University of California at Davis - UCD
Genealogy, Family and Local History Research
General UCD campus departments and library information, UCD Shields library
tour and transportation, genealogy and family history book and periodical
catalog searches, with additional regional genealogical resource
depositories near the UCD Shields main campus library.
Melvyl® Through Time  ----  UC Libraries
UC Libraries: UC Library Search (FAQ)
(Entire UC System Library Catalog)
UC Library Search ------ genealog*
[About 250,000 results for all UC Libraries;
About 12,500
Google Scholar sort, to 2024]

Family Genealogy & History Internet Education Directory™ - Wiki SEARCH This Site
Academic Information
Campus Library Information

Library System Book Catalog A - M

Library System Book Catalog N -- Z
Library System Genealogy Periodicals
Melvyl® System - University of California
Tour & Transportation: Peter J. Shields Main Library
UC Davis Regional Genealogical Resource Information:
Alameda -- Butte --- Colusa --- Contra Costa -- El Dorado
Marin --- Mendocino ---- Napa ---- Placer ---- Sacramento
San Francisco - San Joaquin - San Mateo - Santa Clara
Santa Cruz -- Solano -- Sonoma -- Sutter -- Yolo -- Yuba

Compare Resources with FamilySearch Collections.
Deciphering FamilySearch (Library) Catalog Entries
FamilySearch Library
: FamilySearch Catalog Items
Introduction to the FamilySearch (Library) Catalog
Topics presented are: Category: Beginners
Principles of Family History Research
Reference Materials & Finding Aids
Research Process - Websites

Search University of California Libraries & Beyond; includes:
University of California Davis Shared Cataloging Program.
Current information on specific entries listed below
full holdings, locations, call numbers, etc.).   Find
new additions
in the entire collection.  Searching
can be done by subject or keyword.  For example
use:   "genealog*", etc., for the record collection.
(Google's Digitization) provides additional
access to free or subscription online record resources.

Mass Digitization Overview: California Digital Library
Where to Find Our Books: California Digital Library

Books - Publications: Genealogical Materials

(Digital Databases: E-Book Resource - Google™ Book Search)
* Use the new Google™ Books - Google™ Search Help *
What's New in Family History, Genealogy & Local History Books?
Worldwide information from Libraries and Museums: Reference Shelf

University of California at Davis: UC Davis Virtual Tour
* Alumni - UC Davis: UC Davis Magazine
  - Cal Aggie Alumni Association - Facebook®
  - Cal Aggie Alums - Facebook®
California Aggie - California Digital Newspaper Collection
  - UCD Alumni - LinkedIn®
  - UCD History
ASUCD Information Network
  Associated Students University of California, Davis.
Campus - Davis Wiki
  - Mondavi Center - for the Performing Arts
* Places of Worship - Find a Church in Davis, California: Religious Centers

Religious and Spiritual Organizations
    - California Santa Rosa Mission | Mission Home:
    - Sacramento California Temple
      - Sacramento California Temple District
    - Sacramento FamilySearch Library
      - Woodland California Family History Center
    - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    - TOOLS: All Online LDS Tools Directory – Church of Jesus Christ: Locations & Schedules
* Search Departments
  - History Department
Humanities, Social Sciences & Government Information Services

Medieval & Early Modern Studies
  - UC Davis Extension
Information Technology
      - Web Development Certificate Program
Website Design Professional Concentration
  - UC Davis Health System - Medical Center - School of Medicine
California Electronic Death Registration System (CA-EDRS)  (pdf)
  - University of California Digital History Archives: Davis Campus

* UC Davis - Facebook® - iTunes® U - YouTube™
  - Communicate Using:
Instagram - Pinterest - X
  - Find:
Family History - Genealogy - Local History
  - Find People
    - List of Notable Alumni
List of Notable Faculty
News & Information
  - UC Davis Parent Resources and FAQ
UC Davis Social Media
  - UC Davis Sitemap
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UC Davis - University Library System
* About the Libraries
UC Davis Libraries & Collections
    - Special Collections

* Advanced Search []
OCLC WorldCat®
and other specialized databases, are only available
  with approved
passwords off campus.  Passwords are available to UC students,
  faculty and staff.  They are not available to California State Library,
  California State University, or other non-UC users.

* Books & Journal Collections in Transition
Borrowing from library catalogs, or Connect From Off Campus to Licensed Databases
  and Course Reserves, can be facilitated with
Interlibrary Loan - Access Services.
Melvyl® basic search includes information on how to Print/Email saved search results
  to destinations outside the library system.  The Internet databases contain millions of
  records, with some holdings updated weekly.  UC Alumni courtesy
Library Privileges
  includes both borrowing and circulation.
Classes are periodically given for beginners at the Shields Library covering extensively,
  use of the MELVYL® System and its excellent worldwide Library Research resources.
  General public access is provided on a space available basis.
Library Instruction Services includes online Guides - Library Research Aids.
* Computer Use Policies in the library indicate the Internet can be used by public
individuals, following posted University 
Library Policies.  Information can be E-mailed
  directly to home computers, (if you have your own private E-mail account), or sent
  to the library copy center.  Contact Library Reference Consultants.  Use discretely at
  low student volume use, such as on weekends, (not during finals), early in the morning
  or later in the evening.  Break times and summer are excellent. 
The Libraries are open
  for very long
Library Hours, under the jurisdiction of excellent paid professional staff.
Email Reference Service
Facts About the University Library
General public access to worldwide database resources (2.2 billion plus holdings),
  includes access to over 336 million bibliographic records in
OCLC WorldCat®, directly
  obtained from
Computers In the Libraries within the Shields Library / system libraries.
This provides direct access to records of any type of material cataloged by OCLC
  member libraries (72,000 + worldwide).  This includes manuscripts written as early
  as the 11th century.  Universities and many of the participating OCLC members,
Interlibrary Loans of genealogical records.  What is seen online can usually
  be sent for, via a local area public branch Library. 
Campus Libraries and Collections,
Electronic Databases and Subject Guides expand access to records.
* Harvest Portal: Getting Started - Harvest Help - University Library - UC Davis
  Databases, library catalogs, information and basic Keyword search.
  The University of California at Davis Harvest Portal basic keyword(s)
  anywhere search for "genealog*", shows
3209 records found listed, as of
  August 03, 2016, with
351 "family history"; 7222 [family history] search results.
  There are
449 "local history"; 4632 [local history] search results, as well
24 results found for a search of "genealog*" in Journals and Serials;
  also, 0 results found in E-Journals:
Annals of Genealogical Research.
Health Sciences Libraries
Frequently Asked Questions: WorldCat®: UC Davis Libraries

Librarian Subject Specialists - Directories
Library History: People
Library Vocabulary: A Glossary
Shields Library - Davis - LocalWiki
↑ upΛ

UC Davis Shields Library
in Sacramento Valley, is a Ask For Help resource in the
State of California, for patrons willing to study & spend the time to learn the system.
It is a primary historical, genealogy & family history research center in the north central
Mountain Valley Region; listed among the top university research institutions in the world.
Additionally, this California statewide
Agricultural Institution provides a family friendly
atmosphere.  The agricultural collections provide information and resources of the basic
ancestry and historical setting of most of mankind, in all nations and among all peoples
since the beginning of time.  The Bible, for example, is much more easily understood
from an agricultural perspective.  Historically, in the United States prior to the 1870's,
agriculture was the major occupation in the nation.  Going back to the 1790 U.S. census,
statistics show that about
90 per cent of the United States population was involved in
agriculture, with founding father and first President
George Washington not excluded.

Shields Library Floor Plans and other Library Locations
can be combined with the Library
of Congress
Classification System, to determine the location of resources, from "A to Z".
Red covered
Library of Congress Subject Headings books, are located at reference points
throughout the library.   A primary area for genealogy records, the Auxiliary Sciences of
"C" section, is located at Second Floor Library Main Reading Room, with added
books and personal help provided at the Humanities / Social Sciences reference counter,
with its extensive reference selections. 
Browse All Guides - LibGuides at UC Davis.

Shields Library has thousands of books on the subject of family history, genealogy,
or related disciplines and research aids.  The
Map & GIS Data Collection, in Lower Level
of the library has the useful
Sanborn Maps collection.  Additionally, there are maps
in the
"G" Geography section on the Second Floor reference section for maps, in all
sizes and content.  A
Lower Level example of a genealogy research aid is the book:
Distances Between Ports, VK 799 D57 1985, that provides good information on connecting
ports.  This information can be used to calculate the time for ship travel and determine
unknown port or ports of departure.  The
Federal Records Depositoryalways open to
the general public, is located at the
Lower Level, with Microform Collection and
copy areas, including some microfilm readers and microform reproduction.  The
section includes resources on
Religious Studies and congregational information.
Lower Level also has general works "A", as well as over 20,000 "D" History
section books on the British Isles, including specialized runs of periodical works;
individual city and regional histories. The German collection has over 1,000 history
books and information.
RESEARCH NOTE: D (History: General & Outside the Americas)
& DA-DR (Great Britain - Europe).  Pattern of codes go from general works,
to regional works and serials / publications; then to specific items.
An alphabetical nationwide section for cities, local parish records
and individual document sources are at the end of various history
sub sections.  See: Historical Archives & Free Digitized Book Collections.

There are over 3 million volumes in the
UC Davis Libraries & Collections,
over 25 million records on the UC System wide 
Computers In the Libraries,
and an excess of  33 million volumes in the UC system, overall.
First Floor reference consultants can direct patrons to specific records,
such as the multi-thousand 
"DS 101-151" Jewish book collection section,
on the same floor, which contains some specific genealogical and family
records; or, to the
Lower Level, "BM" section synagogue resources.
First Floor has numerous Computers In the Libraries stations; Copying & Printing,
special needs,
Special Collections, 24-Hour Study Room, Shields Reserves, and
relaxed New Book section and main book checkout - check in or return counter.

Legal State of California residents can join the Alumni Association as sustaining members.
The UCD Alumni Association card allows access to the ten UC Library systems statewide,
(UCD, UCLA, UCB, etc.), with individual library cards made for each library.  This gives free
general library borrowing privileges, with restrictions, as applied at local sites.  An active
UCD Shields Library card can retrieve stored UCD records at NRLF, the Northern Regional
Library Facility, in Richmond, California.  There are about five (5) million low use books
from all institutions, with over two (2) million books from
UC Berkeley, at NRLF.  Many of
these unrestricted records can be brought up and delivered for use at UCD, or taken home
to review.  For genealogical society groups, there is the nearby Blanchard Room, at Yolo
Davis Public Library, providing community room access for group organizations,
upon advance registration approval.  The Yolo County Library at Davis provides Interlibrary
Loan services, for individuals with proper identification, who wish to purchase a local card.
Genealogy records, checked out for home use through this program, can obtain resources
from long distance participating institutions.  They are a welcome addition to
Local and
Regional LDS Family History Centers, their CD's and microform collections loan services.

Second Floor has Humanities, Social Sciences & Government Information Services,
with genealogy resources, the Auxiliary Sciences of History
"C" section, as well as many
CDs of interest, including Historical Abstracts, American History Abstracts, Dissertations,
special ethnic group collections and the
Biography and Genealogy Master Index from
Gale Publications).  Key reference books provide clues on how to do Prosopography
and family history research.  Also, there are over 500 resource books in the
"E" section
related to migration
(History: America and United States - Ethnic Resources: Genealogy -
Migrations, etc.).
 The "F" section (History: United States Local and North & South America)
includes numerous invaluable runs of regional periodical collections that are not readily
available at the world's largest Family History
Library, in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Family
and local history can be found in period music scores, alumni records, or in the purchase
of books during Library used book sales.

United States Local History classification pattern begins with the North Eastern States,
to the Southern U.S., then the Midwestern U.S., Western U.S., U.S. Territories, etc.;
followed by the F 1000 - (Canada) section and then the F 1201 - on: (Mexico, then
Central America to South America).  Additional areas of genealogical interest are

"G" (Geography, Atlases, Maps, Anthropology, Recreation), GR (Folklore), GT
(Manners and Customs - Private/Public);
"H" (Social Sciences: Local Population Studies
at HB 885 L81; or, Time & Society , An International Interdisciplinary Journal, with
Vol. 5, Number 2, 1996, HM 208 T56, containing the article: "The Family Historian
and Temporal Orientations Towards the Ancestral Past".   Its findings, reported from a 1994
mail survey of 1348 members of a Canadian genealogical society, (and constantly updated),
shows the impact of the family historian role on
personal identity and family culture),
HQ 503-1064 (The Family, Marriage, Home), HS (Societies: Secret, Benevolent, etc.);
"J" (Political Science), JS (Local Government, Municipal Government), JV (Colonies
& Colonization, Emigration & Immigration, International Migration);
"K" (Law); "L"
(Education), LA (History of Education, Biography), LD-LG (Individual Institutions), LJ
(Student Fraternities and Societies in the United States);
"M" (Music and Books on Music)
and ML 410 (Composer Biographies).]

The Shields Library
Third Floor contains current computer periodicals "Q", for review,
"S" agricultural resources,
the basic ancestry and historical setting of most of
  There are S1-19 (Periodicals and Societies), S 415-417 (Biography) and
S 419-471 (History).  
"T" (Technology) includes TF (Railroads), TR (Photography)
and TX (Home Economics). Pertinent
"U" Military Science and "V" Naval Science
sections add insights into military acts, ships and ship construction, oceanic travel
and migration.  The
"Z" Library Science & Information Resources section has
numerous bibliographic works that assist genealogists and family historians,
such as
Bibliography, Books, Information, Library & Writing. Medical "R"
records are more extensively covered at UC Davis
Health Sciences Libraries.

Shields Library
Fourth Floor has a very large collection of "P"
Language and Literature,
as well as
"N" architectural information that can be used for constructing house or other
building histories.  Famous authors, such as Shakespeare, provide exclusive book
resources with exhaustive period information, at the local history or city level,
when matched with genealogy and family history local research areas of interest.
UC Davis (TAPS)
and YOLOBUS connect with the downtown Sacramento area
Regional links to Sacramento International Airport.  Eating establishments
are located near the Library, both on and off campus.  There is a U.S. Post Office
branch north of the Library, located in the Memorial Student Union.  Visiting a
, or other genealogical society or library, without recourse to the UC System
in the State of California, or other library systems available online, is an unwise
use of time, very costly and an ineffective use of resources.
↑ upΛ


- Yolo
COUNTY: Yolo [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts:
Yolo County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
  - Yolo County and Regional Information
    - City of Davis & Yolo County, California
CAGenWeb Project - Defunct Counties
Counties surrounding
the University of California,
at Davis, Peter J. Shields Main Campus Library.
* Alameda COUNTY: Alameda [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts:
Alameda County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
California Genealogical Society & Library

      2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland, CA  94612-3031
    - Oakland California FamilySearch Library
    - Oakland California Temple
Oakland California Temple District
    - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - TOOLS: All Online LDS Tools Directory: Locations & Schedules
Butte COUNTY: Butte [Butte County] [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts: Butte County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
Butte County Historical Society, Oroville, CA
Colusa COUNTY: Colusa [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts:
Colusa County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
* Contra Costa
COUNTY: Contra Costa [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts:
Contra Costa County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
Contra Costa County Historical Society: Links
* El Dorado
COUNTY: El Dorado [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts:
El Dorado County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
* Marin
COUNTY: Marin [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts:
Marin County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
* Mendocino
COUNTY: Mendocino [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts:
Mendocino County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
* Napa
COUNTY: Napa [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts:
Napa County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
* Placer
COUNTY: Placer [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts:
Placer County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
Placer County Genealogical Society: Local Links
* Sacramento
COUNTY and Sacramento CITY: Sacramento [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts: Sacramento County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
California Museum
California State Archives
: Links to Other Resources
    - California State Library:
Discover Our Collections
    - Convention & Cultural Services - City of Sacramento
    - CSUS - Genealogy - LibGuides at CSU Sacramento: Genealogy (
Other Resources)
    - Living Here - City of Sacramento: Libraries - Sacramento Public Library: Online
Dig through the attic, without the dust.
Records to help you find your family
    - Sacramento California Temple
      - Sacramento California Temple District
    - Sacramento FamilySearch Library
    - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - TOOLS: All Online LDS Tools Directory: Locations & Schedules
* San Francisco
CITY and COUNTY: San Francisco [County GenWeb]
  - Facts: San Francisco County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
    - Bancroft Library | UC Berkeley Library:
University Archives
California Historical Society
    - Museum of the City of San Francisco
    - Portal:San Francisco Bay Area
SFBAJGS: SFBAJGS Local Resources
    - Sutro Library (San Francisco) - California State Library
      - (
Adolph Sutro) CSL- Sutro Library's Genealogy Collection

San Joaquin COUNTY: San Joaquin [County: CAGenWeb]
Facts: San Joaquin County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
San Mateo COUNTY: San Mateo [County CAGenWeb]
Facts: San Mateo County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
Santa Clara COUNTY: Santa Clara [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts: Santa Clara County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
San Jose California Temple
      - San Jose California Temple District
    - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - TOOLS: All Online LDS Tools Directory: Locations & Schedules
Santa Cruz COUNTY: Santa Cruz [County CAGenweb]
Facts: Santa Cruz County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
Solano COUNTY: Solano [County CAGenWeb]
Facts: Solano County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
Solano County Genealogical Society Index
Sonoma COUNTY: Sonoma [County CAGenWeb]
Facts: Sonoma County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
Sonoma County Library Genealogy Resources
Sutter COUNTY: Sutter [County CAGenWeb]
Facts: Sutter County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
* Yuba COUNTY: Yuba [County CAGenWeb]
  - Facts: Yuba County, California: Genealogy, Census, Vital Records
    - Feather River California Temple
      - Feather River California Temple District
    - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
    - TOOLS: All Online LDS Tools Directory: Locations & Schedules

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City of Davis - YouTube™
City of Davis and Yolo County, California - Google™ Search

University of California at Davis - UCD
Genealogy, Family and Local History Research
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Copyright © 2003-2025  By: V. Chris & Thomas M. Tinney, Sr.
All rights reserved.  Email: File Review (Ask anything, discover everything)
Intelligence is the Light of Truth, or The Spirit of Jesus Christ

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