Woide, Fellow of the Royal Society (F.R.S.)
  - Xenophon: Saocoras, is by Xenophon in his Anab. B. i. called Maska.
    - Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), MESOPOTA´MIA
    - Xenophon"s Anabasis and the Origin's of Military Autobiography
  - Yates, Mr. T., reads in Gen. xxv. 15; and thus the Malabaric Pentateuch collated by
    - Collation of an Indian copy of the Hebrew Pentateuch . . . and a notice of some others,
      (Hebrew and Syriac) collected by Claudius Buchanan, in the year 1806, . . . ;
      also a collation and description of a Ms. roll of the Book of Esther;
      and the Megillah of Ahasuerus, from the Hebrew copy originally extant
      in brazen tablets at Goa, on the Malabar Coast /
      with an English translation by Thomas Yeates | Yeates, Thomas, 1768-1839 . . .
      - Thomas Yeates (orientalist)
Yeates, Thomas (1768-1839) orientalist and biblical scholar
Yeates, Thomas, 1768-1839 | The Online Books Page
  - Zacuth / Zacuto: Hebrew book Sepher Juchasin,
    written by Rabbi Abraham ben Samuel Zacuth
    - Abraham Ben Samuel Zacuto - Society for Crypto-Judaic Studies
    - Book of Genealogies - “Sefer Yuhasin” (Heb. ספר יוחסין) by Abraham Zacuto
      Some of the Jewish writers say, also, that Noah had a fourth son named Yoniko.
      See Abraham ben Samuel Zacuth, in Sepher Juchasin, p. 135.
    - English Translation of Sefer Yahassin:
Sefer Yuḥasin
      Abraham Zacuto is renowned as an astronomer; tables were used by Columbus.
      Genealogies intended to outline the historical development of the Oral Law
      and to establish the chronology of the sages who had transmitted it.
Rabbi Abraham Zacuto - (1450-1515; 5210-5275) -
    - Zacuto, Abraham ben Samuel -
  - Aaron | Biblical High Priest & Brother of Moses | Britannica
    - Aaron, Brother of Moses:
Aaron [Research Note: An Aaronic Priest should
      not be confused with the
High Priest Office in the Melchizedek Priesthood.
John Taylor: The Priesthood, Its Organization, Etc. (Journal of Discourses)
Literal Descendants of Aaron and Bishops - LDS Scripture Teachings]
Abaddon | angel | Britannica
  - Abauzit: Firmin Abauzit | Philosopher, Scientist, Educator | Britannica
  - Abel | Cain’s Brother, First Martyr, Shepherd | Britannica
    - [Research Note: Abel /
Abel: Letter to the Church, circa March 1834, Page 143]
Abiathar | High Priest, David’s Court, Solomon’s Reign | Britannica
  - Abigail | Queen of Israel, Wife of David, Prophetess | Britannica
Abijah | King of Judah, Prophet, Priest | Britannica
  - Abraham - Genesis, Scholarship, Bible | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Book of Abraham and Egyptian Material.]
  - Acts of the Apostles | Summary & Facts | Britannica
Adonijah | Son of David, Crown Prince, Solomon’s Rival | Britannica
  - Adrat: Solomon ben Abraham Adret
    Talmudic scholar, halakhist, philosopher | Britannica
ʿAdullam | Canaanite, Judah, Cave | Britannica
  - Aelfric | Old English, Abbot, Monasticism | Britannica
  - Aelred: Saint Aelred of Rievaulx | 12th-century Abbot, Spiritual Writer | Britannica
  - Ahab | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Ahasuerus | Stories, Relationships, & Facts | Britannica
Ahaz | Reign of Terror, Idolatry, Hezekiah | Britannica
  - Aleni: Giulio Aleni | Jesuit missionary, China, Confucianism | Britannica
  - Alfasi: Isaac ben Jacob Alfasi | Sephardic rabbi, halakhist, codifier | Britannica
  - Ambrose Of Camaldoli | Monasticism, Hermits, Reformer | Britannica
  - American Bible Society
  - Amos | Hebrew Pro
phet, 8th Century BCE Prophet & Poet | Britannica
    - Book of Amos | Prophet Amos, Israelite History, Social Justice | Britannica
Andrew Of Caesarea | Greek Father, Cappadocian Father & Hymnographer | Britannica
  - Arabians: The Arabians say that Ishmael had a son called Thor, or Thour.
Arsenius the Great | Biography, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
Athaliah | Biblical Queen, Judah’s Reign, Jehoshabeath | Britannica
  - Babel: Tower of Babel | Story, Summary, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note:
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Tower of Babel" confirms,
    numerous times, such as in “Latter Day Saints,” 1844, Page 406, that "In this important
    and interesting book the history of ancient America is unfolded, from its first settlement
    (after the Great Flood of Noah), by a colony that came from the tower of Babel, at the
    confusion of languages, to the beginning of the fifth century of the Christian era."; all
    contrary to the false, unsubstantiated assertion in Britannica, that it was historical myth.]
  - Bar Salibi:
Jacob Bar Salibi | Biography & Facts | Britannica
  - Baruh: Raphael Baruh
Critica sacra examined: or, An attempt to show that a new method may be found
      to reconcile the seemingly glaring variations in parallel passages of Scripture.
      And that such variations, consequently, are no proofs of corruptions, or mistakes,
      of transcribers : Baruh, Raphael, d. 1800
inauthor:"Raphael Baruh"
The Beginnings of Anglo-Jewish Biblical Exegesis and Bible Translation on JSTOR
  - Bengelius in Gnom.,
    - A Memoir of the Life and Writings of John Albert Bengel
Bengel's Gnomon of the New Testament - Bible Commentaries -
    - Johann Albrecht Bengel, 1687-1752
  - Bible Research by Michael Marlowe: Early Printed Editions of the Hebrew Bible
  - Biblical Bibliographies: Index Page
Abbreviations of periodicals, series, reference works, and others
    - Pre-1800 commentaries on the whole Jewish Bible / Old Testament
Society of Biblical Literature Publications
Useful Links of Particular Interest for Biblical Research
  - Biblical literature | Definition, Types, Significance, Survey, & Development | Britannica
  - Biblical literature Facts | Britannica
    Related Content, Photos and Videos, Topics and References, Quizzes and Features.
Biblical literature - Hermeneutics, Interpretation, Exegesis | Britannica
    - Biblical literature - Exegesis, Hermeneutics, Criticism | Britannica
    - Hermeneutics | Definition, History, Principles, Examples, & Types | Britannica
    - SBL - Resources for Biblical Study
Biblical Studies - Oxford Bibliographies
Biblical translation | History, Challenges & Benefits | Britannica
  - Bibliography - Collection at
    XV. Scholars, Antiquaries and Bibliographers - Bibliography - I. Classical Scholars
    The classical scholars and archaeologists mentioned in this chapter are noticed by
    Sir John Edwin Sandys, in his History of Classical Scholarship. vol. II (Cambridge, 1908)
    C. XXIV, pp. 421-439, and vol. III (1908) C. XL, pp. 393-449; also in his Short History of
    Classical Scholarship (Cambridge, 1915), C. XXXV, pp. 273-7, and C. XLVIII, pp. 394-419.
    - John Sandys (classicist): Sir John Edwin Sandys
      Cross-discipline history: general interest | Cambridge University Press
      - Works by or about Sir John Edwin Sandys - Internet Archive
        - A history of classical scholarship : Sandys, John Edwin, 1844-1922
        - A short history of classical scholarship from the sixth century B.C.
          to the present day (1915) - Sandys, John Edwin, 1844-1922 - Internet Archive
        - - Sir John Edwin Sandys: Books
        - History of classical scholarship : from the sixth century B.C.
          to the end of the middle ages : Sandys, John Edwin, 1844-1922
    - Toup in his Emend. in Suid. P. III. p. 382, edit. Oxon.;
Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 / Toup, Jonathan
Jonathan Toup (1713-1785) / Toup, Jonathan Oannes, (1713-1785)
        philologist and classical editor | The National Archives
    - Tyrwhitt: Tyrwhitt on Orpheus De Lapid.
      - Thomas Tyrwhitt, 1730-1786
      - Thomas Tyrwhitt (Tyrwhitt, Thomas, 1730-1786) | The Online Books Page
British and Foreign Bible Society (BFBS) | Britannica
  - Bruce's Travels, Vol. II. p. 531
    - James Bruce - Historic UK, 1730-1794
    - The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Life and Adventures of Bruce,
      the African Traveller, by Major Sir Francis B. Head.
    - Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile
  - Brucioli: Antonio Brucioli
    Renaissance Translator, Bible Scholar & Latinist | Britannica
  - Buber: Martin Buber | Jewish Existentialist, Dialogical Philosopher | Britannica
  - Calvin: John Calvin
    Biography, Beliefs, Predestination, Writings, Reformation, & Facts | Britannica
    - John Calvin
  - Cappel: Louis Cappel | Reformation Scholar, Biblical Critic & Hebraist | Britannica
Cassiodorus | Roman Senator, 6th-century Italy | Britannica
  - Christians: Eastern Christians call her . . .
    - Christian Classics Ethereal Library
    - Christianity | Definition, Origin, History, Beliefs, Symbols, Types, & Facts | Britannica
      - Christianity:
Christian Denomination
List of Christian Denominations by Number of Members
      - The Only True and Living Church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        - Latter Day Saint Movement:
List of Denominations in the Latter Day Saint Movement
        - Search | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Search Tinney (example)
    - Internet Sacred Text Archive: Sacred-Texts ISTA - Internet Sacred Text Archive
Religious Denomination: Prevailing World Religions Map
      - Association of Religion Data Archives: World Religion Menu
World Religion Database
  - Comings's Answer to Kennicott's i. Dissert. p. 108.
    - Comings, Fowler, 1727 or 1728- | Wellcome Collection
Fowler Comings - Internet Archive
    - Fowler Comings (c.1727-) / 1 titles, 1 vols. | PRDL
Complutensian Polyglot Bible | Description, Languages, & Facts | Britannica
  - Coverdale:
Miles Coverdale | Reformer, Bible Translator, Tyndale | Britannica
  - Cyrillus adver. Julian. p. 134;a
    - Against the Galileans:
      Cyril of Alexandria and the Revival of Paganism in the Fourth Century.
      Against Julian by Cyril of Alexandria (d. 444) is a monumental refutation
      of the anti-Christian polemic composed by the emperor Julian in 362-363.
    - Saint Cyril of Alexandria
      Biography, Writings, Legacy, Feast Day, & Facts | Britannica
  - Daniel: The Book of Daniel
    Prophet Daniel, Babylonian Exile, Jewish History | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly suggests, "Because its religious ideas
    do not belong to the 6th century BC, numerous scholars date Daniel in the first
    half of the 2nd century BC"; and, continues the disparagement by suggesting
    falsely, that "The unknown author may have drawn inspiration from Ugaritic and
    Phoenician sources that speak of a legendary figure notable for his righteousness
    and wisdom." Daniel: Prophet of God, Companion of Kings (Daniel)]; in its Notes
    and Commentary on Daniel, presents a comprehensive evaluation of subject matter.
    That Daniel saw Adam, or the "Ancient of Days," and Also Christ Taking His Rightful
    Place as King over the Earth, completely repudiates any non Israelite sources.]
  - De La Mare: William De La Mare
    English Philosopher, Medieval Scholar & Theologian | Britannica
  - De Tott / Du Tott: Baron Du Tott, Vol. II. p. 64
inauthor:"François baron de Tott"
    - Memories of the Baron de Tott, on the Turks and the Tartars
  - Dead Sea Scrolls | Definition, Discovery, History, & Facts | Britannica
    - Dead Sea Scrolls
    - Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
    - The Dead Sea Scrolls | The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  - Deer: The Book of Deer
    Early Medieval, Monastic Manuscript, Pictish Script | Britannica
  - Des Maizeaux: Engl. edit. by Des Maizeaux;
    - Pierre des Maizeaux
  - Deuteronomy | Ancient Hebrew Law, Moses & Covenant | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly opines: "Although Deuteronomy is presented
    as an address by Moses, scholars generally agree that it dates from a much later
    period of Israelite history." However, the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. in review of
    the Bible, produced Old Testament Revision 2, Page 73; re: Deuteronomy, Ch. 34,
    mentioning: "So Mosses (sic) the Servant of the Lord died thare (sic) in the land
    of Moab, according to the word of the Lord. for the Lord took him unto his Fathers,
    in a valley in the land of Moab, over against . . . Bethpeor; therefore no man
    knoweth of his sepulchar (sic) unto this day." See: Historical Introduction.
    Note under the section Moses, that he did not physically die; he was translated,
    and taken out of the midst of the disobedient. rebellious House of Israel;
    which rebellion ultimately resulted in the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the Gentile population.]
  - Diodati:
Giovanni Diodati | Reformation, Bible Translation, Geneva | Britannica
  - Documents That Changed the World on Apple Podcasts
    - Annals of the World, 1650 | UW News
      Annals of the Old Testament, deduced from the first origins of the world,
      the chronicle of Asiatic and Egyptian matters together produced from the
      beginning of historical time up to the beginnings of Maccabees. Created by:
    - James Ussher | Church of Ireland, Archbishop of Armagh, Theologian | Britannica;
      1,300 page Annals of the World through close study of The Bible's
      Old Testament, as well as a wide range of more secular histories.
    - The annals of the world deduced from the origin of time, and continued
      to the beginning of the Emperour Vespasians reign, and the totall destruction
      and abolition of the temple and common-wealth of the Jews : containing
      the historie of the Old and New Testament, with that of the Macchabees,
      also the most memorable affairs of Asia and Egypt, and the rise of the empire
      of the Roman Caesars under C. Julius, and Octavianus : collected from all history,
      as well sacred, as prophane, and methodically digested / by ... James Ussher ...
    - Works by or about James Ussher, 1581-1656; Internet Archive
Douai-Reims Bible | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
  - du Fresne, sieur du Cange: Edit. Du Cange; Charles Dufresne
    - Charles du Fresne, sieur du Cange
      Du Cange is one of the historians that
Edward Gibbon cites;
      "our sure and indefatigable guide in the Middle Ages and Byzantine history".
  - Early editions of the Hebrew Bible: Great Bibles - Judaic Treasures
    - Footprints: Written Work Bible. Early Prophets. Commentary (Radak & Gersonides)
      - In The Footprints of the Prophets:
        Hebrew Incunabula from the Duke of Sussex’s Library | Bibliomania.
    - Hebrew incunabula
Hebrew Manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries
    - Hooght, Everadus van der, 1642?-1716 - Internet Archive;
      Van der Hooght, in his edition of the Hebrew Bible . . .
      - Everardus van der Hooght (1642-1716),
        the Last of the Christian Hebraists in the Dutch Republic on JSTOR
Hooght, Everardus van der, 1642?-1716 | The Online Books Page
Soncino: a name linked to printing for five centuries -
Soncino -
Soncino family; consider Prophet. Soncin. printed in 1486,;
    - The First Printed Haggadah,
      of which Only Two Copies Survived : History of Information
    - The Soncinos – j-Italy
  - Earth and World: Earth - Planet, Atmosphere, Geology | Britannica
Earth sciences - Prehistoric, Origins, Geology | Britannica
    [Research Note: The world and earth are not synonymous terms. (The commentaries
    by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., are a complete repudiation of modern science. . . .)
    The world is the human family. This earth was organized or formed out of other
    planets which were broke up and remodelled (sic) and made into the one on which
    we live (i.e., unorganized, pulverized elements). The elements are eternal. That which
    has a beginning . . . will surely have an end. Take a ring, it is without beginning or
    end; cut it for a beginning place, and at the same time you will have an ending place.
    A key, every principle proceeding from God is eternal, and any principle which is not
    eternal is of the Devil. The sun has no beginning or end, the rays which proceed from
    himself (the Sun) have no bounds, consequently are eternal (i.e., a Celestial Planet,
    or glorified, eternal Star). So it is with God. If the soul of man had a beginning it will
    surely have an end. In the translation; "without form and void" it should read "empty
    and desolate" The word "created" should be formed or organized. . . . Observations
    on the Sectarian God. That which is without body or parts is nothing. There is no other
    God in heaven but that God who has flesh and bones (in a Celestial state of being).
    . . .
The great principle of happiness consists in having a body. . . . All beings who
    have bodies have power over those who have not. . . . This earth will be rolled back
    into the presence of God and crowned with Celestial Glory (i.e., become like our Sun).
    Discourse, 5 January 1841, as Reported by William Clayton, Page 4]
  - Eichrodt:
Walther Eichrodt | Old Testament, Theology, Exegesis | Britannica
Elijah | Biography, Name, Meaning, Story, & Elisha | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Power to Seal on Earth and in Heaven "The spirit, power, and calling
    of Elijah is, that ye have power to hold the key of the revelation, ordinances, oracles,
    powers and endowments of the fullness of the Melchizedek Priesthood and of the
    kingdom of God on the earth; and to receive, obtain, and perform all the ordinances
    belonging to the kingdom of God, even unto the turning of the hearts of the fathers
    unto the children, and hearts of the children unto the fathers, even those who are
    in heaven" (History of the Church 6:251; spelling modernized).
. . . "This is the spirit
    of Elijah, that we redeem our dead (through properly authorized Latter-day Saint
    Temple ordinance work), and connect ourselves with our fathers which are in heaven
    (deceased), and seal up our dead to come forth in the first resurrection; and here
    we want the power of Elijah to seal those who dwell on earth to those who dwell
    in heaven" (History of the Church, 6:252).]
  - Eliot: John Eliot | Puritan, Massachusetts, Algonquian | Britannica
Puritan John Eliot translated The 1661-1685 Eliot Bible
      The First Bible Printed in America
English Bible History: Timeline of How We Got the English Bible
    - The English Bible in the Early Modern World | Brill
      - Contents in: The English Bible in the Early Modern World
Index in: The English Bible in the Early Modern World
Emser: Hieronymus Emser | Reformer, Humanist, Scholar | Britannica
Erasmus | Biography, Beliefs, Works, Books, & Facts | Britannica
  - Fall of Man | Bible, Painting, Genesis, & Dürer | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica's complete chronological distortion of record sources,
    using fabricated, incorrect reconstructions of ancient data sets, contrary to  various
    theologically established narratives; provided by First President Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; Prophet, Seer, Revelator, Translator.
    - Fall of Man: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Fall of Man"
      - Discourse, 5 February 1840, Page 1; with
Historical Introduction
    - Lectures on Faith: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Lectures on Faith";
      the lectures can be considered Joseph Smith documents in the sense that he and
      other members of the church presidency introduced them in a signed preface as
      being among "the leading items of the religion which we have professed to believe."]
  - Faxard Marquis of Valez (sic) Velez collated sixteen manuscripts,
    eight of which he borrowed from the King of Spain's library.; Peter Faxard
    - The North American Review - The Text of the New Testament
  - Fuller: See Fuller's Miscell. Sacra. Lib. iii. c. 13, in the IX. Vol. of Critic. sacr. col. 2320;
Nicholas Fuller
  - Gabriel | Definition & Feast Day | Britannica
    [Research Note: Fact checked as:
The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Gabriel.
    And the voice of Michael the Archangel, the voice of Gabriel, and of Raphael,
    and of divers Angels from Michael or Adam, down to the present time; . . .
    Then to Noah who is Gabriel he stands next in authority to Adam in the priesthood.]
  - Genesis | Creation, Covenant & Patriarchs | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly states "The patriarchal history begins
    with the divine promise to Abraham that "I will make of you a great nation".
Glossary Patriarchal Priesthood | correctly notes The right of dominion
    over the creation belonged to God. God gave that right (first) to Adam and Eve. . . .
    It is the right to hold dominion over the world as the steward, (Keys of the Universe), (as)
    father, or patriarch over all creation; walking in the similitude of our Lord Jesus Christ.]
Genesis Rabbah | Midrash, Aggadah, Parables | Britannica
  - Geneva Bible | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
  - Gerard's Institutes of Bibl. Critic. p. 254.
  - Gerhard: Johann Gerhard | Lutheran Reformer, Theologian & Writer | Britannica
  - Gesner: Gesner's Note on the Fragm. of Orpheus p. 361.
    - Gesner, Johann Matthias:
      Novus Linguae Et Eruditionis Romanae Thesaurus. - Leipzig, 1749.
inauthor:"Johann Matthias Gesner"
    - Johann Matthias Gesner, 1691-1761
    - The Mystical Hymns of Orpheus
Gideons International | Christian Ministry, Bible Distribution, Evangelism | Britannica
  - Gloss. Gr.;
  - Goodspeed:
Edgar J. Goodspeed | Translator, Translations, Bible | Britannica
  - Gutenberg Bible | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
    - 7 Things You May Not Know About the Gutenberg Bible | History
The Gutenberg Bible - Harry Ransom Center Digital Collections
    - The Gutenberg Bible - Library of Congress Bible Collection
      Exhibitions - Library of Congress
    - The Morgan Gutenberg Bible Online
      The Morgan Library & Museum Online Exhibitions
Hebrew literature | History, Characteristics, Books, Writers, & Facts | Britannica
  - Hengstenberg: Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg
    Reformation, Biblical Criticism & Exegesis | Britannica
Hexapla | Septuagint, Origen, Bible | Britannica
  - Hodius / Hody: De Bibliorum Texibus Originalibus; Hodius De Bibl. Text. Orig. p. 114
    - Humphrey Hody
    - Works by or about Humphrey Hody - Internet Archive
      Includes [De bibliorum textibus originalibus], Humfredi Hodii
  - Hort: Fenton J. A. Hort | New Testament, Theology, Anglican | Britannica
  - Howel's History, and Patrick's Commentary, that . . .
Hugh of Saint-Cher | Facts, Writings, & Biography | Britannica
  - Ibbetson in his Note on Josephus Jew. Ant. B. xx. c. i. Sect 2.p. 957;
    Ibbetson's Note on Josephus Tom. I. p. 944, edit. Havercamp.
  - ibn Tibbon: Moses ben Samuel ibn Tibbon
    Hebrew Scholar, Translator & Philosopher | Britannica
Ibrāhīm al-Ḥāqilānī | Islamic Scholar, Scholar of Hadith | Britannica
  - Isaac: Saint Isaac the Great | Biography, Feast Day, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
  - Isaiah: Book of Isaiah | Prophecy, Messianic Hope & Historical Context | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica improperly divides the writings of Isaiah into two areas
    of authorship, ignoring other resources presenting findings on
Understanding Isaiah.
    As mentioned, Nephi taught that the words of Isaiah "are plain unto all those that
    are filled with the spirit of prophecy". The Book of Mormon prophet Nephi further
    stated concerning Joseph, son of Jacob, that "He truly prophesied concerning all
    his seed. And the prophecies which he wrote, there are not many greater." So this
    resolves all problems. The Book of Mormon is true, because it is not restricted by
    time considerations; meaning events going forward for generations of time, are
    known and can be spoken of, as if occurring within the present generation, of living
    prophets, seers, and revelators; such as Joseph of Egypt speaking in future times,
    of the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by his descendants Joseph, father and
    son, or Joseph Smith, Sr. and Joseph Smith, Jr.; which only the faithful comprehend.
    This same power of belief, founded upon a perfect faith in Jesus Christ, grants a JST
    Genesis 50 translation, to be valid, when ancient Joseph prophesied the bondage of
    his father's family in Egypt and their eventual deliverance by Moses, and specifically
    names him and his brother, Aaron. Moses was to deliver Israel from Egypt, have
    power over the Red Sea, receive commandments from God, and be assisted by
    Aaron as his spokesman. This belief system is grounded in the spirit of prophecy.]
  - Jablonski: and particularly the Glossarium P. E. Jablonskii Voc. AEgypt. p. cclii. &c.,
    [P. E. Jablonski, who stressed the fact that the Gnostics liked to represent, Christ
    as the Sun (god). From:
Three Elusive Amulets on JSTOR];
The risen Christ is our SUN - Wijngaards Institute for Catholic Research].
    A Gnostic letter of around 200 AD states that resurrection is real for us Christians,
    because we 'possess' resurrection. "Resurrection of the spirit", it says, "swallows
    resurrection of the psyche and resurrection of the flesh". It then describes resurrection
    of the spirit as "being drawn upward by God as rays are drawn by the sun". [Research
    Note: A partial "resurrection" is described in the Book of Mormon, in the distinct case
    of Three Nephites. In the Book of Mormon, the Three Nephites (also known as the
Three Nephite Disciples) are three Nephite disciples of Jesus who were blessed by
    Jesus to remain alive on the earth, engaged in the ministry and in their apostolic
    callings until his Second Coming. As described in Third Nephi chapter 28, this change
    occurred when they were caught up into heaven. Similar to Mormon beliefs about
the Apostle. Three Nephites were granted immortality in order to carry out their
    ministering work on the earth . . . they can show themselves unto whatsoever person
    or people they choose. Wikipedia falsely denigrates these facts as "Mormon folklore".]
ADB:Jablonski, Paul Ernst - Wikisource
    - Coptic manuscripts of Paul Ernest Jablonski - Archives Hub
Jablonski, Paul Ernst, 1693-1757 | The Online Books Page
    - OCLC Classify -- an Experimental Classification Service - Paul Ernst Jablonski
    - Paul Ernst Jablonski
  - Jason of Cyrene: Jason of Cyrene
  - Job: The Book of Job | Biblical Text and Themes | Britannica
    [Research Note: Fact check: Britannica incorrectly states "The poetic disputations
    are set within the prose framework of an ancient legend that originated outside Israel.
    This legend concerns Job, . . ." See: Doctrine and Covenants 121: 10 "Thou art not yet
    as Job; thy friends do not contend against thee, neither charge thee with transgression,
    as they did Job." The Lord God Jehovah, or Jesus Christ, validates by His statements,
    to Joseph Smith, Jr., in the jail at Liberty, Missouri, that Job is connected to Israel.]
  - John: Saint John the Apostle
    Biography, Facts, Feast Day, Writings, & Death | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
John.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms John as a historical person. The JST title is: "The Testimony of St. John".
    It invalidates Britannica's false assertion that John's subsequent history is obscure
    and passes into the uncertain mists of legend; etc.. John is mentioned frequently
    in latter-day revelation . . . passages serve to confirm and to clarify the biblical record
    of John and also give us a hint as to his greatness and the importance of the work
    the Lord has given him to do on the earth, not only in the time of the New Testament,
    but also in the last days. We especially have a clarification . . . ascertaining that John
    did not die but has been allowed to remain on the earth as a ministering servant
    until the time of the Lord's Second Coming . . . .]
  - Joseph: Book of Joseph / Book of Joseph / Joseph, Son of Jacob
    - Joseph foretold of a latter-day seer - Church News
    - Joseph Smith and Ancient Egypt | Religious Studies Center
    - Joseph Smith Papyri
    - Joseph Smith’s Biblical View of Egypt | Religious Studies Center
    - Patriarchal Era: Joseph in Egypt - Part I /
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
    - The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Joseph in Egypt
The Joseph Smith Papyri and the Writings of Joseph of Egypt on JSTOR
    - Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham: Book of Abraham Translation
Book of Abraham and Egyptian Material
Joshua | Conquest of Canaan, Military Leader, Miracle of Jericho | Britannica
    - [Research Note: Britannica incorrectly asserts that Joshua, the leader of the Israelite
      tribes after the death of Moses.
Moses did not physically die; he was translated,
      and taken out of the midst of the disobedient. rebellious House of Israel;
      which rebellion ultimately resulted in the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ,
      and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the Gentile population.
      Elijah, Moses + 6 More Times People Were Translated by God - LDS Living.]
Josiah | Reformation, Covenant & Prophets | Britannica
  - Jud:
Leo Jud | Reformation, Zurich, Theology | Britannica
Judah ha-Nasi | Jewish Patriarch, Talmudic Scholar | Britannica
Judaism | Definition, Origin, History, Beliefs, & Facts | Britannica
  - Judson: Adoniram Judson | Burma, Baptist, Conversion | Britannica
  - Kanzō: Uchimura Kanzō | Meiji period, Christian faith, pacifism | Britannica
  - Knox: John Knox | Scottish Reformer & Father of Presbyterianism | Britannica
Works by or about John Knox -Internet Archive
Knox: Ronald Knox | Anglican Priest, Catholic Convert, Writer | Britannica
  - Laban: The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for Brass Plates of Laban
Laban, Keeper of the Brass Plates: Brass Plates
    - Search for Brass Plates of Laban | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  - Lagrange: Marie-Joseph Lagrange
    Biblical Scholar, Scholarly Writings, Catholic Church | Britannica
  - Leclerc: Jean Leclerc | French, Historian, Theologian | Britannica
    [Research Note: Britannica describes His views on the Scriptures included
    the denial of Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch as well as of the divine
    inspiration of Ecclesiastes, Job, Proverbs, and the Song of Solomon. Compare:
    Is the Song of Solomon Scripture? - BYU Studies . . . In July 1832, during his divinely
    directed efforts to provide inspired revisions to the biblical text (now called the
    Joseph Smith Translation, JST, Joseph Smith claimed, "The Songs of Solomon
    are not inspired writings (sic)."
The Book of Moses confirms the authorship of Moses.]
  - Lefèvre: Jacques Lefèvre d’Étaples
    French Humanist, Theologian & Bible Translator | Britannica
  - List of Biblical Commentaries
    - Cornelius a Lapide: Biblical Commentary of Cornelius ἁ Lapide
  - Lloyd: Bishop Lloyd contends, that Obed was the grandfather . . .
    - Lloyd, William (1627 - 1717),
      Bishop of St Asaph (1680-1692) | Dictionary of Welsh Biography
    - William Lloyd (Bishop of Worcester), 1627-1717
  - Luke:
Saint Luke | Biography, Feast Day, Patron Saint Of, Facts, & History | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
Luke.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms Luke as a historical person. The JST title is: "The Testimony of St. Luke".
    It invalidates Britannica's false insinuation, concerning "If Luke was the author of
    the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles", as being a quite spurious statement.]
  - Luther: Martin Luther | Biography,
    Reformation, Accomplishments, Quotes, & Facts | Britannica
    - Luther Bible: Luther Bible - Internet Archive
Martin Luther: Martin Luther bibliography
    - Temple Work for the Founding Fathers . . . and other Eminent Men and Women
      . . . Martin Luther and John Wesley helped to release the people from religious
      bondage that held them during the dark ages. They also prepared the people's
      hearts so they would be ready to receive the restored gospel when the Lord
      sent it again to men on the earth.
James Godson Bleak - Chief Recorder, SGEOR.
  - Lyra's opinion is, that there were three successive generations . . .
    - Nicholas of Lyra
    - Nicholas Of Lyra | Medieval Theologian, Exegete, Commentator | Britannica
  - Mahonri Moriancumer | Book of Mormon Central: Chapter 50: Ether 1–5
    - Family Genealogy and History Internet Education Directory - Wiki - Posts | Facebook
      Pure Genealogy in The Body of Christ - Family Genealogy & History Book of Life.
    - The meaning of the name Mahonri Moriancumer
      General Discussions - Mormon Dialogue and Discussion Board.
  - Maimonides: Moses Maimonides | Biography, Philosophy, & Teachings | Britannica
  - Malachi: The Book of Malachi | Summary & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note:
Malachi and Moroni said Elijah would come - Church News; see also:
Why Did Moroni Quote Malachi about Elijah’s Coming? | Book of Mormon Central.
    These additional resources indicate that Malachi was not an unknown author, as
    suggested in Britannica; but that indeed, he was the Prophet Malachi; since he was
    quoted by both the
Messiah Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon Prophet, Moroni.]
  - Marianna; Mariana; I suppose with Piscator, Mariana, Houbigant and others;
    the opinion of Tirinus and Mariana; Tyrinus: Tyrinus, quoted by Poole
Biblia Sacra Vulgatae Editionis Sixti V. Pontificis Maximi iussu recognita.
      et Clementis VIII. auctoritate edita |
Juan de Mariana
    - Tirinus, Jacobus, (S.I.), 1580-1636 | The Online Books Page;
au="Tirinus, Jacobus" - Search Results
  - Mark: Gospel According to Mark | Description, Authorship, & Facts | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
Mark.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms Mark as a historical person. The JST title is: "The Testimony of St. Mark".
    It invalidates Britannica's false assertion of some scholars, concerning authorship.]
  - Markland and Bp. Barrington on the same place;
  - Marnix: Philips van Marnix, Heer Van Sint Aldegonde
    Facts, Biography, & Psalms | Britannica
  - Martin: Gregory Martin | Biography, Legacy, & Facts | Britannica
  - Martyr: unless, with Pet. Martyr, we suppose this Pillar to have been erected . . .
    - Martyr, Peter - Biblical Cyclopedia
Masoretic text | Hebrew Bible, Tanakh, Rabbinic Commentary | Britannica
  - Matthew: Saint Matthew | History, Facts, Feast Day, & Death | Britannica
    [Research Note: The
Matthew.pdf translation, by the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
    confirms Matthew as a historical person. The JST
title is: "The Testimony of St. Matthew".
    It invalidates Britannica's false assertion that Matthew's authorship is seriously doubted.]
  - Maximus The Greek | Byzantine Scholar, Monk & Humanist | Britannica