Winona Hannah (Quibell) Baker POETRY
Written throughout the lifetime of the mother of Vicki Rae Chris (Baker) Tinney

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45           New Testament Tells

The New Testament tells of Jesus Christ
Of his brief sojourn here on earth,
Of the events leading to His crucifixion
And the happenings of His humble birth.

It tells of His baptism by immersion
How He chose twelve good men to follow Him,
How He healed the sick, performed miracles
And gave a goal for each of us to win.

He came to do the work of His Father
Setting the will of each one free,
To choose whatever life they sought
Offered the plan for you and for me.

After the ascension of Jesus, the apostles
Carried on, led by Peter, James and John,
Jesus had schooled them in their mission
For the work of God must go on.

The apostles healed the sick and administered
Which the Savior had taught them to do,
In the holy Name of Jesus Christ
They managed to carry through.

The New Testament tells of the revelations
Of events passed and those which are yet to be,
Gives the outlines for eternal progression,
In the realms of God's eternity.
        Nona Hansen Baker

46           God's Holy Son

Job had said, "I know that my Redeemer liveth
And shall stand at the latter day upon the earth,"
Many prophets, after Job, had prophesied
Of Jesus, and His humble birth.
What a price the Savior would pay
So the work of God would be done,
They knew the burdens of sin would rest
On the shoulders of "He who is to come."
Gabriel had announced to Mary
That she was the chosen one,
To become the mother
Of God's Only Begotten Son.
            Nona Hansen Baker

47           Jesus Christ

Jesus the Christ
The Son of God,
Employed God's laws
In each path He trod.
Born in the town
Of Bethlehem,
He brought peace of mind,
Good will to men.
He was the King
Of whom prophets spoke,
And lived in the time
Of the Roman yoke.
     Nona Hansen Baker

48           Life of Christ

Much of the life of Christ is unknown
He lived under Herod, called Nazareth his home,
The story is told of His humble birth
Of the angels who sang when He came to earth;
Of the shepherds and wise men who traveled afar
Who were guided to Christ by an eastern star;
Of the journey to Egypt during the night
Of the warning from God to take such a flight,
Of the prophecy concerning the Holy One,
"Out of Egypt I have called my Son."
The feast of the Passover found them again
In the Temple of God in Jerusalem.
        Nona Hansen Baker

49           A Boy's Wonderment

I wonder if Jesus ran in the hills
Or out in the meadows to play,
I wonder if He knelt at Mary's knees
in the evenings to pray.

I wonder if He had a small dog
Who came when He whistled or called,
Or if He ever had a kitten
Which He fussed over and mauled.

I wonder if He had some playmates
Who shared His gladness and joy,
I wonder what Jesus was really like
When He was a little boy.

I often think that He was like me
Except so much better, I guess,
I think He had moments of sorrow
And hours of happiness.

I think that Joseph and Mary
Helped Him each long day through,
I think He played like my friends and I
And was very much like us, don't you?
              Nona Hansen Baker

50           John the Baptist

John the Baptist and Jesus were cousins
Events of their childhood were unknown,
Did they visit each other as children
Or did each of them grow up alone?

John baptized Jesus by immersion
He knew that Jesus was God's Son,
He witnessed the Father's approval
The will of God was done.

John was fearless in his preaching
He spoke against a sinful life,
He spoke against Herod and Herodias
Herod had taken his brother's wife.

At Herod's birthday party Salome danced
"I will give a gift to you," Herod said,
Salome conferred with her Mother Herodias
Then told Herod, "I want the Baptist's head."

John the Baptist was murdered
He exemplified all lives to be,
He will be loved and remembered
Through all eternity.
              Nona Hansen Baker

51           Temptation

After Jesus came to John
To be baptized of him,
The Spirit of God led Jesus away
To be tempted by Satan with sin.
"Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God
Only Him shalt thou serve . . ."
No amount of temptation
From this desire would swerve
Jesus, God's Son who was tempted
For forty nights and days,
Jesus knew which path to take,
For God had shown Him the way.
"If thou be the Christ command
These stones be turned at once into bread."
Jesus did not waver
But looked upon Satan and said,
"Man shall not live by bread alone
In the paths that he must trod
but by the words that proceedeth
Out of the mouth of God.
Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God
Get thee hence away
For thou shalt worship only God
All along life's way."
     Nona Hansen Baker

52           The Two and the Ten

The Two Commandments Jesus gave us
Could not and do not replace the Ten,
They help us to better live the laws
In our dealings with women and men.

We should never put the earthly things
Before our Heavenly Father above,
For He is the Great Provider
Of what we have here to love.

All the people who are around us
Deserve our loving care,
Kindness is a God-given virtue
There is so much we should share.

Understanding and forgiveness
As we live from day to day,
Sharing each other's burdens
Will brighten life's highway.

Integrity, honesty and honor
Should in each life play a roll,
Goodness, mercy and the love of God
Brings gladness to every soul.

In keeping these Two Commandments
Will help us keep the Ten,
They are heavenly guideposts
Returning us to God once again.
         Nona Hansen Baker

53           The Ten and the Beatitudes

The Ten Commandments are the laws
Which tells us what not to do,
The Beatitudes tells us of blessings
To guide us our lives through.

The Ten say "thou shalt not"
The Beatitudes say "Blessed are they,"
To tell us to heed God's instructions
To Guide us through life's way.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, the merciful
The pure in heart and those who mourn,"
God really set the guideposts
For us, the helpless and forlorn.

Such wisdom in these guided thoughts
The Commandments and blessings will give,
Such a helpful, beautiful way
To teach us how to live.
       Nona Hansen Baker

54           A Prayer

Our Father, which art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy Name, Blessed be the merciful,
The penitent souls of shame,
Thy kingdom come in glory
Thy will be done this day,
Help us bring all righteousness
Here on earth to stay.
Give to us, our daily bread
But let us earn our keep,
For idle hands can never know
The fruits of labor sweet.
And we pray Thou wilt forgive
As we forgive all others,
Help us Lord that we may ever
Love our debtors as our brothers.
       Nona Hansen Baker

55           The Twelve

Simon, whom Jesus called Peter,
James and John, sons of Zebedee
Heard the voice of Jesus
And left their nets by the sea.

Andrew, brother of Peter,
Philip and Bartholomew,
James the son of Alphaeus
Were among the chosen few.

Thaddaeus and Simon the Cananaean
Judas, Thomas and Matthew
Were also chosen by the Master
For this marvelous work to do.

They were sent to preach to the people
"Unto all that you see,
For My teachings show the way
To the realms of eternity."
       Nona Hansen Baker

56           Jesus Spoke in Parables

Jesus spoke in parables
When the opposition was strong,
There were critics who tried to find
Some reason to prove Him wrong.

He gave such beautiful examples
In the forgiving father of the Prodigal Son,
Gave forth magnificent teachings
There was so much to be done.

He gave wonderful examples
In each parable that He told,
The Lost Coin and the Good Shepherd
Bringing lost ones back to the fold.

He taught brotherly love and compassion
And forgiveness one to another,
One fold and He was the Good Shepherd
And we are sisters and brothers.
                   Nona Hansen Baker

57           Ten Lepers

Ten lepers came unto Jesus
"Heal us, Oh Master we pray,"
Knowing their pleas would be answered
Each of them hurried away.

One of them so very grateful
Returned to thank Jesus again,
The others rejoicing good fortune
Forgot -------- such ungrateful men.

In living the blessings God gives us
Do you give God part of your time,
Are you like the one grateful leper
Or are you like one of the nine?
           Nona Hansen Baker

58           The Lepers

The lepers came unto Jesus
"Jesus, thou Master of men,
Have mercy on us, we pray thee
Make us be clean once again."

They must have heard wondrous stories
Of the miracles Jesus had done,
He sent them for the priests to see
And healed them, everyone.

The lepers started away and then
Saw their affliction was gone,
One of them went back to Jesus
The other nine hurried on.
           Nona Hansen Baker

59           Prodigal Son

The youngest of two sons, asked his father
For his inheritance and went on his way,
He wanted to see what the world was like
And he wasted himself and his days.

He spent his time in riotous living
His gratitude for his parents was gone,
Wasting his strength, mind and body
His days and nights of evil went on and on.

Adversity came upon him and he was
Reduced to the lowest of the low,
He herded and ate with the pigs
Such poverty he came to know.

He was the son of honorable parents
But now the product of evil and sin,
He would willingly become his father's servant
If his father would let him in.

His father welcomed him and prepared
A great feast in his honor and more,
He forgave his remorseful and repentant son
Such blessing he wanted to pour.

The older son resented this feasting
For he had been the devoted son,
He had always honored his parents
Now they were honoring the wayward one.

The older son had always been honored
Appreciation had always been there,
But the one who was lost was found again
It was a joy the older could share.
       Nona Hansen Baker

60           Good Samaritan

Jesus told a parable of a man
Who fell among thieves one day,
They robbed, beat him and left him to die
And they went on their way.

A priest and a Levite saw the wounded man
And passed to the other side,
The should have stopped to offer aid
Compassion to the man was denied.

Then a Samaritan journeyed there
He had a compassionate soul,
He tended to the stranger's wounds
Doing good seemed to be his goal.

He used his beast to take the man
To an inn where he could stay,
He paid for the care of the wounded man
Offered more when he came back that way.

Compassion . . . brotherly love . . . good deeds
We find them needed today,
If you found someone hurt like this,
Would you stop . . . or hurry away?
         Nona Hansen Baker

61           Two Prayers

Two men, one a sinner
Came forth to pray
In the Temple of God
At the close of the day.
The sinner was reverent
Humbled and bowed;
The other stood stately
Majestic and proud:
Looking towards heaven
His virtues he told
" . . . and God I am worth
Twice my weight in gold.
I pay my full tithes
I'm respected of men
I thank Thee because
I am better than them."
The other was kneeling
And thinking of Him
He smote his breast saying:
"Forgive me, I sin."
     Nona Hansen Baker

62           The Rock

The rock which Jesus spoke of
Was not the rock upon the man,
It was the "rock of revelation"
For this was in God's plan.

To build His Church through revelation
Not by ideas man could devise,
It would not be one of convenience
Or made up of man-made lies.

It would be of the Savior's teachings
Which should be taught within the home,
To honor God all seven days
So we would not walk alone.

It was to be a Church of faithfulness
For this was in God's plan:
"To bring to pass eternal life
And the immortality of man."
          Nona Hansen Baker

63           Peter

Jesus loved the Apostle Peter
But Peter often made mistakes,
He denied Jesus three times one night
When he felt his life was at stake.

Sometimes Peter was rebuked
For the things that he would say,
He fell asleep at Gethsemane
When Jesus had gone there to pray.

Jesus gave Peter the keys to His kingdom
He was the chosen one,
He, James and John accepted their call
Their ministries had begun.

Peter had tried to defend Jesus
When the mob came to take Him away,
He knew Jesus was the Christ
And the part that He would play.
Peter saw a beggar at Gate Beautiful
Perhaps he had come there to talk,
Among the things Peter told him was:
"Take up your bed and walk."

Peter, James and John would know hardships
In the future paths they would trod,
But their testimonies were firm knowing
That Jesus was the Son of God.
               Nona Hansen Baker

64           Miracles

The lame walked, the blind could see
Lazarus was raised from the dead,
These were among the miracles
Wrought through the words Jesus said.

He walked among the people
Doing good along the way,
He healed the sick, gave blessings
To the people every day.

He taught many parables
He taught us how to pray,
He showed such compassion
In the words that He would say.

He did the work His Father
Sent Him here to do,
He taught to forgive and forget
He exemplified life through.

Jesus Christ came to earth
Where His life He freely gave,
So there would be eternal life
Beyond an earthly grave.
       Nona Hansen Baker

65           How Dear Were the Sheep

How dear were the sheep to Jesus
In the parable that He told,
How great His concern for the lost one
Which wandered away from the fold.

How deep was the love of Jesus
And still the same today,
How much His heart is troubled
For those who go astray.

How great will be the blessings
In the Scriptures we are told,
If we bring some wayward sheep
Back into His fold.
          Nona Hansen Baker

66           The Lambs Will Follow

They say that the lambs will follow
The sheep wherever they go,
Through a blossomed valley
Or a prairie deep with snow.

The Little lambs will follow
The sheep they love today,
Would you be the one to lead
These little lambs astray?
     Nona Hansen Baker

67           Mary Magdalene

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that
Mary Magdalene was ever a woman of sin,
Jesus cast seven devils from her
She was forever devoted to Him.

She was a very close friend of Jesus
Among the women of that day,
She was a follower of His teachings
And sought to walk in His way.

There is no mention of her being sinful
Or was the repentant sinner who came,
To minister to Jesus at the Pharisee table
Or that immorality had been her game.

Perhaps some Bible scholars sought to group
All of the Marys of that day,
Because she had seven devils cast out of her
They grouped her in this sinful way.

Mary Magdalene had been a devoted friend
Bereaved as she stayed by His cross,
She was at the sepulcher resurrection morning
Expressing her sorrow and loss.

She was the first to see and recognize Jesus
Risen . . . . . . such gladness this did bring,
To look upon the risen Lord
As her friend . . . her Savior and King.
        Nona Hansen Baker

68           The Temple

The Temple of God in Jerusalem
Was a beautiful place to see,
Was used as a market place
By the scribes and the Pharisees.
Money changers, greedy for gold,
Set up the stands to gain
What they could from those
Who paid homage to God's name.
The birds and animals were sold
For profits quite unfair,
It was just a scheme to take
From those who worshiped there.
Jesus came to worship
And angrily He said,
"My Father's house, a Temple
Is a den of thieves instead."
Turning over tables,
Spilling money on the floor,
He seized a whip and drove them
From the temple door.
    Nona Hansen Baker

69           Bread of Life

"I am the bread of life," Jesus said.
"But ye seek me for the loaves instead,
He that cometh unto me
Shall be filled for all eternity.
He that believeth shall thirst not
And follows the teachings I have taught,
Who cometh to me and will believe,
I will not cast out, but will receive.
I come not My will to do
But My Father's work to carry through,
And those who believe in Me
I will raise him to live through eternity."
       Nona Hansen Baker

70           Judas

There had to be a Judas
To betray the son of Man,
There had to be a Judas
For this was in God's plan.

The death of Jesus did not come
Merely by some chance,
This plan of life was far more
Than some slight circumstance.

All was planned before this time
Before the Christ had come,
The Father knew so well the task
He gave unto His Son.

Jesus, too, knew the path
Which before Him lay,
He knew the work set out for Him
The part He had to play.

Jesus was to be betrayed
This was in God's plan,
There had to be a Judas
To betray the Son of Man.
           Nona Hansen Baker

71           The Crucifixion

Jesus and two malefactors
Were taken to Calvary,
The mob scourged them and then
They crucified the three.
The Scribes and rulers asked Him
"If thou be the Christ, then why
Are you willing to hang there
To suffer thus and die?"
One of the thieves beside Him
Entered a strident plea:
"If thou art the Christ, save us,
My friend, thyself and me."
The other thief rebuking said,
"This man has done nothing amiss
To have to meet such an end,
To suffer and die like this.
We are in condemnation
My heart is filled with grief,
I ask, Dear Lord, remember me
Pleaded the other dying thief."
Christ looked upon the people
Upon the friends there few,
Asking for the Roman soldiers,
"Father forgive them,
They know not what they do."
He listened to the dying thieves
The plea that each man gave,
The other had asked for remembrance,
The first sought to be earthly saved.
Christ's heart was filled with pity
And looked into the other man's eyes,
He promised him "Today thou shalt be
With me in paradise."
            Nona Hansen Baker

72           Thomas

The apostles of Jesus told Thomas
That Jesus rose from the dead,
"I will not believe unless I see
And feel His wounds," Thomas said.

Later, Jesus came once again
To the room where the apostles met,
The feeling of love and devotion
Was such they would never forget.

Jesus told Thomas to feel His wounds
Proving that He was no fraud,
Thomas felt the wounds exclaiming:
"My Lord and My God."

Thomas had seen and then believed
Then Jesus said, "Blessed are they
Which have not seen, yet believe."
This message still lives today.
        Nona Hansen Baker

73           John the Beloved

John the Beloved said to Jesus one day:
"Lord, give unto me power over death,
that I may live and bring souls unto thee."
The other apostles scoffed at this idea
For they too had walked in God's way.

"What is it to thee if he would tarry?"
Jesus asked those whom He also loved,
"What is that to thee, follow me."
And they followed Him and the Father above.

John wrote the fourth epistle to tell:
"Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,"
We, too should always employ His laws
In all the paths that we trod.

As Jesus was dying on the cross
He put John in charge of His mother,
He had a deep concern for His apostles
And they loved Him and loved one another.

Peter and John found an empty tomb
For Jesus had risen from the dead,
His life, His ministry to do the Father's will
Came to pass, just as Jesus had said.

John wrote the Book of Revelations
Telling of things which were yet to be,
He was one of the greatest, guiding the way
To eternal life and immortality.
         Nona Hansen Baker

74           Saul  -  Paul

Saul took part in the martyrdom of Stephen
Then started to Damascus one day,
The Savior rebuked him saying,
"Why do you persecute me this way?"

Saul fell to the earth and was frightened
Jesus told Saul that He was God's Son,
"I am Jesus whom you persecute."
Saul's repentance had begun.

Saul journeyed to Damascus in blindness
For three days he could not see,
Ananias came and touched his eyes
From this blindness Saul was free.

He arose and was baptized
He ate and had strength once again,
He became Paul serving the Lord
He is one of the most respected of men.
            Nona Hansen Baker

75           Apostle Peter

Peter had a stalwart soul
Although he thrice denied,
Fearful when they took Jesus away
He felt remorse and cried.

But he had faith in Jesus Christ
"Jesus is God's Son," he declared.
His testimony was stable and firm
By his works, he showed he cared.

He, with Apostles, James and John
Never faltered, nor did they shirk
They, with others, continued working
To carry on the Master's work.

They were persecuted for their efforts
Though the Savior was gone,
They believed the words of Jesus
The work of God must go on.

They truly loved the Savior
Whose life He freely gave,
They knew of the everlasting life
That was beyond an earthly grave.
      Nona Hansen Baker

76           Jerusalem

Jerusalem was a Jebusite city
Formerly called Uru-Salem by name,
Then it was captured by David
Became a city of worship and fame.

It was located between Judah and Benjamin
David made it his capital city,
It had once been a mountain fortress
Its history is one to be pitied.

Solomon built a temple there
It is said to be on an eastern hill,
The people came there to worship
According to God's holy will.

Jerusalem has been captured and recaptured
Placed under bondage again and again,
It is regarded as a holy city of God
By ancient and modern women and men.

It is also called the "City of David"
Holy to the Moslems, Christians and Jews,
It is a city of Biblical history
Whose people seemed doomed to loose.

We still revere the city of Jerusalem
It was there Jesus was tortured and mocked,
Its history has had many battles and scars
And it is a place where Jesus had walked.
        Nona Hansen Baker

77           Jesus Is Coming

It was said that the Christ Child was coming
To give the world a new goal,
To give man strength in His wisdom
To teach him the purpose of soul.

The shepherds heard voices of angels
They heard the angels sing,
Praises to Jesus of Nazareth
Their Lord, their Savior, their King.

While the Savior was lying
In swaddling clothes in a stall,
They came worshiping, pledging
Their hearts, their souls and their all.

When He came teaching of goodness
Some listened, some laws they obeyed,
The path was too hard for others to take
Away from His teachings they strayed.

Jesus our Christ gave a pattern
Whereby all man might gain,
Salvation in His great kingdom
Through worshiping God in His name.

There is no other way of reaching
The Father, except through the Son,
His teachings and laws must be followed,
His will here on earth must be done.

Jesus our Savior is coming
No one really knows when,
How many of us will be waiting
To welcome the Savior again?
      Nona Hansen Baker

Winona Hannah (Quibell) Baker Poetry
Index: New Testament - Part #2
Copyright © 2005-2025  By: V. Chris & Thomas M. Tinney, Sr.
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